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02x09 - Absence Makes the Heart Grow...Never Mind

Posted: 03/28/24 17:15
by bunniefuu
You, uh, you realize that's your third grilled cheese? So what? I'm stressed out.

Well, that much cheese is too much cholesterol.

I mean, maybe you should find a healthier way of dealing with your stress.

I was thinking more of like a treadmill, but whatever helps.

Hey, I got your message.

Are you okay? No.

Last night, Henry asked me flat
-out if there's anything going on between me and Vince.


What'd you say? I didn't get a chance to answer.

Thank God Gary came over.

Now, that's a sentence you don't hear too often.

Ha ha.

Well, here's one you never hear
- "Hey, Tina, are you a supermodel?" So, if Gary hadn't come over, what would you have done? Well, nothing is going on.

Well, except that you've got a boyfriend and you have feelings for another guy.

I don't know what I'm going to do.

Well, you don't have to do anything right now.

Henry's going to Princeton this weekend, so you can put it off for a couple of days.

No, no, she should spend this weekend thinking about how she really feels.

What are you
- a chick? Let me tell you something, little one.

I am about to pick up my girlfriend at the train station who has been in France for six months.

Now, that's six months of love saved up for my baby.

Now, after she's been home for a couple of hours, why don't you ask her how much of a chick I am? Holly, is my hair too big? You really know how to dance When you go up, down, jump around Talk about true romance Yeah Keep on whispering in my ear Tell me all the things that I wanna hear 'Cause it's true What I like That's what I like about you What I like That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about Hey Uh
-huh Uh
-huh That's what I like about you Is my ticket here yet? You mean tick
-et? One tick

Your tick

'Cause you won't let me go.

It's not fair.

Okay, how old are you? It is a business trip, okay? I could only afford one ticket.

Besides, I would really like it if you would stay here with Holly.

[knock on door]


There you go.

There's your ticket and all your passes and stuff for the book fair.

- Thanks.

- Mm

Now, you have all my numbers.

I left you the extra set of house keys, and if Holly needs anything, find an adult and ask them what to do.


Oh, Vince.

Hey, guys, it's Vince.

What's new with Vince? Well, I talked to Henry last night, and he says he's going to Princeton for the weekend.

Oh, yeah, he's checking it out.

Wow, so if he ends up going to school there, what are you guys going to do? We'll be fine.

It's only an hour away by train.

It's all good, it's all fine.

God, be nosier.

Have a great trip.

Okay, I'll see you Sunday.

Get lots of clients, and don't forget my snaps.

I'll do my best, but the last time I was there, I couldn't find them anywhere.

Look harder.

What are snaps? Oh, they're these little candy things my dad used to bring home when he had business in Chicago.

Oh, that is so sweet.

The only thing my dad brought home from business trips was a new mom.

No, the flight was fine.

No problems.

Aw, Holly, you're already lonely? I'll be home Sun
- Oh.


I don't know.

They upgraded me, and I have a really nice
- Ohcrap.

I've gotta go.



What are you doing here? I'm here for the book fair.

What are you doing here? Book fair.

Yeah, I have an author here.


I have four.

You know, it's not a contest.

I know.

But I win.

So, what did you do, track me down? Okay, I think it's pretty obvious who came up with this plan.

Everywhere I go, there you are.

You're at my gym, you're at the deli, you're in Chicago.

You are obsessed with me.



Do you want me to open the champagne now? Sure.

Go ahead.

Does she know you're obsessed with me?
- I'm going to miss you.

- I'm going to miss you, too.

I'll call you every hour.

No, don't call me every hour.

I want you to have fun.

Just so you don't forget me.

She's still not here.

The train is delayed again.

- Will you just go get some pizza?
- I already had pizza.

Then go get some more pizza.

Okay, I do like pizza.


: Last call for the Washington Local with stops at Newark and Princeton Junction.

Oh, dog, I think that's you.

I'm gonna miss you, man.

I'll call you as soon as I get there.

No, don't worry about it.

Have fun.

Okay, I love you.

I love you, too, man.

- Bye.

- Have fun.


Aw I didn't think I was going to do that.

Well, you know, it is the first time you two have been apart.

Yeah, just watching him walk away kinda got me all Listen, if you need someone to talk to or you get lonely, I am right here for you.

Thank you.

I mean, he's only been gone 10 seconds, and already I feel
- Gary.

- Jill! It's my Jill! Hey.

Tina will be there for you, baby.


It's okay.

You can stay out here.

I know.

I don't need your permission.

Where is your friend? She's in there.

Then why are you out here? Uh, 'cause she's in there.

What, you don't like her? She's great.

She's great.

It's just we've been going out off and on for over a year, and I think she wants to talk about moving to New York with me and making a commitment.

Keep making that "Do I smell poo?" face and she won't want to.

I just want things to stay the same.

