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03x18 - Drippin' Episode!

Posted: 03/28/24 20:25
by bunniefuu
WOMAN: Are you ready?

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ I know you see me
standing here ♪

♪ Do I look good,
my dear? ♪

♪ Do I look good today? ♪

♪ Today, today ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ I'm just another
kind of girl ♪

♪ And you want
to see my world ♪

♪ So come and run away ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ If you wanna play ♪

♪ Come and play today ♪

♪ Let's just get away, yeah ♪

♪ I will make you see ♪

♪ All of the things ♪

♪ That you can be ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Come follow me ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

- Okay, six off the twelve,

- Oh, come on,
you can't make that.


- Unless you do that.
Nice sh**ting.

- Yeah, Zoey.

That was drippin'.

- Drippin'?

- Did you say "drippin'"?

- Yeah, that's right.

It means "good," "awesome,"


- Since when?

- Yeah, who says "drippin'"?

- Me.
I made it up.

It's slang.

[both laughing]


- You can't just make up

a new slang term.

- Why not? I mean,

somebody had to be the first

person to say something was

"cool" or "tight" or "rad."

so who says I can't start

"drippin'"? Ha ha.

- Come on, hurry up.

I'm a busy man.
- I'm coming.

Where do you want it?
- Just set it over there...


- What, now you're too lazy

to carry your own packages?

- It's okay. He's paying me.
- Why are you paying him to--

- 'Cause that's what people
with money do.

We pay other people to do the

things we'd have to do if we
didn't have money.

Now move.

- Hey, you wanna have dinner
with me?

My treat.

- Aw, sorry, kiddo.

My roommates and I are going to
get pedicures.

- Yes!

- What'd you get?

- An awesome care package

from my dad.

He's sh**ting a movie in Japan.

- So what's that thing?

- The new J-phone.

It's got an mp3 player,

a built-in laser pointer.

- This little thing

has all that?

- I wasn't done.

Get this--in the middle of the

night, it automatically

downloads TV shows and movies

that it thinks I might like...

via satellite.

- Ooh--"via."

- How come I haven't heard

of this new j-phone?

- 'Cause it's brand new.

It's not even legal
in America yet.

- What's "Shinnyuusha"?

- This is the scariest movie

It was banned in 23 countries
and Puerto Rico.

- So we gonna watch that

- Yeah, we are.

- Can I watch it with you guys?

- Sure.

- Nuh-uh. No, you cannot.

- Zoey...

- I'm not letting you watch

a movie that scary.

- Whoa, this J-phone's battery

lasts over a week
on one charge.

- Yep.

- Man, that's drippin'.

Ha ha.

Yes, drippin'.

Tell your friends.

Drippin'. Yes, drippin'.

Tell your friends.
All right, man? Yeah.

♪ Drippin', drippin' ♪

♪ I'm feelin'
a little drippin' ♪

♪ Drippin' ♪

- Popcorn?

- Popped.

- M&Ms?

- 300,

both plain and nut-filled.

- Ha ha. Drippin'.

- What's up with him saying

"drippin'" every five minutes?

- He's trying to start

a new slang word.

Just play the movie.

- [groans]

- Did you guys start it yet?

- Dude, you can't
watch the movie.

- Why can't he?

- 'Cause Zoey said no.

- Is Zoey here?

I don't think so.

Press play.

[scary music]

[man screaming]

[woman screaming]

[loud thumps, people screaming]

- Oh, my god.

- I'll never be the same.

- Now I know why they call 'em

- Uh...

you okay there, Dustin?

- Come on, kid,
it was just a movie.

It's not like they're gonna
come and break--

[scary music]

- It's not right.

- Oh, Quinn.

Let it go.

- I will not let it go.

It's not fair.

Why should my pedicure
cost a dollar more

than your guys' pedicure?

- Because we don't have
an extra toe on our right foot.

- A girl should not be
penalized for having

one extra appendage.

[Lola sighs]

- Hey, who threw my comforter

on the floor?

