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02x31 - Song of the Night 'n Dale

Posted: 03/26/24 12:32
by bunniefuu



♪ Sometimes some crimes

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks

♪ But these two gumshoes

♪ Are pickin' up the slack

♪ There's no case too big,
no case too small

♪ When you need help,
just call

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale's

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ No, no, it never fails

♪ 'Cause once
they're involved

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ No, no, it never fails

♪ They'll take the clues

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪


Gadget's gone
too far this time, Chip.

She's got these
blinkin' propellers
facin' the wrong way.

She knows what she's doing,

I'm sure the Ranger Wing
is perfectly safe.

GADGET: Oh, darn.

I'm always ending up
with parts left over.

Yeah, about as safe as
a joyride on the Titanic.

GADGET: Are you sure power
is getting through
those connectors?


Looks like it to me.


What do you
think you're doing
in the pilot seat?

That's okay.

I told Dale I wanted
everyone to know
how to pilot the Ranger Wing.


The controls are
really simple.

Simple controls
for a simple mind.

Oh, you're just being jealous
'cause you don't
have a scarf.

just thinkin', uh,

it's a shame no one's savin'
this moment in pictures.

I'll just pop down
to the camera store to...


DALE: Wowie! This is great.

How do you make it
go up and down?


Never mind,
I found it.

Are you crazy?

Why do I even ask?

What's this?

That's the hover switch.

It should turn
the Ranger Wing
into a helicopter.


Gosh, I've never been
up this high.

Pally, I know birds
who've never
been up this high.

DALE: Wow,
look at those clouds.

GADGET: Better stay away
from them, Dale.

The updrafts can
be very tricky.

Oh, I can handle
a little draft.


Take her down, pally.

I left me stomach
back on the ground floor.

I'm not doing anything.

-We must be caught
in the jet stream.
-What's that?

Do you have to ask?

Hang on, mates.


You don't mind if
I do the piloting,
do you, Dale?

Is everyone all right?

I'll let you know
when me noggin
stops spinnin'.

GADGET: Actually,
the jet stream is
a high-speed wind current

in the upper atmosphere.

CHIP: A very cold
wind current.

Golly! Where are we?

Looks like the Himalayas.

This jet stream carried us
halfway around the world.



I thought we were
out of the jet stream.

We are.

This is just a blizzard.

Oh, lucky us.

there's a bird out there.

Oh, great!
Now he's seeing things.

No, Dale's right.
Look over there.

GADGET: He'll freeze
if we don't get him.

Hurry up with that net,

All set.

MONTEREY: Good sh*t, mates.

Now we just need to find
a place to land.

Preferably someplace warm.


It doesn't look like
that's gonna be a problem.


These hot springs
must be what keeps
the valley warm.

Just like a steam radiator.

Yeah, 'cept you don't
have to bang

on the pipes
to get more heat.

Just the thing to
warm up our bluebird.

He's not blue anymore.

Why did you save me?


We're the Rescue Rangers.
It's our job.

I am Chirp Sing,
former pet to
the Emperor Dim Sun.

How did you get
stuck in that blizzard?

I was trying to
leave the valley.

Leave? Why?

This seems like
as close to paradise
as you can get,

outside of a cheese factory.

I have brought shame
to my family.

I am cursed
and have given the Emperor

a sickness
of the mind.

DIM SUN: I saw them.

the Emperor Dim Sun.

I am not imagining it.

They wait until the night,

then fly out to cause
a horrible mess.

But what, my lord?

What hides in
the imperial closets?

Was it
the spirit warriors again?

No. The dragons,
you foolish fish.

They tore my entire bed
in two.

But, Emperor,
your bed chamber
was undisturbed.

And your bed was
in a single piece.

And, remember?
You were under it.

I was?

Well, those fiendish devils
must have sewn it up again.

but they are most tricky.

You see?
He is not in his right mind.

Spirit warriors?

I guess you're not
the only crazy one
in the valley.

But, Most Wise One,
how can...

How can a flock
of most loyal ministers

peck at our leader
with such annoying questions?

Ah, Sister.

I was just telling them...

I have heard.

I have taken the liberty
of having your closets
nailed shut.

That is Su Lin,
the Emperor's sister.

She cares for him
very much.

Little brother,
you work too hard
in the service of the valley.

It is time
to get some rest.

Yes, that would be good.

You are sure
the closets are nailed tight?

