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02x22 - The Second Season Finale

Posted: 03/28/24 17:26
by bunniefuu
[ coughs ]

Hey, sweetie.
How you feeling?


Well, I made you
a sandwich.

Oh, I can't eat.

But thank you so much
for letting me stay here.

You know, I live alone.

I know.

I got nobody.

Ha ha. I know.

If I died,

it'd be two, three weeks before
somebody started smelling me.

I don't want that.

Nobody wants that.

But you know something?

It's good that I'm here
for you, too.

Why is that?

'Cause I can help
keep your mind off Rick.

'Cause you still love him,

and he's getting
married today.

Is that today? Hmm.

Aw, look at you, all trying
to cover up your pain.

I'm so sorry, you know?
It must be k*lling you.

Wow, look at that -- you took
my mind right off of it.

Oh, good.

I'm going! I'm going!
I'm going to Paris!

- You got the internship?
- I got the internship!

Paris loves Holly!
Holly je suis happy.

Oh, my God.

You did it!
You did it!

[ both shrieking ]

Yay, I know.

Okay, I may blow chunks.


Okay, when do you leave?

- A week.
- A week? That's it?

I only have my baby sister
for one more week,

and then she graduates
and leaves me forever?

I'm not dying.

But I am.

Okay, we -- we have to go
get your tickets, your passport,

and we're going to get you
some new clothes.

Oh, I'm so excited
for you!

Don't leave me alone
up here!

No one can smell me!

♪ You really know
how to dance ♪

♪ When you go up, down,
jump around ♪

♪ Talk about true romance ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Keep on whispering
in my ear ♪

♪ Tell me all the things
that I wanna hear ♪

♪ 'Cause it's true ♪
♪ What I like ♪

♪ That's what I like
about you ♪
♪ What I like ♪

♪ That's what I like
about you ♪
♪ What I like about you ♪

♪ That's what I like
about you ♪
♪ What I like about you ♪

♪ That's what I like
about you ♪
♪ What I like about you ♪

♪ That's what I like about you ♪

♪ What I like about you ♪

♪ That's what I like about ♪
♪ Hey ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪

♪ That's what I like about you ♪

And you can see the Eiffel Tower
from my dorm room.

Do you understand me?

The famous one in Paris.

That's great.

I'm unbelievably excited
for you.

Yeah, me too.
Unbelievably excited.

it is so great.

Yeah, seriously,
the greatest.

Give me back my letter.
You're bumming me out.

Well, I'm sorry,

but you're going to be gone,
like, the whole summer.

I mean, my mom's always
telling me that

your life doesn't revolve
around Holly Tyler,

but it does.
It so does.

Yeah, she's nothing
without you.

Okay, and what are you going
to be doing while she's gone?

Well, unlike you,
I am my own person.

I don't rely on one individual
to make my life complete.

Mm-hmm. Then how come you cried
when you read the letter?

Tears of joy, girl.
Tears of joy.

[ groans ]

So when do you have to be
in freakin' Paris?

Well, officially,
not until next week,

but Val got a really great deal
on tickets

if I leave in three days.

Three days?
Well, I thought

we were going
to go bowling next week.

Henry! Henry!


Yes! I knew it!

Wait there!

You see that, downers?

That is how an actual person
gets excited

for another actual person
with good news.

I'm not hanging out
with you this summer.

I'm not hanging out
with you, either.

Want to go bowling
next week?


- You're going to Paris!
- I'm so going to Paris!

[ both laughing ]

If you hadn't helped me
with that essay...

- We kissed.
- I know. What was that?

- It just happened.
- How did that happen? You have Kate.

Not anymore.
We broke up.

[ gasps ] Oh, God.

Is it 'cause
she found out about this?


when do you leave?

Three days.

Three days.

So what does this mean?

It means you're going
to Paris,

and you're going
to have a great summer,

and we'll figure it out
when you get back.

- Want to kiss again?
- Uh-huh.