And if we don't talk, they will.

You suck.

I went out with a guy just like you for almost a year.

I thought we were going to spend the rest of our lives together, you know, get married, raise a family, maybe get a Yorkie.

When I found out he didn't want that, everything just sort of went to hell.

Did you guys have good sex? Wait.

Wait, wait, I'm sorry.

Look, what should the guy have done? He should've told me from the very beginning.

So you think that's what I should do? Oh, you can do whatever you want.

Well, what I want is to tell her I'm going out for ice, disappear into the night, go back to New York, and fake my own death.

Yep, you suck.

- Hey.

- Hi.


No messages.

I can't believe Henry hasn't called yet.

Somebody misses her boyfriend.

Maybe I should call him.

Hey, let me ask you something.

If you were stuck on a deserted island would you rather have your boyfriend, s'mores, or a flare g*n? My boyfriend.


Let's say that your boyfriend had an ice cream cone, he clearly licked it all over, and then offered you a lick.

Would you lick it? Of course.

Oh, my God.

You're in love.

I'm just worried about him.

No, no, I can prove it.


"Cosmo," May 1992
- "Do you love your boyfriend?" You laminated it? It wasn't that expensive.

I'm going to call him.

He said he would call me every hour, and he hasn't called me once.


My God, I wonder if something happened to him.

Okay"When you don't hear from your boyfriend, do you immediately assume the worst?" You are crazy in love! Henry? Holly? I can hardly hear you.

Are you okay? Yeah! I'm great! This place is incredible.

Okay, good, I was getting a little worried because you said you were going to call every hour and you didn't, so Well, you told me not to.

Oh, I know I told you not to, I just, you know, thought you would.

But you told me not to.

You said to have fun and not think about you.

But you said you were going to miss me so much you were going to call me every hour.

But you told me not to! Not to call me every hour, but you could've called at least once.

Why are you yelling at me for doing exactly what you wanted me to do? Because you're yelling at me! I'm yelling over the party! You're at a party? Yes, and I'm having fun, just like you told me to! Good for you.

- why are you mad?
- I'm not!
- You sound mad.

I am! I gotta go! Bye! Oh, my God.

"Do you pick irrational fights with your boyfriend?" You love him so much! Why does everyone keep saying that? Because it's true.

I just screamed at him.

He made me feel sick to my stomach all day, and he made me cry in the middle of Penn Station! Aw, he made you cry? Well, what did he do? He left! Oh, my God.

Lauren, I think you're right.

I love Henry! Oh, I knew it! I knew it! Guys suck! Cal calls me up all sexy and everything and is like, "I want to talk," so I race over there, and check this out
- he really wanted to talk.


You know what? The next time Cal calls me, I am just going to tell him
- I love Henry!
- What? I love Henry! I mean, the reason I've been so confused about my feelings for Henry and my feelings for Vince is because I haven't committed to Henry, and now I can! I'm going to call Henry and tell him.

Whoa, whoa, wait a minute.

This is huge.

I mean, you know, once you say it, it is out there.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

So, all of a sudden, your feelings for Vince
- just disappeared?
- Don't you see what I was doing? I was so afraid of committing to Henry that I invented feelings for Vince.

I mean, Henry is considerate, he's loyal, he's always there for me You just described a friend.

Which is something that you are so not being right now.

Otherwise, I think you'd be a little more supportive.

Now hand over the phone.

I'm going to call my boyfriend and tell him that I love him.

- No!
- See? What? You cannot profess your love over the phone.

I mean, in extreme circumstances, sure, I've done it, like if the guy's in the Peace Corps or prison.

I have to tell him tonight.

I mean, he has been waiting so long.

He doesn't care how I tell him.

No, it'll be so much more romantic in person.

You're right.

I'm going right now.

I'm going to go to Princeton to tell Henry that I love him.

You don't even know where he is.

I do.

He's at a party.

- Which one?
- A Princeton one.

Holly, are you insane? There's, like, It's a college campus on a Saturday night.

Yeah, Tina is right.

I'm going to have to borrow something really cute from Val! Why do you keep avoiding me? I'm not avoiding you.

I just miss Chicago.

I wanted to see the view.

Look, I know it makes you uncomfortable, but we really need to talk.

Peter, the thing is
[cellular phone rings]

Hello? Hey, it's me.

Were you asleep? No.


Why are you whispering? You're not going to believe this.

Peter is in the room next to me.

He's with a girl.

I'm trying to hear them.

You don't have cable there? What do you want? I want to go to Princeton.

Oh, honey, that's great.

But have you seen your S.



scores? No.

I want to go tonight.

I want to go to see Henry to tell him that I
- Wait, wait, wait.


You know, with you in New York and me here in Chicago, it's been really hard for me.

I need more than three or four reunions a year.

Well, if you want to go back in, we could have three or four reunions right now.


