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03x02 - Chase's Girlfriend

Posted: 03/28/24 20:13
by bunniefuu
WOMAN: Are you ready?

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ I know you see me
standing here ♪

♪ Do I look good,
my dear? ♪

♪ Do I look good today? ♪

♪ Today, today ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ I'm just another
kind of girl ♪

♪ And you want
to see my world ♪

♪ So come and run away ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ If you wanna play ♪

♪ Come and play today ♪

♪ Let's just get away, yeah ♪

♪ I will make you see ♪

♪ All of the things ♪

♪ That you can be ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Come follow me ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

MAN: ♪ You can't get
around it ♪

♪ Never get over it ♪

♪ Just get through it ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Can't turn the clock back ♪

♪ Or rewrite history
and undo it ♪

♪ ♪

♪ It's not what you wanted ♪

♪ Or what you meant ♪

♪ But it was no accident ♪

- So Zoey just walked
right in?

- Right in.

- Well, she should have
knocked first.

- Yeah, that would
have been nice.

- And you're sure Zoey saw you
and Rebecca mid-kiss?

- Oh, yeah, they were kissing.

- Are you a thousand percent
sure they were kissing?

- Either that
or Chase was trying

to suck the teeth out
of her mouth.

- So you just stopped kissing,

looked up, and there was Zoey

standing right there
in the doorway?

- Yep.

- Whew.


- Yeah, it wasn't the most
comfortable moment of my life.

- So what did you say?

- He said, "This is Rebecca,
my girlfriend."

- You're sure he said

- 'Cause maybe you

Maybe he said "grill friend."

- "Grill friend"?
- Yeah.

You know, maybe they just cook
things together outdoors.

- How did you meet this girl?

- Well, uh, she's
from my hometown.

Her mom and my mom work
in the same office

so that's how she heard
about PCA.

- Okay.

- So Rebecca's mom asked my mom

if I'd go out to lunch with her
and, you know,

tell her what it's like going
to school here.

After a while, you know, we
started calling each other,

text messaging, and then we just
started going out.

- I don't like her.
- What's to like?

- You guys don't even know her.
- We don't have to know her.

- You're our friend so we can
just automatically hate her.

- Look, I appreciate
your pointless hatred

of Chase's girlfriend,
but it's really not necessary.

- Oh, so you're okay with Chase
having a girlfriend?

- Sure, why wouldn't I be?

- Man, can you get that ball
in the basket once?

Just once?

- It's not that easy.
You try.


- So talk to me.

- About?

- Come on, man.

Last year,
a week before summer vacation,

you sent Zoey a text message
saying you love her.

And now after summer,

you show up to school
with a new girlfriend.


- [sighs]

Okay, look.

You know how they say
some things happen for a reason?

- I've heard that said.

- Well, I think
there's a reason

why Zoey didn't get
that text message.

I think it was something--

I don't know, Karma,

the universe, the Lord,
the Force--

something was trying to tell me
that Zoey and I are meant

to be really good friends,
and that's all.

- You sure on that?

- Yeah, I mean,
look at it like this.

A guy's going to have a lot of
girlfriends in his life, right?

- That is certainly
my intention.

- Well, I don't want Zoey
to be just another one

of those girls that I date
for a few months,

or even a few years,
and then it's over.

I want Zoey to be my best friend
for a really long time.

You know what I'm saying?

- Yeah. I know--I know
what you're saying.

I-I just thought that, you know,
I was your best friend,

but--but if I've been replaced
by Zoey, then--

- Zoey's my girl best friend.

You're still number one, man.

- That's all I wanted to hear.

- You're such an idiot.

- Ah, thank you.

♪ ♪

- [sighs]

- Um, you do know the ball's
supposed to go

into the basket, right?


[whistle blows]

- All right, that's it
for today, people!

Hit the showers!


- Yeah, what's up, Coach?

- What's the matter with you?

- I'm just in a slump.
I'll get over it.

- You better, or else
I'll sit you out next game!

