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03x24 - Enough Is Enough

Posted: 03/28/24 17:48
by bunniefuu
This is just a get-to-
know-you dinner.

All right.

And if it goes well, then maybe
one day down the road

I will feel comfortable
enough to explore

my physical boundaries
with you.

Good night, Val.

Good night, Todd.

- Yeah, where you at?
- [ Holly ]: I'm in Princeton. I'm visiting Henry.

Don't you see, Holly,

that when things get
not perfect,

you start looking
for other guys.

With me, it was Vince.

With Ben, it was Vince.

Do you see a pattern?

The pattern is Vince.

If I didn't date you
and break up with you

and then date you
and break up with you,

I would so date you again.

That's my girlfriend.

What's her name?

Her name's Holly,
and that's not sick.

I love you, Holly.

- Okay, that has got to stop.
- Why?

The teeth, the mouth,
the happiness --

You know, either share what
you're on, or get the hell out.

Oh, God. Did you see
the cherry blossoms

starting to spring?

Oh, I know.
And did you see

how gorgeous and green
Central Park turned?

I know!


- I have so much to tell you.
- I couldn't wait to see you.
- Me too.

You go first.

No, you go.

Okay, um, my date
with Todd last night

was so incredible.

You had sex with the plumber,

and you come in here talking
about frickin' cherry blossoms?

No, I did not have sex
with Todd, and it turned out

to be one of the best dates
I've ever had.

I'm befuddled.

in a long time where I did not
think about Rick once.

Oh, my God. Good for you.
Now on to me.

You know how I used to always
sabotage my relationships

because I was afraid
they wouldn't be perfect?

Well, after visiting
Henry in Princeton,

I realized that mature
and healthy relationships

aren't perfect.

I've really grown up.

Hot dog!

You know how whenever
Vince and I would fight,

I would run away?
Well, that's old Holly.

New Holly hangs in there.

Because that's what you do
when you love somebody,

and I love Vince.

I love Vince!
I love Vince!

I hate Holly! I hate Holly!
I hate Holly!

I can't believe
she and Henry...

I mean, if she was gonna
sleep with anyone,

in the line of succession,
it should have been

me, you, and then Henry.

You know, you're doing
the right thing

by leaving town, man.

And don't worry.

I'm gonna take really good
care of your bedroom.

You don't mind if I feng shui
it up a little bit, do you?

Do whatever you want.

I may never come back
from Florida.

Oh. In that case,
I ordered

a couple of sconces
from Europe.

Yeah, whatever.
A little gay.

My buddy in Boca needs
a bartender for the summer.

But I just may stay down
there forever.

I could chill
with some geezers.

How good do my pants
look up here?

[ cell phone rings ]

Are you sure you don't
want to talk to her, man?

Damn, it's her again.
Like I need to hear

that she's back with Henry.

I never want to talk
to her again.

I never want to hear
that girl's name ever again.

Do you hear me?
Never. Never.

if you could call me back

when you get this message,
that'd be great.

I just have something
to tell you. Thanks.

[ mouths words ]
I love you.

Oh, my God. So how much
do you love the new Holly?

Yeah, well, almost as much
as I love the new Val.

Oh, look at me
staring at this paper

open to the wedding
announcement page.

Three months ago, this would
have sent me right into

the arms of Jose Cuervo.

But now I can honestly be
happy for all these people.

Karen and Peter,

Vanessa and David,
all the best.

Ah! Marco and Steve --

Rick and Julie, all the --

Rick and Julie?

Hey, that's weird.
They have the same names

as your ex and his ex.

Oh, and the same faces.

Rick and Julie
are getting married tomorrow?

Val, look, um, Fantasia's
playing Golda

in "Fiddler on the Roof."

I can't believe
they're getting married.

Look, look, it's 30% off
at Bed, Bath & Beyond.

Ooh, we can get a really nice
wedding gift for...

Marco and Steve.

♪ What I like about you ♪

♪ You really know
how to dance ♪

♪ When you go up, down,
jump around ♪

♪ Talk about true romance ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Keep on whispering
in my ear ♪

♪ Tell me all the things
that I wanna hear ♪

♪ 'Cause it's true ♪
♪ What I like ♪

♪ That's what I like about you ♪
♪ What I like ♪

♪ That's what I like about you ♪
♪ What I like about you ♪

♪ That's what I like about you ♪
♪ What I like about you ♪

♪ That's what I like about you ♪
♪ What I like about you ♪

♪ That's what I like about you ♪

♪ What I like about you ♪

♪ That's what I like about ♪
♪ Hey ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪

♪ That's what I like about you ♪

Oh, my God.
I cannot believe

that Rick and Julie
are getting married.

