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02x04 - It's Easier to Handcuff a Human Being

Posted: 03/27/24 21:47
by bunniefuu
[FAITH] Previously on Will Trent...

Faith, would you like
to introduce me to your friend?

Luke Sullivan. Atlanta Star Standard.

- So you wanna go get a drink now?
- Absolutely.

Crystal, last time I checked in with your
mom, she said you guys were leaving town.

Yeah, she went to New Orleans.

She's scared of me.
I k*lled her boyfriend.

We're gonna figure out
some better situation for you.

I'll text you my new number.

I need space, Michael.

I just wanna say,
I'm still in if you are.

I don't know if I am.

Will and I made a list of all the kids
we can remember from that group home.

[FAITH] Pee-Pee Percy.

- Will?
- Percy.

I'm a Private Investigator
licensed with the state.

Antonio Miranda.

Lucy's brother.

Your uncle.

Family is everything.


♪ You know I'm staying To my truest ♪

♪ Push-ups and proteins
Calamari and collard greens ♪

[PERSON] Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug.


Yo, your lame ass
couldn't even finish.

- Come on.
- My God, man.

- Oh, Alex is smiling.
- Okay.

- No, no. No.
- Drink up, baby.

Bradley, give him some.
You too, Nicole. Drink.

- [NICOLE] Cheers.
- [ALEX] Cheers.

- [PERSON] That's right.




- Help.

It was the boo hag.

So, uh, what can you tell me?

Mr. Antonio Miranda
lives a pretty quiet life.

Hangs out at a social club for Puerto
Rican transplants near Five Points.

Got his phone and email too.


Oh. You wanna go for a walk, girl?

Hey, Nico. Can you take Betty out?


I'm Nico, by the way.

Oh, he's not staying long.Cool.

- Roommates?
- No. Nico...

Nico's my, um...

Head of house. I'm like Will's Alfred.

You ever need dirt
on this guy, let me know.

- Thank you, Nico.
- Let's go.

So, um, any idea
why Antonio changed his name?

I can look into it.

Have to bill you though.

Why'd you ask me to do this anyway?

You're Special Agent
Trash Trent of the GBI.

You're Pee-Pee Percy.
King of the private dicks.


It's a personal matter. He's my uncle.

Mmm. The biological family.
I went down that rabbit hole.

Sometimes it's better not knowing.

Yeah, I know.

Hey, you remember that old
foster dad? Sleeveless Jack.

[WOMAN] Oh, you wanna hit me?
Go ahead. I'll call the cops.

[JACK] If you do, I'll k*ll you.

[WOMAN] You can't k*ll me,
because then who would take care of...

- This is outrageous!

What about him?

[PERCY] He died. Lung cancer.

I hadn't heard.

Mean old bastard.

But he hung in there,
didn't he? What a fighter.

I had him getting clipped way sooner.

Great work, Percy.


Oh, hey. Uh... You like cornhole?

I have to get to work now.

Yeah. All right. Okay.


Oh, good. You both are here.

Okay. So are you going undercover
to find the ath-leisure k*ller?

She fights crime one
SoulCycle at a time.

Oh, so you got jokes.

I got a nail in my tire
on my way to the park for a run.

Had to wait for a tow
when I lost my keys.

But here's the punch line. You two are
going to Mathis. There's been an abduction.

That's a haul. It's near
the coast, south of Savannah.

Peach Cobbler County. Maybe
we'll even get to see the ocean.

What do we know?

Four young people went
into the woods to party.

- Only one came out.
- Any witnesses?

The one friend who escaped.
Says a boo hag took the others.

- A what?
- A spirit that drains souls.

- You mean like Amanda?

I'm surprised a youngster like
you even knows about this stuff.

Gullah Geechee culture? Of course.
My spiritual adviser talks about it.

You have a spiritual adviser?

How else do you think
I get through working with you?

Just go find out what happened
and arrest a real live person.

Caroline, have you found
my spare keys yet?