[all screaming]


- You trying to scare us
to death?

- I'm the one
who's scared to death.

- Why?
- Well...

- You did not watch that
stupid movie with the guys,

did you?

Did you watch that stupid

movie with the guys?

- It wasn't stupid.

It was scary.

- Okay, they are so dead.

- Can ya k*ll 'em tomorrow?

Please don't leave me alone.

- Lola and Quinn
are right there.

- Yeah, I don't know them

so well.

- All right.

- And can I sleep here tonight?


- Just for one night?

- Okay.
- Whatever.

- But I'm still gonna k*ll
those guys tomorrow.

- I can tell you how to do it

with a chopstick.

[fire alarm whooping]

- What's happening?

- Don't eat my face.

- What's going on?

- Ow.

- Is that the fire alarm?

[pounding on door]

BOY: Fire alarm. Get out.
Everybody out.

- Come on, let's go.

- Let's go.

- Everyone, slow down.

Just form a single file line

and walk in an orderly fashion--

Ow. Ow.

Ow. Ow.

Rupture. Rupture.

Oh, bad.

- All right, all right,

the good news is,

there's no fire.

[everyone muttering]

Wait, wait.

The bad news--

one of you obviously pulled

the fire alarm for no reason.

Would the person who did it

like to confess?

[sigh] I didn't think so.

All right, let me be clear--

pulling a fire alarm

is not funny.


It's a serious offense.

If it happens again,

and I don't find out who it is,

I'm giving this entire dorm


- What?

[all talking at once]

- Now go back to bed.

- Okay, whoever
pulled the alarm,

if you do it again,

you're getting your butt kicked.

- Yeah, a fake fire alarm

is not drippin'.

- Saying "drippin'"

is not drippin'.

- Hey, hey, you can't use

the term against itself.

I hate it when people
disrespect my term.

I need some French fries.

[video game sound effects]

- Come on, Zoey, one more game.

- No, I played with you
till four in the morning.

- Yes, keeping me up.

- Me, too.

- Seriously, Dustin,

go get ready.

You've got class in 30 minutes.

- Okay...

but I'm gonna sleep here again

tonight, okay?

- No.

- Absolutely not.

- Not happening.

- But what if I'm still scared

from "Shinnyuusha"?

- You weren't scared
for the past two hours

playing "Alien Avenger."

- I was briefly distracted.

Come on, Zo, one more night?

- No chance.

- Get out.

- I'm telling ya, we ought to

find out who pulled that alarm

last night and then mmm.

- Beat him with your hot dog?

- You know what I mean.

Oh, hey, check out my J-phone.

- What about it?

- Last night, while we were

sleeping, it downloaded an

episode of "Bobcat's Condo."

- What is "Bobcat's Condo"?

- I have no idea, but
the J-phone says I'll like it.

- How's it know?

- 'Cause it's the J-phone.


- Uhh.


Why'd you slap our heads?

- I told you not to let Dustin

watch that movie,

and you did it anyway.

- You scared him to death.

- So we had to baby-sit him all

BOY: Hey, Zoey.


- Great.
- What's up?

- Dustin's
in Dean Rivers' office.

- Why?
- What's wrong?

- I don't know.

- Ahh.

- Hi. What's going on?

- Your brother says
he's leaving PCA.

- Why?


- Listen, Dustin didn't really

mean he wants to leave PCA.

- Yes, I do.

- He says he does.

- Yeah, but he doesn't.

- I'm too scared to stay here.

I want to go home.

- Who showed him
this horror movie...

What was it called?

- "Shinnyuusha."

- Whatever.

- Look, just let me talk

to Dustin alone,

and I'll handle this.

- Fine.

You two talk.

I'm gonna go take a pill.

- What up?

- You said I can't sleep

in your room, and I'm too scared

to sleep alone.

- You have a roommate.

- Like he can stop psycho

ninjas with chopsticks.

- I can't let you stay

in our room again.

- Then I'm leaving PCA.

I'm calling dad.

