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02x02 - With a Little Help From My Friends/Get Back

Posted: 03/26/24 09:29
by bunniefuu

♪ Love, love, love ♪

♪ Love, love, love ♪

♪ There's nothing you can do
That can't be done ♪


♪ Nothing you can sing
That can't be sung ♪

♪ Nothing you can say but you can learn
How to play the game ♪

♪ It's easy ♪

♪ Nothing you can make
That can't be made ♪

♪ No one you can save
That can't be saved ♪

♪ Nothing you can do but you can learn
How to be you in time ♪

♪ It's easy ♪

♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ Love ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

[Walter] ...cha-cha and mambo and rumba.

Together we are one voice.

One belly. One squishy slug.

Together forever, my squish and me.



I wish I was in my own show.

A show starring Buzz.

And then the big scary monster said,
"I's coming to get you, Buzz."

But Buzz wasn't scared.

She went, "Monsters aren't real, anyway."

And big scary monster went,
"Oh, dear, I isn't real. Sorry."

And disappeared. The end.


Where's everyone go?

[Kumi] That show was the best, Walter.

Yeah, the bestest ever.

Buzz, how did you like it?

It was so, so spectaculars.

Oh, it was nothing, really.

My show will be even better!

Uh... your show?

Yes. My show. I's doing all by myself.

Buzz, I know I made it look easy,
ridiculously easy,

but the audience doesn't see the--
the years of thankless training,

the highs, the lows,
the bitter disappointments.

But... I can still try, can't I?

Oh, of course. Everyone needs to try.

Yeah. Everybody should try everything,

like me and my double somersault
with a tuck.

[grunts, groans]

Not perfect, but I tried.

Why not... try something simple,
like maybe... a nursery rhyme?

Yes, or a cute little dance. You know?


Or you could do some simple ninja kicks.

Hyah! Hyah!

No. It has to be spectacular.

And I's gonna do it all by myself.

Hyah! [grunting]

Hi, Kumski.
I's working out what to do in my show.

Oh, that's great, Buzz.

So, what's kind of show do you like?

What's your favorite-est?

Hmm. Let me see.

Oh. I like shows
with amazing karate moves.




That was amazing.

My favorite shows have amazing illusions.

Prepare to witness the extraordinary.

I will now lift my brave volunteer

only using my anti-gravitational device

to make him crickto-tate
high into the air.


That was so fantastic.

[Crick groans]

Some fine-tuning needed.

My favorite show would have amazing
acrobatic and super extreme stunts.



Whoo-hoo! [laughs]

That was super extreme.

My show's going to be a karate musical

with dancing and illusions
and stunts and-- and--

And I's doing it all by myself.

[playing discordantly]

I can hear it in my head, but--

But it won't come out my fingers.

Not bad, Buzz.

Wanna let me help?

No, thanks. I's doing it all by myself.





I can see dancing in my head,
but it won't come out my twinkle toes.

Mind if I show you a belly roll,
twirl or two, Buzz?

It might be something you could use.

Thanks, but I's doing it all by myself.





I's told everyone...

I's doing it all by myself.

But my weather pre-cricktor says

there's gonna be a very big storm tonight,

so... perhaps you should...
save your show for another day.

I can't. Everybody's coming.

It has to be tonight.

[thunder rumbling]


My name is Buzz,

and this show is something
I made up all by myself.

I'd like to start
with a lovely song I writted.

[playing off-key]

Don't stop. The show must go on.

And next is
my spectacularest dances number.

No. That's not supposed
to happen till the end.


-Now that's what I call a surprise ending.

Come back. Please?


Sorry, Buzz. Everyone's gone.


My show wasn't awesome.

It was awful-some.

Don't think about that, Buzz.
Just have some yummy cake.

But it was the worst-est.
The worst-est ever in history.


And now she's so upset,
she won't even touch Walter's leaf cake.

Really? Well, that's just... crazy.

What should we... do?