Polaski, you are never gonna believe
the case that Atkins just traded me.

Pudding? Are you serious?

What's wrong with pudding?

The texture. It's gross.

Would you eat ketchup by itself?

Yeah, if it tasted like pudding.

What's up with the case?

Okay. So, a valet
at some swanky hotel in Midtown,

he has details on a possible homicide
from last year, and now he wants to talk.

- He waited a year?
- No, he waited for a rainy day.

He just got caught selling dr*gs,
and now he wants to cut a deal.

- Can't knock the hustle.
- Yeah. And get this.

The victim is none other
than Margarita Royale.

- Oh, no.
- Yeah.

Who is that?

Are you telling me
you've never seen Ex-wives of Atlanta?

You're telling me you have?

Uh, yeah.
Every Sunday night with Gina.

Ex-wives is our safe space.

What is the actual case?

Okay. So, last year Margarita
fell off a rooftop, okay?

But it was between seasons,
so there's no footage.

Margarita's death was
declared an accident.


The world mourned,
but the world moved on.

And now our valet is saying
that she was m*rder*d?

Yes, he was the first one
on the scene.

And evidently, Margarita's dying
words were, "That bitch pushed me."

- That is a great quote.
- It is a great quote.

- And you know who's going to love this?
- Gina.

Thank you very much,
drug-dealing valet guy.

This is the biggest case
of our lives, Angie.

Alex and Nicole
both got into Chapel Hill,

so we went out
to the woods to celebrate.

- Alex is your cousin?
- Yeah.

Nicole Walker's his girlfriend,
and RJ is my best buddy.

Talk me through what happened
at the time of the attack.

I already told Sheriff Eppley.

The boo hag att*cked us.
I freaked out, and I ran.

I don't know
what happened to the others.

What exactly
does this boo hag look like?

Seven feet tall, covered
in moss, and skin like a tree.

Okay. Oak or birch?

I'm not lying, okay?

My cousin might be dead.

We'll get to the bottom
of this, Bradley.

I can't believe it's real.

I... I never actually thought
that it took the others.

- But now...
- Wait. Shh.

What others?

All right, here's what I know.

From 1998 to 2016, five people
in Mathis have gone missing.

Their families don't know
what happened to 'em.

Maybe they latch onto the boo
hag as a... a coping mechanism.

Either way, myth lives on.

Well, who are these other people?
Is it possible they just ran away?

Smart money says yes. I mean,
they were mostly troubled folks.

But with the Geechee history
in this town,

anytime something weird happens,
it's the boo hag.

What can you tell us
about the crime scene?

Gullah Geechee graveyard.
And it's clean.

You wanna check it out?
Get you the coordinates.

Are you trying to give me nightmares?

Boo hag. Traditional depiction.
I think it's beautiful.

So, Nicole goes to pee
behind this tree...

[NICOLE] Hold my beer.

- [FAITH] Screams.

What was that? You all right?

Everybody comes to help... Is she okay?

[FAITH] ...and boo hag.

[PERSON] Go ahead. I'll call the cops.

- This is outrageous.


Stop. Do you even know
how many beers Bradley had?

- [FAITH] You think he's lying?
- I think he's a suspect.

How many cases have you worked where
the perp was some hocus-pocus spirit?

- Can you have a little respect?
- For the boo hag?

Stop crapping all over
the Gullah Geechee culture.

It is a part of African spirituality
that made it through sl*very.

Are we fighting? May I speak?

Not with that tone.

I'm sorry for disrespecting
the Gullah Geechee culture.

Not my intention. Thank you.

However, I do believe that the
combination of alcohol and darkness

can make a bush
look like Freddy Krueger.

Fair. Shall we look for evidence?


I will list things I like
about you as I go.


Smells like stale beer.

No bottles left behind.
No sign of a disturbance.

I think you have a great
assortment of snazzy vests.

Thank you. The RealReal.

