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03x17 - The Curse of PCA

Posted: 03/28/24 20:18
by bunniefuu
WOMAN: Are you ready?

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ I know you see me
standing here ♪

♪ Do I look good,
my dear? ♪

♪ Do I look good today? ♪

♪ Today, today ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ I'm just another
kind of girl ♪

♪ And you want
to see my world ♪

♪ So come and run away ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ If you wanna play ♪

♪ Come and play today ♪

♪ Let's just get away, yeah ♪

♪ I will make you see ♪

♪ All of the things ♪

♪ That you can be ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Come follow me ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

[upbeat music]

- ♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

[clears throat]

[clears throat]

Okay, um, um, wait,
uh, the law of supply--

- Come on, spit it out!

MICHAEL: Okay, uh,
the law of supply states

p-price and quality--

- Quantity.

- Quantity, ah.

- Oh, you're hopeless.

- [scoffs]

- Brooks.

The law of supply states--

- That the price and quantity
supplied are inversely related?

- No!

- [shriek]

- [scoffs]

- That price and quantity

are directly proportional.

- Yes. Hooray!

Someone said
something intelligent.


The two main branches
of economics?

- Uh--

- No, not "uhhhhh."

- Can I please go get an aspirin
from the nurse?

- No.
Aspirin is for the weak.

- [squeals]

- Who was Adam Smith?

- A political economist
and a moral philosopher?

- From what country?

- Switzerland?
- Wrong.

- Sweden.
- Wrong.

- Scotland?
- Yes,

but your shirt
is hideous.

- [screams]

- Good riddance!
STACEY: [screams]

[bell ringing]


- I've decided to give you
an exam on Friday.

That will give you all two days
to become less ignorant.

- Can you tell us anything
about this exam?

- Yes. It will be
incredibly difficult.

Now, you may go.


♪ ♪

- Well, it's your own fault
for taking his class.

Everyone knows
Mr. Hodges' reputation.

- We didn't know he was
the meanest man alive.

- I hate Hodges.

- You know, he's been at PCA
longer than any other teacher?

- He's been alive longer
than any other teacher.

- And this exam, there's no way
we're gonna be ready.

- I warned you guys his class
was impossible.

- You just said the work
would be hard.

- You never said Hodges would
cause us psychological damage.

- We all know the legend
of Charles Galloway.

- Well, true.

- I don't.
Who's Charles--

- Galloway.
- He was this kid

who went to PCA,
like, 50 years ago.

- The first year Mr. Hodges
started teaching here.

- And the story goes
that Mr. Hodges gave an exam

that was so tough,
that this Charles kid,

like, lost his mind
during the test and went insane.

- Insane how?

- Fled PCA.
Just took off running.

- Up those mountains.

Way up in the wilderness,

to this place--
what do they call it?

- Red Stone Gulch.

- So they didn't go get him?

- They tried.

- They sent out search parties.

- But Charles was never found.

- The whole story's just
an urban legend, like Bigfoot,

the triangular watermelon--

- Well, I think
the legend's true.

And I bet Charles Galloway
is still up there.

- Dude, it's been
over 50 years.

No one can survive
in the wilderness that long.

[phone ringing]

- Quinn.
LOLA: You coming?

- Yeah, on my way.
LOLA: Good.

- Later.

- Where you headed?

- Lola put a bowl of apples
in the lounge

so we're gonna go
watch guys eat 'em.

- Why?

- To test their kissability.

- Yes.
How could I have not known that?

- Tell me Mr. Hodges'
basic theory

of the American economy.

- When people have money
they buy stuff?

- Yeah, uh, it's a little more
complicated than that.

- Okay, read it to me
and I'll try not to cry.

- "The economy
of the United States"--

- [laughs]

- Look at that.

- Hah!

- An old PCA yearbook.

- Over 50 years old.

- Check out the page
with the pink paper clip.

- Pink?

- It was the only color they had
at the library.

Just look at the page.

- Charles L. Galloway.

both: Ha!

