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02x35 - Short Order Crooks

Posted: 03/25/24 20:29
by bunniefuu



♪ Sometimes some crimes

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks

♪ But these two gumshoes

♪ Are pickin' up the slack

♪ There's no case too big,
no case too small

♪ When you need help,
just call

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale's

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ No, no, it never fails

♪ Once they're involved

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ No, no, it never fails

♪ They'll take the clues

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪


Gather round, everybody.

You're about to taste
the most delicious dish
ever dished up.

Cheddarhead Charlie's
cheese chowder.

MONTEREY: Mmm-mmm!

Old family recipe and, uh,
only slightly fattenin'.

Oh, boy. I'm starved.


Does it always take
this long to cook?

It does seem a mite slow.

I'd better pressurize
the pressure.

GADGET: Are you sure
you know what you're doing?

We've never used
this pressure cooker before.

Don't worry, Gadget, love.

Old Monterey Jack
knows his way
around the kitchen.

Down under,
they used to call me
the gallivantin' gourmet.

Maybe we can
send out for pizza.


Guess we'll need
a new pressure cooker.

KIRBY: You make
the best donuts in town, Ma.

Now, you boys can't fool me.

You just come here
because it's so
near the station.

Just like those people
who work next door
at the bank.

We plead guilty, Ma.
See you tomorrow.

Good night, boys.
Take care.

I've got me taste buds
all set for cheese chowder.

No sense
in doing without

just 'cause
the pressure cooker
blew its cork.

We'll just nip
into this diner

and borrow the kitchen
for a while.

Cheese it, Zipper.
Throw her in reverse.

Come on, all you poor,
homeless kitties.

Come and get your milk.

Now, that's a sweet old lady.

Settin' out a bowl of milk
for the poor, homeless stray




Run for your life, mate.




Uh, you cats won't
be wantin' dessert
after a meal like that.



MAN: Get away, you mangy cats.

I hate critters,
especially little furry ones.


Uh, gee, Fry,
they're cute little...

Get the window.

Those alley cats
are sure lucky.

I was about to
tear into 'em.

Hey, what's this?

They're sneakin'
into Ma's diner.

FRY: Stop crowding me.

We can't let 'em rob
such a nice old gal,

even if she does like cats.
Come on.


We gotta KO those crooks.


Better let me
handle it, mate.



My goodness,
what's that noise?

Quiet, you lunkhead.

I didn't do nothin'.

What are you
doin' in my kitchen?

Uh, this is your lucky day.

It is?

It is?

-You bet it is.

Uh, we're here to tell you
that you've been selected

by, um, Fine Dinering Magazine

to receive their grand prize,

an all-expense-paid trip
to beautiful Miami Beach.

Land's sakes!
Miami Beach?

But who will take
care of the diner?
I can't afford to close it.

Oh, don't worry
about a thing.

We'll make sure
the diner stays open
while you're gone.

Why did you have to
sneak in the back way
to tell me I won?

Yeah, that's a good question.

Uh, well, we wanted it
to be a surprise.

Uh, surprise.

What a nice surprise.

Goodness. This is all
happenin' so fast.

Give me a hand, Spud.
We gotta get Ma packing.

Uh, and don't forget
to make fresh donuts every...

I'd better go buy a bikini.


Uh, gee, Fry,
you never told me
Ma won a trip.

You lunkhead!
I made all that up
to get rid of her

so we can dig the tunnel
into the bank next door.

Hey, wait a minute.

If Ma goes to
Miami Beach,

we won't have to do
all the diggin' tonight.

We can dig a big tunnel
and steal lots of money.

Yeah, and I can make donuts
every mornin'.

We gotta get Ma
a ticket to Miami.
Come on.

Sounds like them blokes
have gone for good. Come on.

Let's get that cheese inside
and start makin' chowder.


MONTEREY: Watch that
first step, mate!

It's a doozy.



Give it all you got, mate.


Put your back into it.



I'm with you, Zipper.

There's gotta
be an easier way.

I'm sure Ma won't mind
if we raid the refrigerator
for some milk.

After all, she gives it out
to a bunch of mangy cats.


Sorry about that, pally.

I didn't know
that was the handle
to the ice machine.

Are you okay?

(SQUEAKING) I'm okay.

All set to cook up
into gourmet goodness.

Here, Zipper,
you take over
while I get the lid.


Okay. Fire it up.


Not so high, mate.
That's better.

You almost singed me tail
with that one.


Now all we
gotta do is sit back

and wait for
the chowder to cook.


I know what you mean, pally.


Cooking can tire a fella out.


