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03x02 - Puffed Rangers

Posted: 03/26/24 11:31
by bunniefuu

[Theme music playing]

♪ Sometimes
some crimes ♪

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks ♪

♪ But these two
gumshoes ♪

♪ Are pickin' up
the slack ♪

♪ There's no case too big ♪

♪ No case too small ♪

♪ When you need help,
just call ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale's ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no, it never fails ♪

♪ Once they're involved ♪

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no, it never fails ♪

♪ They'll take the clues ♪

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

There I was
on a runaway jalopy
in jalalabad,

Tied to the bumper
with a king cobra.

Oh, no!

Gosh, monterey jack,
didn't that make
the cobra angry?

Angry? He was
fit to be tied.

He was done up
in a double-square
half-inch sheepshank

With a running jingle bow.

Toughest knot there is
to get undone.

So, how did you
get away?

Well, when the blighter
tried to bite me,

I ducked, so he bit
the jalopy's tire
instead of me.

The tire ran
over the cobra,
and they was both flattened.

Golly! I bet you've never
been really scared
in your whole life.

Me? Scared?

Ha ha ha ha!

Well, there
was one time.


Dale, are you
all right?

[Muffled voice]

Don't worry, mates.
I'll get him out.

It's no only good
right out of the box,

It's even good in the box.

And there's a free prize
in every one.

Look out!

Watch it,

Hey, where's
the free toy car?

I've been robbed!

You know what they say--
there's no such thing
as a free lunch.

This is breakfast!
This cereal promises
a toy car in every box.

I'm going back
to that supermarket
and get what's coming to me.

Uh-oh. You know
what happens when dale
gets what's coming to him.

Yeah, it usually comes
right back at us.

We'd better keep him
out of trouble.
Come on.

Aw, mom. I want another
box of puffy wuffies.

The last box didn't
have a free toy in it.

You can't have another box
until you've eaten the last one.

You mean,
I got to eat 'em?

Come on, junior.


It looks like dale
isn't the only one

Who didn't get
his toy surprise.

We'd better

There isn't a toy
in any of these boxes.

That cereal company's
just a big cheat.

Or somebody's taking
the toys cars out.

Either way, thousands
of little boys and girls
are being disappointed,

Not to mention
hotheaded chipmunks.

This sounds like a job
for the rescue rangers!

-Come on!
-Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.


[All scream]

I'll price them
out of existence!


Run for it, mates.

I'll hold
the blighter off.

Nobody marks down
monterey jack.


Good work, zipper.
If you hadn't
tripped him,

I might've
had to hurt him.

Let's get out of here.

Come back, you vermin!

Mmm. They really are good
right out of the box.

"Chow imports."

According to the cereal box,

This is the place where
puffy wuffies come from.

We've got to get
inside that warehouse.

[All] whoa!

a dyhundi gesundheit--

The same car
that's supposed to be
in puffy wuffies.

I suppose they have to let
the air out of the tires

To make it
fit the box.

All right, there it is.

Big surprise
in every box.

Ha ha ha ha.

Uncle chow li will be so proud
of his american nephew.

Hu yu!

Who? Me, boss?

Yes, hu yu.

I found the last car
in the shipment.

Time to put the cereal
back in boxes.

Very good, boss.
I'll get a big spoon.

They've been taking
the toy cars out of
the boxes of cereal.

Oh yeah? There's one
they won't get!

Dale, wait!

Just add water.

Another adventure
down the drain.

Instant car.

Ha ha ha ha!

Blimey, where did
that come from?

Never mind that.
Let's get to the bottom of this.

The mailman left a package
for tommy chow.

All right, a fortune cookie.

Uncle chow li always
sends messages this way.

Good news, boss?

Quick, hu yu. Drop
what you're doing.

We must leave at once.

We have to find out
what that message says.

That's using
your head.

The fortune says, "you
will take a long
ocean voyage."

-Yeah, but where?
-That's easy.

The package was sent
from the chow company
headquarters in hong kong.

Hong kong?

Yeah, from a place

C-ca-cat street?

All we have to do is write
"return to sender"
on the package

And mail ourselves
to hong kong.

But that'd be a violation
of postal regulations.

Gosh, monty, you almost
sound like you're afraid
to go to hong kong.


Why, I've never been
af-f-fraid in me life.

It's just...
It's a long way
to hong kong.

What if we
get hungry?

We'll eat the puffy wuffies.

This is the only way
to travel.


Blimey, they're
treating us like junk mail.

I'm blooming outraged!

Let's go home
in protest.

Don't be silly, monty.
You wouldn't want
to miss an adventure.

I'd rather
miss this adventure

Than miss
my next birthday.


Uh, boss get,
here's your package.

This is the world's
first dehydrating
molecular collapser.

With this, I'll shrink cars
to teeny tiny toy size

And smuggle them into america
in cereal boxes

And not pay
import fees.

Please excuse me, chow li.

Why do you interrupt?

Can't you see I'm
explaining evil plot

To my idiot nephew
tommy chow?

Sorry about that, chow li.

But you got a package today.

[Sniffs, meows]

Put it on the table
and get lost!

At once,
chow li.

Remind me
to fire him.

But first, let me show you
the addition to my machine.

Reverse lever.
Please observe.

With the ray in reverse

I can make little cars
into big cars.

Now it guzzles gas,
pollutes air,

Is impossible to park,
and costs a fortune.

It's everything
americans look for

In automobiles.

But won't the car
return to normal size
when it gets wet?

[Chow li]
that's not my problem.

Whoever heard of cars guaranteed
not to shrink in the wash?

This car business is
even bigger than we thought.