- That's right.
- Yeah.

- So?

- That just proves he went
to school here.

- It doesn't prove he went nuts
and disappeared

in the wilderness above PCA.

- [scoffs]

We know.

- Yeah.
We just came by to, uh, to uh--

- None of your business.

- Yeah.

- He struck me in the head.

- Ooh, two more apple eaters.

- You're sure you can tell
if a guy's a good kisser

by the way he eats an apple?

- It's a fact.

Ooh, ooh, shh, watch.

- Oh, yeah, I think

that guy with the longer hair's
from Texas.

- Uh-huh, the other one's

I love accents.

Zoom in tighter.

Okay, now,
he is a good kisser.

- Texas?

- No, the Australian short hair.

- Oh, yeah.

Hey, you've heard the story

about Charles Galloway, right?

- That PCA kid
who freaked out,

like, 50 years ago?

- Yeah, wouldn't it be great
if we could prove

whether the legend's
true or not?

- How could we prove it?

- Well, if he really did live

in the wilderness
above PCA

for a bunch of years,

there'd have to be
some sign of him, right?

- Oh, you mean up at that place,

- Red Stone Gulch.

- Yeah, I thought
it's impossible to get up there

without, like,
a helicopter.

- Not impossible.

- Hi.
- Hello.

- You guys wanna hike
up to Red Stone Gulch?

'Cause I could
take you there.

- We don't even know you.

- Yes, please take us there.

- Can we at least ask
the boy his name?

- I'm Leif.

- Lola.
- Quinn.

- Can we bring some friends?

- The more the hike-ier.

[both laughing]

[both laughing]

- Please, please don't
make me do this.

- Come on, man, where's
your sense of adventure?

- Our economics test is
going to be an adventure, okay,

a very bad adventure
that we should be studying for.

- After we hike
up to Red Stone Gulch.

- There's nothing up there.

- Well, when you prove that,
you can say, "I told you so."

- And who is this "Leif" guy

- He's a senior.

- And Lola says he can lead us
up there no problem.

And that he's super cute.

Her words.

- So how'd your parents come up
with the name "Leif"?

- It's a combination of "life"
and "hope."

- Then shouldn't you be "loaf?"

- Well, yeah, but loaf
would sound dumb.

- Yes, unlike "Leif,"
which sounds so intelli--

- Look,
here come the girls.

- Hey, guys.
- Hello, girls.

- Yeah, hey.
- Hi, Leif.

- Okay. We got us
a nice day for a hike.

Oh, and, uh, since cell phones
won't work up in the mountains,

I brought us some walkies.

One for you.
- Good.

- One for you.
- Thank you.

- And let's see,
everybody got some water?

- Oh, yeah.
I got my water right there.

- Sun block?
- Hm-hmm.

- Got it right here too.
- Okay.

- Mustard?


Hey, I'm just yanking
your tongues a little bit.


Mustard? [scoffs]
- Oh, Leif.

- Yeah. I got plenty
for all of us.

- Huh.

- Okay, let's roll.

- Let's roll.
- Yeah.

- Why would we want mustard
on a--

- I don't know.

[laughter and chatter]

- Okay, wait, wait,
hold up.

- What's the problem?

- Please look at that sign.

- I-I-I don't like snakes.

I don't even like worms,
their smaller, weaker cousins.

- Yeah, me either.
- Relax.

If we are bothered
by a dangerous snake,

I can protect us.

- How?

- [scoffs]
Come with me.

- Wait, why me?

You got five other friends
over there.

What are you gonna do?
- Shh.

- Ha.

Oh, yeah.

- That'll shake up a snake.
- Huh.

- Onward and upward, ha.

- Whoa, let's hold up
for a sec.

- Well?
- Where's Red Stone Gulch?

- Yeah, we've been hiking
for three hours.

- Leif knows
what he's doing.

You know what you're doing,

- Oh, yeah.
I just--

I'm a little confused
by my compass.

- That's weird.

- Just tell us
which way's north.