Whoever did this covered their tracks.

Your car, despite being incredibly
messy, has a certain panache.

At any point in time you'd like to
say something nice about me, feel free.

No, I'm good.

This is weird.
It looks like fake grass.

I can see the thread.

Whoever did this, they're smart.
But they're human.

They thought they could clean up
this entire crime scene,

but they made mistakes.

Mistakes happen when we rush,
and we rush when we're scared.

Whoever did this, they think and feel.

Who would wanna
hurt these kids? And why?

[FAITH] What is it?


Boo hag.


[WILL] It's RJ. He's alive.

He was tall and covered in grass.

What happened
after the boo hag att*cked?

We tried to fight it,
but it was way too strong.

I must have tripped over a root.

I fell and hit my head pretty hard.
I don't remember much after that.

Whoever did this, they took Alex and
Nicole. Why didn't they take you too?

The boo hag must not have
seen me after I fell.

Th-The witch didn't see me either.

- Sorry, there's a witch now too?
- Erykah.

The witch is named Erykah?

Erykah Goodwine.

It's a Geechee lady in town.
Practices hoodoo.

- We should visit her.
- [WILL] Great.

A human lead. I think you and I
are finally in agreement.


She can walk to the crime
scene from her house.

Yeah. She never has to
decorate for Halloween.

You're doing it again.

Y'all here to arrest me?

Why would we do that?

The last Geechee woman in
Mathis. I am the root of all evil.

Ain't that right, Sheriff Eppley?

Erykah Goodwine, meet Special Agents
Will Trent and Faith Mitchell of the GBI.

I assume you heard about the four young
people who were att*cked Friday night?

Alex Helms and Nicole Walker
are still missing.

Shame it wasn't all of 'em.

Not a fan. Got it.

Care to tell us what you were doing
at the graveyard the next morning?

Cleaning up their crap.

It is my ancestors' resting place.

I go there every week to pay my
respects and pick up their vapes.

Very disrespectful. You know,
maybe they needed to be punished.

You have a room full of weapons.

They're tools. I'm a sculptor.

Where did you get these from?

The graveyard.

But I already told you
I thought it was trash.

Where were you Friday night?

I was here working.

And yes, I was alone.
And no, nobody saw me.

Oh, boy.

[FAITH] That's a weak alibi, Erykah.

We're gonna need to take these,
uh, bottles for evidence.

[CHUCKLES] Be careful.

I use those bottles
to catch evil spirits.

I'm fine with that risk. You care
to come down to sheriff's station

and answer a few more questions?

[SCOFFS] I would not.

And unless you're
planning to arrest me,

I'm just gonna keep on working.

You don't mind if we put a deputy
in front of your house, do you?

Not at all.

I mean, you don't mind if I
put a hex on all of you, do you?

By all means.

- Boo!


Sheriff, can you
get the bottles, please?



All right. So, Margarita Royale

- started a tequila company, right?
- Yes.

In this episode is the bottling party

where she kicks Adela out
the second she walks in.

But they're friends. They bought
matching G-wagens in season two.

Were friends. Until Adela showed up
to Margarita's party in a green dress.

It's the color of jealousy.

Okay. This is not real life.

This is not their life. We gotta bring
'em in and see who they are off camera.

You know, today just
keeps getting better and better.

Gina's gonna wanna renew our vows.

Green is the color
of money, honey, okay?

Clearly, I wasn't the jealous one.

But in the following episode, you
said that the only party for Margarita

you would go to would be her funeral.

And guess what color I wore.


So a week after Margarita's death,

you changed your dog's name
from Miss Thang to Gravity?

Gravity's a bitch,

and I love her.

Hey there, boo-boo. [KISSING]

Y'all ain't got
no dog treats or something?

Is there anything else
you can tell us about Margarita?

[SIGHS] Listen,
Margarita slept with my ex.

I guess that other shoe
dropped with her.


[ANGIE] So you were
Margarita's assistant.