Quite sure.

No doubt
the dragons have made

a shambles of my
argyle sweaters.

But, Su Lin,
there are affairs of state

that our Emperor
must attend to.

My brother is in no condition
to be deciding such matters.

[SIGHING] Perhaps he can
look at them later.

Come, I must see him again.

Wow, this place
looks like a toy store.

They are all
presents to the Emperor
from Su Lin.

This one looks
a mite like you,
Chirp Sing.

It is my replacement.


Why would they replace you
with a toy?

Su Lin thinks I was
sent by evil spirits
to drive the Emperor mad.


Hey, look at me.
I'm a warrior.

Any dragons
show up around here
and I'll skewer them.


Oh, it moves!

En garde.



Su Lin has
extraordinary talent
for mechanical things.




I always said Dale makes
quite an impression.

You're lucky
you only hit
your head.

let me wipe that oil off.

Can't you
be serious for once?

Oh. You just don't know
how to have fun anymore.

-Oh, yeah?

You don't have
any imagination.

It's just that
I know what's real
and what's not.

I do, too.

DIM SUN: Any dragons in there
had better run and hide.

I have brought a great
and fierce warrior with me.


Yes, I love to chop dragons
into the littlest of bits.

I am going to stay
with the Emperor
all night long

while I sharpen my sword.

Boy, he's crazier than Dale.

He's not.
I mean, we're not crazy.

And don't touch
my argyle sweaters.

Well, at least I'm not.

I must go to him.

What? Get back. Get away!

It's Chirp Sing,
my little nightingale.

I have missed you so.

Do you have a song for me?



SU LIN: What?

It's that bird. Get away.

Get away, you evil thing.

No! Stop!

I cannot stay.
I must fly.

Don't worry. We'll watch
the Emperor for you.

SU LIN: Get out!

Aw, it was only Chirp Sing.

He was trying to cheer me up
with a song.

It is an evil spirit
sent by your enemies
to give you bad dreams.

Did not your visions start
when that bird
started visiting?

Well, not exactly.

And has not your sister
crafted a new
nightingale for you?

Do you not like it?

It is exquisite, but...

Then let its song
sing you to sleep.


Good night, Brother.

Good night, Su Lin.

Well, it's past midnight.

No sign of dragons
or anything else.

GADGET: These clockwork
figures are fantastic.

I bet Su Lin has a workshop
with everything I need

to finish repairs
on the Ranger Wing.

Well, let's check it out.

Monterey Jack,
you and Dale keep

an eye on the Emperor
for Chirp Sing.

And try to keep Dale awake.


"And try to stay awake." Ha!

I'll show him that
I can take things seriously.

Say, you think this thing
can play any other tunes?

I hope not.

I couldn't stand
another chirp

from that
mechanical feather duster.

this thing's still working.



[COUGHING] What's going on?


Now that you mention it,
its song does have
a sweet lilt to it.



[LAUGHING] What have I here?

A little elf person.

Ooh. Elves are much nicer
than dragons and warriors.

Have you come to
do tricks for me?


I'd call this a trick.
Wonder how I did it.

Oh, little elf.

My tummy is not liking this.

DALE: That makes three of us.

Oh, goodness,
I am a growing boy.

No, no.
The room is shrinking.

Elf person, I am not ready
to be made small.

It is safe again.

Please, no more tricks.

I must get some sleep.




Wake up, Monterey.
We gotta save the Emperor.


To the rescue.

Right after me nap.



It has been
the nicest of times
visiting with you fellows

but I really
must be sleeping.



Wow, she's got
every size gear I need.

I won't even have
to modify anything.

This stuff'll
make the Ranger Wing
better than ever.

Golly, I haven't seen
a left-shafted
comp wrench in ages.


Oh, my gosh!

Sorry, Chip,
I'll have you out in a jiffy.

Or not.

Hold on, Chip.

I don't have much choice.


Oh, no, thanks, Zipper.
I'm not thirsty.


Oh, it's oil.

Great idea, Zipper.


I thought Su Lin's inventions
were just wind-up toys.

Well, just be careful.

We don't need
any more surprises.

Golly, a computer.

Hey, that's a picture
of this valley.

Gee, I don't remember
those buildings.

They cover
the whole valley.


Hi, Chirp Sing.

I thought it was
safe to return,

but-- but why are you not
watching the Emperor?

