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03x10 - Chase's Grandma

Posted: 03/28/24 20:14
by bunniefuu
WOMAN: Are you ready?

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ I know you see me
standing here ♪

♪ Do I look good,
my dear? ♪

♪ Do I look good today? ♪

♪ Today, today ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ I'm just another
kind of girl ♪

♪ And you want
to see my world ♪

♪ So come and run away ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ If you wanna play ♪

♪ Come and play today ♪

♪ Let's just get away, yeah ♪

♪ I will make you see ♪

♪ All of the things ♪

♪ That you can be ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Come follow me ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

- I'm telling you,
they're make-believe.

There is no such thing
as reindeer.

- Dude, reindeer do exist.

I've seen pictures
of real reindeer.

- Oh, were they flying?

- I didn't say they could fly.

- Chase, tell him there's
no such thing as reindeer.

- I'm busy,
but you're an idiot.

- Ha!

- Hey guys.

- Hola.

- Shalom.

- What's up?
- Ladies.

- Can't talk.

- Oh, you baby.

- What's his deal?

- He's writing
a research paper.

- No, I'm freaking out
over a research paper.

- Why are you freaking out?

- Because it's due on Monday,

and it has to be 5,000 words,

and I'm only on word 97,

so that means I have another

Oh, my God!

My brain is melting.

- Geez, you need to de-stress.

- No chance.

He's gonna be like this
all weekend.

- No, he's not.

- Yes, he is.

- This is your
birthday weekend.

- I have no time to age.

Must type words.

- You got to celebrate
your birthday.

- We wanted
to throw him a party.

- He said we're not allowed.

- Boy.

- You're forbidding
your friends

to throw you a birthday party?

- That's right.

And I mean it.
No party.

- No party.
- All right, no party.

- Fine.
- We won't throw a party.

- Good.

- See you, Chase.

- So we're gonna
throw him a party.

- Oh, yeah, definitely.
- Yeah.

- Of course.
- Oh, but of course.

- Duh.
- Why wouldn't we throw him

a birthday party?

- I don't get
why it's such a big deal.

- We'll just see
what Dean Rivers

has to say about it.

- Uh-oh.

- I see a little brother
in trouble.

- Guard my chicken breast.

- Hey Mr. Thatcher, Dustin.

Going for a walk?

- Yes, to the dean's office.

- I'm in a little trouble.

- Oh, more than a little.

He was swimming
in the school fountain

like some kind of crazy halibut.

- Oh, Dustin.

- My roommates dared me.

- If they dared you
to jump off a bridge, would you?

- How high is the bridge?

- Oh, Dustin.

- Uh, Mr. Thatcher,
can we, uh...

Look, I know what he did
was wrong.

- This is the second time
this month

I've caught him
violating PCA rules.

- Just let me talk to him,

I promise
I'll keep him out of trouble.

Come on.

- Is that
an oatmeal raisin cookie?

- Yeah.

- Give me the cookie,
and I'll let it slide.

You are lucky.

- You got me off the hook?

- This time,
but I can't keep

bailing you out of trouble.

- I know.
- I mean it, Dustin,

no more screw-ups, promise me?

- I promise.

- Okay.
Now, go put on some dry pants

before you get all chafed.

- Ow, that hurt.

- Good.

[upbeat music]

[keyboard clacking,
cartoon noises]

♪ ♪

[knock at door]

- You busy?

- No. Come in.

- How's your paper coming?

- Uh, just one sec.
[cartoon noises]

- Doesn't sound
like an English paper.

[mouse clicking]

- Yeah, I took a little break.

I'm making an e-birthday card.

What do you think of this?

- Quacky birthday.
Quacky birthday.

Quacky birthday.
Quacky birthday.

- You're sending yourself
an e-birthday card?

- Nah, my grandmother.

We were both born
on the same day.

This is her.

- Oh, she's so cute.

You guys close?

- Oh, yeah.

See, when I was little,
both my parents worked,

so I'd go over to her house
every day after school.

And now, I will attach
her favorite song.

[gentle music]

- "A Million Raindrops."
- Yeah.

- See, when I was a little kid,

I used to be really clumsy.

