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03x04 - A Chorus Crime

Posted: 03/26/24 11:33
by bunniefuu

♪ Sometimes
some crimes ♪

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks ♪

♪ But these two
gumshoes ♪

♪ Are pickin' up
the slack ♪

♪ There's no case too big ♪

♪ No case too small ♪

♪ When you need help,
just call ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale's ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no, it never fails ♪

♪ 'Cause once
they're involved ♪

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no, it never fails ♪

♪ They'll take the clues ♪

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

Hurry up, gadget.
The show starts
in half an hour.

All set.

Aren't you going
to wear a dress?

Why? I'll be able to enjoy
the show in these overalls.

But it's the theater.

Everyone will be
dressed up.

-Look at me and dale.
-Pretty sharp outfit.

Never mind.

Wow. You two will
outshine everyone
on stage.

What stage?

Zipper and me are going
down to the docks.


Big cheese ship
from switzerland

Arriving tonight,

The gouda belle.

We've got to be there
to greet her,


But what about the show?

Tie the kangaroo down, sport.
It's not like I'm breaking up
the team.

We'll meet you
after the show.

That boat always arrives
with swiss precision.

Okay, guys, go home.

The gouda belle isn't arriving.

She hit an iceberg
and went down.

Weird! That's
the second ship
to hit an iceberg

In the last two weeks,

And it ain't even
iceberg season.

Zipper, milad,
this sounds like it needs
some serious looking into.

Oh, no! Look!

canceled due
to lack of shoes."

Lack of shoes?
What does that mean?

I don't know. Let's go do
some sole-searching
and find out.

Get it? Sole? Shoes?

Yes, yes, yes.
Let's go.

[Crying, howling]

Someone's being
m*rder*d! Come on!

Oh, the pain!
The suffering!

The lost movie rights!



the m*rder?

m*rder? Have the reviews
come out already?

Aren't you
canina lafur?

Star of stage,

And an occasional
dog food commercial.

I've been a fan
of yours for years...

How sweet.

And years and years.

All right. How many dog years
do I have to listen to this?

Sorry, canina.

We came back here
to find out why
your show was canceled.

Kismet! Fate!
Bad luck!

Oh, do feel free
to call me miss lafur.

You know, I was to be featured
in the all-dog dancing number,

Hello doggie!

Well, the producer
put in a factory order

For the most elegant
dog-size tap shoes,

And then some creep
up and robs the factory.

Your worries are over,
miss lafur.

We'll find your shoes for you.

I'll be your fan


Bless my luck,
I found you, mates.

Icebergs are sinking
cheese ships,

And I say we investigate.

We can't. We already promised
canina that we'd find

Her stolen tap shoes.

That's a good one,

Tap shoes!

Excuse me,
you grotesque
little rat,

But he means it.

mysterious sinkings--

That's more our style.

But think, monty.
What could we do about them?

Icebergs are
a natural phenomenon.

I'm a phenomenon, too,
and I need your help.

Just the thought of all
that sunken cheese!

Well, I'm working on my case

-If have to do it on my own.
-Then you are on your own.

Right then. Play your silly
detective games.

Zipper and me are
gonna solve a real crime.


I didn't think
he'd actually leave.

Aw, he'll be back.

Nothing can break up
this team...can it?

Sure I have a plan, pally.

We'll catch a boat to europe.

On the way, we'll observe
this iceberg problem
for ourselves.

How do you know
which boat to take?

How do I know
which boat to take?

Instinct, boyo.
I just look at a boat

And know where
it's going.

You see that, chip,
my instincts tell me
that's the one we want.


Of course,
this ship will be fine, too.


A tiptop tap shoe factory.

Then this is where we start
looking for clues.

I want to help.
How can I help?

Would you like to dust
for fingerprints?



Dear girl, you forget.

I am a star.

Say, guys,

Has monty rejoined
the team in the last
two minutes?

Of course not. Why?

Because we've got
a problem here

That's his specialty.



Calm down, kid.

Hey there, tall, dark,
and dreamy.

Hold it, mutt.

No one treats
canina lafur this way.

Canina lafur?

The canina lafur?

That's me.
I'm just a little cur
from little rock.

I've been a fan
for years...

How sweet.
You're so kind.

And years.