- What?
Oh, come on, Coach.

- I got no time
for your whining, Reese!

I'm going to get me
some suh-shi.

- It's pronounced sushi.

- I say suh-shi!

♪ ♪

[scooter horn honks]

♪ ♪

- Why can't I make
free throws anymore?

- Um, maybe because
you're not good at 'em.

[light laughter]

- You know, I could help you
with your free throws.

- Ha ha.
- What?

- I've seen you try to play

- Yeah, and I was embarrassed.

So I did some research,
and I realized

making free throws, it's just
basic geometry and physics.

- Yeah, you should let her
help you.

- I am not going to let Quinn
help me with my free throws.

- Why not?
- 'Cause Quinn's a spaz.

CHILDREN: [chanting]
Quinn is a spaz.

Quinn is a spaz.

Quinn is a spaz.
Quinn is a spaz.

Quinn is a spaz.
Quinn is...

- I am not a spaz!

- Quinn is a spaz.

Quinn is a spaz.

- I am not a spaz.

- What's up, boys and girls?

- Hi.
- Hey. Hey.

- Aren't you going introduce us
to your new girlfriend?

- You know, that's exactly
what I was about to do.

Uh, people, this is Rebecca.

Rebecca, this is--
- Oh, wait, wait, wait.

Let me see if I can do this.

Lola, Quinn, Michael,

Logan, and, uh, Zoey.

We already kind of met.

- Yeah, sorry for barging in
like that.

- Oh, it's totally cool.

- Uh...

so you guys know the cartoon

me and Michael do
for our webcast?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, Chase and Michael.

- All right,
well, um, check this out.

This morning, I submitted our
newest one to

- Wow.
- Come on, man.

That site gets, like,
a billion submissions a day.

They're not going to accept
our cartoon.

- Oh, yeah?
Then why did I get an email

from the guy who runs the site,

saying he thought our toon
was really good?

- No way.

So wait.
You're saying that

our toon is going to be

- Well, he didn't say that,

but he did say that there
was a possibility.

- Wow.
- Oh, my God.

- That's awesome, guys.

- What's the big deal
about Toonjuice?

- Dude, at least three toons

that got on that site
were made into TV shows.

- All right, all right.
Calm down.

I mean, we haven't gotten
accepted yet.

- Oh, but you guys
definitely will.

Your stuff is awesome.

- Aw.

Who's nice?
- Aw.

- [gags]

- So, Lola, have you ever
thought about being a model?

- Um, well, no.
I'm more into acting.

- Oh, well, that works too.

- What do you mean?

- Well, it's just you're just
so pretty.

I mean, actually
all three of you girls are.

Must be something
in the water here at PCA.

I better start drinking it.


♪ ♪

- [groans]

- Toss it here.

- Sure.

You sure you don't want me to
help you with your free throws?

- One lucky shot
doesn't impress me.

Please help me.

- Sure.
Come along.

- Where we going?

- You want to ask me questions,

or you want learn to make
free throws?

- All right.
I'll bring the balls.

- You won't need those balls
for a while.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- [groans]

I'm going to go do
some laundry.

- Hey, toss this T-shirt in?

- Right here, baby.

- You guys busy?
- Nope.

- Hey, Rebecca.
Come on in.

- Wow, awesome room.

- Oh, thanks.

- You paint that?

- [scoffs]
I wish.

No, my dad got that for me
when he was in Vancouver.

- Oh.

- Hey, did Chase hear from that
guy at Toonjuice yet?

- No, not yet.

But I know they're going
to say yes.

Chase and Michael
are so talented.

- I know, their toons rock.

- Yeah.

Anyways, um, speaking of Chase,

I hear you guys
are really close friends.

- Oh, yeah, Chase is, like,

the best guy friend
I've ever had.

- Yeah, well, not anymore.

- What do you mean?

- Stay away from Chase.

- What?

- Did I stutter?

I said stay away from him.

We clear? Good.
- [scoffs]

Okay, listen--

- No, I'm talking,
you're listening.

