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03x12 - Brain Acres

Posted: 03/27/24 16:12
by bunniefuu
Gee, brain,

What do you want
to do tonight?

The same thing
we do every night,

Try to take over
the world.

♪ They're pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ Yes, pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ One is a genius

♪ The other's insane ♪

♪ They're
laboratory mice ♪

♪ Their genes
have been spliced ♪

♪ They're dinky ♪

♪ They're pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ Brain, brain, brain

♪ Brain, brain, brain,
brain, brain ♪

♪ Before each night
is done ♪

♪ Their plan
will be unfurled ♪

♪ By the dawning
of the sun ♪

♪ They'll take over
the world ♪

♪ They're pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ Yes, pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ Their twilight campaign

♪ Is easy to explain

♪ To prove
their mousey worth ♪

♪ They'll overthrow
the earth ♪

♪ They're dinky ♪

♪ They're pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ Brain, brain, brain

♪ Brain, brain,
brain, brain ♪


Vortex experiment
no. 212.

If you stir a glass
of water real quick,

It makes a little
tornado thing.

That's all
the tornado things
I can think of today.

I'm going to go eat
a dozen eclairs.
So there.


Ha ha ha ha!

Professor ginza
has given me an idea

On how we may
conquer the world.

Does it involve stirring
a glass of water
really, really fast?

Don't hold that
against the professor.

He was a brilliant man,
until he snapped.

Now his life
revolves around eclairs.

Nevertheless, his work
on tornado structures
has inspired me.

After careful study,
I believe it's possible
to hijack a tornado!

Egad, brilliant, brain!

We can put masks
over our faces

So the tornado
won't recognize us,

Then we order the tornado
to go where we want--


You have all
the reasoning power
of drywall.

We will hijack
the tornado

Creating an ambulatory
weather system
of unstoppable might!

People will bow
before us in awe,

And we shall
rule the world!


Science will provide us
with the proper tools.

Behold the verkimer suit!

Designed by the late
dr. Dody verkimer,

It will allow us to enter
a twister's funnel

And control
its every movement!

Poit! Um...
Did dr. Verkimer
ever try this?

Once. Now he's
one with the wind.

But I've made
design improvements

That will ensure
our success.

This magnet will
stabilize the suit,

As well as allow me
to alter the storm's
electromagnetic ions.

Thus, we can
steer the cyclone
wherever we wish.

Oh, brain?
Um, b-brain?

Save your questions
for the end.

This radar unit
will allow us to see out

From within
the murky vortex.

Finally, this gyroscope
will keep us

From tumbling helplessly
like pennies in a dryer.

Any questions?


Yes, pinky?

What if we go inside
the whirlywind,

And it takes us up
to the land of oz?

Won't we be chased
by flying monkeys

Wearing little
bellboy caps?

That's nonsense.

If anything
went wrong,

We'd be crushed
by low pressure

Or annihilated
by the wind.

Whew! No flying monkeys.
Huh! What a relief!

Now come, pinky.

We must construct
the verkimer suit,

Then travel to
"tornado alley."

There, we shall
find a cyclone

And ride it
to our destiny.

Then wouldn't that be
"cyclone alley"?

♪ There's a storm
a'brewin' somewhere ♪

♪ I think it's
in my heart ♪

♪ 'Cause the gal
I was to marry ♪

♪ Left town
with a man named art ♪

♪ Now my tears
are falling ♪

♪ Like rain
on a big old cow ♪

♪ And the storm
within my heart ♪

♪ Is breaking now

More nice weather.

Tornado season
is almost over.

We must find
a storm quickly!

[Gurgling sounds]

Stop it, pinky.

But I thought
we were supposed
to be impersonating

Rag-tag, free-spirited
storm chasers.

You know,
men who risk danger
for the love of tornado data.

Wouldn't they
blow bubbles through a straw

To show how free-spirited
they were?

Don't make me lock you
in the glove compartment,

Always a threat
and never a kind word.

I don't like
pouting, either.

Now behave
while I try to access

The national
weather service radar.

Pinky: do you think
we could access
kidswb online?

Well, get a load
of the rookies.