Oh, what are you doing?

I ran out of juice.

Why are you lying here?

I ran out of gas.

All right,
get back in bed,

and I will go get you
some more juice.

No, no, wait,
don't leave.

I have to talk to you
about something.

Okay, well,
get back in bed first.

Come on.

Do you know
how much I love you?

Mm-hmm. I know how much codeine
was in that cough medicine.

Oh, no,
I love you more.

All right.

Look, I don't want
to scare you,

but I think this is
more serious than we thought.

I think I have
the bird flu.

Lauren --

No, no, okay,
this is serious, all right?

Please, just listen
to me here.

If something
should happen to me,

I need you
to go to my apartment.

In my nightstand,
second drawer,

in the very, very back
on the way right

under my personal
"Lauren" stationery,

there is a long box.

I need you to get it

out of the house
immediately upon my death.

Oh, God.

No, no, no, look, okay,
you would be saving my family

from a great deal
of embarrassment.

Also, I'd like
to be buried with it.

Lauren --

No, please?

Okay, okay,
whatever you want,

but if you don't die,

do you think you can
get better in three days?

I don't know. Do you need me
to do some work?

[ coughs ]

No, it's just that I'm not going
to be here in three days.

Oh, my God. What do you have?
Do you think it's monkeypox?

Do you need me

to get rid of anything
in your nightstand?

God, no, no.

And don't go snooping around
in there, either.

Listen, when I was
at the travel agency earlier

with Holly, I looked up,
and I saw a poster of Venice.


I have wanted to go there
my whole life.

So I figure
with Holly leaving

and the whole
Rick getting married thing,

it's the perfect thing
to do.

Oh, so you're going
to Venice.


♪ I'm going to Venice ♪

Oh. Well, that's great,
you know?

I'm really happy
for you.

Wait --
where are you going?

To pack my things.

There's a hospice two blocks
down from my apartment.

Maybe they're staying
on the mainland

and will have time
to take care of me.


If you go there,

who am I going to give
this extra ticket to?


The airfares were so cheap,

I thought it would be fun
to bring a friend.

Oh, my God.
I'm going to Venice.

Oh, thank you!
Thank you so much.

You are the most thoughtful,

most giving person
I have ever known.


[ knock on door ]

Hey, Vince.

- Hey. That's for you.
- Thanks.

- Sign here.
- Okay.

- Is, uh, Holly around?
- No. Why?

'Cause whenever she's here,

she always offers me
a soda...

and a sandwich.

Help yourself.


Rick's wedding invitation.

Yeah, I was just cleaning up,
and I found that.

I was going
to throw it out,

but then you came along
and ruined everything.

He's getting married
today, huh?

- Mm-hmm.
- Sorry.

Nothing to be sorry about.

Julie is a great gal.
Rick is very happy.

I wish them both well.

So you have
no problem with it.

Not a one.

Then why did you
cross off Julie's name

and write yours?

Lauren did that.

She thought
it would be funny.

I did not care for it.

You do know
there's, like,

a million other guys
out there

who would totally want
to hook up with you.


But why can't it be him?

We are so good together.

I mean, we could stay up
all night talking

and never run out
of stuff to say.

We laugh
at the same things.

I would be thinking about him,
and then he would call.

I mean, except for
the whole fiancée thing,

it was a fairy tale.

You know
what you should do?

You should tear that up
and throw it away.

You know what?
You are exactly right.

That is exactly
what I am going to do.



Do you want me to do it?

No, unh-unh.
I need to do it.

You know what?
That felt really good.

Yeah, really good.

You helped me.

Well, you gave me a soda.

The least I can do
is change your life.

So what'd you get
from the travel agency?

Oh, it's my tourist packet.
I'm going to Venice.

Venice? That's great.
When are you going?

Oh, in three days.
I was with Holly

getting her tickets,
and I --

What tickets?

Oh, haven't you heard?

Holly got accepted
to her internship.