And then I became a star.

Why didn't Margarita invite you
to her bottling party?

You helped create her tequila brand.
You were with her every step of the way.

[SIGHS] I was invited. I didn't go.

Yeah, but at the after party for Adela's
son's communion, she said that...

Margarita said all sorts of things.

She always act like I owed her, but
really, it was the other way around.

What do you mean she owed you?

Because I'm Shanitra Hux.

I don't make friends, I make bucks.

- That's her tagline. [LAUGHS] That's amazing.

- Thank you so much.
- Mm-hmm.

So, they're exactly the same
off camera as they are on.

Well, I've never seen anybody
French-kiss a dog before.

So maybe they all k*lled her together?

Well, I've seen them try to
do team activities on the show.

There's just no way. Wait.

I have an idea.

[AMANDA] Any leads on the kids?

Well, my money was on Bradley,
but, um, well, RJ backed up his story.

We do have a possible suspect.

She's a witch.

- Your monitor.

- Faith, check your...
- I hear it.


Suspect's name is Erykah Goodwine.

[WILL] She has motive, and she
tampered with the crime scene.

You know, maybe she also abducted
the owner of this bed-and-breakfast.

Relax. Do you need a protein bar?


If Erykah is behind this,
I'm not sure how.

Fighting four adults
and moving two is hard work.


Well, maybe she had an accomplice.

There have been a few other
disappearances over the years.

I'm looking into them to see
if I can find a connection.


Okay. Keep me posted.



- Who is this?

[DISTORTED] Amanda Wagner,
it's time to pay.

Excuse me? [SCOFFS] Who is this?



Your rooms are on the second floor.

How about that?

- We get our own rooms this time.
- Mm-hmm.

Well, you'll be sharing a bathroom.

And the key, don't lose it.

How could we?

Mr. Miranda,

my name is Special Agent Will Trent with
the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.

I tracked down your information
with the help of a private investigator.

[NICO] I have to stop you.

Is the point of this letter to make your
uncle think he's getting subpoenaed?

[WILL] Okay,
head of house. You write it.

[NICO] Thank you. I will.
I'll use your stationery.

I have stationery?

I ordered it. It's embossed.

- Who told you you could...

I gotta go.

- You have an uncle?
- Excuse me?

Thin walls. I heard everything.
That's exciting.

Why are you here?

I've been looking into
the other missing persons.

Four confirmed dead. su1c1de, bar fight,
overdose, and k*lled by a drunk driver.

Mmm. Bleak.

The only unknown is the most recent
disappearance, Kenneth Goddard,

he went missing in 2016.
He was a teenager.

His sneakers were found by a cliff,

but no body, no updates,
no nothing. Just vanished.

Hmm. Maybe he was partying
at the graveyard?

I hope Erykah's not connected
to any of this.

Why's that?

Other than her being the only Black
person I've seen since we got here?

Yeah, I get it.



- I need the bathroom ladle.

Hey. Thought I heard your voice.

Luke. Why... Why are you here?

Yeah. Why are you here?

Two missing teens, a ghost
and cultural appropriation?

I mean, that's a layup.

Plus, I, uh, heard that
you were working this case.

Okay. I gotta go to bed. All right?

[LUKE] Hey, I've...

Thin walls, Mitchell.

- [MITCHELL] Uh...


You know, you look good.

So do you.

Old Ms. Frizzle gave me a suite.

It has a really nice shower in it.


If you need one, you know.

Good to know. [CHUCKLES]

Good night.



Hey. Where you going?

I have to go.

No, you don't.

I like this.

Me too.


- What was that?

[WILL] Faith!

[FAITH] Are you a believer now?


But this is a bit unusual.

Sir. Ma'am. Tuck Morton.
Mathis High School News.

Any comments on the boo hag?

Did he just call me ma'am?

He did. No comment.

Sir, please. I'm live streaming.

Look, only connection between
what happened to your classmates

and these birds, is that
a boo hag was not involved.