- Well, according
to this compass,

north is that way, that way,
that way, this way, that way,

and apparently just to the left
of my bladder.

- [groans]

All right, I have to study
for my test,

so can we please go
back down to PCA right now?

- Fair enough.

Okay, back to PCA.

Pacific Coast Academy.

Ocean views.

- You don't know the way back,
do you?

- No, I do not.

Although I do have
some mustard.

- Okay, how is scooping up dirt
gonna get us

down this mountain
and back to PCA?

- By throwing dirt dust
in the air,

I can see which way the wind
is blowing, and that will

help me get a directional
bearing back to PCA.




- So, the way back to PCA is
through Leif's face?

[ducks quacking]

- Hey, Mexican ducks.

- Who cares?

- Well, they're creatures
of nature.

They can show us the way.

- What?
- They're ducks.

- Hey, wait, ducks, wait up!

[speaking Spanish]

- Okay, he's not
a very good guide.

- Just go after him
so he doesn't get more lost.

- Okay.

- Oh, wait, take a walkie.

- Thanks.

Leif! Leif! Leif! Leif!

- Uh-oh, Quinn's got something
weird attached to her face.

- They're quinnoculars.

Five lenses, see?
- Why five?

- More powerful, better optical
clarity, night vision,

and they even let you see
through some things

in bright sunlight.

- You can't see
through things.

- Boxer briefs.

- Oh, my God.

- Ducks, hey!

[speaking Spanish]

- Leif!
- [groans]

- Leif, yo--yo, Leif.

- Hey, the ducks flew away.

- Yes, that's what ducks do.

- Oh.

ZOEY: Lola, did you find Leif?

- Yeah, I got him.

We'll circle around and meet
you guys in about fifteen.

- All right.

- Listen, I got
a little confession.

- Yeah?

- I'm not really that good
a hiking guide.

- No.

- No, it's true.

- Then why'd you say
you could lead us

to Red Stone Gulch?

- Well, I don't know,

I guess I kind of wanted
to hang out with you.

Is that bad or--

- It's not good, Leif.

- I knew it.
I'm unappealing.

- No, but you lied

and now you got us all lost.

- Hey, lost just means
you've found something

you weren't looking for.

- Let's just get back
to the others, okay?

- Sure.
I'll lead the way.

- Log.
- [grunts]

there's a log there.

- Thanks.

- Oh, watch out.


- Can you see anything?

- No.

I'll boost the zoom
on my quinnoculars.

- I thought we decided to forget
Red Stone Gulch

and find our way back to PCA
so we can study for our test.

- Yeah. It's gonna be dark
in a couple of hours anyway.

- You just wanna leave
'cause you know

we're gonna find out
that the legend

of Charles Galloway
is true.

- Yeah.

- [scream]

- Whoa. Whoa.

- I think I see
Red Stone Gulch!

- [laughs]

[ducks quacking]

- Leif, maybe you should
let me lead the way.

- I'm telling ya,
we're almost--


- Isn't this where we were
fifteen minutes ago?

- Uh, yeah.

You're irritated with me.
- Kinda.

- I knew it.

- Here we are.
This is it.

- See? We made it.

Red Stone Gulch.

- Ha!

- Why are you ha-ing?

- You haven't proved that
Charles Galloway was ever here.

- Just wait.
- We're gonna find evidence.

- Yup, I brought
a portable metal detector.

- Of course you did.

- It also detects crabs,
bio-medical waste,

and various types
of animal urine.

- Well, now I know what to buy
Grandma for Christmas.


- I can't believe you get
yourself, me,

and five other people lost
in the wilderness

just 'cause you wanted
to hang out with me.

- You think I'm silly.
- No, Leif.

SpongeBob's friend Patrick
is silly.

I think you're a weirdo.

- Okay, so I'm
a little bit out there.

- If by "out there" you mean
crazy, yeah, you're out there.

- Ah, "I am but mad

When the wind is southerly,
I know a hawk from a handsaw."

- That's from "Hamlet."

