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04x04 - To Russia with Lab Mice

Posted: 03/26/24 12:56
by bunniefuu
Gee, Brain,

what do you
want to do tonight?

The same thing
we do every night,

try to take over
the world.

♪ They're Pinky
and the Brain ♪

♪ yes, Pinky
and the Brain ♪

♪ one is a genius ♪

♪ the other's insane ♪

♪ they're
laboratory mice ♪

♪ their genes
have been spliced ♪

♪ they're dinky ♪

♪ they're Pinky
and the Brain ♪

♪ Brain, Brain, Brain ♪

♪ Brain, Brain, Brain,
Brain, Brain ♪

♪ before each night
is done ♪

♪ their plan
will be unfurled ♪

♪ by the dawning
of the sun ♪

♪ they'll take over
the world ♪

♪ they're Pinky
and the Brain ♪

♪ yes, Pinky
and the Brain ♪

♪ their twilight campaign ♪

♪ is easy to explain ♪

♪ to prove
their mousey worth ♪

♪ they'll overthrow
the earth ♪

♪ they're dinky ♪

♪ they're Pinky
and the Brain ♪

♪ Brain, Brain, Brain ♪

♪ Brain, Brain,
Brain, Brain ♪


Coffee, tea,
or food pellets?

I'd recommend
a seat belt.

Ooh, that doesn't
sound very tasty.


Brain, is there a movie
on this flight?

Abandon ship!

Narf! Oh,
isn't that the one

with Tyrone power and
Mai zetterling a--


Where? Out there?


Poit! Um, I believe
I'd rather wait
till we land.


[Both screaming]

Zort! Good idea,

Pinky, no!


Well, at least we're
safe on the ground.


Man: another toy
bites the dust.

This one held up
pretty well.

Of course,
it's not like having
real kids play with it.

It's the last toy
we have to test
at this lab.

The whole project's
being moved to Russia,

lock, stock,
and lab mice.


Yeah, it's part
of some joint economic
development deal.

Russian toy companies
want to see

how the American
toy business works.

Egad, Brain.

I've seen all those
super secret agent
spy movies.

Russia is full
of cheating, lying,

and back-stabbing intrigue.

The cold w*r is over,

Today's Russia is filled
with the spirit of
free market capitalism.

What's "free
market capitalism"?

Uh, well...

cheating, lying, and
back-Stabbing intrigue.


Pinky: ♪ in Russia ♪

♪ I've heard ♪

♪ there's lots of spies ♪

♪ they're all shifty guys ♪

♪ who tell you lies ♪

♪ potatoes
they highly prize ♪

♪ 'cause they have eyes ♪

♪ in Russia ♪

♪ with spies ♪

the only thing worse
than being shipped
to Russia in a box

is being shipped
to Russia in a box

with someone who sings.

Now be quiet and learn.

By tapping into
the computer system

Of the joint council for
economic development,

I arranged
for this trip.

So those Russian spies
can put us in more
exploding toys?

No, Pinky. This
toy-Testing assignment
was only a ruse

to get them
to ship us to Russia,

thereby avoiding
costly airline tickets

and cumbersome
international visas.

Our actual goal--caviar.

Gourmet fish eggs.

Hors d'oeuvres of choice
for rich and powerful
people the world over.

And all of it comes from
one place in Russia.

Oh, I could have
saved us the trip.

Zort! My top-secret

has revealed that
they sell caviar...

in the
gourmet section
at the minimart.

We're not going
to eat the caviar.

We're going
to harness it.

Oh, well, ha ha. We'll
need really tiny saddles.

And I don't think
they have legs yet, Brain.

Pinky, sometimes
I feel as though

I'm baring my soul
to a tube of caulk.

Mmm. Caulk.

And yet, I continue.

Using the techniques
of the great
George Washington carver,

I have found a way
to create a hybrid

of caviar
and peanut butter.

Creating a hybrid.

Is that something
spies do?

No, Pinky, it's
something scientists do.

When my new
hybridized caviar

is eaten by unsuspecting
world leaders

at their glittering

it will cause
their tongues

to stick to the roofs
of their mouths,

rending them more
difficult to understand
than Marlon Brando.

In the ensuing

I will step
into the breach

and take over the world!