This, I assume,
was caused by flushing.

Like a toilet?

No, not like a toilet.

It's when a large bird att*cks
a group of smaller birds,

and in this case, flying them
right into this bed-and-breakfast.

This was not magic
or some evil spirit, all right?

Just good old nature.


We got a call about a missing kid.

- Could be related to our case.
- You put out an Amber Alert?

Oh, no, no. Not-Not a "kid" kid.
Like a "baby goat" kid.

- You understand?
- I see.

Is this the first goat
in town to disappear?

Do we have a serialist on our hands?

Well, actually, we might.

Cameron says this has happened
more than a few times.

Where's the farm located?

Hop in.

What's, uh...

- What happened here?
- Flushing.

What, like a toilet?

Which direction is the
crime scene from here?

Well, it's a hike,
but it's over that way.

Sheriff Eppley told me
this has happened before.

A few times a year.

And you're sure it's not a coyote?

Coyote can't lift a goat over
that fence, Special Agent Trent.

Besides, whoever did this
left a footprint this time.

[WILL] Big foot.

It's not Bigfoot. Trust me.

[WILL] Sheriff, could you
please photograph this?

They were here.

The grass from the cemetery.
It's the same.

It's fake.

Whoever took your goats

is wearing a ghillie suit.

And I think they took Alex
and Nicole too.

[HANNAH] Nicole's been
my best friend since forever.

Did you grow up
with the other two boys?

Yeah. With Alex.

Bradley and RJ are older.

Bradley used to buy us alcohol.

It was kinda cool at the time,

but now that I think about it,
kinda gross.

- Did you get a bad feeling about him?
- I don't know.

He works at the pharmacy,
so we see him there.

He's just one of those guys
who peaked in high school.

I know he was shocked
that Alex got Nicole.

Can you think of anyone who
might wanna hurt any of them?

You mean besides the witch?

I assume you mean Erykah Goodwine.

She goes ballistic
when people disrespect her.

I hope she didn't
turn them into birds.

Thank you, Hannah.

If anything else comes to mind,
just give us a call.

Hey. Cup of joe?

I got some, uh, pumpkin spice creamer.

Although I'm pretty sure
that's from last fall.


Uh. No.

Aha. Somebody insecure about
their ability to get people to talk.

Oh, this coming from the guy who
confessed his feelings to me this morning.

- All I said was, "I like this."
- Uh-huh.


Hey. Did you ever get
a chance to look into

the missing person I told you about?

Maybe. I need to see
your interview with RJ first.

- You show me yours, I'll show you mine.

Ken Goddard. Both parents deceased.

Although I spoke to his teacher,

and she said that he was
a sweet kid, quiet,

but he was absent a lot.

She thought he was
in the hospital. And get this,

a few months before he went missing,

he started doing odd jobs
for Erykah Goodwine.


Are you kidding me?
I was really rooting for her.

You know what?
The teacher gave me this photo.


Hey. Where you going?

- You said that you'd show me yours. So...
- Mm-hmm.

I think I proved who's better
at getting people to talk.

[ANGIE] You told Gina about the case?

[MICHAEL] Yeah, I did.

I don't know what's going on with her.

It's like she's in some kind
of a fog or something.

Still? Talk about that more.
What did she say?

Have you guys talked about it?

Everyone doesn't always
have to talk about everything.

We show up for each other.

What did you find out
about Shanitra's financials?

Actually, Shanitra filed
for bankruptcy last year,

and the bank foreclosed
on the house and hookah lounge.

Welcome to K's Slaughterhouse.
Is this your first time here?

Hey, look at you.

It's my first week. Thank you.

No, you got this on your own.

Um, I'm Crystal.
I'll be helping you out today.

We're, uh...
We're waiting on one more.

I'll go grab three waters.

And three coffees please.

Thank you.



- She's the girl with...
- Yeah.

- ...Lenny?
- Yes.