- Used to be?

- All right.

Anyway, when I'd get hurt,

I'd run to my grandma

and she'd had me lay my head
down on her shoulder,

and she'd sing
this song to me,

and then I'd feel better.

- Oh, that's so sweet.

- Yeah.

So what's up?

- Well, I spent the last
three hours

with Quinn and Lola
trying to figure out

what to get you
for your birthday.

- You could give me
my coffee back.

But seriously, you don't need
to get me a present.

- You're getting a present.

- Oh, thank God.

♪ ♪

MAN: ♪ No need to run
for cover ♪

♪ Just spread your arms ♪

♪ And let them
kiss your face ♪

[upbeat music]

- Doodle cake. Doodle cake.

Doodle cake.


Yummy, yummy, yummy.

I'm gonna get a doodle cake.

I'm gonna get my--

Ah, darn it!

Give me my reduced fat
doodle cake!

- What up?

- This stupid machine
ate my dollar.

- Well, don't hit it.

You gotta kick it.
- Uh.

- Give it!

- Give it up!
- Give me my doodle cake!

- Hey. Hey. Hey!

What are you girls doing?

- It ate my dollar.

- Then you need to go
to the administration office,

fill out a form,
then send it

to the Allied Vending

and they'll refund your money

within six to eight weeks.

- I just want my doodle cake.

- You are not to tamper
with this machine,

unless you want detention.

- "You will not to tamper
with this machine."

- "Unless you want detention."

- Just look at my doodle cake.

Sitting there, taunting me.

- Want me to get it?

- You think you can?

- Step aside.


- Okay,
explain to me why

we can't just throw
Chase a normal party.

Why's it gotta have a theme?

- Because all great parties
have themes.

Hey, how about a pajama party?

- Why pajamas?

- Because pajamas are so cozy.

So why should they
just be for sleeping?

- We're not throwing Chase
a pajama birthday party.

- Why not?
- Because it's stupid.

- Then you come up
with a theme.

- Okay.
How about a beach theme?

- Why is that good?

- Beach, swimsuits, girls.

- I'm feeling your theme.

Very smart.

- And you thought
I was just pretty.

- No, I didn't.

- Hey, guys. Guys. Guys.

- Zoey.
- What up?

- Guess what I got Chase
for his birthday.

- What's that?
- What do you get?

- His grandmother.
I called her.

She's gonna fly in
for the party.

- That's awesome.
- I hope she likes the beach.

- I thought the party
was gonna be here in the lounge.

- Yeah,
but with a beach theme.

See, everybody's gonna come
in their swimsuit.

- Girls gotta wear bikinis.

- So I should tell
Chase's grandmother

to come in a bikini?

- Beach theme's out.

- Hey, what about
a pajama party?

- My, my, a pajama party.

- [grunting]

This is really painful.

- Then why'd you get
your arm stuck?

- Oh, it just seemed
like a fun activity.

- I'll go get a teacher.
- No, we'll get in trouble.

Remember what Mr. Thatcher said,
"Unless you want detention."

- I can't get in trouble again.

I promised Zoey.

- All right, then we'll just
figure this out ourselves.

Come on. I can borrow tools
and some industrial lubricants

from the janitor.

- You can't just leave me here.

I'll get caught.

- Hey, you guys,
can you help us move

a big, heavy machine?

- And a young boy?

[gentle music]

MAN: ♪ Not able to breathe ♪

♪ Until you exhale ♪

♪ And my lungs fill ♪

- There he is.

- Oh, hey, Zo.

- Why are you studying
outside at night?

- Oh, my God.

The day left.

- Yeah, like three hours ago.

Why don't you take break?
- Can't.

I've only typed...

Gotta hit 5,000.

My life is bad.

- Yeah, but tomorrow's
your birthday.

- No party.

- I said nothing about a party,

but I am giving you the most
awesome present ever.

- What's that?
- You'll see.

- Oh, come on, be a person.
Just tell me.

- All right, close your eyes
and I'll tell you.

- Is this a trick?

- Nope. Close 'em.

- All right.

Eyes closed.

I can hear you running away.

- No, you can't.

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

- Thank you.