Enough, bone-breath.

Excuse us,
mr. Watchdog.

Have you noticed
any unusual activity
around here lately?

Been pretty quiet around here

Since that thief made off
with a shipment of tap shoes.

Thief? Didn't you
try to stop him?

Do you have any idea
where he went with them?

Not a clue. He left here,
jumped in a cab and said,

Take me to baffin island,
third glacier from the left
in the arctic circle."

That's all
we need to know.

What a ghastly way
to travel.

Gypsy rose leash doesn't
put up with this many
bumps and grinds.

Dale, are these the best
arrangements you could make?
A traveling circus?

Well, what was I supposed to do?

Canina couldn't fit
in the ranger plane.

Too bad monty
didn't arrange this trip.

He's an expert traveler.

We'll survive. It's only
another couple of days.

It's great to breathe
the air of europe again,
eh, zipper?


Yeah, it is a little nippy.



Well, now, I guess it
isn't exactly europe.

Ok. It isn't
europe at all.

But maybe ending up here
is the best accident
we could ever have.

Look out there.
We want to find out
about icebergs.

Well, here we are
where they're born,

The arctic circle.


Oh, don't take on like that.

We'll find a way
to get up there,

Warm as toast
the whole way.

Warm enough for you?


Maybe this guy knows something
about those k*ller icebergs.

Good afternoon, sergeant.
What brings you out here?

I was going to ask you
the same thing.



I'm, uh...

Conducting a scientific
study of penguins.

You have permits
to cage these penguins?

Permits? They
haven't arrived yet.

Postal service
is lousy up here.

I'm expecting
the mailman about...

Quarter past april.

Look, monty.

Yeah, teeny tiny tap shoes.
So what?


Oh, come on.
How could these
have anything to do

With chip's stupid
tap shoe mystery?

We're thousands of miles
from home.

Well, I'll let you go
for now,

But I'm going to be
checking back soon,
real soon.

Yes, sir. No problem.

Have an ice day.

Heh heh!

May the penguin of paradise
paralyze your pituitary.

Crikey! It's professor nimnul,
the most demented criminal mind

In the western hemisphere.

Come, you tuxedoed
butter fowl.

Time to start cracking.

Who knows what
this madman is up to.

What a time for us
to go it alone.

What the deuce is he doing?

There you go.

Nice, new tap shoes,
stolen just for you.

Come on, move it!
Time is money,
and money is life,

And I've got a lot
of living to do.


Old nimnul was always been
a few cents shy of a dollar,

But it looks like he's
totally flipped his coin.

Ok, you overdressed

Make me proud.

[Music plays]

Eat your heart out,
busby berkeley.

[Cracks whip]


Zipper, look.

Zipper, run...or fly!

Whaah! Whoa-ho-ho!


T-t-thanks, zipper.

Are you ok-k-k?


What the...

A radio beacon!

Nimnul must be planning to track
this thing.

The wind's blowing us
out to sea.

If ever I needed
the rescue rangers,
it's now.

No sense in both of us
floating away.

Save yourself, pally.


But you have to.
You're my only hope.

Somebody has to bring
back some help.


Me? Worried?

Don't be silly.

I know you'll
find somebody.

Why should I worry?

Lovely! Lovely! Radio beacon
coming in loud and clear.

My iceberg should be reaching
the shipping lanes

Anytime now.

You know, I think I filmed
on location here once.

Are you guys doing ok?

Yes! It's so sweet of you
to help with my luggage.

I just hope
I brought enough.

It's enough.
It's enough.



Wait! We got to save
my wardrobe.

My best eve saint bernard
dress is in here.

That lousy dress hasn't fit
in 15 years anyway.


This is even scarier
than facing the critics.

We can't outrun him
for long.

Follow me!

Do you think
we're safe in here?

No. If only monty
were here.

He'd figure a way to boot
this bear's backside.



-Where'd you come from?

Monty's in trouble.

Monty's in trouble?
We've got to save him.

We will, just as soon as
somebody saves us.



Monty's all
the way up here?

Let's go find him.

Now, wait a minute.
I'm sure this monty person is
very nice and all,

But what about my problem?

You don't want to leave
one of your biggest fans

Freezing on an iceberg,
do you?

He's a fan you say?

Well, that's different.