Seems like I could
always use 40 winks
after a big meal.



FRY: Watch it, Spud.
And pick up that pick.

We've overslept, mate.

Someone's comin'.
We better hide.


Somethin' smells
awfully good in here.

Must be leftovers.

Why, I ought to...

Let's get to work.


-Right, mate.

Now, we'll just pump
that cheese chowder
right out of the kitchen.



And Momma always told me
not to inhale me food.

KIRBY: Anybody home cooking?

MULDOON: Yeah, something
sure smells delicious.

-What is it?

SPUD: It's me, Spud.

There's a couple
of cops out front.

Cops? What do they want?

Breakfast. I think.

Morning, officers.

Hey, we know who you are.

You do?

You must be the guy
from Fine Dinering Magazine.

Ma called the station
and told us

you'd be runnin' the diner
for a few days.

She did?
I--I mean, she did.

So, uh, what'll it be?

They want donuts.

They ain't nuts yet,
uh, just dough.

Well, dish up
some of those leftovers.

Comin' right up, Fry.




This batch is extra thick.

Hey, what's this?


That's my cheese chowder
he's spoonin' up.


-That Ma sure can cook.



Yuck. A fly.

That's unsanitary.


Oh, no, lumps.



DALE: What's for breakfast?
I'm starved.

How can you be hungry
after cleaning up
all that cheese chowder?

Well, that's just it,
I worked up an appetite.

Besides, we didn't get to eat
any of that chowder.


And it sure smelled good.

We spent all night scrubbing
and cleaning and polishing,

and the kitchen still smells
like cheddar.

We should be glad
Monterey wasn't
making saltwater taffy.

We'd have to move out.

Yeah, if we didn't get
stuck in the doorway.

Well, at least
that job's done.

I'd better get
started building
a new pressure cooker

before Monterey
needs one again.

Where do you suppose
he and Zipper
went last night?

Yeah. How come he wasn't here
to help clean up?

After all,
he helped make the mess.

You know Monty.
Once he's got an idea

in his head,
he can't get it out.

and nothing else gets in.

I wonder what did happen
to Monty and Zipper.




Where've you been
all night?

Where's Monterey Jack?


turned into a donut.

Don't be silly.

That's not what
Zipper's saying.


What did I tell you?
Come on.

Rescue Rangers, away!


This is
the best cheese chowder
I ever ate.

Wait till we tell
the boys at the station.

GADGET: I hope
we're not too late.

♪ Dough, dough, dough, dough
Day-o, dough, dough, dough ♪

Now, let's see,
how do I make
the hole in the middle?

GADGET: Oh, Monty.

There's still a chance
the cookie cutter missed him.

Looks like
a pretty good chance.

Come on.

How you comin'
with those donuts?

They're rollin' along.

Hustle out some more
of that cheese chowder.

We got more customers.

Comin' right up.

I got you, Monty.

This egg slicer
should do the trick.

What happened?

They were going to
turn you into a donut.

Well, if I have to
be a breakfast roll,

I'd rather be
a cheese Danish.

this chowder's even better
than Muldoon said it was.

Hey, is this where they have
that great cheese chowder?


Comin' right up.

I hate to see
good cheese chowder
wasted on a bunch of humans.

I wonder what
they'll do tomorrow
when they're out of chowder.

The customers
might never come back.

You mean Ma's business
might be ruined?

We can't let that happen
to the old gal.

We'll just have to make
cheese chowder every night

until she gets back.



Get out of here,
you furry little pests.

The only thing I hate
worse than cats is mice.

Ain't we gonna do
any more diggin'
tonight, Fry?

Are you kiddin'?

After waitin' tables all day,
my feet are killin' me.

We'll finish
the tunnel tomorrow.

We'll have
plenty of time to work

with no chowder to
attract the cops.

Looks like the coast is clear
and the kitchen, too.



Okay, mate.



Right-o, Zipper,
far enough.


Couldn't we
just leave a recipe

and let those two guys
make their own chowder?

I don't think
they could make chowder
even with a recipe.

Look how dirty they've gotten
the kitchen in just one day.

Wait till those cops find out
there's no chowder today.


Hey, Fry,
you smell something?

-Oh, no! It's cheese chowder!
-Oh, no! It's cheese chowder!

I thought you said
it was all gone.

Duh, it was.
All but one little bite.

You can smell that chowder
all the way to the station.

It's gonna be
a long day, Spud.

Two days of
knocking ourselves out

and we still
ain't got any dough.

You were sure right
about them

not knowing how
to cook, Gadget.

Yeah. Two days
and they're still
trying to make dough.

