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02x21 - The Anti-Prom

Posted: 03/28/24 17:24
by bunniefuu

Okay, tell her.

Tell your sister what you just told me.

I'm not going to the stupid prom.


- what about your memories? What about your prom memories? No thanks.

I'm not spending a million dollars to go to a prom with a guy who only comes up to my boobs, and then watch some lame Barbie doll couple who everybody secretly hates get crowned king and freakin' queen.

Why are you being all mean about the queen? Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm sure you were a wonderful queen.

You were queen? Mm

Guess what I was at my prom
- not asked.

This may be hard to believe, but I did not always look like this.

In high school, I was considered big
-boned and jelly

Oh, my God.

Oh, yeah.

I was a big 'un.

No, no.

This is an invitation to Rick and Julie's wedding.


That's weird.

Doesn't Julie hate your guts? Well, not all my guts.

Just the part of your guts that love Rick.

We're just friends, but Julie doesn't believe that, which is why she wants me and Rick to have no contact ever.

Isn't a wedding invitation contact? Exactly.

But if they sent the invitations out before the no
-contact rule, then this was a mistake.

Oh, yeah.

Okay, it was sent March 20
- crap.

It's smudged.

I can't tell.


Well, who cares when it was sent? You're not going to the wedding either way, right? Well, you know, Holly, it's not quite that simple.

Rick and I have been friends since high school.

Maybe Julie understands that now and this is a peace offering.


- and if I don't respond, then
- then I look rude.

But if it was sent out before the no
-contact rule as a mistake, and then she responds, she looks like a big loser.

But now I'll never know because of the smudge.

You know what this is? This is just sloppy postal work.


Poor prom queen has a dilemma.

You really know how to dance When you go up, down, jump around Talk about true romance Yeah Keep on whispering in my ear Tell me all the things that I wanna hear 'Cause it's true What I like That's what I like about you What I like That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about Hey Uh
-huh Uh
-huh That's what I like about you Oh, I am so over prom.

I just want to get out of high school as fast as possible.

Is that going to be part of your valedictorian speech? Ha.


- I know.

- Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Seriously, if I could just get that internship and go to Paris, my life would be beautiful.

No more Vince, no more Henry.

Wait, I thought you liked Henry again.

No! He has a girlfriend.

What if he didn't? He does.

Listen, Henry is one of my best friends, and if it weren't for him helping me with my essay, I wouldn't even have the chance to go to Paris.

He's a great guy, you know? But maybe for a second, I thought maybe, but he has a girlfriend, and I'm happy for him.

Okay, I get it.

You don't like Henry.

So what about Vince? Oh, please.

That was just an infatuation.

Every girl has had a Vince.

Actually, that was the problem
- every girl has had Vince.

So what you're saying is you don't like Vince and you don't like Henry.

Yes! Yes! I'm just so sick of the two of them.

I just need some serious Holly time.

Okay, cool.

Hey, look, so here's what I'm thinking
- I'm not going to prom, Shorty is not going to prom, you're not going to prom.

I wanted to do something nice for everybody.

Holly, throw us a party.

Oh, you know what? That's a great idea.

That's the perfect way to get my mind off of all this crap.

You know, and everybody's celebrating the end of the year.

Why shouldn't we? We worked hard.

- Ha ha ha ha.

- Ha ha ha ha.

You know, you should have, like, an anti

You know, no decorations, no dresses, no dates, no crowns.

Ooh, can we get some sluts? Sure.

It'll be fun.

I mean, this is the kind of party you should have at the end of high school.

Can I come? Oh, hey, Joanne.

Uh, you're not going to the prom? Nope.

Don't have a date.

Hate the prom.

Then you're invited.

I could bring, like, a ton of bread.

My dad drives a bread truck.

That'd be awesome, Joanne.


- Hey.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Where's Kate? I thought she was coming.

We just had a huge fight.

Yeah, she kept yelling at me, saying I wasn't committed enough in the relationship.

And you know what? Fine.