She's going to Paris?

Yeah, we both leave
in three days.

How long is she going
to be gone?

The whole summer.

The whole summer?

Yeah. You okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm great.

I'm just really happy
for her.


What are you doing here?

Uh, dropping off
a package.

Val told me
about your internship.

That's fantastic.
I'm so happy for you.

I'm pretty happy myself.

A whole summer in Paris --


[ Lauren ]: Need Va-a-a-a-a-al!

Yeah, it was a real good idea
letting her stay here.

Okay, well, uh,

thanks for the whole
envelope ripping thing.

What was that about?

Nothing. I just gave her
some excellent advice.

So the whole summer, huh?

Yeah, the whole summer.

It's going to be kind of weird
not having you around.

I kind of --

I'm sure you'll do fine.

Well, you just,
you know,

you get used to seeing
a person every day

and talking to them
and stuff,

and then
when they're not there --

Because they're going
to Paris?


Paris -- the whole summer.

I guess
what I'm trying to say is...

I'm just really going to...

Going to what?

What are you doing?

Same thing you were doing.

But why are you doing it?
What is wrong with you?

It seemed like
you kind of liked it.

Where would you
get that idea?

You know, you can't just
go around kissing people.

No, look, I know
what you're worried about,

but you don't have to worry
about that anymore.


I'm ready!

For what?

For, you know,
for you and me to be together.

[ gasps ]

Lord, did you hear that?

Vince is ready.

Look, the heavens have opened,
my prayers have been answered.

Thank you,
thank you, Lord.

Why are you doing that?

You're kind of
hurting my feelings.

Do you hear yourself?

You're ready?

You think that I have
just been sitting around here

waiting for you
to be ready?

This is what you wanted.
I mean, this is what I want.

- Since when?
- Since now.

Okay, what'd you do
last night?

Went out with a...

friend of mine.

Does this friend pee
sitting down?

What difference does it make
who I went out with last night?

I'm telling you now
that I'm --

Now that I'm going
to Paris for the summer.

Holly, I'm ready
to make a commitment.

Oh, are you?

Okay, then tell me this --

if you hadn't found out I was
going to Paris for the summer,

would you still
feel this way right now?


You know, it's easy

for a person
to make a commitment

when the other person is
going out of the country.

Look, you can believe
whatever you want,

but I know how I feel,
and I'm telling you,

I'm ready
to make a commitment.

Well, it's too late.

I am going to Paris,

where the men
are known for commitment.

You know what?

Forget it.

Go to Paris.
Have a nice trip.

I will!
And you have a nice summer.

I will!
And just so you know,

the friend I went out with
last night

does pee sitting down,

but she can also pee
standing up, so ha!

Ooh, Lauren, look,
they're going to have

two festivals
while we're in Venice.

Ooh, bellissimo.

I'm excitedissimo.

Sounds fun --
the Festa della sensa.

We are going to have
a total blastiola.

Okay, would you stop
doing that?

Just because you put
an "issimo"

or "iola"
at the end of the word

doesn't make it Italian.

Ooh, well,
where did that come from?

Someone still a little uptight
over the wedding of Rickaroni?

- Vince just kissed me!
- What?

Yeah, he said he's ready
to commit to a relationship.

Well, that's great.

Yeah, you'd think,

but it's just because
I'm leaving.

As soon as he knows
he can't have something,

he wants it.
He's sick, and I hate him.

Wait, so he just grabbed you
and kissed you?

Yeah. It was awesome.

It was awesome?

Wait, does this mean
you guys are...

No. And besides, I have
a situation with Henry.

- What?
- What?
- Oh, yeah.

About a half-hour ago,
he laid one on me, too.

I must be looking good.

Well, how was
that one?

So sweet
and so nice.

Wait a second.
Doesn't Henry have a girlfriend?

Not anymore. It's just --
he's so frustrating.

I mean, he had months
to do this.


No, Vince.

But I feel
so comfortable with him.