That's, like,
my second favorite play.

- What's your fave?

- "The Importance
of Being Earnest."

- Oh, yeah, I know it.
Uh, let's see.

"My dear, sir, the way you
flirt with Gwendolen

is perfectly disrespectful."

both: "It's almost as bad
as the way

Gwendolen flirts with you."

- Excellent.
So you're an actress.

- Totally.
- Nice.

- Yeah.

- Hey, are you
a hungry actress?

- Starved.
- All right.

Tangerine for you,
apple for me.

- Thanks.
- Sure.

QUINN: You're sure you can tell
if a guy's a good kisser

by the way he eats an apple?

LOLA: It's a fact.

- What?

All right, sweet.


- You guys find anything?

- Not yet.

- Anything in there?

- Nope.
- Empty.


[loud beeps]

- Hey, hey.
Found something.

- What is it?

- It looks like
an old PCA necklace.

Here, give me some water.

Hey, I...think there's a name
engraved on the back,

but I can't make
these letters out.

- I bet I can read it.

Hold it up.


Keep it really still.

"Charles L. Galloway"!

- Yes!
- Yes!

- Talkin' 'bout yes!
- Ah, yes!

- [laughs]
- Yeah, yeah!

- Charles L. Galloway.

- So it's true.

- Wow.

- I guess that means
we're standing

right where he,
you know, died.

- Yeah.
- You're probably right.

- Yeah.
- Probably right around there.

- Stay away from dead bodies.

- Okay, we found it.
You guys are right.

The legend is true.

Now put it back and
let's get outta here.

- Put it back?
Are you crazy?

- It's not ours to take.

- Dude, this necklace
is our proof.

We'll be famous at PCA for being
the ones who've proved

the legend
of Charles Galloway.

And I own the movie rights.

- You don't mess with a man's

eternal resting place.

- Yeah, I agree.

- We leave it
where we found it.

- You guys--

- We leave it
where we found it.

- Okay.
I'll put it back.

- And don't even think
about trying

to steal it,
'cause we're gonna frisk you--


- I'm not gonna steal it.

- Hey, when you're done,
bring me my backpack.

- Sure.

- Thanks.

Lola, you there?

- Hey, it's me.

- We found Charles Galloway's

- No way.
- Yep. The legend's true.

- Oh, my God,
that's so cool.


LOLA: Was that thunder?

- Yeah.
Look, don't try and find us.

Just head back to PCA.

- How?
We don't know where we are.

- Well, we went up to get here,
just go down.

We'll meet you
at the lounge.

- We'll try.

- Mustard?
- I'm good.



- Wow. That storm is coming in
pretty fast.

- Yeah.
Let's get outta here.

- Let's go.



- I've never seen a storm
come in this fast.

The barometric conditions--


- That lightning
almost hit us!

- I don't like lightning, man!
I don't like it at all!

- It's just weather!

[wind howling]

- What is that?

Green weather?

- Okay. Would someone please
tell me what that is?

- Oh, oh, I don't know.


- What do we do?

- Run! Run!


Run! Run!


- [screaming]

[wind howling]



Zoey, where'd you go?

- Chase!




[wind howling]




[wind howling]

Chase! Chase!



- C'mon!
C'mon, let's go.

- I can't.
I hurt my ankle.

Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.

- Mmm.


- What?
- What?

- What?
- Why are you guys freaking out?

- Because it's appropriate
to freak out

when you've been att*cked and
chased down a mountain by a--

by a--
you know what.

- It was just a storm.

- Just a storm?
- Quinn!

- [screams]

- [screaming]


That was a little freaky!

- Leif thinks it was

"just a storm."

- Hey, where are
Zoey and Chase?

- Okay.


I think we're safe.

So how are you?

- What happened up there?

- Tornado?

- Yeah, just your average
green tornado.

Now c'mon, let's all
just quit pretending

we don't know what it was,
'cause we all know

exactly what it was.

- A swarm
of radioactive fireflies?

- It wasn't a tornado
or fireflies.