If she wants to end it
- She ended it? Yeah.

You know what? Uh, can we not talk about this right now?
- Sucks.

- Sorry, dude.

Hey, if it makes you feel better, I'm throwing a party tomorrow night.

It's kind of an anti
-prom thing.

You want to go? Well, it looks like I'm not going to my prom, so, yeah, that'd be great.



You're more than welcome.

All right, I'm going to get something to drink.

You guys want anything?
- No thanks.

- Nah, we're good.

No girlfriend, huh? Looks like Holly time is over.

Hey, I am just helping Henry's healing process, and I happen to know he really likes bread.

Hey, you guys need anything? I'm on my way to Price Club.

- Price Club!
- Price Club! I love it there.

Everything is giant.


Are you still looking at that invitation? Why don't you just pick up the phone and call Rick and ask him when he sent it? Ha ha ha ha.

- What?
- Because, Holly, if I am not supposed to have contact with him, and Julie picks up the phone, then what will I be having? Contact.


I'm going to Price Club.

- Price Club!
- Price Club! I'm sorry.


Why are you going to Price Club?
- Price Club!
- Price Club! Okay, that's got to stop.

I got to pick up a bunch of stuff for the anti
-prom I'm throwing tomorrow night.

What? I'm sorry.

What? When? I'm throwing an anti

It's kind of a party for everyone who's not going to the prom.

Ooh, can I go? Please.

Oh, I want to go to a prom.

I want to go to a prom.

No, it's not a prom, it's an anti

Okay, I don't care if it's a monkey prom.

I need to go to a prom.

Aah! I can't do it.

How else are you going to find out when they sent this invitation? Now, if Rick answers, just ask if he meant to invite you to the wedding, and if Julie answers, just hang up.

And you're positive that caller I.


doesn't work on this phone.


I called and hung up on an ex
-boyfriend Trust me, it's a good one.

Hey, you guys going to be on there a long time? My cell phone just died.

Oh, here.

Use mine.

Well, why aren't you using it? She's calling someone to see if she got invited to his wedding, and she doesn't want him to know who it is.

Did you get an invitation?
- Yeah.

- Then you're invited.

- No, I couldn't read the postmark.

- So? So I don't know if I'm invited or not.

Did you get an invitation? Gary, it's Rick's wedding.

Oh, yeah, yeah, the guy you like who's getting married.

Well, if you like him, why would you want to go to his wedding? Wouldn't that be kind of painful? I guess.

Then why do you want to go? I don't know if I do.

Well, when are you going to decide? When I find out if I was invited or not.

Did you get an invitation? You sure are looking at the front door a lot.

You expecting somebody special? No.

For your information, as my guests enter, I like to establish eye contact and give each of them a warm smile so they know that they're welcome.

Oh, God, it's that freak from the chess club.

Look away.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Throw this away for me, would you? Uh, that's the wedding invitation.

Yeah, I know.

Made a decision.

Don't care when he sent it.

I'm not going.

Don't know why I ever wanted to go in the first place.

Went a little crazy, but now I'm back.

Good for you.



Hey, Joanne.

You having a good time? This party's unbelievable.


You know, I was shattered about not going to the prom, but this is, like, 10 times better.

Can I tell you a secret? I met someone.

I'm the happiest I've ever been.

That's awesome, Joanne.

What's she talking about, shattered? She could have gone to the prom.

I know two guys who asked her, and she told them both no.

Now that's weird.

I wonder why she
- Oh.

- Oh.

- Oh.

Joanne's awesome.


Oh, hey, Vince.

Holly, this is Gina.

Um, where do you want me to put these? Oh, there's an ice chest on the terrace, and would you do me a favor and change music and put on a good song?
- Not a problem.

- Thanks.

Did you know he was coming? Yeah, Gary asked me if he could invite him, and I said yeah.

Okay, what's going on? Oh, no more Vince.

She's back on Henry.

Henry?! You're back on Henry? When did you
- how could you
- Oh, wait, I like Henry.

