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01x11 - The Carpetsnaggers

Posted: 03/26/24 12:15
by bunniefuu

[Theme music playing]

♪ Sometimes
some crimes ♪

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks ♪

♪ But these two gumshoes ♪

♪ Are pickin' up
the slack ♪

♪ There's no case
too big ♪

♪ No case too small ♪

♪ When you need help,
just call ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no,
it never fails ♪

♪ Once they're involved ♪

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale's

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no,
it never fails ♪

♪ They'll take the clues ♪

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale's ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

[Woof woof]

Almost done, elmer.

There you go.

That rug scrap
we found

Really dresses up
the place, huh?


Well, I've got
homework to finish.

-Night, elmer.
-[Woof woof]



This coffee's not
doing a thing for me.

there's not much
to keep awake for.

Golly, car patrol
is usually exciting.

You're right there, gadget.

Should have stayed home
and had ourselves a holiday.

There's no telling when a case
might pop up, monterey.

We have to stay alert!

-You could be
missing something.

Well, we're almost home.

What am I going to miss?


Is that what
I think it is?

At least
it's action.

Call it in.

Man, that thing
can turn on a dime.


Oh, the captain
is gonna love us
for this one.

Strike me starkers!

That was a ride.

Look at that!
It's getting away.

It's no use.
We'd have to fly.

I know somebody
who can.

[Woof woof]


He's got a hold
of a blooming
flying carpet.

we'd better hurry!

I don't think that doghouse
will hold together for long.

Are you ok in there?

Oh boy!
Now I'm hearing voices.

Down here!

the rescue rangers.

You won't
be here long.

That's exactly what
I'm afraid of.

Be careful, everybody!
The slightest wrong move

Could tip this thing over.

Hey, this is great!

I bet you can see
the park.

-Hey, what's the big idea?

You just stay put!

It's a dream.
It's only a dream.

Oh, no, I'll never
get those clips like this.

If only I had
a counterweight.

Can I help you, gadget?

Perfect. Grab this.

All right. Now what?


Are you ok?

Sweet lass, that.

A bit out of focus
between the ears, though.


-[Gadget] ok, monty!

Lower us down easy.

Do you think it'd be
all right if I woke up now?

This is it, elmer,
rescue rangers

Thanks for the lift.
We appreciate it.

From now on
I'm sleeping
under jimmy's bed.

Thanks again. Woof!

Flying carpets.
Could be bad news.

Smacks of genies
and magical lamps.

A carpet that flies
may be strange,

But that doesn't mean
it's magical,

But why go to all
that trouble to kidnap a dog?

Maybe this is a case for
the rescue rangers.

Well, if it isn't
muldoon and kirby.

Seen any
flying doghouses

This morning?

Cool it, spinelli.
We heard it all
from the captain.

Crikey! No cheese.

They must be busy,

But if I know

Oh, monterey,
must you?

Come back here!

Cheese snacks!

those files here.

While you boys
were playing
demolition derby

With mutts
from mars,

Half this city
was burglarized.

They even took
the rugs the goods
were sitting on.

Hear that?
He said rugs.

So what?

Rugs, as in carpets.

Oh, like
flying carpets.

Take this batch
of reports and file 'em.

Get monterey.

Aye aye!


Yeah. Right
with you, mate.

What the--

Oh, no!

Come on. We gotta get
a look at those files.

The police file
said that all the rugs

Came from
ali bimbul's
carpet emporium.


Well, monterey,
does that look
like an evil genie to you?

You don't
have to be big
to be supernatural.

what's he doing now?

[All gasp]

-How'd he do that?

Golly! There's got
to be an explanation.


let's follow him.

What's all that junk?

When facing the forces
of the supernatural,

You'd best be prepared
with a good luck charm or two.

This, for instance,
is a lucky rabbit's foot

Given to me
by the high holy
hamster akatmandu.

Wasn't very lucky
for the rabbit.

Well, me lucky
arabian horseshoe

Is better
for defeating
genies anyway.

A pretty
small horse.

Monty, that's just a magnet.

Right. And carpets
don't fly.

Look! There he is.

Please, not the louis
quatorze ottoman.

It's worth
over a million.

A thousand pardons, sahib,
but I need the weight

To take out the curl
in the carpet.

That's a da vinci.

Is this vase expensive?

Incredibly so.

Then it's perfect.

Are you sure
this is necessary?

Oh, yes, sahib.
You wouldn't want
curly carpets.

Now to see about the carpets
in the other rooms.

Oh, goodness!

Golly, this is weird.