Let's see what
these blighters look like.

Walloping wombats!
It looks like a blinkin' cat.

[Meow meow]

What's wrong
with that stupid cat?

Genghis cat's expecting
a large order of kitty treats

Made from a very ancient
birds' nests.

Let's open the package
and see what there is
to eat inside.

Genghis cat hopes
the package contains
something good to eat.

Good to eat? What?

Think, dale.
He means us.

Nice, long fingernail.

Good thing
I forgot to cut it.

He almost nailed me
that time.

Quick! Tie one
of these "made in hong kong"
labels to your leg.

Must be meant
for the toy department.

New line
of stuffed toys.


Old toys
were much cuter.

Remind me to fire
the art department.

[Meow meow]

Idiotic cat!

They're worth money!

[Meow meow]

Eat puffy wuffies.

They're worthless.

Tell hu yu
to take the package
to the toy department.

[Gadget] isn't it amazing
what they can do
with automation?

Yeah, like turn us
into kindling. Come on!

Boy, that was close.

-is there something
wrong, zipper?

Ok, fred. Hit the road.


The marines are looking
for a few good chipmunks.

Stop playing
around, stupid!


Looks like we're
stuck in this truck, mates.

Guess we won't be
going back to cat street.

And I was so
looking forward to it.

Maybe we can use these
weapons to get out.

Waste of time, gadget luv.
They're just a bunch of...


Golly! These action-figure
accessories sure are

Look, the sun's
going down.

It'll be easy to sneak back
into chow li's place after dark.

You're going
into cat street
after dark?

Sure. Come on.

Maybe we should
wait till morning...

Or maybe next year.

Are you sure
you're all right, monty?
You look pale.

Must be a touch
of the hong kong flu.


It's more like
the galloping influenza.

We'd better
go after him.

There's no time.
We've got to stop
chow li. Come on.

I hope monty's
all right, zipper.

If I didn't know
monty better,

I'd think
he was afraid to go
into cat street.

I don't see anything
to be afraid of.


was that?

a dinner bell?

Yum! What's for dinner?

Think, dale.

[Cats meowing]

Chipmunk tartar
and raw mice?

Let's get
out of here!

[Cats screeching]

Quick! Jump through
the mail slot.

I don't think
we can reach it.

What we need is
a portable elevator.

I'd settle for a rope.

Yeah, a rope.

I hope he can
find one.

I hope he can
find one quick.


Good work,

I hope I never see
another cat again.

Well, so much for that wish.

This way.

We can hide
in that cage.

This must be
a cricket cage.




How about some more
cheese sauce, mate?

You look like
a mouse with problems.

Me? Monterey jack?

Ha! No way.

You're hitting
the cheese sauce
pretty hard tonight.

You're right.
I do have a problem.

The only time I
really been scared
was years ago.

On cat street,
and now I'm afraid
to go back.

My father says,
"if fall off the bike,

Must get right back on."

Bicycles aren't
my blooming problem.

I'm scared.

My uncle says,
"the only thing to fear
is fear itself."

Yeah, but he never had
to face that street
full of alley cats.

And the bartender says
you're a lily-livered coward.

Too right. I am.

We need help!

There's never a police dog
around when you need one.

Quick, zipper,
find monterey jack

-And tell him
we're in trouble.

and hurry!

Going somewhere,


What are you
in a buzz about?

A cat.

Rescue rangers...
Trapped like rats...

In a cricket cage!

A cat has me pallies
trapped in a cage.

Me? Surely there's
somebody else
who can help them.


Cat street
or no cat street,

I've got to help
me mates. One sec.

Mind if I borrow this?

Stand aside, pally--

Or hover aside,


Hmm. It looks
quiet enough.

Maybe too quiet.

Well, here
goes nothing.

So far so good.


They're just a bunch
of scaredy-cats.

Don't worry, zipper.
That mangy lot won't be... Back.

This place is worse
than I remembered.



Please don't eat us.
Wait a while.

We're out of season now.

Well, it was worth a try.

[Gadget] I guess monty
couldn't get here
in time to save us.

Guess again,
gadget, love.

Drop me pals,
you siamese sissy!

Let's get out
of here!


This way, mates!

Come on!

we were in real trouble
until you showed up, monty.

You mean we're
not in trouble now?

I think something big
is about to happen.

Does anybody
feel different?

We must have been
molecularly enlarged.

Look! We're bigger
than the bad guys.

Kind of nice
for a change,
ain't it?

Don't stand there.
Stop them, hu yu!

Hu yu who, me?

Put pedal to metal.

That stupid cat's
as big as a house.

Has bigger
teeth, too.

I suggest we find
an all-night carwash.

Well, that takes care
of chow li.

Let's cut his
molecular collapser
down to size.

Blimey! How small
can you get?

I guess now all we have
to do is find a way back home.

That's easy. We can
ship ourselves home

Inside a box
of puffy wuffies.

We should shrink
back to normal size first.

No problem,

What about you, monty?

You'll have
to shrink, too.

Later, mateys.
First, I'm going
to have a little fun.


[Gong sounding]

There's hardly room
to swing a cat
in this alley.

All right,
you long-tailed blighters!

Let's see how brave
you are!

Oh, boy. A new box
of puffy wuffies.

I thought we'd never
get out of there.

We must've been traveling
15th class.

I hope you got enough
of your favorite cereal.

I'll say!
I don't ever want to see

Another puffy wuffie
as long as I live!

And you can keep
the toy surprise.

Mom! There's something
funny about this cereal.

You wanted it,
you eat it.

[Loud noise]


Aw, I wanted
a decoder ring.