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02x29 - Shell Shocked

Posted: 03/26/24 12:31
by bunniefuu


♪ Sometimes some crimes ♪

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks ♪

♪ But these two gumshoes ♪

♪ Are pickin' up the slack ♪

♪ There's no case too big,
no case too small ♪

♪ When you need help,
just call ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale's ♪

♪ Rescue Rangers ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no, it never fails ♪

♪ 'Cause once
they're involved ♪

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪

♪ Rescue Rangers ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no, it never fails ♪

♪ They'll take the clues ♪

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪

♪ Rescue Rangers ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪


what's the big idea, Chip?
I wanna go swimming.

Of course, and you will.

But we just got here
and we have to
set things up first.

do you want to help Monty
blow up the pool toys,

or do you want to help
Gadget and Zipper set out
the beach towels?

I want to go swimming!

Don't worry, Dale.
I've scheduled
time for water games.

In fact,
I've scheduled everything.

GADGET: Excuse me, Chip?

Are we supposed
to dust the sand dunes next,

or do we fluff
the marshmallows?

I can't
remember the schedule.

No, next we set
out the beach towels,

then the sand dunes,
then the marshmallows.

You know somethin', Chipper?

When it comes to plannin',
you're a pro,

but since this
is our day off,

do you think we
could just, uh, maybe,
you know, have some fun?

Absolutely. Not a problem.
I've got that figured in, too.

"Organize equipment,

"Supervised group nap,

"Fun, 11:00 to 11:05."

Five minutes?

You scheduled only
five measly minutes for fun?

Well, we're running late here
so better cut that
back to four minutes.


Chip, why do you have
to spoil everything

by bossing us
around all the time?

Somebody has to be in charge
or things don't get done.

Hey, wait a minute.

Why can't I be in charge?
I never get to be the leader.

You know, Chip,
it's only fair to share.

And that means
being leader, too.


GADGET: Sorry, Zipper.

What can it hurt?
We're here for a good time,

and Dale's a born leader
when it comes to fun.

Well, okay, Dale,
you can be
the leader for the day.


Now, you won't forget
to sort the suntan lotions,

or organize the cooler,
or fluff the marshmallows?

Don't worry. I won't.

And now,
since I'm in charge today,

I order all of us
to have more fun.


Here, Monty,
these balloons
make great water toys.

you and I can play Frisbee.

[SQUEAKING] All right!

And you can
build a sandcastle
with these, Chip.

My own blend of sun block.

Now I can sit in the sun

for two hours, 18 minutes
and 36 seconds exactly.

Ah, nature.

She treats you fair
so long as you
let her know who's in charge.



If I'd only spent longer
on the blueprints,

I could have built
something really special.

Here's one right at you.

CRAB: Why,
thank you, my good fly.


Mother of pearl,
what has this beach come to?

I'm reduced to
scavenging for shelter.

Uh. What happened to you?

Aren't hermit crabs supposed
to have a shell or something?

We all had shells, earmuff,

but when we woke up
this morning,
they all had disappeared,

vanished, departed.

[GASPING] You mean,
they were gone?

Yeah, it's a good thing
you're not any sharper, son,

you'd cut yourself.

Why don't you
just find yourselves
some new shells?

Would we be wearing garbage
if there were any?

There isn't a shell
left on the beach.

MONTEREY: Crikey, he's right.

I've seen a lot of beaches
in my day but never one
without shells.

Missing seashells,
homeless hermit crabs,

this sounds
like a case to me.

What are you, detectives?

We're the Rescue Rangers.

We help people.

So finding our shells
shouldn't be any trouble.

When can we
expect to see them?

-CRABS: Yeah! Yeah!
-CRAB: When are we
gonna see them?

Uh, well, we'll be happy
to look for them tomorrow.

See, today's our day off.

Mother of pearl,
Rangers, look at us.
We need shells.

Go forth and make
yourselves useful.

CRAB 1: And go sideways.
It's faster.

CRAB 2: One side!

What a bunch of crabs.

Why should we help them?

Especially on our day off.