This is going to k*ll her.

Oh, trust me, she's fine.
She's come such a long way --

Oh, my God! She's got a knife!

Oh, God!

Get it out of her hand!

Guys, will you stop it?

I'm just clearing the table.
I'm fine. Really.

I am okay with Rick
and Julie getting married.

Val, I mean, come on, this has
to be really hard for you.

I am totally chill,

mentally harmonious,
en rapport, okey-dokey!

More like okey-smokey.

And you know what? I don't want
this fun day to end, okay?

So we are all gonna go out
tonight. Girls night out.

We'll get all gussied up,

and we'll celebrate
Rick and Julie's nuptials,

Holly's new love,
Lauren's new, uh...

My rash cleared up.

Yeah! Sweet!

Okay, so everything's
on me. 8:00.

Okay, I know what she needs.

Yeah. There's Kahlua
in the maple syrup bottle

next to the vodka vinegar.

You're not gonna
believe this.

You know how I was supposed
to go to Europe with my mom?

Yes. First class
all the way,

balloon trips
through Tuscany,

you're rich,
blah, blah, blah.

Yeah, well, my mom bailed.

She threw her back out
having sex

with a 30-year-old.

Now I have this extra ticket

and Holly can't take
a month off work.

[ Both ]: I can.

Well, how hard is it to
take off from a bakery?

Hello. Where do I work?

I'm more fun.

I'm prettier.

I'll make her laugh.

Well, I'll have
sex with her.

So will I!

Okay, you each bring
different things to the party.

You're both worthy
traveling companions.

I'll think about it,
and I'll get back to you

in 24 hours?

Fair enough.

That's totally fair.

This is a little something
for pretty ladies.

And this just keeps
going and going and going.

[ dance music playing ]

I can't believe that Vince
hasn't called me back.

Mm. Hey, hey.
Put that phone down.

Come on, we are toasting
Rick and Julie.

Yeah, we've been toasting them
for three pitchers.

Well, they're a heck
of a couple.

Okay, to Rick and Julie.

[ All ]: To Rick and Julie.

She's totally suicidal.
She's smashed.

You know what?
I love you guys so much.

Ring, for God's sakes,

To rings!

Telephone rings,
not engagement rings.

[ sobbing ]

[ laughing ]

Ah ha ha!

Oh, God, it feels
so good to laugh.

I love laughing.
I do.


I adore drinking.
Don't you?

But now I have to tinkle.

I love tinkling, too.
Shh, shh.

Okay. Life is so good.


[ sobbing ]

Poor Val. I hope that
she's gonna be okay.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

What are you doing,
traveling companion?

You know, that chicken skin
will k*ll you.

Let me get that for you,
baby girl.

You know, when we travel
around Europe,

I will remove all the icky parts
of the food for you.

Gary got me a purse.


I can't believe that
he hasn't called me back.

I hate him!

There he is.

[ gasps ] I love him!

Damn, man! Holly's here.

It's not enough
she left me 30 messages?

Now I gotta hear in person
how she's back with Henry?

You know what?
We should go.

You don't want to end up
getting drunk,

suddenly find her
adorable again,

end up not leaving.
I'll be back on the couch.

I mean, I will miss you.

Ooh, I hate her so much.
And you know what?

I'm gonna tell her before
she has a chance to tell me

about her and Henry and how
they're all in each other's --

Whoa, whoa, whoa, dude.
Now hold on.

Now, if you tell Holly
that you hate her,

she's gonna ask you why.

Then you're gonna have
to tell her

that you followed her
all the way to Princeton

like that "Felicity" chick.

And that you found out
Holly's in love

with her old boyfriend.

Ha ha. Doesn't feel
so good, does it?

Well, it doesn't.

You know what, man?
You're right.

I gotta act like
there's nothing wrong

and everything's --

Hey, Holly. Hi.

Hold up. Is that Lauren
with Tina?

I know she is not skinning
her chicken wing.

Ah, no.

[ dance music playing ]

Hey. So, um, did you
get my messages?

Oh, yeah. Sorry, I've just
been so busy packing.

Packing? For what?