Don't worry, he's safe.

Monterey Jack and Dale
are with him.





Chip, there was
guys with swords,

and I was an elf
and made the bed fly.

And then we started growing
but the room was shrinking.

What'd you do that for?

What are you talking about?
You're not making any sense.

There's no point
in talking to you.
Where's Monterey Jack?

He's still back in there.

We gotta save him.

Be ready to run
for cover

in case the bed is
flying around again.

And be quiet.

The sword guys
might be waiting for us.

What sword guys?

Monty, you're all right.

Are all of
the sword guys gone?

Hey, what happened?

Who cleaned everything up?

That was all cut up
and those things
cut the bed in half.

You saw it, Monterey.
Tell them what happened.

Sorry, pally, when I woke up,
you and Dim Sun were gone.

It's okay, Dale.
Everything is all right.

But it's not all right.

I mean,
this stuff's all right

but it shouldn't
be all right.

DALE: 'Cause it wasn't.

I understand, Dale.

Maybe things
shouldn't be all right.

No, of course it should
be all right.

Say, why are you
being so nice to me?

How come you aren't
calling me crazy?

Nobody said you were crazy.

You aren't crazy.

I am, too.

Am too, am too, am too.

What am I saying?


There were four of them.

They att*cked
right after the bed landed.

You see?
He saw them, too.

And this one
cut my nightshirt.

But, Emperor,
this is only a bedpost.

And the room seems
in perfect order.

But... But it was...

It is obvious that
the Emperor's nightmare
has upset him.

Yeah, but I was awake!

Wasn't I?

I will have
the royal physician

mix a potion that
will allow you to rest.

Yes, Sister.

Perhaps that is best.

SU LIN: Honored sirs,

I am afraid the Emperor
can no longer
perform his duties.


You mean,
r-replace the Emperor?

MAN: B-B-But then who would...

Of course, as his sister,
I will assume
the throne until he is well.

Su Lin was right.

I am cursed.

I have brought madness
to my Emperor.

Now to friend Dale, too.

Me? But I'm not crazy.

Am I?

Oh, Dale,
it's all my fault.

I put too much
pressure on you

and I was always
calling you crazy.

But I'm not crazy.
Those sword guys
really did move.

Oh, poor Dale.

But he might be right, Chip.

This is the same kind of oil
that Su Lin uses
in her inventions.

I think this thing
is able to move.

You see. You see.

And I do remember
some sort of smoke
comin' out of this thing.

Wow, after getting
a whiff of that stuff,

anyone would think
those mechanical things
were real.

The Emperor isn't crazy,
Chirp Sing.

But somebody wants everyone
to think he is.

SU LIN: That potion
will ensure you
sleep soundly, Brother.

Thank you, Su Lin.


It has to be her.
Let's check it out.

SU LIN: I've been
looking at the plans

and I'm sure
we can squeeze in
another dozen condominiums.

Look, once I am Empress,
I can do anything I want.

We'll make room
by knocking down the palace.

I won't need it.

Once this deal
is locked down,
I'm Monte Carlo bound.


She just wants to
control the valley
so she can sell it off.

But it's gonna be
a mite hard provin' that.

No problem.
We'll just get her
to confess.

Are you crazy?

Yes, I'm crazy.
Crazy like a fox.

Too bad we couldn't
move the walls

but at least
the bed's all set.

Then let's give her
a taste of her own medicine.


What is...


My nightingale?

But you can't fly,
only sing.


Huh? What?

You can't walk.
I made you.



Snug as a bug.

All right, Chirp Sing.

Where are you?
Show yourself.



Dim Sun, you must...

This is all a trick.

This is merely
a mannequin.

Oh, hello, Su Lin.



What is all this nonsense?

Oh, no,
it is happening again.

Emperor, let us help you.

Are you all right?

You see this, too?

MINISTER: Yes, Emperor.

It is some sort
of cruel trick.

Thank you.
Thank you.

It is a trick.
Thank goodness.

Much better
than my tricks.

What do you mean,
your tricks?

I only used my inventions
to make Dim Sun
think he was crazy.

This is much...

I mean...


So, my own sister, huh?

Tried to drive me
away from my throne.

Ministers, take her away.

But it was only a...

A joke. That's it, a joke.

CHIP: Great plan, Dale.

Sorry we thought
you were crazy.

No, we're the ones
who are crazy.

Crazy about you.