Because that's what we do.

How would you feel
if you lost your home?

-GADGET: Yeah,

I'm sure that if we can
find their missing shells,

they'd be much less crabby.

I mean, still crabs
but not so crab-like.

Well, wait, still crab-like,
since they are
crabs after all.

Gadget, love, drop it.

Okay, Rangers,
first we have to...

Hey, wait a minute,
I'm the leader.

But, Dale, this is serious.
We have a case.

So? I was in charge of the fun
and that worked out, right?

And besides,
you said I was
the leader for the day.

Well, okay, Dale,
you're in charge.

So what do we do now?

Okay, uh,
the first thing we gotta do
is, uh, find the shells.

There's not a sign
of them anywhere.

A sign?
Hey, that gives me an idea.

-I know where the shells are.
-You do?

Absolutely. Now, come on.
Rescue Rangers, away!

DALE: I don't understand
why all the missing
shells aren't here.

This is a Shell station.

But, Dale, just because
it has shells on its sign

doesn't mean
there are shells here.

Yeah, well, how was I
supposed to know that?

You know, Dale,
sometimes it takes
a little research

to figure something out.

You mean like
reading and stuff?


And I know just the place.
Follow me.

Maybe you should take over
this case, Chip.

But that wouldn't be fair.

We did make Dale
leader for the day.

Gadget's right.
And if he's going to succeed,

he's going to need
all the help he can get.

Come on.

this is my idea of research.

In a comic book shop?

This is my idea
of a big, fat waste of time.

Hey, comic books
can answer
a lot of questions,

like how to save the universe
from galactic invaders

and important
stuff like that.

I have a question, Dale.

Do any of these comic books
tell how to find
missin' shells?

[GULPING] Uh, no.

Then might it be a good idea
to look somewhere else?

I was just going to say that.
Follow me.

We sell seashells
by the seashore.

No, Mole, we steal seashells
from the seashore.


Wow, boss.

Did you know
that if you put
your ear to a seashell,

you can hear
the ocean inside?

Of course I knew that,
you idiot.

That's the whole point
to my brilliant
criminal master plan.

Wow, where do they
put the batteries?

Shells don't use batteries.

The ocean sound they make
is a mystery of nature,

like how you
manage to operate
without any brains.


Last one's set up, boss.

The controls are all
hooked up in the cannery,
whenever you're ready.

With the sound of the ocean
at my command,

I'll control all
the fish in the sea.

Those finny
swimsters will follow
the sound of the ocean's roar

and rush straight
into my holding t*nk.

I'll control the fish supply

and all the cats in the city
will have to
pay me handsomely

if they want any.

And now it's time
for you to
clean up the cannery

so I can receive my
subjects properly.



It's not fair.
My ideas were all good ones.

Those dumb old shells
have to be somewhere.

-You know, Dale, maybe
it's time for me to take over.

No way!
I'll see that we
find those shells!

How are you going to do that
if you can't
even find the ocean?

Huh? Hey, how did we
end up at the river?

Well, you're the leader.
We were following you.

But I was following
the sound of the ocean.

What was that, pally?
I can't hear you.

I followed
the sound of the ocean!

Oh, my gosh, it's the shells!

I found them.
I found them. Yippee!


That's not all you found.

These shells didn't
end up here by accident.
Someone put them here.

So what?
Our job was to find them
and we did it.

Uh, I did it.
Now, help me here.



Oh, a wise guy, eh?

Crikeys! Look at that.

Those shells are
doing the shimmy.

That's because
they're hooked up to a cable

coming from that old cannery.

FAT CAT: It works! It works!

I control
the roar of the ocean.


Places, please!
It's showtime.



Like, hey, do you hear
the ocean over there?

Sure do, dude.

And if that's
the ocean over there,
like, where are we right now?

We're in the wrong place.

Shake fin, dudes.

It's just
an empty t*nk for fish.

So what's this got to do
with those shells?

We gotta get out of here.

Quick, follow me.
We'll be safe up here.

No, Dale, not that way!

Did we get 'em all?

Looks like it.

Let's go tell the boss.


