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01x06 - Kiwi's Big Adventure

Posted: 03/26/24 12:11
by bunniefuu

[Theme music playing]

♪ Sometimes
some crimes ♪

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks ♪

♪ But these two gumshoes ♪

♪ Are pickin' up
the slack ♪

♪ There's no case
too big ♪

♪ No case too small ♪

♪ When you need help,
just call ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale's ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no,
it never fails ♪

♪ Once they're involved ♪

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong ♪
gets solved ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale's

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no,
it never fails ♪

♪ They'll take the clues ♪

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale's ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

Good work, dale.

Looks like
they dragged it there.

Golly! Why would someone steal
the ranger plane and not fly it?

Maybe they
don't know how, gadget.

-Looks like the work
of primitives.

And I think I know
where to find 'em.

Roodle, roodle, wal-la!

Roodle, roodle,

Roodle, roodle, wal-la!

Roodle, roodle,

Roodle, roodle, wal-la!

Roodle, roodle,

Roodle, roodle, wal-la!

Crikeys! It's
a kiwi cult.

What would birds want do
to with an airplane?

They're worshipping it
like some sorta god.

Golly! I built it to last,
but I didn't think
it'd be immortal.

You think it can still fly?

I'd have to get closer
to examine it.

No problem,
gadget luv.

Birds of a feather
flock together.

Roodle, roodle,
roodle wah!

Roodle, roodle, roodle wah!

Roodle, roodle,
roodle wah!

Roodle, roodle, roodle wah!

Roodle, noodle,
apple strudel.

Watch it, dale!

Can you dance
a little closer
to the platform?

Can I dance?

Watch this
fancy footwork.

Roodle, roodle,
roodle wah!

Roodle, roodle, roodle wah!

Roodle, roodle,
roodle wah!

Roodle, roodle, roodle wah!

Roodle, roodle,
roodle wah!

Roodle, roodle, roodle wah!

Monty, watch
where you're going.

They're too busy
boogeying to notice us.

Watch it there, boys.

The ceremony
hasn't begun yet.

[Both] whew!

Roodle, roodle, roodle wah!

Roodle, roodle,
roodle, roodle!

Roodle, roodle, roodle, roodle!

My birdie brothers
and sisters,

We have a really
special treat
for you tonight.

roodle, roodle,
roodle, roodle!

the time has come
for the kiwis

To return
to the skies

Where all birds belong.

Now, right here
in this very camp,

The kiwi who will wake
the great flying god

Let's hear it now
for our own medicine bird,

Pepto gizmo!

One side please.

coming through.

Yes. That
should do nicely.

Ahem. Ahem.

Bingly wingly
pingly pie,

Take the kiwis
to the sky.

Uh, of course.
Heh heh.

This is
an equatorial
flying god.

Different spell

Siggly giggly
gaggly gouds,

Take the kiwis
to the clouds.

We're all waiting,

Yes, yes.
Of course.

Heh heh.


[Kiwi gasp]

Uh... Roodle roodle?

Oh, my goodness!

Evil spirits!

What's this bird
squawking about?

We're rescue rangers.

-We want our plane.

They've come to steal
our really great flying god.

Capture them!

Roodle, roodle,
wacky doodle!

Evasive maneuvers, mates.

Roodle, roodle,
wacky doodle!

Wacky doodle! Ack!

That's putting it
over on them, zipper!

Trying to make
a point, eh?

Heads up,
beak brains!

Hurry, chip!

We've got
to get airborne.

Now, who put this here?

Lift off,
gadget luv!

we're stuck.

I'll give it a push.

Eek! Ooh ooh!

Hurry up, dale.
Come on!

Let's bring 'em on down.

Look out!

[Rangers scream]

Aces flying,

That's some
booster rocket
we've got there.

we had there.

I just hope I can fix it.

Not to worry.
We'll think of something,

Course, there's no point
thinking on an empty stomach.

Come on, zipper,
let's find some grub.

Sounds good to me.


Ooh ooh!
Ow ow!

Oh, dale.
Your toe.

You really
hurt yourself.

All for us, too.

Aw, shucks.
It's nothing. I just--

Nonsense. You need
to lie down.

But gadget, it's just his toe.

Well, his toe needs
to lie down.

So the rest of him will just
have to go along with it.

Really, chip. His toe
could be broken.

Oh, I don't think it's bro--

Uh... Yeah, really, chip.

My toe could be broken.


I'm sorry, guys.
Without a new balloon,
we're stuck.

Well, we better keep moving.

If them kiwis
hold a grudge

Like the cannibal
canaries I crossed
in new guinea--

Hey! Maybe we don't
have to fly the plane,
if we can float it.

I hear
the little beakheads
still keep a picture of me.

-Sure. Right before
we crashed,

I saw a river.
-And I can turn the plane
into a boat

So we can sail it home.

Ugh! Ugh!

Ugmph ugmph!

Let's slow down.

Dale's having trouble
keeping up.

If we go any slower, we'll
be going backwards.

I'm sorry.

I'll speed up.

You shouldn't even
be walking on that foot.

Here, let me make
a place for you.

[Bang bang]

Well, I could have
done better if I had the proper
tools and materials,

But this'll have to do.

Oh, I couldn't.

No, really, this
is just too much.