Oh, for heaven sakes,
this will take forever.

Step aside and let
a hoofer handle this.

Whoa! Look at her go.

Years and years
of dancing, deary.

I always did have the best legs
on the arfeum circuit.

There's a pretty dense fog
rolling in.

How are we ever
going to find monty?

That sounds like a ship!

I've got to warn them.

Maybe I can get this thing
to make a noise.

Gadget could do something
with this.

Guess I'll have
to trust to luck.

-I hear something.
Over there.
-Let's go!

Oh, no! Look! That ship's going
to hit that iceberg!


Monty's on
that iceberg?

Go find him, zipper!

Look out!

Crikey! I've got
to get out of here.


Sell my clothes,
I've gone to heaven.

Going to save what I can
before the ship goes down.


Chip, if we get caught
in the undertow when
that ship goes down,

We'll get pulled under
with it.

Full speed out of here, canina.

I can't. My dogs
are k*lling me.


Zipper, where's monty?


All safe, captain!
Not a man lost!

Maybe not a man,

But one heck
of a mouse.

Hey! Got room
for a hitchhiker?

Monty, we thought
we'd never
see you again.

Just shows to go you,
I tried to save the cheese,

But the cheese saved me.

I am deeply honored to have
been a part of saving

Your insignificant little life.

But now I have
a mystery to solve.

I've got a feeling your tap shoe
mystery and my iceberg mystery

Are the same mystery,

But the clues
are a mystery to me.

Oh boy! Clues! Tell us
what you know.


Hmm? You know,

Tap-dancing penguins,
icebergs, sinking ships...

That can only mean one thing.

-I don't have
the slightest idea.

Well, I don't know why
he's sinking ships,

But we've got to stop him.

And get my shoes back
for my big comeback.

Nothing but stinking cheese
on this ship too.

But with any luck,

This safe will be
filled with valuables.

This is unthinkable!

I don't want lunch!

I want piles of wealth

Beyond the bounds
of unrestrained greed.

I want gold, jewels,
eve saint bernard dresses!

And I'll have them

If it means setting loose
the biggest iceberg ever known.

Move it, birds!

Today we're going to tap
something special.

There he is. But what's
he doing now?

It looks to me like he's
going to crack loose
that entire ice mountain.

All right, you ice lovers,

Time for a really big show.

A one, and a two.

Now the big finish.

Shuffle off to buffalo!

Back! Get back!

I'm a genius!

The biggest iceberg in history.

A super iceberg!

Big enough
to sink a dozen ships.

And their cargo
will all be mine! Mine!

So that's what
professor nimnul
is up to--

sunken ships.

Just a minute, doll.

Those are my shoes
you are wearing.

How in the world can we stop
something the size of that?

Yeah. How do you stop--

Gadget, do you think you could
figure out just where to hit
that k*ller iceberg

To split it into smaller pieces?

I could try.
What do you plan
to hit it with?

Another iceberg.

you've got to help us.

We want you to break up
another iceberg. Up there.

Hmm. No time here
for sweet reason.

My dogs are k*lling me.

There's nothing on earth
that's gonna get me
to climb that mountain.

Hungry bear!

Hungry bear!


Where did those penguins
go with my shoes?

We can't let nimnul
get away with this.

You've got to help us.

-All right.
-I think I've got it, chip.

Guys, get ready
to start dancing.

How do we stay in step
without music?

I didn't think
of that.

Get along,
little bergie!

1, 2, 3, 4...

It's going by.
We're going to miss it!

Where's fred astaire
when you need him?

Huh! Amateurs.

Follow my beat.

5, 6, 7, 8.

Hurry, canina.

What was that?

It can't be!

My lovely iceberg!

I was so close!


We did it! We stopped him!
Thanks to canina.

No autographs, please.

I was just
doing my part.

And I want to thank
all you big-hearted kids.

I've never seen a better
tap line in my life.

Say, are you kids
interested in show biz?

♪ Doggie,
don't ever go away ♪

♪ I promise
I'll never go away ♪

♪ Doggie, don't ever
go away again ♪

Isn't she great?

Yeah. She's had
more comebacks

Than a boomerang.

And we helped by doing
what we do best:
working as a team.

Let's never
break up again.


[Shouting gibberish]