Just... Didn't know
you guys were in touch.

We are not. She just needed a job.

- [CHUCKLES] There he is! Hey, hey.
- Hello, hello, hello.

Detective Polaski, meet Brent Swan,

executive producer of Ex-Housewives.

[ANGIE] Thanks for coming.

We're looking into
the death of Margarita Royale.

Yeah, we need your raw audio.

Anything you have
after Margarita passed.

I didn't realize Margarita's death

was under investigation.
I mean, she fell.

Right? I mean... I'm not
in any trouble, am I? [CHUCKLES]

That depends.

This can go two ways.

You make our lives easy,
or we make your life hell.

Make your life hell. Ah.

- You are a real fan. Oh.
- Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Aviva said that to the
party bus driver in Spanish.

- She wanted them to stop for pretzels.
- Pretzels. Yeah.

Well, whatever you guys need,
it's yours.

And speaking for all of the ex-wives,

nothing's more important than truth

and honor and justice and drama.

[FAITH] Mossy.

The skin of a tree,
just like Bradley and RJ said.

Our attacker was
wearing a ghillie suit.

Plastic fabric at the goat pen,
and graveyard confirm it.

I have an idea who it was,

but he's been presumed dead
for the past eight years.

Ken Goddard. He's tall, big.
Just look at the kid.

And before he disappeared,

he was spending a lot of time
with Erykah Goodwine.

Sheriff, what was the size of the shoe

Goddard left on the cliff?

One sec.


- Thirteen.
- Same as the footprint.

I think we found our accomplice.

[FAITH] Yeah, but why would Ken
wanna hurt these kids?

You know, I spent some time last night

educating myself about the boo hag

to better myself and our partnership.

You know, it started as a way
to explain strange behavior.

Depression, you got the boo hag.

Paranoia, the boo hag got you.

Boo hag's just a name
for the thing that haunts us

and we all have something.

Sexual as*ault, mental illness,
addiction, trauma.

Those are real demons.

I think Ken Goddard
faked his own death.

Maybe Erykah Goodwine
is Ken's boo hag.

Maybe she controlled him back then

and she's still controlling him now.

The only way to prove it
is we need to find him.


It's all so fuzzy.

Alex and I went to the
graveyard, we drank some beer,

and then it all went black.

And then what?

I don't...
I don't wanna remember this.

I know it's not easy.

Everything just went black.

When I woke up, it was dark.

I-I could hear water rushing, I think.

That's good.

[FAITH] Amanda, I need a favor.

Can you help expedite a warrant

for Ken Goddard's medical records?

We're just trying
to learn more about this kid.

We think he might still be alive.

Yeah. I'm sorry, Amanda.
I have to call you back.

Hey, what are you two doing here?

We, uh, heard about Nicole.

Is she okay?

Does she remember what happened?

Guys, listen.

If you really wanna help,
let Nicole get some rest.

Hey. Nicole Walker
isn't allowed any visitors

unless they've been cleared
by me. You understand?

Nicole said she heard rushing water.

That could have been highway noise.

It's amazing she survived.

Yeah, she got lucky.

The nurse told me that Nicole's
wounds were packed with mud.

She said maybe
that helped stave off infection.

Of course. I'll meet you there
in a minute. All right.

H-Hey. Where you going?

- Oof. He's cold-blooded.
- Shut up. Follow me.

Where? Why?

The man came all the
way to Mathis to see me.

The only reason he'd ignore
me is if he had a massive lead.

Now, come on.


Okay. He's going to the graveyard.

If we keep following,
he's gonna make us,

which isn't ideal
for me personally. So...


...any chance
you wanna take this for me?

Go away.

[FAITH] What is it?

- Nothing.
- No. Not nothing.

Something's off with you.
You see something. What is it?

- I don't wanna talk about it, Faith.
- We're partners, Will.

This whole thing is about us
being honest with each other.

Not about what you don't
wanna talk about.

I don't know what's happening, okay?