There are metal wires
woven into this carpet,

Almost like a kind
of electronic circuit. Huh.

A sure sign
of lurking evil.

the carpet
is taking off!

Run for it, mates!


Got to go, gadget.

gadget! Dale!

Zipper, follow them.
We'll take the plane.

Yes, sir!

Here. Use these.

Uh, hocus-pocus,
alakazaam, origami!

Quit fooling around
and help us, dale!

We can use
the edge of the carpet
to steer a bit.

I'm not fooling around!

I'm trying
to stop the magic!

Whoa. Uh-oh.

Aah! Hoo-hoo!

Hold on, dale!
We're coming down!

Careful, gadget.



Thanks, dale.


They're not
magic carpets.

criminal carpets.

This is what's causing
the carpets to fly.

Are you two all right?

I tried the magic stuff,
but it didn't work.

Latch on
to this, pally.

It's me strongest
magic charm.

Wait a minute.
This is a magnet!

It might disrupt
things enough

To get us...

I bet they're headed back
to ali bimbul's.

That must be
where he makes
the carpets.

[Door opens]

Ooh! Hoo-hoo-hoo!

Oh, goody!

Ooh! This is even better
than last night.

Oh, drat!

This darn disguise.

It's professor

Crikey! Him a wizard?

No. Just you're
basic mad scientist.

Ha ha ha!

Look at this.

I like paintings.

And, ooh!

And jewelry!

And look, at that--
a sterling silver tea service!

[Doorbell rings]

A customer.


It's not me.

I am wanda clutchcoin.

I am having a party.

And simply everyone
is going to be there.

Sounds wonderful,
ma'am sahib.

Well, of course it does,
you stupid little man.

Don't be absurd.

I want every room
of my house

Carpeted by tonight.

But, madam!

Ahh. No.

Of course money
is no object.

Your wish is my
very expensive command.

Ha ha ha!

The clutchcoin mansion,

More loot than I could
possibly count!

Only my special rugs
will do.


Hold on! Gadget!


Can't do it,
me bucko.


I'll be able to retire.

Ha ha ha!

Money, jewels,

Ha ha ha!

You're magic enough for me.

Good to see you,
too, zipper.


It's about time!

Let's get
the others.

Thanks, fellas.

You know, chip,
if I could find
wire and batteries,

I could build
an electromagnet
to stop these carpets.

You're making too big
a job of it, gadget.

We'll just nail
these rugs down.
That'll stop them,

Whether it's magic
or science.

-But if we did it my way--
-we'll do both.

Gadget, you build
your machine while
we nail down the carpets.


No, idiots!
Caviar with the white wine,
pate with the red!

When will
these peasants learn anything?

The plum sauce goes
with the duck, not lamb!

Look at those jewels!

Get a load of those diamonds!

Maybe I should
rethink my targets.

I wanna get a closer look.

I can't wait.
The carpets can get
the stuff in the house

And shake the jewelry
right off their backs!


Get those rodents
before they ruin my rugs!

Almost done.

Great. Then we're all set.

All we have to do is--

Look out!

It's a such bore
being filthy rich,
but what can one do?

I think we lost it.

That was close.

I doubt the thing
will try again.

Mess with me
and my rugs, huh?

Take them up
a couple of thousand feet
and let them drop!

If I can just loop

The input closer
to the secondary coupler...

Hey, everybody!
I'm finished!

Let's see if my electromagnet
can outdo your lucky horseshoe.

Wait! Remember
what happened the...

Last time?

Ohh! Ohh!

I can't wait.

Come to daddy,
my little carpets!




It's nimnul.
He's calling the carpets.

No problem.
They're nailed down
tight as a drum.

What's going on?

Why aren't they coming?

Maybe they need more power.

The carpets are homing in
on my transmitter!

Egad! I got
to turn it off.


I got to get out!

[Engine starts]

Use your magnet, gadget.

It's no use! There are
too many carpets.

We got
to steer this thing.

We're not going to fit!

We need a way to shift
the weight.

Leave that to me, luv.




[Guests screaming]

Left! Left!

[Screaming continues]

No! Right!

[Screaming continues]


Get out
your ticket book.

I don't suppose
we could skip this one?

I'll turn off
the main power.

We're gonna hit!

Oh, no!

Imagine, having
that kind of money

And living
with a pest problem like that.

No matter.
I thought the party
was rather dull.

Oh, taxi!

Next week
in monte carlo, darlings!

It's all the loot
from the robberies.

to it really.

Just a matter

Of applying
a few scientific

And some of
your special magic.