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02x25 - Chocolate Chips

Posted: 03/26/24 12:30
by bunniefuu



♪ Sometimes some crimes

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks

♪ But these two gumshoes

♪ Are pickin' up the slack

♪ There's no case too big,
no case too small

♪ When you need help,
just call

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale's

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ No, no, it never fails

♪ 'Cause once
they're involved

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ No, no, it never fails

♪ They'll take the clues

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪

GUIDE: Macaws and toucans
are just some
of the colorful creatures

that make their homes
in the cacao trees.

And up ahead
is an Amazon tree sloth.

Golly, a vacation
in exotic places

really opens your eyes
to different cultures.

Looks like
you opened some eyes,
too, Gadget.

I suppose my super-charged
xenon flash is a bit bright.

No, the sun is bright.

That thing
is downright blindin'.

See? I didn't need to come.
I could've waited
for the slide show.

Who knows
what kind of mysteries
I'm missing back home.

Oh, Chip, even Rescue Rangers
need a vacation
every once in a while.

Golly, you'd think
a South American jungle
would be exciting enough.

Oh, but, señores y señoras,
although we cannot see them,

ferocious beasts
are all around us,

waiting and feeding.

For the most part, they present
no, no problemo,

but when their food supply
thins out,

they must find new territory
and new prey.

Wow, great picture, Dale.

You caught him
right in the act.

You were after
my chocolate again.

But I ran out.

Really, Dale, all that sugar
isn't good for you.

Well, I don't need sweets.

-I could give 'em up
anytime I want.
-Oh, you could not.

-Could, too.
-Could not.

-Could, too.
-Could not.

-Could, too.
-Could not.

All right, sugar brain,
let's see you do it.

-Give up sweets
for the rest of the vacation,

starting right now.

[STAMMERING] I didn't...

Golly, Dale,
what a great idea!
I'm so proud of you.



Ay caramba!
My beautiful jungle!

DALE: What happened
to the trees?

MONTEREY: Too-ra-loo!
It looks like half of them
just up and left.

Golly! But where
would a tree go?

If it had a choice, I mean.

Look out from below!

Oh, I'll get you for this,
you molting feather dusters!

We were here first, Tito.

Sí, find your own tree.

Oh, perdóneme
for falling on you, señores.

What's going on?

Ay! This loco
housing shortage.

Every night,
more trees, poof, disappear.

Even I,
Tito Manuel Hidalgo Jones,

have been forced to sleep
among the birds,

which I would not wish
on la cucaracha.

Just keep yourself
and your fleas
out of our tree.

Well, Chip,
you wanted a mystery.

of the Amazon, huh?
Sounds like a case for us.

ALL: Rescue Rangers, away!


we shouldn't be eating these
in front of Dale.

Shucks. Go ahead.
Giving up sweets is easy

when you have
lots of willpower
like me. Hey!

Don't worry, Dale.

We just wanna
give your willpower
a bit of a hand.

Forgot about
my emergency supply.

Dale is sort of on a diet,

so we try
not to mention sweets
in front of him.

Considering the case,
señorita, won't that
be difficult?

Sí, only the cacao trees
are being taken.

[LAUGHS] And the cacao bean
is where chocolate comes from.

FEMALE MACAW: Someone wants
to make a pig of himself
with all the chocolate.

Sound familiar, Dale?

But this is important.
They're stealing chocolate!

We gotta look for clues.


Well, there's nothing
we can do tonight.

Sweet dreams, everyone.

Oops. Sorry, Dale.

[SIGHS] No chocolate. Gosh!


Good thing I remembered
my emergency
emergency supply.




MAN: Ay caramba!


What's going on?



BOTH: Mosquitoes!

GADGET: Yikes!

MONTEREY: Buzz off
you bloodsuckin' beasties,

or I'll come out there
and flatten you!


CHIP: Help! Help!


GADGET: Get away!

Sounds like trouble in camp.



W-W-What's that?

Hey, who turned off
the sound? Chip!

Chip! Where are you guys?


They all vamoosed without me.


At least the birds are back.


[GASPS] The chocolate trees!

The guys must be...


An anteater!
Why does he want...


What's the big idea?

You can't just...
Hey! I thought
you didn't like those guys.


Tito! Get down!

DALE: Huh?


W-W-Will somebody tell me
what's going on around here?

Boy, am I glad
I found you guys.

This whole jungle
is full of zombies.


Chip, snap out of it!
It's me! It's Dale!

Hey, what did you
do that for?

To stop you
from being a zombie.

What are you talking about?



What's going on
around here anyway?

Hey, they're stealing
the chocolate trees!


It's the mosquitoes.
They're turning everyone
into zombies.



You can't zombify a tree.


Hey, that's my best
coonskin cap!





DALE: Wowie! I betcha
that's the Zombie King.



Can I get out of the tub now?

[GASPING] They're all zombies!
I gotta get help.



Golly, I'm more tired now
than I was when I went to bed.


Dale! Where have
you been, Dale?

Where have I been?
Where have you been?

[YAWNS] Gee, Dale,
I think Chip asked you first.

I went out
in the jungle to eat...
Uh, breathe some fresh air.

And--And when I came back,

you were all zombies
and stealing
all the chocolate trees.


That sounds
like one ripsnorter
of a nightmare.

