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01x04 - Flash, the Wonder Dog

Posted: 03/26/24 12:10
by bunniefuu

[Thunder cracks]

♪ Sometimes some crimes ♪

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks ♪

♪ But these two gumshoes ♪

♪ Are pickin' up
the slack ♪

♪ There's no case
too big ♪

♪ No case too small ♪

♪ When you need help,
just call ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip 'n' dale ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no,
it never fails ♪

♪ Once they're involved ♪

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no,
it never fails ♪

♪ They'll take the clues ♪

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

For the last time,

Is youse gonna give us
the secret recipe?

No! No! A thousand times, no!

I was hoping you'd say that,

'Cause when the big hand
gets to 12,

It'll wipe the dynamite
and blow youse
to kingdom come.


Come on, boys.

Leave us get out of here.

♪ Aroo aroo roo ♪

It's flash
the wonder dog!


Awk! And conrad cockatoo!


Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Get 'em! Get 'em! Get 'em!

Look out
for those uppercuts.

Yay, flash!

Hey! What's going on here?

The bad guy grabbed the girl
and tied her up to the clock
with dynamite,

But flash the wonder dog
came to the rescue
in the nick of time,

'Cause when the clock
strikes 12, the whole thing
goes kablooey!

Oh no!

Hurry, flash.

Hey! What'd you do
that for?

You're too wrapped up
in that show.

What do you mean?
Flash is the greatest hero
that ever was.

He's just an actor.

He is not. Look at all
the things he can do.

It's all fake, dale.
They do it in a tv studio.

How dare you say that!
Flash is not fake!

-Yes, he is.
-Is not.

-Is too.
-Is not.

Well, I can tell
you're both busy.

I'll come back later.

Fat cat:
the poor child,
at the end of her rope,

With no one to save her

But this poor excuse
for man's best friend.

It's bad enough that he has
a bird as a sidekick.

But to make a hero
out of a... Dog!

How revolting!

You called for us,
fat cat?

No. I was testing
my moron magnet.

Of course I called for you!

Now then, what do I hate

More than anything
in the world?



Oh, goody. You've
been paying attention.

And who's the world's
most beloved dog?

Flash the wonder dog!

I--i watch his show
whenever I get...


If we grab flash

And ruin his
goody-good reputation,

The only dogs
people will like

Will be hot dogs!

Thanks for doing
the hard stuff, sam.
I'll take over from here.

Oh, flash,
you saved me!

How can I ever repay you?

♪ Aroo aroo roo ♪

Flash the wonder dog
will be right back

After this word from sludgies,

The new cereal made from mud.


All right!

Frank, get the crane!

Who'd believe
flash the wonderdog
is afraid of heights.

What a day.

I feel so knocked out.

[Blows thudding]

this just in.

Flash the wonder dog
has disappeared.


He was last seen on the set
of his number-one rated tv show.

Just a few more stitches

And this wing will be
as good as new.

Well, as good as
it was before.

Catastrophe! Calamity!

A disaster!

What is it?

Flash the wonderdog
has disappeared!

-Oh brother.
-We got to do something!

We got to find him!

Something terrible
has happened to him,
I just know it!

You've been watching
that show too much.

Maybe we should look for him.

Right, mate. How can we say
we're willing to rescue anybody

If we ain't willing
to rescue everybody?

-Well, all right.

If it means that much
to you.

Thank you,
thank you...

Ok, ok!

All set to pour?

Costumes ready?

Ready, boss.

Then what
are you waiting for?

Hey, not yet!

Ok, who ruined my car?

♪ Aroo aroo roo ♪

Ha ha ha ha!

Flash the wonderdog?


♪ Aroo aroo roo ♪

[Baby cries]


♪ Aroo aroo roo ♪

Whew! I could use
a drink of water.

Heh heh heh
heh heh!

I get a chance to express

My true artistic nature.

Huh? Who ruined
my masterpiece?

♪ Aroo aroo roo ♪

This looks like the work
of flash the wonderdog!

Dale, we've been searching
all day for flash.

Let's go back.

No! He's out there!

♪ Aroo aroo roo ♪

What are you doing?

That's flash's special howl.

If he can hear that,
he'll reply.

I'm sorry, mate,
but the chance of him hearing

A little squeak like that
must be a million to--

♪ Aroo aroo roo ♪

It's him! It's him!

He must be in that
condemned building.





It's flim--hash--
I mean, it's flash!

Hey, little fella,
who are you?

We're the rescue rangers
to the rescue!

Looks like you're the key
to this puzzle zipper, old pal.

Uh, yep!

Come on, flash. Let's go!

Go where?

-Hey, get...
-Run for it, blokes.

Come back...hey!

C-come back here,
you guys!

Look out!


Flash, jump!


I can't!
I'm afraid of heights!

You got to do it!
You got to jump!







Hang on!
We'll save you!


Don't go away.

Why doesn't he just climb
up the side of a building

Like he does on tv?