Well, there's really only one thing
that could possibly ease her pain,

but it won't be easy. [whispering]

Nobody went, "Yay for Buzz."

Nobody said anything.

An actor's life isn't all sunshine
and flowers, Buzz.

But everyone cheered for you,
"Yay for Waltsy,"

and you did it all by yourself.


No, I didn't.

Not really.

Crick built the scenery,
Kumi helped write the lines,

and I just went "tum-tee-tum,"
and Jay turned it into beautiful music.

It wasn't all by yourself?

No. I could never have done it,
not without my friends.

Come on, Buzz,
you have to give it another try.

It's the only thing that will help.

But... what if I's is awful-some again?

I think you can be a star...
with a little help from your friends.

♪ What would you think
If I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
And walk out on me? ♪

No, Buzz. I would not.

♪ Lend me your ears
And I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ And I'll try not to sing out of key ♪

♪ Oh, I get by
With a little help from my friends ♪

♪ Mmm, I get high
With a little help from my friends ♪

♪ Mmm, going to try
With a little help from my friends ♪

♪ What do I do when my love is away? ♪

[all] ♪ Does it worry you to be alone? ♪

♪ How do I feel by the end of the day? ♪

[all] ♪ Are you sad because
You're on your own? ♪

♪ No, I get by
With a little help from my friends ♪

♪ Mmm, I get high
With a little help from my friends ♪

♪ Mmm, I'm gonna try
With a little help from my friends ♪

[all] ♪ Do you need anybody? ♪

♪ I need somebody to love ♪

[all] ♪ Could it be anybody? ♪

♪ I want somebody to love ♪

[all] ♪ Oh, I get by
With a little help from my friends ♪

♪ Mmm, I'm gonna try
With a little help from my friends ♪

♪ Oh, I get high
With a little help from my friends ♪

♪ Yes, I get by
With a little help from my friends ♪

♪ With a little help from my friends ♪

Yay for Buzz! Yay for Buzz!

Bravo! Bravo, Buzz! You're a star!


[Jay] Yeah!


Oh, goody, goody, goody. I hope this
is the new radio-control car I ordered.

Welcome, my dear bugs,

to the most wonderful
village art show yet.

Please, enjoy.

-Oh, wow!

[bug] Oh, my goodness. This is amazing!

Amazing, Kumi dear.

It's the tree house, yes,
but so much more.

Oh, Buzz, I love this.

Simple, yet ultimately a profound symbol
of how we are all connected.

I just like circles.

Mmm. My masterpiece.

It took forever to decide
on the perfect subject...

when it was staring me
in the face all along.

Oh, my. Jay, what are you doing?

I'm about to make my masterpiece.

But you've left it too late.

A masterpiece takes days.

Not if you use Jaction.
That's Jay plus action.


[shrieks] My beautiful painting!

And my beautiful squish.


I didn't mean to, Walter. I promise.

[slow motion] Oh, no!




-[bug] Oh, no.


[Jay] It was one big Jaccident.

That's Jay plus accident.

I don't think anyone else gets that,

so I'm gonna have to lay low
for a while,

like maybe... forever.


Jay, I demand an apology.

Hello? Jay?

I don't think he's here.

Well, I still demand an apology.

The... absence of his skateboard suggests
that he's... run away.


-Hey, you.

You ain't one of them
fancy-pants village bugs, are you?

[groans] I used to be,
but they don't like me much right now.

[laughs] You been a bad bug, huh?
What's your name?

-It's Ja--
-Not your real name, silly.

If you're on the run,
you gotta make something up.

You know, like Jack Mantis, Colin Beetle,

Billy Six Legs or Jojo.


Well, hot diggity.
Pleased to meet you, Jojo.

I'm Wilbur. Uncle Wilbur.

Welcome to California Hills.

[Jay] Oh, wow.

The grass is so green here.

You betcha, Jojo.

Everything's better in California Hills.

Greener grass, warmer sunshine,

and you can do whatever you want
all day long.

So, what'd you do wrong
in the village, huh?