I'm going to Florida

I'm gonna spend the summer
down there

bartending for a buddy.

What? Wait, you're going
on a trip tomorrow,

and you weren't even
gonna tell me?

Yeah. A lot of people
go on trips

and don't tell other
people about them.

Okay, what is that
supposed to mean?

Nothing. Just means
I'm going.

Have a great summer.

Wait, wait. Okay,
what is your problem?

Problem? I don't have
a problem.

In fact, I'm getting rid
of my problem.

Oh, okay, so now
I'm your problem?

Well, you gotta admit, we do
drive each other kinda nuts.

I mean, come on.
Every time we're together,

- we end up in a fight.
- No, we don't.

Yes, we do. One is
in the making right now.

And guess what?
I'm sick of it.

Okay, well, if you would
just shut up and let me talk,

- then we wouldn't fight.
- It's too late. We're fighting.

Yeah, that's 'cause
you keep interrupting.

That's what fighting is!

Well, stop it. I have
something to tell you.

Why do you think I've been
calling you all day?

I don't care what you want.
I'm gonna tell you what I want.

I want to go to Florida,
forget about this entire year,

and finally have
some fun again.

[ Ricki ]: Vince?

Not now. We're in the middle
of not fighting.

We're on our way
to the Bubble Lounge --

Not now.

See this, Holly?
See what's happening here?

Not fun.

Oh, really?

'Cause I'm having a ball!

- Oh, good!
- Good!

You know what, Vince?
I hope you go to Florida,

and I hope you stay there
for the rest of your life!

Fine! You know what? I have
nothing else to say to you!

Except don't try to call me,
because you know what?

I have you programmed
in my cell phone,

and if you call,
I'll see it's you,

and then I won't pick up.

Take a look at what
you're missing.


♪ Ah, everybody ♪

♪ Get on the floor ♪

♪ Let's dance ♪

Hey, T.

You know, it's all about
chick-on-chick in Europe.

Hey, where's Val?

I really need to talk
to Val.

Yeah, I don't know.
Come to think of it,

she never came back
from the bathroom.

What? What do you mean,
she never came back?

You were supposed
to watch her.

Oh, relax. She's fine.

The girl's been dumped
like a hundred times this year.

She's numb to it.

♪ If you've had enough,
don't put up with his stuff ♪

♪ Don't you do it ♪


♪ If you've had your fill ♪

♪ Get the check,
pay the bill ♪

♪ You can do it ♪

Val, I know what
you're going through.

- I just had a fight with Vince.
♪ Tell him to just get out ♪

I did!

♪ Nothing left
to talk about ♪

Got that right.

♪ Pack his raincoat, show him out ♪
- I hate him.

♪ Look him in the eye
and simply shout ♪

I never want to see him

♪ Enough is enough
is enough ♪

♪ I can't go on no more,
no more, no more, no ♪

♪ Enough is enough
is enough ♪

♪ I want him out ♪

♪ I want him
out that door now ♪

So I'm starting to think
maybe I dodged a b*llet.

Man! Them girls are bitter.

Maybe that's because they
don't have your beauty.

You know, I never noticed
the bunch of blue in your eyes.

All right,
that's playing dirty.

You should know,
chicken peeler.

♪ Enough is enough
is enough ♪

♪ Is enough is enough ♪

♪ Is enough is enough
is enough ♪

♪ Is enough ♪

Thank you!

That felt so good!

Tell me about it.

Okay, from now on,
whenever we're feeling sad,

we'll just break it down
old school --

sing a little disco

and remind ourselves
that no man

is ever
gonna make us feel bad.

You're right. Let's make
that pact right now, okay?

No more Rick.

No more Vince.
Up high.


I love him!
How do I get him back?

Honey, I can't think
without cake.

Oh, and can I just say?

I am so flattered that you're
coming to me for advice.

Yeah, well, I can't go
to Val.

We swore to each other
no more Vince and Rick.

If I go to her,
she'll think I'm weak.


I really need to see you.

I know it's kind of late,

if you could just
meet with me.

Great. Okay.


I'll see you then.

And now I'll never get
to tell him how I feel,

because he's going to Florida
for the whole summer.

Oh, wow. And it is so humid
this time of year.


Okay, okay, you know what?

I can do this, damn it,
'cause I am here for you.

Tell me
what the problem is.

Vince! I told you.
Vince is my problem.

Is he the black one?