- All right,
you can sleep in our room

till you're not scared anymore.

- Awesome.

See ya tonight.

- I'm Dean Rivers.

- Get out of my chair.

- Sorry, sir.

- ♪ But I'll see ♪

♪ Wake up ♪

♪ I didn't sleep a wink ♪

[Quinn gasps]

- That was fun.

- Come on, let's set 'em back

up before Dustin gets back

from the bathroom.

- How long do you plan to let

him keep staying here at night?

- Till he's not scared anymore.

- And what if that takes weeks?

I can't handle that, Zoey.

I need to be able to throw

my bra on the floor without

worrying if your little

brother's gonna find it, take a

digital picture of it,

and show it to his friends.

- Hey...

what if I can come up with

a way to make Dustin unscared?

- You're not doing surgery

on my little brother's brain.

- In a non-surgical way.

[fire alarm whooping]

- Aw, man.

- Not again.

- Oh, it's ridiculous.

- All right, come on, guys,

seriously, single file,

no pushing, no shoving...

oh. Unh.

Okay, going down.
Going down.

Ow. Ow. Rupture.


- All right,

I told you what would happen if

pulled that fire alarm again.

All of you have detention

this Saturday.

[all groaning]

- Who keeps pulling

that stupid alarm?

Was it you?

- No. No, I--I'd never do

Ow. Rupture!

- Whoa, hey.

We're not gonna solve this

by shoving random nerds.

- Ooh, excuse me,

voice of reason.

- Look, I'm tired of being

woken up in the middle of the

night when I'm dreaming about...

you people don't need to know

what I dream about.

- Well, I don't like detention.

- Neither do I.

Hey, how 'bout we take turns

staying up, hiding,

watching the fire alarm?

That way, we'll catch whoever's
doin' it.

- That's good.

- Yeah, that idea is drippin'.

- It's not gonna catch on.

- Yes, it will.

Hey, hey, nerd? Nerd?
- Yeah?

- Would you say "drippin'"?

- Okay, Dustin.

Are you relaxed?

- No, I'm not relaxed.

Look at me.

- You swear you're
not gonna hurt him?

- I promised you--

no permanent damage.

- How's it work?

- Okay. See,
when humans are frightened,

their nerve endings release
fear impulses,

sort of like tiny electrical

which can be monitored.

Here, I'll show you.

[both screaming]

[monitor beeping]


- I still don't
get the point of this.

- Well, once I determine which

of his brain contain his fears,

I can use small impulses

of opposite electrical polarity

to neutralize--

- Will it unscare him?

- Possibly.

- Then let's just give it a try.

- Fabulous.

Get ready, Dustin.

[equipment beeping and whirring]

- That's a scan
of Dustin's brain?

- Mm-hmm.

- So, what do you think?

- Uh, how do you see his fears?

- Well, look...

here's a graph of an average


You see, the orange represents

- And...?
- Look at this.

This is Dustin's
brain-wave pattern.


Way less orange than average.

- So, what, you cured him?

- No, I didn't do anything.

- Then what are you saying

- I'm saying...

I don't think Dustin's scared
at all.

[fire alarm whooping]

- [groans]

- Why?


- You were supposed to be
watching the alarm.

To see who pulled it.

- I was watching it.

No one touched it.

Hey, man, where'd you get
that pajama top?

That is drippin'.

- Give it up.

- You can't start
a new slang word.

- Yeah? Just wait.


- Sweet.

My J-phone just downloaded
three new shows

and two movie previews.

- Aw, will you quit showing off
your fancy Asian phone?

- Ooh, what, you're not gonna
say it's drippin'?

- Hey, don't you mock drippin'.

Don't you mock my new word.

- Excuse me.

Is that the J-phone from Japan?

- Yeah. But, uh...

don't say anything, okay?

They're not legal in America.

- I'm aware of that.

- Hey.

[whirring sound, static]

- Dean Rivers,

can you come over here, please?

Here's what's been setting off

the fire alarm every night.