'Cause he doesn't do it on tv,
a stunt dog does it.

Huh? A stunt dog?

Lower away, luv.

Going up!

Everything's ready!

Jump, flash!

I can't!
I'm too scared!

Flash the wonderdog scared?

Now what'll we do?

I have a plan.
If we could...


Oh, never mind.
Strike that.



I have no idea
why those guys
kidnapped me.

But tv stars have to be
on the lookout all the time.

Funny. That cat back there
looked a mite familiar.

Well, this kind of life
is too tough for me.

I got to be getting back
to my tv show. So long.

Bye, little feller.
See you in the audience.

What's the matter
with him?

I guess he's just
a little disappointed.

You see,
you were his hero.

He really
looked up to you, mate.

And I let him down.

Sorry, little feller.

But I'm no hero,
I'm just a tv actor.

Well, thanks again
and bye.

Bye-bye, flash.




Dale, want to come
to my workshop

And see
my latest invention?

Look what I baked
for you, pally.

Cheddar cheese

[Sniff sniff]



It's no use.
Nothing cheers him up.

No use in letting
good food go to waste.

Hey, dale,
how about some tv?

Reports are pouring in
from all over the city

And there can be
no question about it,

Flash the wonder dog
has run amuck.



Even now, police and animal
regulations officers

Are combing the streets,
but when this crazed canine

Will be stopped is
anybody's guess.

[Baby cries]

He couldn't have done
all those things.

He was locked up.

Maybe that's why somebody
wanted him out of the way.

Flash may not be a hero,
but he's no bad guy!

We better catch up with him
before somebody else does.

To the tv station!
Rescue rangers, away!

I just want to go on record
as saying I never trusted
that mutt.

And to take his place
in our tv show,

I've hired
conrad the wonder bird.

The bird?
How disgustingly repulsive.

When are they going to give
the starring role to a cat?


I got bad news!

Don't tell me you let
that flea-bitten dog escape?

Ok. I won't tell you.

Let me guess.
Does this have
anything to do

With the rescue rangers?

Yeah. Good guess, boss.
How did you know?

Because those rodents
are always ruining
my bad intentions!

Nevertheless, I shan't let
this news darken my day.


I believe i--

I mean,
flash the wonder dog

Will viciously att*ck
his former costar

On nationwide tv!

Ha ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!


Ah, home at last.

There he is!
There's flash!

Ah, my devoted fans
have missed me.

Something tells me,
it's not my autograph
they're after!

What's going on?
My fans have deserted me.

There he is!
Get him!

There's flash.

He ran into
the tv studio.

Put her down
on the roof, gadget.

The wonder bird!

♪ Awk awk awk
awk awk ♪


Conrad, you got
to help me!

Awk! Help! Help!

Mad dog!
Keep him away!

It's flash!
He wants revenge on conrad

For taking his show!

Put on a standby sign
and get that dog!


Today on
looking at cooking

We will be preparing
the souffle.

Remember, the souffle must
be done just right, or...



Well, jeff, what say today
we learn how pulleys
and levers work?

Gee, mr. Wizzer,

I was hoping you'd teach us
how to make plastic expl*sives

With household

[Shouting and banging]

Help me put this on.

I've got a plan that will seal
flash's fate forever!

Got to hide! Got to hide!

There's nowhere
to go but...[Gulp]...up!

There he is!

How'd he get
way up there?

Don't worry, conrad.
You're safe with me.


Back off, everybody!

He's got conrad!

Don't make him angry!

That's not flash.

That's a fake flash.

Can't they see
that's not flash?

Wait a sec.
Nobody will see anything

Unless we get those
cameras turned on.

Monterey jack,
turn one of those
cameras around.

Zipper, you stay here
and help me in the control room.

Oh, I hate heights!
I really hate heights!

do something!

We can't!
He might hurt conrad!

Hey, that's me!

Or somebody trying
to be me!

These things are harder
to move than a sleeping rhino.

Zipper, when I give you
the signal, hit that red button.


Flash, you got to do

You got to save conrad!

♪ Aroo aroo roo ♪

Oh, no!


Good! The whole world's
seeing this.


Hey, that's
a fake flash!

And that's
the real one!

Back, or the bird
gets plucked!

I'll turn it on.

You aim it.

Whoa, nelly!

Yee haw!


Come on, dale.
Let's go.

Flash, I knew all the time
you didn't pull those stunts.

Can you ever
forgive us?


Looks like flash is
a big hero again.

-This time he deserves it.

Come on, guys,
let's go home.

Hey, guys, wait up!

I wanted to say thanks
for helping me
look like a hero.

It was you that did that, flash.

Hey, that tickles!

Here, flash.
Honorary membership
in the rescue rangers.

For once I agree
with dale.

You deserve it.

I wish I could do
something for you.

I think you did, flash.

You made them honorary
wonder dogs.

♪ Aroo aroo roo ♪