Got themselves
a verkimer suit
and everything.

Guess I'd better
let them know
who's king around here.

Is there a problem?

Listen, rookie.

I'm kale mumphausen,
the twister king.

I'm the best corporate
storm chaser around.

And I don't like
competition, get me?

We are not
easily intimidated.

Well, no, actually,
we are, brain.

You remember that time
in washington,

And then that other time
in boston,

Oh, and that time
in houston, and...

Quiet, pinky!

Why don't you
go off somewhere
and evolve?

Pretty big talk
for a tiny boy.

You better just
stay out of my way

If you know
what's good for you.

We don't know
what's good for us!

An opaque retort,
but you've got
the right spirit, pinky.

That dolt won't
stop us from--aha!

[Gasp] is it
a whirlywind?

A storm front
is moving in this afternoon.

The target area will be
nearby wheathead county.

Let's roll, pinky!

tally-ho! Narf!

These are excellent
tornado conditions.

Check off
the climate factors.

Lightning, pinky.

Lightning, check.



Hail, pinky.

Hail, brain!

Icy precipitation.

I don't see
any precipitation.

Hail, hail!

♪ The g*ng's
all here! ♪

Ha ha ha
ha ha ha!


owww! Poit!

Now listen. We're
perfectly positioned

To intercept
a tornado.

We must
look carefully
to the southwest.


Check for
inflow striations

On the flange
of the supercell.

If a notch appears
in the mesocyclone,

Keep a sharp eye out
for rear flank

Do you understand?

Not a word of it,

Just look for
a whirlywind.


Do you see anything,

Air cow.

Air cow?


Oh, merciful heavens!

Both: yaaaah!

That was wild,
huh, brain?

Ha ha ha!


Why didn't you tell me
there was a tornado coming?

Sorry. But after that cow,
I was looking for

The dish that ran away
with the spoon!

You have the i.q.
Of a deck chair.

Now we must chase after
that cyclone.

I was wondering,

If somewhere over the rainbow
bluebirds can fly,
why can't i?

Because you're a mouse.

Oh! Well, when you
put it that way,

It all makes sense,
doesn't it? Troz!

Brain! Brain! Brain!
Brain! Brain! Brain!

I see it!

We must hurry
and get in front of it!

Quickly, pinky!
Get inside
the verkimer suit!

I think
we have company.

Who would stop by
to visit us

In the middle
of a tornado?


[Evil laughter]

Look out, you rookies!
I'm the twister king!

I hate
the unexpected.

Pinky and brain:


Oof! Aah! Oof!


Both: whoa-ohh!

Looks like
those tiny boys

Finally caught
themselves a twister.

Adios, rookies!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!



Brain: only mother nature
could produce a wind

Powerful enough to drive
a mouse into a tree trunk!

Is this a good
thing, brain?

Not particularly.

We built well,

The verkimer suit
withstood the force
of an f-3 twister.

But the whirlywind
is gone.

We'll find another,
my friend.

First we have
a score to settle
with that twister king.

what're we gonna do?

Put jam in his ears
and run away?


Oh, oh,
I know, I know!

We tell him
there's a big ogre
under his bed,

And when he gets
up to run,

We put jam
in his slippers.

Ooh. Let's save that
as a back-up plan.


[Confused exclamations]

What are you doing?

Get out of that suit
and fight!

And put down
my axle!



I'll get you for this!

You rookies
are gonna pay!

[Crowd murmuring]

Way to go, man!

All us storm chasers
hate mumphausen!

He ran me
off the road once!

Hey, chet,
is that
a verkimer suit?

Yep. [Gasp]

I think he's got
mice inside.

Must be
an eccentric genius.

Kale mumphausen
has learned

A valuable lesson
in humility.

And we didn't even
have to use jam

Or scary ogre

Amazing, isn't it?

the way is now clear

For us to harness
a cyclone.

Pinky: whirlywind,
whirlywind! Ha ha!

Pinky, pay attention!

I must depend on you

To operate
one of the most vital
controls in the suit.

Good choice!

The gyroscope switch!

Now, remember,
never touch it

Unless I tell you to!