No, I am not back on Henry, and why are you creating drama when there is none? Why didn't you just go to the real prom? Okay, now, you look me straight in the eye and tell me you're not glad that Henry and Kate broke up.

I am glad Henry and
- I am not glad that
- You said glad.

You said glad.

You did say glad.


All right.


So what if I'm back on Henry? Is that so bizarre? He's a great guy, and it's not like when we broke up, I hated him.

I was just confused about that.

But I am over that.

I'm not sure that my feelings for Henry ever went away, and I'm starting to think that maybe breaking up with him was a mistake, and now that he and Kate have broken up, I'm going to tell him that as soon as he gets here.

You guys ever think that maybe Joanne's got the right idea? So
- ahem.

That's great that you and Kate got back together.

I'm so happy for you.

Yeah, I don't know what happened.

She just called me this afternoon and said she made a big mistake, and she asked me if we could please try again.

Well, great.

I'm so happy for you.

Really happy.



You okay? Miserable.

Have some bread.

Oh, yeah, sweetie
- Wait! What are you doing? I'm throwing the garbage away.

In there? Are you crazy?
[doorbell rings]

Oh, dear God.

Don't tell me.

Is someone else wearing my dress? Ha ha.

No, I think you're safe.

Oh, thank God, 'cause that would have been really embarrassing.



I just saw Kate outside.

Did she come with Henry? Of course she came with Henry.

She's his girlfriend.


It's just that Gary said that they
- Broke up? Yeah, I know.

Well, they got back together.

Broken up one minute, back together the next.

I just hope she appreciates what she has.

That's all I hope.

I'm sure she does.

Well, I'm not so sure.

She said some pretty hurtful things to him, but if she makes Henry happy, that's all I care about.

Why are you so obsessed with Henry anyway? I'm obsessed? Yeah, I find it interesting that you're so curious about Henry's personal life.

You know what I find interesting? It's the way you're looking at Henry right now.

Shouldn't you be with your date? Hey, what was that about? I don't know.

I just came over to say hi, and she started going off about Henry.

Well, what'd you say? Nothing.

I just said I thought she was a little obsessed with the guy.

Well, why would you say that? I just find it interesting.

Oh, well, I find it interesting how obsessed you are with Holly being obsessed with Henry.

Ha ha ha.

I am not.

Sure seems like it to me.

You know what else I find interesting?
- What?
- The way you're looking at Holly right now.

You know what I find interesting about you right now? Nothing.

Hey, what was that all about? That was about everybody we know being crazy.

What do you mean? I'm sick and tired of everyone saying they're just friends when they really like each other.

Holly is just friends with Henry, and Vince is just friends with Holly.

I don't know why they just can't be honest with each other.

The most honest person in this room right now is Joanne.



Awesome prom, huh? Did you see how everyone's looking at my dress? Oh, yeah.

Think they're jealous? Oh, yeah.

Hey, where are you going? I'm going to go to my room and call Rick.

It's driving me crazy.

I have to know.

Okay, wait.

Come with me to the ladies' room.

There is no ladies' room.

There is a restroom for one person.

We're in my house.

No, it's my prom, and girls at the prom go to the restroom together.

Why are you trying to ruin prom for me? Okay, I'll call from the bathroom.

Oh, yay! Okay, come on.

Hee hee hee.


Oh, you ain't going to win queen looking like that.

You know, I don't know why I didn't do this sooner.

I don't know what I'm so afraid of.

I mean, what's the worst that could hap
- Julie? Hi.

Uh, it's Val Tyler here.


I was calling because, uh, I got an invitation, and I wa
- Oh.

That's what I thought.

And I was just calling to
- hello? Yeah.

It's all cleared up.

That was a mistake.

Aw, sweetie, I'm sorry.

It's okay.

It's exactly what I expected.

Well, I don't know if you realize this, but the perfect place to cry at the prom is right here in the ladies' room.

Ha ha.

That's good to know, but, uh, I'm fine.