You've been at PCA with Chase
for two years.

You had your chance.

- Uh, look, I don't know
who you think you are, but--

- I think I'm Chase's
girlfriend, and you're not.

So leave him alone
and stay out of my way.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- [scoffs]
I don't understand.

What happened?

- Rebecca told Zoey
to stay away from Chase.

- Get out.
- I'm serious.

- I don't believe it.
I mean, she seems so nice.

- Yeah, so do panda bears
till they slice you open

with their claws
and eat your guts.

- Do pandas really do that?

- Yes.
- But they're so cute.

- So is Rebecca,
but that didn't stop her

from coming in here and
basically threatening my life.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Okay, she threatened you?

Okay, that's all
I needed to hear.

[device whirring, beeping]

I'll be back in 10 minutes.

- No, no, no, no, no.

Just put it down.

- Okay, what did Rebecca
say exactly?

- I don't know--something like,
I better leave Chase alone

and stay out of her way.

- Ugh, that's so nervy.

- I know.


What am I going to do?

[device beeping, whirs]

Put it down.

♪ ♪

- Okay, I thought you were going
to help me with my free throws.

- This is helping you
with your free throws.

Now, try and catch the chicken.

- Why?

- It's an old trick.

It's how they
used to train boxers

to teach them balance
and agility.

- Is that a real chicken?

- It was a real chicken.

- Okay.

I'll catch the chicken.

♪ ♪

- Whoops.

You lack balance and agility.

♪ ♪

You're getting close.
You're almost there.

Quick, sneak up on him.

Serpentine, serpentine.

- What?
- Squiggle back and forth.

♪ ♪

- [lisping] No, I wanted to work
at my dad's lumber company,

but he says I'm not his
"cup of tea."

So, I basically spent my summer
vacation building this.

- What is it?

- It's a scale model
of my dream house,

made only out of cotton swabs
and white glue.

- Rebecca!


- [screams]

- I am so--
Oh, here's some--

Here, here's your roof
and your walls and--

Oh, uh...

here's, uh--

here's some more pieces and--

- [panting]

- And...

Call me.



Have you seen Rebecca?

- No, but, uh, listen,
we need to talk.

- You know the cartoon
me and Michael made?

- Yeah.

- Toonjuice said yes.
- No way!

- Yeah, it's going up
on their site next Monday.

- Oh, my God, that's so great.

- Thanks.

What's wrong?

- Uh, uh, nothing.

- Okay, I got to go tell


Oh, I am so--


Here, here.

Call me.


- Why do I even have dreams?


♪ ♪

- Okay.

This is a tennis-ball cannon.

- I know what that is.

What's the point of this?

- It's going to teach you
hand-eye coordination.

- Why do I have to--
- Just catch the balls.

♪ ♪


Now keep doing that.

♪ ♪

It's not that difficult!

You can do better than that,
come on!

- [groans]

♪ ♪

- There you are.
- [giggles] Here I am.

- You said you were going
to be in the lounge.

- I was just on my way.
What's up?

- Come here.
Come here. Come on.

- [giggles]

Where are you taking me?

- Guess what.

My cartoon got accepted

- Your cartoon got accepted

I told you it would!

Oh, that is the most awesome--


Why do you smell like perfume?

- Huh?
Oh, it's probably from Zoey.

I just told her,
and she hugged me.

Can you believe my cartoon
got accepted by--

- Whoa, wait, wait, wait.

You told Zoey before you
told me?

- W-w-what?
Is that bad?

- You need to do this.

This makes no sense at all.

- It makes perfect sense.

See, part of what makes players
miss free throws

is that people are watching,
which makes them nervous.


- So, if you can force yourself

to walk around the PCA campus
like this,

nothing could ever make you
feel nervous

in front of people again.

Trust me.

[Logan groans]


♪ ♪

- There.


let's take a walk.

♪ ♪

Hey, guys.
- No, don't talk to them.

[girls laughing,
boy whistles]

I will hurt you.

