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01x01 - Piratsy Under the Seas

Posted: 03/26/24 12:07
by bunniefuu

[Theme music playing]

♪ Sometimes,
some crimes ♪

♪ Go slipping
through the cracks ♪

♪ But these two gumshoes ♪

♪ Are picking
up the slack ♪

♪ There's no case
too big ♪

♪ No case too small ♪

♪ When you need help,
just call ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip 'n' dale's
rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip 'n' dale's ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no,
it never fails ♪

♪ Once they're involved ♪

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip 'n' dale's
rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-chip 'n' dale's ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no,
it never fails ♪

♪ They'll take the clues ♪

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip 'n' dale's
rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-chip 'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip 'n' dale ♪

Keep your eyes peeled, men.
A case could pop up anywhere.



Hey, great trick, monterey.
How did you do that?

It's called static
electricity, dale.

First you rub something
furry to build up a charge,

Then you picks
your target.



Sorry, mate. Got carried away
with me demonstration,
didn't i, dale?

Uh, dale?

Ouch! What'd you do that for?

You ding-dong!
We're supposed to be
watching for cases!

Learn to relax, chip.

If someone needs our help,
we'll find out.


[Both] oh, no!




The lightning took out
the main transformer.

The weird thing is

That it looks like
it wasn't an accident.

I know it sounds
crazy, but...

But we got a letter

Taking credit for
the lightning strikes...

Before they hit.


This is what
spunky looks like.

I'm sorry, but, uh,

Well, kitten runaways
aren't in our jurisdiction.

But spunky would
never run away.

Somebody must have
taken him.

Aw, now, don't cry.
I'll tell you what.

I'll tell the men
to keep an eye out, okay?

Thank you, sir.

Poor little girl.

I think we should help her.

Yeah, yeah!

Hurry, we've got to follow her.
I'll set the catapults
for the launchpad.

Sure, sure, we can follow
in the ranger plane.

Are you sure
we should, uh...

Help a kitten?

After all, don't kittens
grow up to be cats?

rescue rangers away!

A case? Golly,
that's great news.

Let's go!

No offense,
gadget, luv,

But you're sure
you finished?

Sure, I'm sure.

Not like last time?

Oh, monty,
how many times do you think
the wings can fall off a plane?

I don't know.
You tell me.

I have complete
trust your work.

All the same,
perhaps someone should
pound the pavement

A bit and ask some questions,

Find out if anyone's
seen the little nipper.

Great idea,

Here, take dale
with you.

Show the photo
around cat alley.

cat alley?

We'll meet you there!

There she is!
Follow that bike!

I shouldn't have
left him alone.

Oh, chip,
I can't believe

A kitten would run
away from that sweet
little girl.

Hey, chip,
look at that!

They looks like
animal claw marks,

But no animal
would be that strong,

Well, no animal around here.

I mean, a tiger
or bear could do it,
but golly!

Hey! Look down there!

Golly, again, chip!

Those tracks
have just the kind of claws

That could've ripped
this window sill.

Cat alley!

Every cat in the city
hangs out here.

Why do we have to check out--

And do you know what
cats eat?

-Too right.

And don't think
they wouldn't mind a bit
of chipmunk for desert, either.

No, no, no! Mice!



What happened
to all the cats?

Hey, dude, don't look
a gift cat in the mouth!

They bugged out
two nights ago

And ain't
been back since, man.

How about this
itty-bitty cat?

Hey, cool your jets.

You don't want
to put a clamp on things
by bringing back a cat.

It's time to be
a party animal!

Do you think something
chased the cats away?

Maybe. The trick
to solving a case like this

Is to think like a cat.

Not think like cat.
Be a cat.

Need to lay off
the nuts, lad.

You are what you eat.


[Mice] cat!




I had nightmares
about being inside cats,

But they were
nothing like this.


[Grr grr]

He spotted us!

Why do I feel
like I'm a shrimp
on the barby?

[Grr grr]

[Both scream]

[Grr grr]

What say
we go walk about?


[Grr grr]


golly! What kind
of dog is that?