- Why do you have to put Dustin
in our room?

- Yeah. Put him in yours.
- We can't.

He promised Zoey he wouldn't
get in trouble anymore,

so she can't find out
about this.

- Well, I want
that key back before--

- Yeah, yeah.

- Perfect.
- Well, thanks.

- Yeah.
- Bye.

- See you later.
- Later.

[door closes]

- So now what?

- Well, uh...

the janitors
have gone home by now,

so I'll have to get
the proper tools

and industrial lubricants
in the morning.

- Whoa, whoa.

I'm supposed to sleep here
like this?

Why can't you get the tools
and industrial lubricants

somewhere else?
- There is nowhere else.

Now be quiet, and go to sleep.

- Unless you want Zoey
to find out.

Night, night.

- Wait.
What if I get thirsty?

Or what if I--


- No, no, no, no.
It's okay.

I understand.

Feel better.

Yeah. I'll tell him.

- Tell who what?
- Chase.

That was his grandmother.

- You told her to be here
early for the party?

- She's not coming.

- But I thought--
- She's got the flu.

- Oh.

- Well, that stinks.

- Yeah, I know.
She was so excited to come.

- No. I mean,
if we'd known earlier she was

gonna bail, we could have done
the beach theme.

- Have I ever told you that
you're a really nice person?

- No.
- Good.

- Look, it's cool.

You can surprise Chase
with his grandma

on his next birthday.
- Yeah, but I told him

I had the best present
for him ever.

Now I got nothing.

- You could wear a bikini.

- Why is that good for Chase?

- It's good for everybody.

- You would look nice
in a bikini.

- Thank you.

[keyboard clacking]

[knock at door]

- Will one of you get that?

[knock at door]

- Hey, wake up.
Answer the door.

[knock at door]

- Why can't you get it?

- I have words to type.

[knock at door]

- Man,
it's not even 7 a.m. yet.

What kind of monster knocks
on the door prior to 7 a.m.?

- What?

- We brought special tools.

- And industrial lubricants.

- Industrial lubricants?

- What's going on?

- We're gonna get your arm
out of that thing.

- And finally get my reduced fat
doodle cake out of there.

- Will you forget
about the doodle cake?

- Um, never.

[alarm ringing]

[second alarm ringing]

- Arg!

[drill whirring]

[alarms continue ringing]

- Hey, hey.

Could you guys
quiet it down a little bit?

[two alarms ringing,
drill whirring]

- Arg, I'm trying.

This thing won't--

it won't stop.

- [gurgling]

- We're trying to get--

- I'm trying!

- Okay, that's it.

You people are too loud.

[alarm ringing]

- Oh, wait.
Happy birthday.

- Blah!

- He doesn't seem too happy
for a birthday boy.

- Eh.
- [spits]

The party
will cheer him up tonight.

- Hey, Quinn, can you make
this thing stop ringing?

- Oh, yeah, just set it down.


[glass shatters]

- Well, that's gonna void
the warranty.

MAN: ♪ Leavin'
makes it sweeter ♪

♪ She knows ♪

♪ This is real, though ♪

- There's a cupcake
blocking my semicolon.

- ♪ Happy, happy birthday ♪

♪ Today's your special day ♪

♪ You just got a cupcake ♪

♪ Now blow the flame away ♪

- Blow the flame away?

- Oh, it rhymes. Just do it.

You make a wish?
- Yeah.

I wished for this beast of
a research paper to be finished.

- You close?
- Yeah.

I only need to write...

- Cool.
You're almost there.

- Almost.

- So, listen.

About your present--

- Oh, yeah.

I think
you said something about

the most awesome present ever?

- Uh-huh.


- [chuckles]

A PCA pen...

from the bookstore.

- I'm sorry.

I had such a great present
for you,

but it kind of fell apart.

- It's okay.

I love this pen.

So what was the good present?

- I was gonna surprise you
with your grandmother.

- No way.

Do you mean here at school?

- Yeah. I called her

and she was supposed
to fly in today.

Then she got the flu
and couldn't come.

- The flu?

- She said it's nothing.

- Oh. Okay.


- Sorry
I couldn't get her here.

- Hey, you tried.