I'm kidding.
Don't you see?

I'm using humor to lighten up
a painful situation.

I am finally ready
for a real relationship

with him, and now
he's running away.

Honey, are you gonna let
a man running away

stop you from chasing him?

Haven't you ever heard
of a tranquilizer g*n?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Come back. Okay, okay.

Do you really want to know
why he's running away?


He's protecting himself.

Holly, you have loved
the boy and hated him

just in the last week.

He doesn't want to risk
getting hurt again.

You really don't think
he hates me?

Honey, no man gets
that angry

he's in love with you.

Or when we got busted
by his wife.

Oh, my God.

Well, he must really
love me,

because he got so angry.

Yes. He loves you,
and you love him.

Oh, my God! Okay, well,

I gotta go tell him
before he leaves.

- You're just gonna go tell him you love him?
- Yes!


Look, he has to know that
this time is different, okay?

That you're not just
jerking him around again.

You're right. Okay.

I have to do something
really convincing.

Something really big
and romantic!

What am I gonna do?

Okay. You are gonna need
a pair of lace panties,

and a sleeve of saltines.

I am so becoming
a therapist!

Okay, Val, you're still
not answering your phone,

so I'm letting myself in.

You don't need to bark
like a guard dog.

Hey, hey, hey. Why are you going
to Tina's door with that?

That is my ticket
to Europe.

Hey, give me that!

Give it here! Give --

A poem?

"Belgium" does not rhyme
with "threesome."

"Belgium" does rhyme with "threesome."
All depends on how you say it.

Give me -- give me --

Hey, guys, what's going on?
Oh, what's this?

[ Both ]: It's from me!
- Liar!

Oh, guys, about the trip.

My mom's all better, so I
can't take either one of you.

- What?
- Is she kidding?

Look, she's not even
taking me.

She's taking
her stupid boyfriend.

Oh, great.
Now I gotta reconfigure this

so they don't notice that
I ate two of the biscotti.

It doesn't mean that we
can't still hang out.

Oh, yeah, I believe it does.

You want to go to the movies?
Maybe go bowling or something?

[ door slams ]

I hate you, mother!

[ knock on door ]

[ Lauren ]: Val?



Holy crap!

What the hell happened
to you?


I found out that I have
no tolerance for tequila,

vodka, and beer shakes.

I was calling you
all night.

Why didn't you pick up?

I couldn't hear you
over Charo

and all the other
screaming people.

You were in hell?

Atlantic City.

Now don't tell Holly,

Because I promised her that
I wouldn't let Rick upset me,

but I couldn't help it.

Oh, God.
What did you do?

Well, I was a little bit
falling apart,

and so I made a call.

And the next thing I knew,

I was in Atlantic City,

dancing on the bar,
making out.


You broke up
Rick and Julie's wedding,

And then she broke up
yours and Rick's,

and then you broke up
hers again.

I love your life.

Okay, okay, stop shouting
at me. Oh...


I said stop!

No, your finger,
your finger!

What? Aah!

What the hell is that?

I've never owned one,

but that looks vaguely
like a wedding ring!

You got married?

Yeah, apparently!

Okay, wait,
this is amazing.

After planning
that whole wedding

and breaking up with him,

you finally married --

Morning, wife.

The plumber?

- Aah!
- Oh!

Oh, my God, Tina,
I did it.

I broke into Vince's car.

No, it wasn't that hard.
It's a convertible.

I'm actually really nervous.

Maybe I should just get out
and forget this whole thing.

Are you kidding?

This is the most romantic
thing I have ever heard.

When Vince sees you pop up
in the back seat all naked...

Tina, I'm popping dressed.

I'm gonna say to him,
"Vince, I love you,

"and I'm going to Florida
with you.

"and I know I've said that
before --

"not the Florida part,
the 'I love you' part.

"but this time
it's different.

"I don't care
if it's not perfect.

"it doesn't have to be perfect.

"I am ready, and I don't want
to be with anybody else

ever again."

Oh, my God, he's here!
I gotta go! I love you!

- Bye!
- Bye!

[ Ricki ]: Vince?


Where should I put
my luggage?

Oh, just throw it
in the back.

Last night was so amazing.

I'm glad it doesn't
have to end.

This is so cool,

you just picking up
and driving with me

all the way to Florida.

got a full t*nk of gas

and a bag of Cheetos.

I figure we don't have
to stop till...


[ engine starts ]