I need only
drop my special
fish-Mutating capsule

down the sink drain
at acmenov labs, Russia,

which empties
into the Caspian sea,

the only source
of high-quality caviar
in the world.

The capsule is hidden
in the glove compartment

of this red car.

Good thinking, Brain.

The spies will
never find it there.

Oh, no, wait.

What if the spies
are already hiding

in the glove compartment?

There are spies

Come out, come out,
Mr. Spy.


you give a whole
new meaning
to the phrase


Spies? Oh, oh.

You have the Iq
of Formica.

[Both screaming]

I take it we've arrived.

Unh. Aah.

Let's begin
capitalist toy test


Put American lab mice
in Russian car

and Russian lab mouse
in American car.

Ooh, look, Brain.

Another mouse,
just like us,

only curvier.

You Americans think
you are the only ones

with superior

We have had it
for years.

Narf! I'll bet
she's a spy, Brain.

She's got your car with
the capsule thingy in it.

Yes, Pinky.
Let me handle this.


You must be Russian
mouse xj7.

Yes. They call me
mousey galore.

Poit! Don't look in
the glove compartment!

Good work, Pinky.

Thank you.

Don't mind my associate.


Evidently, that is
a common American trait.

On markski?

Get setski.


Oh, no, Brain.

We have to get
your capsule.

Relax, Pinky.

She has no idea
what my plan is.

As soon as
this test is over,

I'll simply retrieve
the capsule and
head for the sink.

I just hope
she brings that car
back in one piece.

Pinky: I don't think
she's bringing that car
back at all.

I cannot control
red car.

Ta Ta, simple
American lab mice.

This time, Russia
will dominate the world!

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Pinky, we have
to follow her.

Look for a way
to disconnect
the remote.

Unh. Aah.

Aah. Unh.


Another vehicle.
What a stroke of luck,

Um, would that be
good luck or bad luck?

We'll soon find out.

Now we can test
American remote control
dune buggy.

[Mice screaming]


Have you taken control
of the car yet?

No, the car's
taken control of us.

[Both screaming]

American lab mice
are very persistent.

I will outsmart them

with their own technology.

[Both screaming]

We're trapped.

Something in this
piece of junk must work.

Look, Brain. Here
comes that spy lady.

Maybe she
can help us.

Brain: no!

Now we test American
remote control
flying saucer.

[Pinky and the Brain


Russian mouse
is defecting.

Quick! Get her!

What fun and exciting
test vehicle

have we landed on
this time, Pinky?

Oh, we're safe now,

Poit! It's just a box.

Brain: oh,
thank heaven.

[Both screaming]

Maybe this does
something, Brain.



Poit! Oh, I guess
that wasn't the tape deck.

Apparently not, Pinky.

But I believe
you were right
about something else.

Mousey galore
is a spy who's trying
to steal my plan

to take over the world.

Look, Brain, they're
putting mousey galore
back into her cage.

Brain: but there's
no sign of the car.

I'll have to figure out
some clever, secretive way

of finding out
what she did with that
fish-Mutating capsule.

Ooh, secret mission!

Narf! Just like in all
those spy movies, Brain.

I have to admit
there is an element

of the espionage caper
to all of this.

Now, they always give
the spy lots of gadgets
for his mission,

so I fixed some
of the toys to help you.

I can't imagine
anything you'd do
would be of help, Pinky.

Oh, please, Brain,
I've worked so hard.

Oh, all right,
I'll take a look.

Zort! Now this is
the fashion Debbie doll.

How in the world
will this help me
catch a spy?

Poit! It explodes.

How subtle.

And this magic princess
makeup mirror

actually has
a secret decoder,

and the lipstick fires
a string of dental floss.

Actually, that might
come in handy.

And, oh yes,
it explodes.

If you don't mind,

I think
I've seen enough.

Oh, no, no. Poit!
Wait, wait, wait.

You'll like this one.

This lettuce patch doll
actually eats human hair.


How did you modify it
to do that?

I didn't.
It came that way.

I guess I mostly
figured out how
to make things explode.

Which secret w*apon
should we take with us
on our mission, Brain?

Zort! Oh,
the lettuce patch doll.

She'll never notice.

You know, Pinky,

I have a more important
assignment for you.