Never! Zort!

You start it
when I tell you to start it

And stop it
when I tell you to stop it.

Is that clear!

Aye, aye,
cap'n brain!
All clear!


Air pig!

Start the gyroscope!

Start the gyroscope!


It'll take more than
some flying pig

To knock me off
the path to victory!

Air tractor!


curse you, john deere!

Let's call the scarecrow...

You can call him
hobart the dolphin boy
for all I care,

Just so long as he can
drive this truck.

Hee hee ha ha ha ha!

Hobart the dolphin boy.

Ha ha ha. Awww...brain.

You're in
a strange place, pinky.

I don't envy you.

Brain: now, all
the scarecrow has to do

Is keep us on course,
while we wait back here
in the verkimer suit.

This time, we leave
nothing to chance.

We'll ram
the cyclone.

But what about
wally the scarecrow?

What's your point?

All his nice straw
will be scattered about
and lost.

Poit! He'll be sad.

[Sighs] later on,
we'll fix him up,
good as new.

Zort! Oh, thank you,
brain, thank you.

I am not without
a certain degree

Of mawkish

[Evil laughter]

[Evil laughter]

Pinky: drive, wally, drive!






Pinky: wally! Save us!

unk! Ha ha ha.

[Tires screech]

"Hey, you rookies,
I trashed your truck.

"Good luck
catching tornadoes
without one.

Best wishes,
the twister cing."

Ha! He spelled king
with a "c."

[gasps] oh, no!

Brain: alas,
poor wally.


How can you
be so mean?

Wally liked you!

He liked me?

Pinky, our truck
is destroyed.

We must find
transport quickly

Before the storm front

Can't this requiem
for a scarecrow wait?

He gave his all
for us!

But if
you're too busy
to honor him,

I suppose we can
just skip it!

he's happy now.

He'd better be.

Unless we find a vehicle,
our plan is doomed.

♪ there's a storm
a-brewin' somewhere ♪

♪ I think it's
in my spleen ♪

♪ 'Cause the gal
I was to marry ♪

♪ Left town with
a man named gene ♪

♪ Now my tears are fallin' ♪

♪ Like pigs from
a big ol' tree ♪

♪ And this storm
within my spleen
is drownin' me ♪

Brain: perhaps we can borrow
a vehicle from yon farmhouse.

Brain, can I
go upstairs?

I want to see if
I can see wally.

If you happen
to spot a tornado,

Or a "whirlywind,"
kindly tell me this time.

I shall watch
for both. Narf!

How fun!

Brain: pinky.

But, brain...

Brain: there must be
a tornado around here

Air chickens.

[Bawk bawk bawk]

[Bawk bawk bawk]

Air chickens? Yes!

[Overlapping shouts
of panic]

Wait for me!

Uhh! Ehh!

Those tiny boys
are sure persistent,

But they gotta learn
once and for all

That you can't mess
with the twister king.

[Horn blows]

Brain, is that
the twister king?

Drat that mumphausen!

Egad! Brilliant,

What did you do?

Oh, just
a little thing I call

An electromagnetic pulse.

It's a guaranteed
engine stopper.

What the heck? Uh-oh!


Quickly, pinky,
start the gyroscope.

Aye, aye!


Are you ready, pinky?


Pinky, it worked!
We're stable!

Waah, ha ha ha ha!

Ooh, hoo!
Oooh, hoo hoo!
Fun, fun, ohh!

The suit is stable.

You are another matter.


I am the king.

Let us see
if we can steer
this monstrosity.

What in the world...

We've done it!
We're cyclone drivers!

Pinky, the world is ours!


Pinky, stop it!

Aye, aye. Poit!

Oh, dear.

Both: aaaaaah!





Ooh, ah ah!

do flying monkeys
eat flying bananas?

Who cares? They're
worse than roaches.

If I had time, I'd invent
a flying monkey trap.

Now come, pinky.

We must rest up
for tomorrow night.

What are we gonna do
tomorrow night, brain?

The same thing we do
every night, pinky,

Try and take over oz!

♪ they're dinky ♪

♪ They're pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ Brain, brain,
brain, brain ♪