That's like the nicest present

anyone has almost given me.


- So, um...

why don't you take
a little study break?

- Oh, you mean so you can
take me to my surprise party?

- Oh, how'd you know?

- Logan CC'd me on the e-vite.

- Idiot.

- You think?

- Well, come on, let's go.

- Yeah.
I-I really should finish this--

- You're not blowing off
your birthday party,

you big-haired freak.

- Okay. I'll go.

I'll go.

- Will you at least
try and act surprised?

- Sure.
Help me pick a surprised face.

What do you think?



Or C.


I-I'll just feel
the moment.

- You do that.

[all grunting]

- Hey!

You're gonna dislocate
my shoulder.

Stop it.

[both yelp]

- How can his arm
be that stuck?

We've been yanking
this boy's legs all day.

- I don't know.

I slathered his arm
with three quarts

of industrial-grade lube.

- Well, we gotta go.

- Go?

- We have 12 minutes
to get to Chase's party

and we've still got to put
our pajamas on.

- We'll come back
after the party.

- What am I supposed to do
for the next five hours?

- Uh...

You can chat with this puppet.

- Bye.

- What am I supposed to say
to a puppet?

- Be creative. Come on.

- I'm coming.

- This is terrible.

- Hey, how come the lights
are off?

- Maybe the power's out.

- Oh, that's peculiar.


ALL: Happy birthday!


- Oh, wow.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, look at this.

Hey, look at this robe.

It's so red and--

wow, this has caught me

- Ha!
We got you.

- Yeah, and nice PJs.

- Thanks!
- Thank you.

- And look what I rigged mine
to do.


I'm my own personal

- [laughs]

Very luminescent pajamas.

- [giggles]


- So Chase,

you ready
to party it up pajama-style?

- Whoo!
- Yeah.

I-I might have to leave
a little early, you know,

just to finish writing my paper

'cause I just want to make sure
that I--

- No.
- No, sir.

- No, no.
- Forget it.

- You're staying here.

You're gonna party with us.

- You've worked hard enough
on that dumb paper.

So you're gonna stay right here
and party on your birthday.

- Yes, ma'am.

- Okay, I have to go
put on my PJs.

save me a birthday dance.

- So how did you guys end up

getting Dustin's arm
out of that machine?

- Hmm...

♪ ♪

- "Psst.

Are you hungry, Mr. Dustin?"



♪ ♪




Yes, I'm free.





[lively music playing]

♪ ♪

- Hi, Zoey.

♪ ♪

- Hey.

- Whoa.
- Look at you.

- Where's Chase? I want to get
a picture with him.

- Chase left.

- What do you mean Chase left?

This is his birthday party.

Where'd he say he was going?

- He didn't say.

- Michael might know.

♪ ♪

- Michael.

- Hey.
- Where's Chase?

- Um, he had to go.

- Well, why would he--

he went to go finish his paper,
didn't he?

- [sighs] Zoey--
- I can't believe him.

This is his birthday party.

Why is he so obsessed
with finishing--

- Come here.
- Wait.

Where are you taking me?

Okay, will you tell me
why we're--

- Listen.
- Don't you go defending Chase.

You know he should be here
having fun,

not back in his dorm writing--
- Listen.


Chase's grandmother died.

[thunder rumbles]

[solemn music]

- His grandmother died?

But--but I just talked
to her.

She said it was just
the flu.

- It was more than the flu.

- Well, where is he?

Is he okay?

- I don't know.

He made me promise
not to tell anybody

and then he left.

- Michael.
- I swear.

He just said he wanted
to be alone.


[thunder rumbling,
rain pattering]

- You want to be alone?

♪ ♪

- [sobs]

♪ ♪

MAN: ♪ A million raindrops ♪

♪ Upon your face ♪

♪ Tears disappear ♪

♪ Without a trace ♪

♪ A million raindrops ♪

♪ Follow you home ♪

♪ They travel with you ♪

♪ So you're not alone ♪

♪ No need to run for cover ♪

♪ Just spread your arms ♪

♪ And let them
kiss your face ♪


MAN: Mmm.

LOGAN: It's good for everybody.

[electricity buzzes]