I might be losing my mind.

I'm seeing...

What are you seeing?


It's me when I was 12.

He's been following me around.

Did something happen when you were 12?

This foster dad...

named Jack...

k*lled his wife while I was there.

Did you see it happen?


I don't remember.

My memory of that year is...
is a little foggy.

Well, that sounds big
and really terrible.

You're not crazy.

Just think that little twelve-year-old

needs your attention.

What the hell are you guys doing here?

There you are.

- Hi.
- RJ said that he

wanted to talk to me. Alone.

We're in the middle
of an investigation, Luke.

If RJ has something to say,
we need to hear it.

Oh, so you're stalking me now, huh?

Hey, you're the one
who followed me to Mathis.

- When's the wedding?

Who said we're getting married?

Who said we're not?


Blood is fresh. This just happened.

When'd you talk to him?

Not even an hour ago. I...


It's from Erykah's shop.

- m*rder*r!
- You're a m*rder*r!

- m*rder*r!
- m*rder*r!

- m*rder*r!
- m*rder*r!

Would someone mind explaining
when and how I k*lled RJ?

I mean, obviously I was framed.

You've had a deputy up my butt
since y'all got here.

Tell us about Ken Goddard.

I... Why would you bring him up?

Alex Helms is still missing.

We found your feather on RJ's body.

It went from bad to worse
for you, Erykah.

We know you had
a relationship with Ken.

A relationship?

I gave Ken a place to be.

We made bottle trees,
and we went on hikes.

That boy deserved so much better
than what he got...

and that's all I'm gonna say.

Yeah, there's no way she's gonna...

Guys, please get this done.

It smells like Chardonnay
and cotton candy in here.

Oh, we got her, Captain.

Yeah, we better. I can't
take any more audio about...

I don't care. I just...

Don't. Please. Make it stop.

I already told y'all.

I had nothing to do
with Margarita falling.

She's lucky I only pushed her.

Is that all y'all got?

That could be anything.

[ANGIE] Let me remind you
when you said this.

You'd just had that fight with Adela,

where she called you broke

and bougie with a fake ex-husband.

It must've hurt.

I mean, you said it yourself.
Margarita owed you.

You built her tequila business,
and she pushed you out.

How'd you say it? "Margarita thought
she had a monopoly on artisanal tequila

just because of her name.
She's lucky I only pushed her."

Margarita did you dirty, Shanitra.

She bled you dry
with that lawsuit on purpose.

I lo... I lost my house.

I mean, the pro... the producer said

my lifestyle wasn't luxurious enough.

They were gonna
kick me off of the show.

I... I couldn't let her win.

Sign a confession,
and we can make a deal.

Hey, guys, uh...

So, if she's gonna confess,
can I get it in tighter?

[CAPTAIN HELLER] Get him out of here!

I'm not going to prison.
I'm not going to prison!

Hold on. Oh, man.

Uh, can we block the exits?

- Oh, no, no.

Just let her tire herself out.

It's just like season 4
at the Korean spa.

Our best episode.

- [OFFICER] Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey.
- No, no, no!

What the hell just happened?

Oh, it's fine, sir.
She's in the, uh, supply room.


- I think she's telling the truth.
- Maybe these will help.

Hospital just sent over
Goddard's medical records

and Nicole Walker's tox report.

- Look at this.
- No, you look at this.

- Is that word, um...
- Yep.

And does this mean...

Oh, God. I'll go.

Erykah, I know you didn't k*ll RJ.

But I do think Ken is still alive,

and I think he has Alex.

I need you to help me find him.

Yeah. Okay.

Ken, you here?

Ken Goddard, come on out. Come on.

Why was RJ trying to meet

with a journalist before
he was m*rder*d?

I don't know.

RJ wasn't as dumb as you think.

He wanted to tell the truth
before things got worse.

- [OFFICER] There's something up ahead.


I know why you disappeared.

All the cuts and broken bones
in your medical history.