We'd better make them
a double batch
of chowder tonight.



It sure smells
like chowder, Fry.

No way, Spud,
we scraped the pot dry.


SPUD: I'm seein' double, Fry.

Don't panic.

Those cops have
been eatin' chowder
nonstop for two days.

They must be
tired of it by now.

Chowder. Chowder.
Chowder. Chowder.

Better wash some bowls.


Hey, everybody,
there's a line of
customers outside.

And nobody's here
to open the diner.

We gotta do somethin'.

Gee, Fry, Ma gets back
from Miami Beach tomorrow.

How are we gonna
finish the tunnel
with all them cops around?

They won't
be around

'cause we won't
open the diner
till they go away.

(GRUNTING) Where do you
want the bowls?


How about right there?

Here comes the chowder.

Right on target, mates.



KIRBY: Chowder's on, guys.

Somebody opened the diner.

It's haunted.

I don't care if
the chowder was made
by the Invisible Man.

No one's gonna keep us
from gettin' our dough.

Hey, guys,
how about some spoons?

We forgot the silverware.

No problem, Chip.

I'm telling you, Spud,
there's no such thing as...



I'll get 'em, Fry.

CHIP: Look out!


I hate mice
but I like to catch 'em.

We'll feed
the alley cats tonight.



Hey, buzz off.

Fry, let me out.

This place needs
an exterminator.

This ought to work slick.

I'll save you, Gadget.

I'll save you, Gadget, love.



We'll be back for lunch.

We just can't get enough
of that cheese chowder.

Have a nice day.

If I could just
get my tail free.

Don't panic, love.
I'll have you out in a jiffy.



-Good idea, Chip.

This slippery cooking grease
is just what I need.

You should thank me, Gadget.
I was the one who found it.


There. Now we'd
better go find Monty.

Downright ungrateful,
I call it.

Chasin' us like that
after all that chowder
we've made for 'em.

Yeah. We were
only trying to help.

I don't think
you can blame them.
After all, we are rodents.

How would we feel
if we found our kitchen
at Ranger Headquarters

swarming with flies?


I mean, flies we didn't
know personally.


Gadget's right.
It's not their fault.

They didn't know
we were helping them.

Oh, all right.

We'll make one more batch
of chowder tonight.

But just to help out Ma.

DALE: Okay, Zipper,
take it away.

Pretty smart, huh?


Now we're cookin'
with pressure.

Somebody's cooking spaghetti.

do you think those two men
might still be around?

No more diggin' for us, Spud.

We'll blast into
that bank vault,
get the dough and scram.

But I was makin' spaghetti.

How can you think of food
at a time like this?

We're about to
be millionaires.

They're nothing
but bank robbers.

No wonder they can't cook.

Fame and fortune,
here we come.



Come on, let's get the loot.

We've got to stop them.

Come on.

Come on, everybody,
grab a spoon and dig in.

Dale. What are you doing?

What does it look like?

I'm filling up the hole
so the crooks can't
make their getaway.

Hey. What'd you do that for?

We don't have time
to play in the dirt.
Come on.

Help me create a diversion.

Grab that sack of flour
up there.

You got it, Gadget.

Anything for you.

Hey, slowpoke.
What you waiting for?

Put some pepper in it, lads.


Hey, Dale,
you pull while I push.

How come you always make
all the decisions?

Okay, fine,
have it your way.

I'll push and you pull.

That's better.

Here they come.

Watch your tails, mates.

I'll try and stall 'em.



-Thanks, Dale.
-Don't mention it.

I can't hold 'em off
any longer.


Come on, Spud.

Let's get out of the kitchen
before the heat gets here.


Hey. What's going on?
I can't see.

That's usin' your noodle,

Run for it, Spud.


We're stuck to
the refrigerator.

Hey. That means
the spaghetti's done.

Take it away, Zipper.

Funds away.

We can't fight our way
out of a wet noodle.

We'll have to
eat our way out.


She's gonna blow!

Get the money, Spud.

That don't look good.

It came from the diner.

What happened?

Arrest us, please.

We can't take no more.
We give up.

I guess they couldn't
stand the pressure.

So, how's the chowder?

Land's sake, bank robbers?

Well, I never!

But did they take good care
of my diner?

I'm afraid the kitchen
may be a little messy.

You can say that again.

If they've gotten
my kitchen dirty...
My goodness.

I've never seen this kitchen
so spotless.

What's this?

A recipe for cheese chowder?

I don't understand it.

How'd it get so clean?


I'll say this
for your cheese chowder,

What's that, mate?

It may be fattening
but it's a great way
to lose weight.