This kid's cell phone.

- Huh?

- It's called a J-phone,

made in Japan.

They're illegal in the U.S.

because they operate on

restricted frequencies used by

police and fire departments.

Frequencies that set off

fire alarms.

- You're a dead man, Reese.

- Yeah.

- Right, I'm sure you're all

gonna just beat me up right

here in front of Dean Rivers.

MAN: Chief beck,
our coffee's ready.

- Ooh, coffee.

- Let's get some.

- Uh...

Dean Rivers?





- Let's get him.

[Logan screaming]

- Eight.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight.

- My turn.

- Hey, uh, Zoey, did Valerie

invite you to go surfing
this weekend?

- Yeah, but I'm not going.

- How come?

- 'Cause we don't like her.

Last semester, she told

everyone it was her birthday

when it wasn't.

- Just 'cause she wanted

- Can you believe
someone would do that?

- Yeah, I mean, what kind of

person just lies like that?

- So lame.

- Yeah, and the sad thing is,

now nobody likes her.

- Yeah, well, who likes a liar?

- I know.

- Well, it's getting late.

I'm gonna go

brush my teeth.

- Yeah. Me, too.

- You want some water

before you go to bed?

- Nah. No, thanks.

- Everything okay?

- Yeah.



- It's working.
- Shh.

- What's wrong?

- Well, you know how

I wanted to stay here

the past couple of nights?

- Yeah?

- It wasn't really
'cause I was scared.

- Ha.
- Up top.

- You're not scared?

- Well, I was the first night...

for a little while.

- Then why'd you keep

pretending to be scared?

Why'd you keep want to spending
the night here?

- 'Cause I missed you.

- What do you mean?

I see you around campus
all the time.

- Well, yeah.

We walk by each other and wave

and say hi, but...

it's been a long time
since we just hung out

and did stuff together.

- Well, why didn't you just

tell me you wanted to
hang out then?

- I tried a couple of times.

It's just you're always
hanging out

with Lola or Quinn or Chase
or Michael,

never me.

That's why I lied
about being scared.

I just missed you.

- Ohh, Dustin.


I'm sorry.

- You can stay here.

- You can move in with us.

- You can even take
a digital picture of my bra.

- I...can't...



- [laughing] It's all purple.

Here's a Band-Aid.

- How could you two
just let those guys

beat me up last night?

How could you do that?

- It was easy.

- We just walked back into

the dorm and went to sleep.


- Nice.
- Chase.

- Hey, Chase.
- What's up?

- You see Mr. Dobson's
new Porsche?

- No, he got a Porsche?

- Yeah, you gotta go
check it out.

- It's drippin'.

- Oh. Did you hear that?

[laughing] Did you hear?

He said drippin'.

Ha ha ha ha.
I did it.

I started a new slang word.

- Wait. What do you mean?

- Drippin'. I started that.

That's my word. Ha ha.

- No, you didn't.

Everybody says "drippin'."

- Yeah, 'cause I started it.

Tell 'em.

- I don't know what you're
talking about.

- See? You didn't start

- Hey, hey, hey.
Come back here.

Tell 'em I started "drippin'".


Aw, man, that--

I started a new word,
and I'm not even gonna

get credit for it?

That is wrong. That is--

that is so wrong, Logan.

Oh, that is messed up.

You know what? That is--
that is...

that is flump.

Yeah. Yeah.

That is flump.

Yep, that's it.

Yeah, it means "not good."

- Oh, god.

- That's right, flump.

You heard it here first,

ladies and gentlemen.

Flump--that's right.

It's--it's not--it's...

hey, hey, where you guys going,

You feeling flumpy?



WOMAN: ♪ Yeah, yeah, you ♪

♪ Just gotta let it loose ♪

♪ And do what
you choose to do ♪

♪ Don't walk away ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ If you wanna play ♪

♪ Come and play today ♪

♪ Let's just get away ♪

♪ Yeah ♪


MAN: Mmm.

MICHAEL: Tell 'em I started