It's your parents,

they abused you.

That's why you left to live
out here away from people.


I've been there, Ken.

I know what it's like to hide.

I've been doing it my whole life.

But you have to trust me.

Come out the cave, Ken.

Show me Alex is alive.

Bradley, I know what happened.

I know what happened.

[FAITH] You were jealous of Alex,

and you wanted Nicole.

Nicole had flunitrazepam
in her system.

Enough to knock her out for a while.

And guess what we found
in the beer bottles.

It must've been a coincidence

that your manager at the pharmacy

said that a vial
was missing from the log.

And nice touch,
framing Erykah Goodwine.

[BRADLEY] Cheers.

[WILL] Bradley drugged Alex
and Nicole...

because he
and RJ wanted to r*pe Nicole.

They were the monsters, not you.

They didn't plan on you being
in the woods that night.


Stop it!

[WILL] Alex and Nicole were hurt,

so you nursed them back to health.

Erykah told me she taught you
how to heal your own wounds.

So you did that for Nicole.

I know the truth.

It's time to stop hiding, Ken.

Bradley Bitterlich,
you're under arrest

for the m*rder of RJ Fowler

and the attempted r*pe
of Nicole Walker.

I didn't wanna hurt anybody.

I know.

Ms. Goodwine.

I just... just wanted to check in.

You planning on reaching out to Ken?

I can connect you two
before I head back to the city.

Yeah, he's been doing fine
on his own all these years.

He'll reach out when he's ready.

Not all of us are so fortunate
to have someone like you.


This will protect you
from the evil spirits.

As long as you don't act like a jerk.

- [AMANDA] That what I think it is?
- One peach cobbler.

So, are you disappointed
it really wasn't a boo hag?

Hmm, no. It's easier to handcuff
a human being.

completely rational explanation.

Don't look so smug, Will.

Fine. I guess I'll go back
to looking annoyed.

- Okay. Can we go now?
- I got my peach cobbler.

I don't know why y'all still
standing here, both of you.

What did happen to those birds?

Oh. That was most definitely
the boo hag.


Have fun, Mitchell.


I'm never gonna know
a fraction of the things

that happened to you as a kid,

but maybe that twelve-year-old
knows who you are.

And who am I?

You are Special Agent
Will Trent of the GBI.

It's just a case,

and you don't have to solve it alone.


Thank you.

You okay?

I mean, I've seen dead bodies
before, but nothing like that.

Yeah, and it doesn't get easier.
Believe me.

But, I could not have solved
this case without you.

- Yeah, you could've.
- Yeah, I know. I was just being nice.

Hey, when was the last time
somebody made you dinner?

I mean, Jeremy made me
a Hot Pocket about a week ago.

- How was that? [CHUCKLES]
- It was not good.

It was frozen and chewy,

but I just didn't have
the heart to tell him.

I'll tell you what,
I think I can do better.

- Hmm.
- Let's go back to your place.

You take a bath,
and I will handle dinner.

That would be nice.

Gina, you'll never guess
who k*lled Margarita.

And no, it wasn't Adela.





♪ Slow dancing in this burning house ♪

♪ I don't wanna go nowhere ♪

I have ten versions
of this letter for your uncle.

He'll love all of 'em.
I just need you to like one.

All right.


[NICO] What's that?

It was a gift.

Okay. You can go.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

He's your uncle, not a monster.

♪ Breaking point. Breaking point ♪

♪ Thoughts running through my head ♪

♪ How bad can it get? ♪


♪ No, I'm not the type of man ♪

♪ To run off on a bet ♪

♪ Showed my full hand ♪

♪ Rip my plans for you ♪


♪ What am I going through? ♪



[AUTOMATED VOICE] You've reached
the voicemail of 404-555-0124.

Please leave a message,
after the tone.


Hello, um...

This message is for Antonio Miranda.

Special Agent...

I'm the son of your sister, Lucy.

My name is Will Trent.