Uh-uh. I wasn't dreaming.

All that candy
just tasted too good
to be a dream.


Aha! Peppermint breath.

I knew you couldn't
stop snacking.

Oh, Dale, how could you?

Making up stories
to cover your snacking.

I'm not making anything up.

You were all zombies
and you stole the trees.

And I'm gonna prove it
to you.

DALE: You zombies
carried the trees
right behind this waterfall.

Now, why would we
do that, Dale?

Uh, don't ask me.
You're the zombie.

You see? You see? I told you.

You must have taken the trees
into this cave.

Golly, could Dale
be right after all?

The trees have to be here!
I--I--I saw 'em!

Poor Dale. His mind's gone.

Huh. It was never there
in the first place.

I'm not going crazy,

uh, am I?


GADGET: Why would a carving
be hidden behind a waterfall?

Golly, Chip,
do you think
it could be a clue?

A clue to what?

GADGET: Are you okay?

Yeah. No problem.


Looks like me pally
isn't crazy after all.

You zombies must have
taken the trees up there.

Yeah, give your goose
a gander at that!

It's the stolen cacao trees.

CHIP: There's smoke
coming from that temple.
Let's check it out.


Golly and a half!

I wonder what's cooking.



Dale, get back here!

I'll get him.

It's disgustin'
how some people
can't control themselves.

And you were
calling us zombies.

Well, you were.

You were all
under the command
of the Zombie King.

Oh, come on.

Chip, we have company.

DALE: It's the king
of the zombies.


Now, that's what I call
a good chocolate.

Und I love licking
the spoon.



Let's see those sausage-heads
at the chocolate factory
top this.

For years, I slaved
to create masterpieces,

like my
chocolate-anchovy strudel.

Say, I--I think
I've had that.

Only the factory owners
got fat off my work.

Well, if he isn't fat,
I'd hate to see
the other guys.

But now I have found
the ancient secrets
of chocolate

by the ones
who first cooked it.

Und now, I,
Heinrich Von Sugarbottom,

will be candy-man
to the entire world!


Well, I don't know
about chocolate,

but he's sure got
enough fruitcake
to spread around.


Ah, my little flying needles
have returned.

Well, Fritzy,

are you ready for another day
collecting mein workers?


I will get
the mind-control juice for you
to spread to the workers.

Mind control?

I told you,
the mosquitoes
turn you into zombies.

Come on,
we'd better get closer.

[LAUGHING] The mind control
is what makes mein business
the big loot.

Since mein workers
don't know they're working,

I don't have to
pay them anything.


Drink up, boys!


And that's why Dale
didn't turn into a zombie.

Too right! The mosquitoes
didn't put the bite on him.

We gotta dump that stuff.
Let's go.

Ach! The chocolate is ready.

Time to pour it
into the mold.


The mind-control juice!

Mice? Chipmunks?
You have spoiled everything!

Looks like we solved
another one.

Yeah, maybe next time,
you'll listen to me.


Oh, no! They still got
the zombie juice in 'em!

I have ways of dealing
mit pesky rodents.

Into the chocolate molds!

This is no time
to lay down on a job.
We gotta get out of here!


This could be
my new masterpiece.

Chocolate-covered rodents!


Himmel! I'd better
make the next batch
light chocolate.

Just a little more.

DALE: Smile!

Come on, you guys,
get that lead out.

So, another rodent interloper.

Fritzy, bring the troops!


Run, you guys!


All right,
Mr. Smarty Pants,

I will fight the fire
mit der chipmunk.

Eliminate him!
I want his truffles dropped!


Part of being
the good businessman
is delegating responsibility.


Hey, guys, are you all okay?


Here he is! Up here!


Oh, hi, guys.




Okay, you guys,
uh, joke's over.

Sn-Sn-Snap out of it, okay?

Chipper, no. We're buddies.


Where am I?


Help! Help! Put me down!
Whose side are you on anyway?

Monterey, no!


Chip, you're not a zombie!

But the others still are.
We gotta stop that drum.

I should've taken up
the glockenspiel.
I have such natural rhythm.

[LAUGHS] You're back
and without
the nasty chipmunks.

I knew I could count on you.

Unlike some others I know.

Unfortunately, I can't have
people finding mouse hairs
in my chocolate.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Crikey! Back up.

My poor drum!


Guess his act really
brought down the house.

BOTH: Uh-oh.

They have ruined my plans!
Get them!

You are worthless,

you stupid
little needle-heads!

Now, now, meine Kinder.

I was just a little excited.

No need to get upset.
No, no, no.

Maybe a little chocolate
will sweeten
their disposition.


MONTEREY: Hang on, mates,

or you'll be double-dipped

There are Chip and Dale!

Can you believe it?
All this chocolate,
and me without a spoon.

Those little
business busters
ruined everything.

Nobody appreciates
a good entrepreneur.



Come on, Tito,
pick up the beat.

Ay caramba!
Everyone's a critic.

The faster
he plants the trees,

the sooner you'll get out
of our feathers

and find another place
to live.

Ay, ay, ay!

Let's put up
some condominiums.

Golly, what a great trip!

Yup, it just needed
a little mystery
to keep things exciting.

Hey, where's Dale?

You mean Mr. Candy Snacks?

He's right over there.


Gettin' his just desserts.