It was a--
- Don't say it.

- --ghost.
- La, la, la, la, la--

- It was the ghost
of Charles Galloway.

Logan, you know it was a ghost,

- Hey, Logan,
what are you doing?

- Stop going la-la-la-la!
That's not productive!

- You're just scared!
You're just a Mama's boy, Logan!

You know it was a ghost!
You don't want to admit it!

- La, la, la, la, la--

- You can't handle this!

- What are you doing?
Logan, stop it!

- You really think
it could've been a ghost?

- I don't know.
I just--

I never believed
in all that stuff.

- Me either.

- There's gotta be
some sort of explanation.

- A trick?
- C'mon.

Even Logan with his money
can't create

a huge thunder
and lightning storm and that--

that green cloud thing,
whatever that was.

Anyway, it's over.

- Yeah.


- I gotta get you
to the infirmary.

Get that ankle looked at.

Arms around my neck.


- Don't groan
when you lift me.

- I'm not used to carrying
humans around

in my arms
for long distances.

- Well, maybe you should
go to a gym.

- Oh, the sass.


MAN: Ethel, why don't you just
shut your big bazoo?

WOMAN: Fred!
MAN: No, it's--

- Ah, Fred Mertz, you stud.

[phone ringing]

PCA health center.

Oh, hey, baby.

No, it's mostly empty tonight.

Just one kid in here.

She had some kind
of emotional breakdown in class,

so the school psychologist
put her in here for mental rest.


- It's not funny.

- Quiet, crazy.
- Eh.

- Almost there.

Easy does it.

Hey, listen.

I got a girl
with a broken ankle here,

I think.
- Oh, crud.

Call you later.

Put her on that bed there.

- Right.

- Ow, ow, ow.
- Almost there.

Pain is just in the mind.
- Oh, ow.

- Don't touch it.

- I'm stupid.

- Zoey, what happened?
Some kind of accident?

- Yeah, sorta.

- I see.

- Hey, can I use
the phone?

- I don't care.

- Zoey, look.

It's a Stonehenge trilithon,

made only of cotton swabs
and white glue.

[phone ringing]

- Lounge.

Where are you?
Okay, yeah.

Yeah, all right,
I'll be right there.

- Chase?
- Where are they?

- The infirmary.

He thinks Zoey
has a broken ankle.

- Oh, my God.
I gotta go.

- Okay.
Oh, hey.

Look, I'm sorry
I got you lost.

- Lost just means
I found something

I wasn't looking for.

- Wow. It sounds so much
less stupid when you say it.

- I know.

[both moaning]

- All right,
now it's getting gross.

Let's go.
- Go.

- God.

- There. Keep that leg still,
eat that soup,

and don't spit on the floor.

- Aw, she can't
spit on the floor?

- I don't like
your brand of comedy.

- Understood.
- All right.

I'm gonna go nuke
a burrito.

- So, pretty weird
out there tonight.

- It couldn't have been a ghost.

Could it?

- If it was, it was definitely
an angry ghost.

- I know.

- Maybe Charles Galloway
didn't like us

messing around his place.

You know, I mean, the place
he used to live before he, uh--

stopped living.

- Or, maybe it was just

some kind
of freaky weather thing?

- Yeah,
we'll just go with that.

Eat your soup.

- Ah.

- What?

- Look in the bowl.

- Wow, you really must hate
chicken noodle soup.

- Chicken noo--

CHASE: You okay?

- Umm, yeah.

I'm just--

I guess I'm just tired.

Hiking all the way up
to Red Stone Gulch

just made me--

- Ugh.




- Did you call me butt-face?

- No. It's just your butt.

- Yeah, well we'll see
what yours looks like

when you get to be my age.

I forgot the tomatillo salsa.

Watch the phones
'till I get back.

- You didn't see something wrong
with her butt?

- Well, I mean, sure,
it wouldn't k*ll her

to do some squats,
you know, just to--

- That's not what I meant.

- Maybe you just need
some sleep.

- Yeah.

