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02x17 - Val and Holly's Not-Boyfriends

Posted: 03/28/24 17:22
by bunniefuu
You really know how to dance When you go up, down, jump around Talk about true romance Yeah Keep on whispering in my ear Tell me all the things that I wanna hear 'Cause it's true What I like That's what I like about you What I like That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about Hey Uh
-huh Uh
-huh That's what I like about you Hey.


What are you looking for? My g*n.

You have a g*n? Did I say g*n? I meant cake.

What are you looking for? Okay, your pale blue silk top
- the one with the little v

It's at the cleaners, and, uh, why are you getting all gussied up? 'Cause it's Thursday, and Thursday is dress
-up day at the old home office.



Well, I was listening to the messages last night.

There was one from Rick.

Said he's coming back into town today.

Oh, golly.

Is that today? You're getting all dressed up for Rick.

- he's engaged.

We're just friends, all right? What about you? Is that a new fragrance you're wearing? And you're looking awful purty yourself.

Seeing Vince, by any chance? I am going to the diner to see my friends, and if my friend Vince happens to be there, I can't stop him.

It's a free country.

Do I look cute? Darling.

Is my hair too flat? No, it's all flowy.

- Yeah?
- Mm

Oh, good.


Oh, God, look at me, getting all flowy and pretty for a guy who's engaged.

And I'm getting all pretty and smelly good for a guy who's incapable of having a relationship.

You know what? We've got to stop this.

This is not us.

We are not crazy girls.

I mean, we are smart, strong, well
-adjusted, healthy chicks.

Yeah, and we've got our feet planted firmly on the ground.

I mean, Vince is my friend, and that's all.

Rick is my friend, and that is all.

- Give me some of that.

- Mm

This is really nice.

What is? Friends.

You, Gar, Vince
- sitting here together as friends.

Doing friend stuff
- talking, eating, catching up laughing.

Ha ha.

Oh, God, you know what? To friends.

Damn! Did you see that? That girl is
- Damn! Am I right? I don't know.

I mean She's okay.

Vince, we're friends.

I think my friend can look at a pretty girl and say she's a pretty girl.

- Really?
- Really.


Her name's Rebecca, and she's quite the acrobat.

You know her? I don't know her, but we spent, uh you know.

What? They hooked up, Gary, okay? Do I have to paint you a frickin' picture?! Hey, Rhonda, can I get a side of bacon for my burger? Sure, sweetie.


She's nice.

I like the new waitress.

Hmm, yeah, she's cute.

Have you slept with her yet? I just thought you said something pretty unfriend

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

Didn't mean to do that.

Excuse me, Rhonda, I hurt my friend's feelings.

Would you mind having meaningless sex with him? I'm out of here.

-wait, wait, wait, Vince.

Come on, man.

Not cool.

We are friends.

Friends kid around with each other.

Well, that didn't sound like friend kidding to me.

You crossed the line.

Tina, did I cross the line? No.

After what he put you through What did he put her through? I mean, he said he would try to have a relationship, and she walked out on him.

Idiot, he said he really wanted to be with her, and then all of a sudden, he's like, "Oh, I don't know if this can work out.

I hope it does.

" But you said you've accepted all that and you can just be his friend.

I am friends! Then why are you giving him such a hard time? Because it drives me crazy when he talks about all the girls he's been with.

But you told him to.

But I don't want him to.

Quit it! I made those for Vince.


Well, can I have this one? I just want to say I think it's really great that you're willing to go apologize to Vince.

It shows you have character.

Well, I screwed up.

I mean, I started out all strong and everything, trying to be his friend, but then he started talking about girls, and I had a little setback.

I mean, I acted less like a friend and more like a crazy psycho ex
-girlfriend, which is really psycho, since I was never his girlfriend.

Well, it'll get easier and easier, and the next time it happens, you just call your big sis.

I'm a little older.

I got a little more experience.

I'll talk you through it.

[knock on door]


Ooh, boy, that's Rick.

I mean, I guess.

Who knows? Could be, whatever.

That's cool, baby.





I'm so glad to see you.

Oh! And I'm glad to see you, and I'm glad to see you.

I'm glad to see anybody and everybody.

Oh! That's cool, baby.

I just survived the flight from hell.

Oh, my God, did you sit next to a smelly? I almost died! Was it curry? That is the worst! Whew No, literally, the plane, it almost crashed.

Oh, my God, what happened? Okay, we hit this huge electrical storm.

The turbulence was unbelievable.

My plane dropped I thought I was dead.