No, Henry.

But when he kissed me...


Okay, but what about
Vince's kiss?

You said
that was awesome.

When did I say that?

Why'd he have to
do it now?

[ moans ]

Vince or Henry?

Doesn't matter.

I'm going to see if I can get
her on a plane in 10 minutes.

Come on, hurry up,
hurry up.

I got a cab
waiting downstairs.

Hey, will you help me
with this, please?

Thank you.



All right, do you have
your tickets?

In my purse.

- Your passport?
- In my purse.

- Your purse?
- Don't know.


What are you doing
out of bed?

She forgot her tickets,
her passport,

and her purse
all on my bed.

I swear, if your head
weren't screwed --

Oh, no, too weak
to continue.

Look how sick you are.
You're not going to the airport.

Are you crazy?
Lauren, help me up.

I'm going to go
to the airport.

I want to say goodbye
to my sister.

We said goodbye 12 times.

You can't go to the airport.
You can't even stand up.

They got wheelchairs.
I've seen them.

You can't go.

No, it's okay.
There's a reason

that you and I
aren't going to Venice today.

I don't know what it is,
but there is a reason.

I know what it is -- you.
You sneezed all over me.

Now I'm not going to get to go
to the Festival della sensa

or the Vogalonga.

But you can go next month,

and they'll have
even better festivals then.

Oh, it doesn't get
any better than the Vogalonga.

But when you come,
you can visit me.

I'm going to miss you.

I'm going
to miss you more.

No, no, I don't want
to get you sick.

I don't care. Hug me.

I love you.

I love you.

I'll call you
from the plane.

Oh, Lauren...


Come closer.



Thank you.

[ Man ]: Attention, passengers,

this is your final boarding call
for Flight 77 to Paris.

Hey, well, I guess
I really have to go now.

I'm going to miss you
so much.

I'm going
to miss you, too.

Hey, do me a favor --

take care of Gary
for me, okay?

- No.
- Okay.

- Bye.
- Bye.

All right. Take care.

Hey, do me a favor --
be nice to Tina.

- No.
- Okay.

Aw, I can't believe
you're going.

- Don't cry.
- I can't help it. I'm going to miss you so much.

Oh, I'm going
to miss you.

- I love you.
- I love you.

More than Val?


It's okay. It's going to be
our little secret, right?

I'm, uh...

I'm going to miss you.

I'm going
to miss you, too.


Hey, listen,
uh, I've been thinking,

and you can totally
say no to this,

but what would you think

about me coming to spend
a week with you in Paris?

I would love that.

Final boarding call
for Flight 77 to Paris.

Okay, well,
I got to go.

I love you all.

- Love you, too.
- Bon voyage, Holly.

Bon voyage.



So that thing yesterday

with our faces
all up next to each other

and our lips
kind of touching...

You mean the kiss?

I hope you enjoyed it,

'cause it's not going
to happen again.


Unless it does.

Val, I'm going
to get off the phone

so you can
go back upstairs,

go to bed, and get healthy
so you can come visit me.

No, no, I don't want
to get off the phone yet.

Me neither.

Okay, tell me
about the plane.

Well, it still kind
of smells like cigarettes

from back in the day.

[ doorbell rings ]

Oh, wait,
that's probably my medicine.

But don't go away, okay?
I want to talk to you

until they make you
turn off your cell phone.



I couldn't do it.

Rick? What's Rick
doing there?

He couldn't do it.

Couldn't do what?

I couldn't stop
thinking about you.

I got to go.

Wait! No!

Hello? Hello?

- Hello, Val?
- I'm sorry,

but you're going to have to
put away your cell phone.

But Rick's there.

He was supposed to marry Julie,
but he couldn't,

and now
he's with my sister.

That's nice, but could you
please put your cell phone away?

Yeah. Sorry.

Do I have time
to go to the bathroom?

Sure. The ones
in the front are open.

Thank you.

The one back here
is open.