- Are you sure?
- Mm

'Cause you can cry if you want to.

No, I'm good.

Seriously, look, it is not a prom unless someone locks themselves in the bathroom and has a meltdown or loses their virginity.

Now which is it going to be?! Holly.

The sourdough twists are going like hotcakes.

Want me to call my dad? No.

Thanks, Joanne.

What's the matter? Did somebody steal your smile? I don't know, Joanne.

I don't know what the hell's going on with me.

I broke up with this great guy because I started liking this other guy, and this guy is terrible at relationships, and then I thought I could get back with the first guy, but he was dating someone else, and now they broke up, then they got back together.

I'm just messed up.

You know what? You're my best friend.

Look at this.

I found this chicken bone under the couch cushion.

Your friends are destroying the loft.

I want them out.

Okay, "a," we're not even serving chicken, and "b," they aren't my friends.

I don't even know half these people.

I don't care.

I want them out, okay? It's late, it's loud.

I just
- I want everybody gone.

It's 8:00.

I don't care.

I want them gone, okay? No.

Not okay.

It's my anti

- It's my loft.

- Your loft? Yes, I pay the rent.

It's my loft.

Okay, fine.

Well, I'll move out, and I'll get my own loft, and then I'll have all the anti
-proms I want.

You know what your problem is? You are going a little nuts.

Oh, I'm going nuts? You're the one who's running around like a maniac trying to find the postmark on an invitation to a wedding of a guy you secretly love.

Now that is beyond wacko.

You know, at least I don't like a different guy every week.

I mean, you are all over the place.

I mean, one week you like Vince, and then all of a sudden, now you're back to liking Henry.

Well, at least the guy I like isn't marrying someone else!

[gasps like Val]

- Kate, um So what about you? Can you honestly tell me you don't have feelings for Holly? Oh, hey, have you seen Val? Yeah, she's probably digging for chicken bones.

You know, I'm really worried about her.

She called Julie, and it turns out the invitation was a mistake.

They don't want her at the wedding.

Oh, God.

I have to go find her.

No, no.

It's your party.

I'll go.

No, we had a huge fight.

I have to tell her.

Plus, you probably don't want to go looking
- so pretty in your dress.

Yeah, you're right.

You should go look for her.

Um, I have one more thing to do.

Where did you get that? In the back of Val's closet.



Looks like I just found my king.

Here's your pie.

I'll be right back with the coffee.

Don't worry about it.

I'm really only in it for the pie.




Lauren told me what happened.


How'd you know where to find me? Pie.

I couldn't get any at Price Club.

Price Club.

Thanks, but I'm fine.

You can go back to your anti

No, I don't want to go back.

My anti
-prom is more prom than the real prom.

Chicks crying in the bathroom, boyfriends and girlfriends getting back together.

It's just so high school.

Well, I hate to tell you this, but it never ends.

I'm almost 30 years old, and that chick crying in the bathroom was me.

I'm sorry.

No, I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have yelled at you like that, you know? I was just, like
- No, I know.

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have yelled at you.

I was just
- I know.

I'm sorry about Rick.

But, you know, maybe it's better that you don't go to the wedding.

I mean, don't you think it might have kind of k*lled you? Can I tell you something insane? Now, you're going to totally judge me, but I'm going to tell you anyway.

You want to know why I really wanted to go to that wedding? Why? I pictured I would be sitting in that church, and Rick would walk in, and we would look at each other, and he would realize that I was the right one for him, and then he would run over and grab my hand, and we'd race out of there and jump in the limo and drive off.

You know that would never happen.

Oh, no, I know, and II wouldn't want it to.

But maybe it would.


Can I tell you something else? Anything.

Last week, when Rick was here, we kissed.

You kissed? Okay, what do you mean, kiss? You mean like mwah, or like Neither, really, But kind of more like the second one.

No wonder you're so upset.

So what happened after the kiss? What happened was he left.

And he's getting married.

Rhonda we're going to need more pie.