I'm coming, mate!

monterey jack!

Get me out of here!

Dale! Mate!

Speak to me.

[Buzzing charge!]

Ok, zipper.
Go for it!

Well, I guess the cats
weren't eaten after all.

No. Someone is using robots
to capture cats.

But for what,
and where?

Gadget, can you
fix this?

Sure! Just have to
reconnect a few wires!

We can
ride inside it.

I can hardly wait.

[All gasp]

[Cats meowing]

what is this place?

a nightmare!

[Meowing continues]

Come on!
Time to abandon dog!


All right, boys.
Line up.

I'm ready, puppies.


[Meowing continues]


Good doggies.

Nice puppies.

Ohh! My poor puppy.

Did ums get an owie?

Professor nimnul
will make it all better.

But first, give dadums
the nasty kitties.

Seems a bit
too roomy in here.

Where are my cats?

You incompetent

Ow! Ooh! Ow!

[Both laugh]

I don't like
being laughed at.

I offered those fools
at the power company

A revolutionary
source of cheap power,

And they laughed!

But they'll be sorry.

The police
have my demands,

This time it is I who will
do the laughing.

Ha ha ha!

You are so right.

Let's find spunky
and beat it!

Ooh, nobody's
going to find

One little-ittle
cat in that!


What's he

He's found spunky!


[Meow meow]

Who are you guys?

We're rescue rangers!

We're going to get you back
to your little girl.

Monterey jack,
get the bars.

-Come on, spunky.
-You can do it!

[Buzz! Buzz!]

mr. Monterey.

Duh, don't
mention it.

[Cats meowing]

[Meow meow meow]


Easy! Easy!

Now let's beat it!

[Dale] while
the beating's good!



We're not leaving till all
these cats are free.

We are the rescue rangers,
after all.

And who knows
what that terrible man
has in store for them?


But how can we open
all these cages?

Just press buttons, see?


Too late!



Grab him!

[All scream]



What's it doing now,
trying to make friends?

It's building up

An incredible charge
of static electricity.

We have to
do something!

This ought to do it.

[All sigh]

[Grr grr]

Quick, girl!
Throw the wrench!

[Buzz buzz]

Here, boy!
Here, boy!

See the nice stick?

See it?

[Pant pant]

Here you go.
Fetch it, boy! Fetch!

What's going on
in here?

The professor's back!
Let's get out of here!

Get off of me,
you trash compactor!

Where's spunky?

A kitten?

Once the kitties
charge my generator,

It'll throw
a lightning bolt

That'll make the city
sizzle like bacon!

Ha ha ha!

Uh-oh. This
doesn't look good.

It's going to be

A hot time
in the old town tonight!

Ha ha ha!

Now for some serious

How do we
stop him now?

Oh no, the kid's gone
bonzer loco!


[Both shouting]
I got it! I got it!

Did you get it?

No. Did you?

Get me
that remote control!

I told you
to hold onto this!


Get the cat,
not me--

Yeow! Well, stop!

Heel! Sit! Help!

Push off, lads!
At the double!

Run, monterey! Run!


throw it up here!


Excuse me.


[Woof woof]


Let go of me,
you furball!

Sic him!
Not me, him!

[Cats meow]

Here, kitties.

Nice kitties!


[Cats meowing]


Whoa! Please!


Let's find spunky
and scram!

Not so fast,
small fries!

You rodents are history!


What? You again?

Oh, no.
Where's that no good...

[Grr grr]



You'll pay for this!

When I get
out of here,

The whole world
will pay!

Well, they're all out.

And if I never
see another cat,

It'll be too soon.

I--i... No offense, eh, kid?

Course not,
mr. Monterey.

Let me out!
Let me out!

Now, only one job left.
Let's go!

I wonder where
my can opener is.

[Ding dong]

I don't see why
I have to wear a bow.

Do you think
she'll remember me?



Oh, you're home!
You're home!

Mama! Daddy!
Spunky's home!


Another case closed
with a happy ending.

And monterey has learned

That even cats
have their place,
haven't you, monty?

Too right, I have!

A cat's place is
as far from me as possible!