Oh, yes, sir.
Ready for action, sir.

I want you
to stay behind
and provide backup.

Zort! Backup.
Good thinking, sir.

Someone needs to guard all
this high-tech materiel.

And the exploding
toys, too.


Pinky: ♪ he's always
pondering something ♪

♪ I can't understand
what he said ♪

♪ he uses big words ♪

♪ to confuse everyone ♪

♪ the mouse with the giant ♪

♪ head ♪

♪ his dna's mixed up ♪

♪ genetically fixed up ♪

♪ he tries out a plan
each night ♪

♪ he'll be a sensation ♪

♪ with world domination ♪

♪ if he ever gets it right ♪

♪ he's on
a dangerous mission ♪

♪ his nose is
all shiny and red ♪

♪ he makes calculations ♪

♪ with pencils of lead ♪

♪ the mouse with the giant ♪

♪ head ♪

♪ his nose is red ♪

♪ no one knows
what he said ♪

♪ he eats crackers in bed ♪

♪ with his giant ♪

♪ head ♪

Pinky, stop singing.

Poit! Sorry, Brain.

Good evening.

My name is Brain.
The Brain.

May I come in?

What do you want?

I believe
you have something
that belongs to me.

Something I need
to rule the world.

Hmmph. You Americans
are always so fond
of being in charge.


Why don't you relax
and have a drink?

Perhaps you and I
can come to some sort
of agreement

to share information.

What game are you
playing at, mousey?

A little game
of cat and mouse,

except that this time,
there's no cat.

There may be no cat,

but there's still a trap
to catch the mouse.

To set a trap,
one must have cheese
to use as bait.

A cat doesn't need cheese
to trap a rat.

Aha! But
there is no cat.

Then who has the cheese?

Only the dairy farmer,

who gets his cheese
from the cow.

Aha! But the cow--

what are we
talking about?

Good-bye, Mr. Brain.

Wait! I demand
you give me back

what is rightfully mine.

The cheese is in
no position to make
demands of the cow.

The cheese?

I thought
I was the cow.

Pinky: I'll get her,



What is the meaning
of this outrage?

Aah. Ooh.
Ooh. Aah.

you're a genius.

Yes, sir, Mr. Spy man
with the golden pants, sir.

And you! You
evil meanie, you.

You thought you could
get away

with Brain's super
fish capsule thingy,

And so there, you!


Capsule? What capsule?

Don't play coy.
You were stealing my
fish-Mutating capsule.

I was stealing
high-Tech toy car
for Russian toy company.

Our toys are pathetic.

All left over
from cold w*r.

The most
high-Tech toy we have
is comrade potato face.

But with American

we will dominate
the toy world.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

See, Brain, and you said
there were no spies
in Russia. Ha ha.

Lucky I had
my exploding lipstick.

Yes, Pinky.

When I take over
the world,

I'll make you
special agent in charge
of tactical makeup.

We'll drop this capsule
down the lab drain,

then my plan
will be underway.

I'll take that.

Who are you?

My name is prond.
James prond,

secret agent.

I've come to stop
your evil scheme,
Mr. Brain.

Evil scheme?
You think I'm a bad guy?

You think
I'm a super villain?

You are trying
to take over the world,
aren't you?


But only to make it
a better place.

Prond: that's
what they all say.

Besides, I like caviar
with my vintage 1962
ginger ale.

It would be a pity
to let you spoil it.

What are you doing?

Sending you back
to your own country.

Oh, yeah? Well,
Mr. Big spy man,

I'll sic
fashion Debbie on you.

And, uh, Mr. Brain,

try to keep your little
friend out of trouble.

Oh, it's just
as well, Pinky.

We have to go back
to our lab

to prepare
for tomorrow night.

Why, Brain?

What are we going to
do tomorrow night?

Ha! Spy on
George lazenby?

No, Pinky, the same thing
we do every night.

Try to take over the world

to save it from
the real supervillains.

Chorus: ♪ one is
a quick-thinking agent ♪

♪ the other one
causes him pain ♪

♪ each night's adventure ♪

♪ goes right down
the drain ♪

♪ they're dinky ♪

♪ they're Pinky
and the Brain ♪

♪ Brain, Brain, Brain ♪

♪ Brain! ♪