Dale! Gadget! Monterey!


Chipper, over here!

Nobody panic.

I'll think of
a way out of here.

Speaking strictly
from a physics standpoint,

we can't climb out.

Of course, I could be wrong
about the angle of the walls

and the friction coefficient,
but I don't think so.

D-Don't worry.
I'll think of something.

Just give me a second.



Now, for a little
peace and quiet.

Boss! Hey, boss!

Looks like we
got all the fish!

Didn't anyone ever tell you
that it's rude to shout?

Now, tell me,
is the net in place?

I don't want any
of my fish escaping.

Well? Well, answer me!


Yes, boss.

Didn't anyone ever tell you
that it's rude to mumble?

For a minute,
I thought this net
was going to trap us.

Using it for a ladder
sure was a lucky break.

Hey, it wasn't luck.

It was my leadership skills
that got us out of there.

And your leadership
that got us in there
in the first place.

That was an accident.

That fish stampede
was no accident.

But we still don't know
who stole the shells.

Or what else the fiend
may have up his sleeve.

Not to worry.
With me in charge,

I'll cr*ck this
case in no time.


You'll cr*ck
something at least.

This cannery is
far too filthy

for a feline of my fettle
to receive
the unwashed masses.

Make this place
worthy of me. Now!

I want to greet my
subjects in style.

Golly, that's Fat Cat.

I should've known
that homely hairball
was behind all this.

If we can figure out
how he rigged up the shells,

maybe we can turn them around
and set the fish free.

Please, Chip,
I'm in charge.

Now, the way I see it,

if we can figure out
how he rigged up the shells,

maybe we can turn them around
and set the fish free.

Everybody, follow me!

Dale, the door
to the cannery
is this way.

I knew that. Uh, I knew that.

Rescue Rangers, away!

Well, boss,
how do you like
this for a chair?

I hate it.

But it's your throne.

Throne, eh?
Why didn't you say so?
I love it.

[NERVOUSLY] Gee, boss,
that's just what it needed.

You have a real touch there.

I want this fixed
and I want it fixed now!

There's Fat Cat.

All right, Dale,
here's your big chance.

What do you want to do first?

Okay, maybe if we split up
and move through here,

we can get over there
and grab those controls.

head off at 45 degrees.

Right-o, Dale.
Zipper, come on, pal.

DALE: Gadget, move due west.
Chip, bear to the left.

We'll all come out
at different places
so we can surprise them.

So, Zipper,
are we headin' the right way?

I think so.

Moss grows on the north side
of arc welding,

so I must be
headed west, I think.

Bear left.
Bear left. Which left?

I can hardly wait
to see the look
on Fat Cat's face

when we surprise him.

This would make
a great throne.

What kind of throne
is this for me?

FAT CAT: I have style.
I have class.

I have breeding.
I have a temper.

I think this
part is nice, boss.

Nice? I'll show you nice.



MEPS: It does look nice,
if you like Rescue Rangers.


Bottom floor, lingerie.

Rescue Rangers?

FAT CAT: Come to pay me
a little visit, eh?

Oh, be still my heart,

the Rescue Rangers
right here in
the palm of my boot.

Wow, boss,
what are you gonna do
with them now?

Those poor dears have spent
so much time fighting crime

that I believe they
deserve a vacation,
a permanent one!


Nobody panic.
Don't worry. I'll have
everything under control.

Under water, you mean.

Unless we get out of here,
we won't last much longer.

Here, Chip, start bailing.

Where exactly
do you want me to bail it?


Dale, we're in desperate need
of a plan here.

GADGET: At times like this
I usually don't resort

to shrill
emotional outbursts,

but in this case...

You've got to do something!

I'm thinking. I'm thinking.

Just give me a minute.

I can do this.
I can think.

I can think.
I can't think!

You gotta help me, Chip.
I'm no leader.

I can't get us
out of here! Help!

Get a grip, Dale.

We'll get out of
here somehow, I think.
First things first.

what's our situation here?


Unless, of course,
someone has some wax.

We could reseal the seams.