Did you pee in your pants? You know what's weird? In that two seconds, I thought about so many things
- my family, my friends, have I done enough with my life? The pee
-pants question is still out there.

No, I didn't do anything in my pants.

The plane leveled off, I had two scotches and landed, and I came straight here.


I bet curry guy drank like a horse.

Julie must have been scared to death when you told her.

I've been trying to call her.

I keep getting her voicemail.

Well, I'm gonna get going.

See you guys later.

Holly, listen, before you go, let me just leave you with this, okay? Life is short.

If there is something you haven't done yet, you do it now
- today.


Well, I'm gonna go have me some sex.

[knock on door]



Remember earlier at the diner today when I was joking around with you about
- that was rude.

Listen, I get why you're mad at me, and I might have said some things that hurt your feelings
- What? What I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry.


Where are you going? I just have to go somewhere.


Somewhere? I love it there, although it can get a little chilly.

No, wait, that's you.

Holly, I don't have the time.

I accept your apology, okay? Fine.

You know, it takes a lot of character for a person to apologize, and I made you cookies from scratch.

And I burned myself real bad right here.

No, wait, right here.

Listen, I don't want to fight with you.

Hey, I pulled my car around front, but I'm double
-parked, so can you kinda hurry? Two seconds.

Wasn't that your neighbor that you slept with? I should have said hi.

Holly, I have to go.

Then go! I don't care what you do or who you do it with! Before I go, let me tell you this
- if somebody comes over to apologize, you should at least have the decency not to pack while they're doing it.

Andlife is short, baby, and you should treasure each moment, because the apologizer could drop dead at any moment, in which case the apologizee would feel really, really bad about being mean to her, the apologizer.

I just saw a bird.

Well, that's nice.

Was it as precious as that cloud, or the wind, or the 10 minutes you did on sunshine? You don't understand.

I never really saw a bird before.

They were just these things in trees that moved around and made noise and
- Crapped on my lawn chairs.

I'm serious.

You guys think I'm crazy, but this experience has really opened my eyes.

[knock on door]


: I'll get it! Uh, Val Tyler? That's me.

There you go.

So, I guess you work with Vince.


All right, well, you can give him this little message from Holly.

I did not care for his behavior today.

You might want to cut him some slack.

He had to go to Kingston because his grandfather died.

What? I was there when he got the call.

I'd never seen him so messed up.

Oh, my God.

This is what I'm talking about, people.

I have to go.

What? I have to go to Kingston.

Now? You're gonna go now? It's too late.

She's right.

What's the rush? Grandpa's still gonna be dead tomorrow.

Ha ha! She's funny.

He needs somebody to be there with him.

Yeah, but he'll have his family.

No! His grandfather was his only family.


Listen, I was mean to him this morning, and I was mean to him this afternoon.

I have to go there and prove to him that I can be his friend.


Gary, could you
- Right behind her.

I'm going, too.

All right, you guys.

Call me when you get there.

- All right, be careful.

- Bye.

Thank you.

See, again, that is what I'm talking about.

Life, love, friends, familydeath.

Hey, Rick, look! There's another bird out there! Oh.

[knock on door]

What are you doing here? I heard about your grandfather.

I'm so sorry.

You drove two hours just to tell me that? It doesn't matter how far I drove.

You're my friend.

I just wanted to make sure you're okay, but I don't want to interrupt your, you know so if you need anything, please call me.

Do you need anything? Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat? No, you're probably too sad to eat.

I'll just go.

You probably want to be alone.

Do you want to be alone? Or should I stay? Some people like company.

Everyone grieves in different ways.

- Do you want to come in?
- Well, I did drive two hours.

[both shivering]

She said she was gonna be five minutes.

I'm cold, and I'm going in.

No, no, no, no.

This could be their moment, and you are not gonna screw it up.

But I'm so damn cold! You want heat, shut up, and put your arms around me.

I don't know, it just doesn't
- Hug me!

Ooh, this is nice.

Look at this.

I just made the perfect last bite.

Yeah, yeah.

That's the perfect combination of mushroom, sauce, cheese, and crust.

I like to call that the golden corner.

Take it.

Oh, no, I could never eat your golden corner.

I want you to have it.


No! Not after you worked so hard to make it.

Please? No.

- Come on!
- I can't! Oh, for the love of God! A toast
- to Friends.

To friends.

[cellular phone rings]






Yeah, I know.

Did you get my message? It was really scary.

I mean, I thought
- No, I had to cancel with the real estate lady.

Well, 'cause I was a little shaken up.

I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Hey, Julie
- hello? Well, I'd better get to the hotel and check in.