Wait, I can't sleep.

We have our economics test
first thing in the morning.

- Any idea what's going on
in here?

- No, not really.

- Who opened the window?


Oh, my swabs!



- Zoey!

- Get this bucket
off my head.

- [screams]

[eerie moaning]

- Get it off.

- Will you guys slow down?

It's just an injury.

- Be quiet.
What'd Chase say?

- That Zoey broke her ankle.

- How'd she break it?
- He didn't say.

He just said that
they were in the--



- Chase!

- Zoey!

CHASE: Oh! Oh! Oh!


- [screams]

- Okay.

That's not normal.

- Nope.


[all screaming]


- [whimpers]

- Will somebody get this
freakish bucket off my head?

- Why won't this door open?

- I wanna go back to

- What is it?

- It's the ghost
of Charles Galloway.

- No, it's not.

You tell him there's
no such thing as ghosts.

- Fine, I'll tell him.
You tell that ghost.

- You guys, Zoey and Chase
are in there.

- [squeals]

- We gotta go help 'em.

- You help 'em.

- What, the three of you
are just gonna let me

go in there alone?

- Yes.
- Bye.

- Go!


- [screams]

- Chase!
- [screams]

- Why won't this door open?

- Chase, Zoey.
You guys in there?

- Michael? Is that you?
- Yeah.

I think something weird's
going on in there.

- Ya think?

- Who are you talking to?

- Michael.

- Man, you gotta get
this door open.

- Stand back.
I'll break it down.

- Okay.

- Why'd you open the door?

- It opened by itself.

- Who are you talking to?

- Why does Zoey have a bucket
on her head?

- [screams]

I am so out of here.

My cotton swabs.

- Man, we need to get
outta this room.

- Zoey can't walk.

- There's a gurney in the hall.

- Help me get her.

- [groans]

- Put it on.

- All right. It's on, it's on.

Come on.

- Ah!

- Careful with me.

Just get this stupid bucket
off my head.

- I can't; it's stuck.
Just hang on.

- Just go, go, go.

- I'm going, I'm going.

- Go faster.
- I'm trying.

- Ah!
- Just calm down.

- Run!


- What is happening?

- Are you guys okay?

- Not really.

- What's happening?

- I'm not sure,
but I think that's

the ghost of Charles Galloway
in there.

- I'm sure.

- What do we do?

- [screaming]

- I think you should
go get Zoey.

- What is happening?

Am I rolling?

- Hold on!

I'll be back.
- I am gonna k*ll somebody.

- Figure out a way
to get rid of that ghost.

- Hey!
- Go.

- There's no such thing
as ghosts.


- Okay.

Either that was a ghost,
or the infirmary just sneezed.

- I know what to do.

Come help me.

Come on!
- All right, go. Go!

- Hurry.
- I am.

- We're hurrying.

MICHAEL: I got the site up.

- Search for astro-magnaplasm,

and read me everything it says.

- Astro-magnaplasm.

- Hand me the cobalt jellicose.

- Cobalt jello what?

- The blue jiggly stuff
in that thing.

- Like I should know
what "jellicose" means.

- Give me that tube
of crystallized ectoparticles.


- Here, here we go.


"In the event of a
non-corporeal manifestation

"of the spirit or soul
of a person,

"which has remained on Earth
after the person's passing--"

- Zoey. Slow down!

- What?

- Stairs.

- What?
- Stairs.

- What stairs?

- Jump. Now!

- Wow, you jumped.

- Why didn't you get
the bucket off my head?

What is the matter with you?

- Stop it. Stop it.

- I just need some rest.

Maybe sometimes the first key
in the--



My life is
an endless vortex of pain.


- Slow down.

- You want that green
whatever-it-is to catch us?

- No, but I have
ankle issues.

- Hey, wait up.

- Are you okay?

- I've had better nights.
You know,

when my ankle didn't break
and a ghost wasn't

trying to k*ll us.
- Don't worry.

- Yeah, Quinn's got us
hooked up.