W-Would a crayon do?
Yo-yos, balloons, jacks.

No crayon?
But I always have a crayon.


with all this stuff here,

there's got to be
something we can use.

-Forget it. It's junk.
-GADGET: Maybe not.

I might be able
to have us out
of here in a jiff.

If you could make
that half a jiff,
Gadget, love,

I'd be ever so grateful.

Here, Dale,
you blow up this balloon.

I'm not in the mood
for a party right now.

we'll use the balloon's air

to push the boot
out of the water.

Here, I'll do it.

The balloon should work

but I don't know
if the boot can
take the stress.

Oh, I don't know if I
can take the stress.

GADGET: Here goes nothing.

Well, actually,
everything, if you stop
and think about...



-MONTEREY: That's all right.
That's more like it.

We have to hurry
if we're going
to stop Fat Cat.

CHIP: He's already
got a head start.

Just give me room to swing.

[GASPS] Cats!

MONTEREY: How are we gonna
get past all them, Chipper?

CHIP: Maybe we don't have to.

If we can turn
those shells around,

we can use
the sound of the ocean

to get the fish to jump out
of the holding t*nk

and head back to sea.

MONTEREY: But that's
an awful lot of shells
to turn, Chip.

We're gonna need some help.

And I know some
folks who can.

I need you to do something.

You need me to get lost.
I've messed up
everything so far.

Okay, so maybe
you aren't exactly
cut out for being the leader,

but if it weren't for you,

we never would
have gotten out
of that boot.

that was Gadget's idea.

Look, I'm trying to
make you feel better.
Can't you see that?

You and I are a team.



And if we're
going to stop Fat Cat,

we need your help,
right, Rangers?

We aren't the Rescue Rangers
without you.

Thanks, guys.
I never knew feeling bad
could feel so good.

So what do you want me to do?

Go get the crabs.


FAT CAT: Snout, you may let
the feeble felines in now.

Welcome to Chez Fat Cat.

Please, allow me
to check your reservation.

Flash me the goods
or you don't
get the flounder.

Okay, your, uh,
reservation checks out.

You're good for the grub.

Okay, get in line over there.

Hey, buddy,
the scales here
are telling me

that statue of yours
isn't worth a plug mackerel.

Now do you leave
quietly and go steal

something worth
stealing for Fat Cat,

or do we get real nasty?

Okay, okay,
all right, already.
Don't flake your fur.

Come on, Robespierre.

I figured this was
a dumb idea to begin with.

I'm sorry, Pierpont.


gentlemen, welcome.

I imagine that you're, uh,
interested in some fish.

And you shall have some
at just the teensiest,
tiniest cost to you.

And I'm talking jewels,
gold, the usual!

So line up and be
ready to fork it over.

Ready to bring
up the fish, boys?

Boss, those pussies
look kind of perturbed.

So let them eat crab cake!

If these felines want fish,

they have to pay
my modest finder's fee.



What is that blasted noise?

I don't know, boss,
but the fish are
mighty restless.

The shells!

Why aren't
the controls working?
What's going on here?


Pull, everybody!

Okay, boys,

ready whenever you are.

Ready? Go!

But-- But-- But--
But my fish! My fish!

They're gone.
They're all gone.

Now, now, boys.
Patience, please.

S-Surely we can
work something out.

we's can work something out,

like my
knuckles on your nose.




Mother of pearl,
it's good to be home again.

Rescue Rangers, thank you.

Glad to help.

Yes, and now to celebrate.

Certainly, this calls
for a housewarming party.


A party! Oh, boy, a party!

See, I told you
they'd be less crabby

once they got
their homes back.

Back on their backs, I mean.

I mean, they're still crabs
and everything.

What I'm trying to say is...

Gadget, love,
that's getting on my nerves.

A party!

One second,
I'll have to
check the schedule.


Not again with the schedule!

Just kidding. I think
a party is most
definitely on our schedule.

Hey, that wasn't funny.

I said it was a joke.

There are some things
you should never joke about,

and parties are one of them.


Ah. Now,
that's my idea of teamwork.