Um, thanks for the pizza.

Thanks for listening to me and, you know, just kind of being there.

Are you sure you have to go? Cause I'm gonna be up until Holly gets home anyway.

Are you sure you don't mind? No, I love the company.

Well, let me just call the hotel and tell them I'm checking in later.


Oh, you can go if you want.

You don't have to stay.

I'm staying.

Well, we're just gonna watch some TV.

I'm staying.

Don't you want to get home? I'm not leaving you home alone with him, okay, 'cause I see what's happening here.

There's nothing happening here.

Okay, then you won't mind if I stay.

- Fine, stay.

I don't care.

- I can tell you do.

- I don't.

- I'm staying.

- Fine.

- He's engaged.

- We're friends.

- Then I'll go.

- Then go.

- He loves you.

- You think?
- I'm staying.

[both shivering]

Okay, now this is getting ridiculous.

It's snowing.

It's 20 degrees.

I'm gonna go up and get her.

No, no, no, no.

We're doing just fine.

Leave those two alone.

Now, get back in here, my little space heater.


Those are the Engelberg sisters.

I used to play naked leapfrog with the one in the middle.

Did you win? At naked leapfrog, everybody wins.

Why didn't you tell me about your grandfather? Why'd you just let me yell at you? I don't know.

I guess if I started telling you, I
- I just didn't.

Are you gonna be okay? Yeah, I'm gonna be fine.

I should be heading back.

If you need anything
- Um, okay.

Hey, uh I'm really glad you came.

Come here.

I'll, um, I'll see you soon.

Oh, my God, oh, my God! Get off me, girl! What's wrong with you? You're not gonna believe what happened.

Come on, I'll tell you on the way.

It's freezing out here! Why are you sweating? What do you mean, a double hug? We hugged once, and it was nice.

And then we un
-hugged, and then he looked at me, and then he pulled me in really close and really tight, and then we hugged again.

This time, really long.

He is so my boyfriend! I thought we were done with all that.

I thought we had our feet on the ground.

I thought we were healthy.

Healthy? Excuse me.

You two are the most unhealthy people I have ever seen.

Okay, you got this one running around in love, but, "No, we're just friends.

" Then all of a sudden, she's gonna marry him and have his babies because of a "second hug.

" And this one, falling in love with an engaged guy.

You're even more screwed up than the little one.

Listen, I totally went up there as Vince's friend, but obviously, things changed.

His grandfather just died.

You know, I'm sure he was feeling
- Good night.

Very tired from a great night and super
-meaningful double hug.

Okay, you were right about her, but you are dead wrong about me, okay? 'Cause I do not have feelings for
- ooh, shut up.

Well, I'd better get going.

I mean, for real this time.

Are you sure? 'Cause you're welcome to stay.

No, he needs to go.

Thanks again for everything.

Thank you.

Have a safe flight home.

OhTina! Feel my heart.

Have you ever felt somebody's heart beat so fast? You have really nice boobs.

Yesterday, I thought it was totally over, and then came that hug.

Ooh, the double hug.


And now it's back on again.

You know, I don't think I've ever gotten a double hug.

Really? It's incredible.

- Show me.

- Seriously? Yeah, I got to know.

Okay, so here comes the first hug.

After that, you're like, "Okay, well, that was a nice hug.

" Then you get some of this action.

Oh, God, he so loves you.

I know.

And, um, that's how you know when the chicken's done.

Yeah, okay, bye.



What's all this? I made you dinner.

Um, I made you chicken.

You like chicken.

And I made a salad, and I stopped at Zito's and got that bread you like.

Thank you.

That's, uh I really appreciate it.


Well, no problem.

Listen, I want to tell you that, uh What? You're a really good friend.

Oh, well, you're a really good friend, too.

Okay, well, um, the chicken's almost done, and, uh, the bread's on the table, and the salad is
- Holly, I
- I have to go.



I don't know what happened between Kingston and today, but Vince was like a different person.

I'm serious.

It was like night and day.

Well, maybe he was feeling
- Feeling nothing.

I mean, something's weird, because you can't go from an intense double hug to a pat on the arm, "You're a good friend," in less than 24 hours.

Maybe you misread
- Misread nothing! I mean, a double hug always means something, and I have never been wrong about a double hug.

How can you be so sure? You feel it.

It feels like the guy Doesn't want to let you go? Exactly.

And it's incredible.


I'll tell you one thing.

I am sick and tired of getting my hopes up.

I am done with that guy.

[telephone rings]

- I'll get it!
- I'll get it!