Tilt it just a little
this way.


Hey. Watch it,
down there.

Hey! Those bumps aren't
good for my toe.

You think it's so easy?

Get down here
and help push!

Any old dummy
can do this.

Uh... Yeowch!

What happened?

I was just
trying to help,
and I hurt my other foot.

Chip, how could
you let him?

Get back up there now.

Whatever you say, gadget.


And please, everybody,
watch those bumps.

Ok, let's give it
the old heave-ho.

Jump in, guys.
You can clean up later.


Everybody, paddle.


Except dale,
of course.

I'd say those ranger demons
have been here all right.

They're dragging
the flying god
to the river.

Can a flying god swim?

More important,
can a really great
flying god

Survive a really big
river demon?

[All gasp]

Not the river demon!

Gadget, I'm worried.

If the plane
should turn over,

Could dale swim?

Golly, no!
He can't swim
in his condition.

We'd better
be extra careful.

chip. Oh, chip.

Could you
help me, please?

I'll be
right there.

Would you kindly fluff
my foot cushion?

I just can't seem
to reach it.

Glad to help, dale.



Hey, everyone,
dale's swimming.

Hang on, dale!
We'll get you.

Swim, dale!

But you said he couldn't...

[Rangers] swim!

Help! Help!

I'll save you, dale!

Rope them, monty.

Them ain't the ones
with the teeth.

You see, gadget.

Monterey jack never
does anything half way.


Oh, no!

Ya ha ha!

Hooked me
a whopper!

Oh, dale.
Let me help you.


Signal next time,
you overgrown suitcase!

We're coming, monty.

Rescue rangers, away!



Oh, no!


Over here!

We're coming,





Grab a paddle
and dig in, mates!

He's expecting

Head for those rocks!


It's no use.
We're stuck.



[All] aah!


Well, that takes care
of old fangface.

But who's
taking care of us?

We're gonna go over!



That's a long way
to tipperary.

We've got to find a way down,
'cause we can't go back.

We can climb down
these vines.

Dale, you shouldn't do that,
not in your condition.

Oh, yeah.
My condition.

Oh, thanks, gadget.

We have to get
down somehow.

And I know how.

Hey, watch it
up there.

Keep it slow
and steady, guys.

Easy, easy.

Easy for you,

Watch it!

We seem to be
hung up.


[All] dale!

We're coming, dale!

Oh, dale.
Lie down, quickly!

But... But...

You'll never
get better

If you don't stop
overdoing things.

I'll just have
to do something
more drastic.

But I feel better.
Really. You don't have to...

[Wolf howls]

Your toe feeling
better, dale?

Now, dale,
how about
a little dinner?

You bet!
I'm starved!

Uh, I mean,

I suppose
I could probably manage
to eat something.

let me help you.

I wouldn't mind
breaking me own head

If a had a nurse
like gadget waiting on me.

I think dale's
faking it.

Not me. Still,

A pretty face
can scramble your brain.

I remember meeting
a marmoset from marseilles once.

Come on.
I have an idea.

We can watch him
from here.

A touch of the evil
cloak and dagger, eh?

Hey, guys,
what's the big idea
running off like that?

We, uh...
We're, uh...

Chip thinks dale's
faking his injuries.

Chip, how can you
say that?

Especially after
almost getting him eaten
by that crocodile?

I can prove it.
Take a look.

Aha! See?

Now what
do you think?

Why that little...
He couldn't...

How did... Oh!

I know just
what you mean.

Well, monterey--

And now for something
really special.

No! Mmfph...

Now, it gives me
great pleasure

To announce the return
of the really great
flying god.

roodle, roodle!
Roodle, roodle!

Roodle, roodle! Roodle, roodle!

And right here we have
the ranger demons

Who will make
the flying god fly.

Yeah, like a rock.

You can't fool us.
We saw you make it fly before.

It had wings before.

We know which one of you
has the secret of flight.

It's the one
who can already fly.

-[Kiwi gasp]

Take him away
to the flying god

So the kiwi's
may fly again.

Roodle! Roodle! Roodle!

Roodle! Roodle!

I've got to do

Oh, these
stupid bandages!

I never should have faked
breaking my toe.

You'll need
these magic totems.



The other demon!
He flies!

It's dale!

holding him up?

The wind!

Roodle! Roodle!

Wow, this is great!

He's the flying god!

All right, you bettter
set my friends free.

At once,
oh, flying god.

Let those wonderful
rangers go.

Right here
and right now.

dale, look out!


Good night,

-This'll work if
the wind keeps up.
-Bombs away!


Ouch! Ouch!
Ouch! Ouch!


You've saved us.

Right here
in this very camp.

He has the secret!
He flew!

Yes, please. Tell us
how you flew.

But... But... But...
I don't...


No problem, chiefy.
We'll fix you right up.

That parachute material
works great, gadget.

I couldn't have fixed it
without you guys.

These birds can sure
throw a bonzer bash.

Too bad dale had
to miss the party.

But the medicine man said
to stay off your feet.

Yeah, mate, you cracked
your toe a good one
when you ko'd that croc.

it's not so fun

When your toe
is really broken.

Well, goodbye to you,
rescue rangers,

And thank you.

Roodle! Roodle!

Roodle! Roodle! Roodle!