Something just got a bit... wrecked.

[laughs] Well, don't you worry
about that now,

'cause here,
you can wreck anything you like.



[Kumi] Okay, let's get
this search underway.

-How's that "missing" poster coming along?
-Dare I say, it is my best work yet.


Walter, "missing" posters only work
if they...

well, look like the person who's missing.

Yeah, and what about self-expression, hmm?

I am an artiste, not a mere worker ant.

No offense, [chuckles] Mr. Ant.

[grunts] Follow my lead, young Jojo.

Isn't this, uh... breaking your house?

This ain't breaking a house.
It's making new windows.




You sure got a knack
for wrecking stuff, Jojo.


I think I'm allergic to California grass.

That'll soon clear up... or not.

[laughs] Now, how about
we make one more window,

and I serve up
some down-home country cooking, huh?

-[both grunt]

We'll drop the posters as we go.

Someone must have seen him.

I just hope
Jay appreciates my artistic effort.

This is a "missing" poster masterpiece.

Up, up and away, Postman Bee.

Hold on tight.

That's some
mighty fine wrecking there, Jojo.

So, why you got a face
longer than a horsefly?

I was thinking, maybe I should have stayed
to clean up the mess.

Back at the village, I mean.

What? With those fancy-pants bugs
all mad at you?

Why don't you sneeze up
some more stacks down there?

Yeah. Okay.


♪ Jojo was a man
Who thought he was a loner ♪

♪ But he knew he couldn't last ♪

♪ Jojo left his home ♪


♪ For some California grass ♪

♪ Get back ♪

♪ Get back ♪

♪ Get back to where you once belonged ♪

♪ Get back ♪

♪ Get back ♪

♪ Get back to where you once belonged ♪

♪ Get back ♪

♪ Get back ♪

♪ Get back to where you once belonged ♪

Hey, Jojo!

Jojo! You gotta see this.

I figured you'd done something real bad,

but I never thought
you was a genuine wanted bug.


Those village bugs must be madder
than a big bad hornet in a itty-bitty jar.

Now, you gotta tell me what you did.

[Kumi] Jay?


They found you.

Don't say nothing, Jojo!


Jay! Jay! We found you!

Hold on there, knee-high.

Ain't no one called Jay
'round these parts.

Uh... Yeah, my name's Jojo.


[sighs] How incredi-belly.

You bear a striking resemblance to Jay.

I... I think he must think
that we're still upset with him.

Oh, right. I get it.

Um... Anyway, we're looking
for our friend Jay, who went missing.

And what did this so-called friend do
to become a wanted bug, huh?

He threw paint all over my masterpiece,
as well as over some minor works.

-That's it?
-But it was an accident.

And he probably feels kind of bad
about what he did.

I sure do.

I mean, I-- I bet he does...
feel bad, that is.

Well, anyway, we better keep looking.

But if you see this Jay guy,

tell him we miss him. Like, a lot.

Yes, like the most-est a lot.


Looks like we fooled
those nosey village bugs, eh, Jojo?

Wait, wait! It's me! I mean, I'm Jay!

I mean, first it was Jojo, now it's Jay.

I think we're gonna need to see
some official identification. Hmm?

Jay! I knew you wasn't Jojo.

[both laughing]

That looks like official identification
to me.

♪ Jojo was a man
Who thought he was a loner ♪

♪ But he knew it wouldn't last ♪

-We missed you.


♪ Get back ♪

♪ Get back ♪

♪ Get back to where you once belonged ♪

♪ Get back ♪

♪ Get back ♪

♪ Get back to where you once belonged ♪

[grunts] I got all the cleaning stuff
I could find, so stand back!

Please, leave it, Jay dear.
We love the studio this way.

Indeed. It's wild
and unpredictable and colorful.

Just like a bug we know.

Come on, bugs, I have to do something
to make up for what I did.

Jay, it's cool.

No, no. He's right.

Let's think of something.

Hmm. [grunts]


♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ All you need is love, love ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