Okay, uh, what were you saying? You're going to go see Henry? Yeah, I want to tell him I love him.

What? Yeah.

I finally figured it out.

That's why I've been so confused.

You're breaking up with me? Oh, my God.

I know.

It's huge.

I gotta go catch my train, but Lauren and Tina are coming with me, so don't worry.

Can you believe it? I love Henry.

Okay, I love you, too.



: Well, I was going to break up with you.


Because I'm not ready for a commitment, and I thought you were, and I wasn't even going to sleep with you before I did it.


: You've got mail.

Who's in here?! Hi, I'm Laurie.

I'm a freshman.

Somebody said you have beer? Hey.

Oh, hey, did you find him? No, I looked everywhere.

I'm going to try calling him again.

You know what this is? This is a sign.

This is a sign that it's not meant to be.

It's not a sign.

Henry? Hey, where are you? In your kitchen.

What? What are you doing there? Eating a doughnut hole.

Where are you? I'm in Princeton.

I wanted to see you.

I wanted to see you, too.

I felt so bad about our fight.

You went all the way home to see me? You went all the way to Princeton to see me? Aw I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, too.

Come back, I'll wait for you here.

Oh, I can't.

I think we missed the last train, but I really, really need to see you.

Hey, if you come over first thing in the morning,
- I'll make you breakfast.

- I'll be there.

- First thing?
- I promise.

Hey, by the way, I think those doughnut holes are, like, three months old.

You okay? Not really.

I did what you said.

Idumped Maureen.

You are sickening.

I heard the whole thing.

I know your girlfriend dumped you.

Why can't you just tell me that? Well, if I'd known you were eavesdropping, I would have! You know what? You are an egomaniac.

I'm sure you have convinced yourself that you actually did break up with her.

Why can't you just admit to yourself that there might be someone out there who might not like you? Why can't you just admit to yourself that you actually like someone? Who do I like? Me.

You? Ha ha! Oh That is silly.



Then why were you eavesdropping on me all night? My balcony door was open.

I can't control what my ears hear.

- You like me!
- I do not like you.

- I bet you do.

- I bet I don't.

So, who won the bet? Oh, I, uh, I think you know.

[knock on door]

One sec.

- Hey.

- Hey I'm so glad to see you.

I'm so glad to see you, too.

- Come here.

- Is everything okay? Everything's fantastic.


Hooha! Ha ha ha ha.


Henry I am so happy.

I am really happy, too.

Wait, don't talk.

I've been thinking about this, and I want it to come out perfect.


Henry I am so happy.

And you are such a big part of that.

Ever since we started going out

: Holly!
- What? Jill
- she's going back to France.

She broke up with me.

Oh, bummer.

Listen, go home, write down everything
- that happened, and fax it to me.

- Holly Oh, um, sorry, Gary, I feel your pain, but I really need to talk to Henry alone right now.

Uh, why don't you go wait upstairs? Okay.

Do you mind if I grab a roll? No, no, go ahead.

Oh, my damn.



Aww, Jill! I am so happy.

Ever since we started going out
- Holly?
- What? Why was Gary going into your room, crying into a croissant?
- Oh.


- Yes.

Okay, right, I'm going.

- Henry
- Hey, was that the last croissant? Oh, thanks.

Oh! Okay, where was I? Um, Henry, I am so happy.

And I'm a really big part of that Right.

Ha ha ha.

And, um, ever since
- Holly?
- Oh, my God, what? What? I was just coming over to
- oh.

Hey, Henry.

Hey, uh, listen, I gotta go
- No, wait, where are you going? To the bathroom.


Go ahead.

Have you told him? No, everybody keeps interrupting me.

More signs.

People interrupting me is not a sign.

Me not being able to find Henry is not a sign.

Me going to Princeton and Henry coming here is not a sign.

There are no signs.



I, uh, I brought something for you.

Snaps? How did you
- You, uh, you said you couldn't find them anywhere.

And there's this old
-time candy shop in the Village, so I took a shot and there they were.


Thank you.

You're welcome.

Hey, dude, how was, uh, Princeton? Short, but awesome.

Uh, come on, Vince, I'm going to go on down to the diner
- you know, the one with the big flashing neon sign? So, see you guys later? What is that? Oh.

Oh, just some candy that I couldn't find.


So, what did you want to tell me? Oh, oh, um, I just wanted to tell you that I I missed you.

- you went all the way to Princeton just to tell me you missed me? Yep, well, I missed you a lot.

I missed you, too.

Oh, Holly, you are not going to believe this.

Remember how I told you Peter was in the room next to me with some girl? She broke up with him
- and then some other stuff happened.

Okay, I'm going to go upstairs and unpack.

Wait, don't go.

I was just telling Henry that I missed him, and that's all.


Oh, it's going to be okay, Gary.

You'll move on.

You know what they say.

C'est la vie.



My Jill!