- What are those?
Are they gonna explode?

- No.
Not right now.

This jellicon orb contains
positively charged ion particles

and this one contains

- Human words, Quinn,
human words.

- When the ghost appears,
I throw this orb at it.

- And I throw this one.

- And they'll rupture,
each releasing

a gaseous burst
of kinetic bio-energy--

- Quinn.

- It'll make the ghost
go away.

There, did you
understand that?

- Let's just do this.

- Okay, but how do we
attract the ghost?

- I don't think
that's gonna be too tough.

- And here he comes.

- I'm ready to throw
my gaseous orb.

- No, we can't do it outside.

We have to be
in a sealed environment.

- What?

- A room.

- Come on, let's go.

- Ow, ow, ow, ow.

- Okay, everyone
against the wall.

- Now what?

- When it comes
through the door,

I'll yell, "orbs away,"
and then we throw the orbs

right at its center.

- I'm gonna lose an eye.
I know it.

I just know I'm gonna
lose an eye.

- Shh.
- Just watch the door.

- Um, I don't think it's coming
through the door.

- Get away from the windows!


- Quinn, will you say
"orbs away" already?

- Are you ready, Michael?

[eerie groaning]
Ready? Ready?

- Just give me it.

- Orbs away!


- I think it worked.

- Yeah. It's gone.

[eerie groaning]

- Well, hello again.

- Okay, Quinn, now what?

- Well, speaking scientifically,


- Why does the ghost
of Charles Galloway hate us?

- And keep attacking us?

- I guess he's mad
'cause we disturbed

his eternal resting place.

- But we left it
just like we found it.

- Yeah, we put his necklace back
and everything.

You put the necklace back.

Didn't you?
- Didn't you?

- Hand me your backpack.

- I can't believe this.

- Oh, come on.

Are you kidding me?
- Oh, my God.

- I can't believe you,

- We gotta put
that necklace back.

- I think we should beat
the snot outta Logan first.

- No.
- No?

- We put the necklace back,

then we beat the snot
outta Logan.

- That's right.
- Very good.

- I have--I have issues
with this plan.

- If that ghost doesn't
k*ll you, I will, Logan.

- No, you won't.
- I will get to you, Logan!

- It's over!
- No!

- So, should we say
some words?

- Well, Charles,
we're sorry we disturbed you.

We're sorry we took
your necklace.

But it's back now,
so please stop terrifying us.

ALL: Amen.

- There. It's done.

- Good.

- I cannot believe
we've been up all night.

- Oh, my God,
our econ exam.

- And we get a zero
if we're late.

- Oh, man.
- So run.

- Come on.
- I can't run, my ankle.

- Come on.
Jump on, Brooks.

Hey, say good luck.

- Good luck.
- Good luck.

- All right, come on.
- Run.

- I wanna know who did this.

What did you think?

That by vandalizing
my classroom,

that you would
get out of taking this exam?

Who did this
to my classroom?

- Hello.
- Hi.

- We're here.

- You're late.

- We know.

- Yeah, all right,
this is gonna sound weird,

but last night,
our friend Quinn,

she had
these two glowing balls of--

- Just sit down.

I am trying to find out
which one of these hooligans

destroyed this classroom.

- Oh, that was kinda us.

- You?

- Well, I mean,
it wasn't our fault exactly.

- Yeah, actually, it was
the ghost of Charles Galloway.

- It was.
- What?

Is this some kind of a joke?

- No.
He was your student.

- Fifty years ago.

- And you know
how the legend says

that he supposedly went
up to Red Stone Gulch?

- Silence!

I've heard that silly legend
for half a century

and it is a lie.
- Yeah, not really.

- Charles Galloway never went
up to Red Stone Gulch.

And there is no such thing
as ghosts.

- What was that?

- Since you children have
such active imaginations,

perhaps I should
have you all--


Your exam is cancelled.

Class dismissed.


- Thanks, Charles.


MAN: Mmm.

- Gonna frisk you,

[electric buzzing]