- Nice out, right?
- It's not nice out.

- I think we're going to go
for some ice cream.

Anyone want to join us?
- I don't like ice cream!

- I can't believe
you told Zoey first.

- Well, I was looking for you.

You said you'd be in the lounge,
where you weren't,

but I went there, and I just
happened to run into Zoey.

- And you just had to tell her
your big news

before you told me,
your girlfriend?

- Look, I think you're making
way too big a deal out of this.

I mean, if you--

- I don't want you talking
to Zoey anymore.

- What?
- Ever again.

- Becca?

- Hey.
Did you tell Rebecca about--

- You think you can tell me
who I can and can't talk to?

- You heard what I said.

- Wow.
Look at that tree over there.

- I can't believe you.

- [scoffs]

Look, Chase,

I talked to some people
around here.

I know you used to like Zoey.

Is that true or not?

- I'm over it.

- Good, because
I'm your girlfriend now.

And you can't be all buddy-buddy

with a girl that you used
to like.

- [sighs]

- Go tell Zoey you can't
be friends with her anymore.

♪ ♪

- This isn't working.

- Yeah, you're right.

- And I've done
everything you said.

I chased a chicken.

I got pelted by tennis balls,

and I wore this stupid dress

all over campus!


- Okay.

Try tucking your elbow in
tighter when you sh**t the ball.

- Elbow?

- Mm.


The elbow thing works.

♪ ♪

- Yep.

Actually, that was
your only problem--

just the elbow.

- Awesome.

Wait a minute.

Then--then why did you
make me do

all that ridiculous stuff?

- Because you called me
a "spaz."

- Huh?

- I don't like being called
a spaz.

Never did, even as a child.

I hope you learned
a little lesson here.

- You made--



You little--

- [laughing]

WOMAN: ♪ Tell me what's on
your mind ♪

♪ Time, your mind ♪

♪ Time ♪

♪ All that's come between us ♪

♪ Make up your mind ♪

♪ Time, tonight ♪

♪ Time ♪

♪ ♪

- Oh, hey, Chase.

- Can I talk to you?

- Um, I'm not sure
if that's the best--

- I need to talk to you.

Rebecca has a big problem
with you and me being friends.

- I know.

- She said--
You know?

- She came to my room and told
me to stay away from you.

- Yeah, she sort of said
the same thing to me today.

- Did you explain to her
we're just friends?

- Yeah.
- And she said...?

- That if I want her to be
my girlfriend

that I can't--

I can't hang out with you
anymore or talk to you.

- [sighs]


I get it.

Look, the most important thing
to me

is that--is that you're happy.

- Me too.

So I dumped her.

♪ ♪

Uh-huh, dumped.

As in, "see ya."

- Oh, my God.
Was she really upset?

- Uh-huh.
- [chuckles]

Good, that little skunk bag.

- Zoey Brooks, such language.

- Well, she was horrible.

- Yeah.
I kind of figured that out.


Can I have a grape?

- One.

So, question...

- Ask me.

- Doesn't it bug you that
people think guys and girls

can't just be friends?

- Yeah, people are dumb.

So, hey, can we make a pact?

Next time I get a girlfriend
or you get a boyfriend,

can we promise each other

to never let it affect
our friendship?

- Promise.
- Promise.

- Oh, and one more thing--

- Yes?


What up with the v*olence?

- That was for scaring me.

You made me think you were going
to stop being my friend.

- I told you I dumped her.

- Well, you should have started
with that.

- Ah, you could put an eye out.

- That's the goal.

- Oh, you've done it now.

The grape w*r is on.

- Bring it.

- You have a pretty good arm.

- You throw like a girl.

- Better than being one.

Ow, that's my chest plate.

Hey, look--



You better run.

WOMAN: ♪ Yeah, yeah, you ♪

♪ Just gotta let it loose ♪

♪ If you want to play,
come and play today ♪

♪ Let's just get away ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

[bell dings]

MAN: Mmm.

QUINN: You won't need
those balls for a while.