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02x24 - When Mice Were Men

Posted: 03/25/24 20:24
by bunniefuu



♪ Sometimes some crimes

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks

♪ But these two gumshoes

♪ Are pickin' up the slack

♪ There's no case too big,
no case too small

♪ When you need help,
just call

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale's

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ No, no, it never fails

♪ 'Cause once
they're involved

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ No, no, it never fails

♪ They'll take the clues

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪

MONTEREY: There I was,

surrounded on all sides
by cannibal cats.

They strung me up by me tail
over a pot of boilin' water,

and made ready to cook me up
right then and there.

Gee, Monterey,
weren't you scared?

Scared? Who, me?

Monterey Jack doesn't know
the meaning of the word.

Why, I just slipped the knot
and splashed 'em all
in the pot

before I took off. Ha!


Hey, Monterey,
there's a letter here
for you.

A letter? For me?

The postmark says
it's from a place
called Tramplonia.


(LAUGHING) That's a silly name
for a place.

Who is it from, Monterey?

Why, it's from me old pal,
Don Quijole.

I haven't seen him
in a cat's age.

What's he say?

Seems his village
is under att*ck,

and he wants me
to come right away.

Some kind of emergency.

Well, if there's
any trouble involved,

Monterey Jack'll
take care of it.


Well, sure, matey,
I can handle anything

with the help
of my friends here.

To the Ranger Wing!

CHIP: Rescue Rangers, away!

GADGET: Gosh, Monty,
this looks more like a party
than an emergency.

That's not just a party,
Gadget, love.

It's the Runnin'
of the Bulls.

Their biggest day
of the year.

People come to Tramplonia
from miles around.

I thought we came
all this way

because your friend said
his village was under att*ck.



The bulls!
Bring on the bulls!

Looks to me
like it's holding out
pretty well.

(GASPS) Look at that.


MONTEREY: It's a w*r zone.

Just like me pal Don Quijole
said in his note.

Every mouse in town
is afraid for his life.

GADGET: Something
sure has frightened them.

CHIP: But why are
only the mice being att*cked?

DALE: Yeah, those people
back there looked fine.

You've come at last.
I knew you would come.

Don Quijole.

My friend.

Your letter said,
"Come right away,"

so me mates and I got here
as fast as we could.

What happened?
It looks like a twister
came through here.

He has returned.
The evil one.

The great bull, El Emenopio!

What a silly name
for a bull.


This time he att*cks
only us small animals.

He began trampling our homes
as we prepared
for the holiday.

El Monty Grande!


I thought his name
was Monterey Jack.

Yeah, Monty,
what's going on?

It's no big deal, mates.

Uh, just a little dust-up
a few years back.

Ah, do not be modest,
my old friend.

Your companions must be told
the story of El Monty Grande.

I'm surprised, Monty.

I thought we had heard
all your stories.

Yeah, several times.

Well, I...

Yeah, how'd you get
that silly name?

It was many years ago,

during our beloved
Running of the Bulls.

QUIJOLE: For centuries
the bulls have run

through the streets
of Tramplonia,

bringing to us
much happiness and joy.


But then, he came.

The largest, meanest bull
in all of Spain.


First our bulls ran away,
then the people.

He was furious

because he was the only bull
not invited to the festival.


Then a mysterious stranger
stepped out of the shadows.

It was El Monty Grande.


El Monty Grande
stood his ground
as the great bull charged.

And then...





El Monty Grande
defeated the great bull

and the festival was saved.

From that day on,

El Emenopio
never dared show his face
in Tramplonia again.

Until now.

But El Monty Grande
has returned to save us.

Well, uh, I don't know. Uh...

That's our Monterey Jack.

Gee, Monty, I never knew
you s-saved a whole town.

There's a lot of luck
in any victory, Dale, me lad.

I have saved
El Monty Grande's cape
and hat

from the day
of his great victory.

Oh, you shouldn't have kept
these old things.

Thank you for coming
to help us, El Monty Grande.

Please accept this small token
of our thanks.

No, I can't.
Thank you, but I can't...



BOTH: We love you,
El Monty Grande!


Oh, boy!

Don't worry.

El Monty Grande and I
are gonna take care
of ol' Lemon Pio in no time.

Th-That's what being heroes
is all about.

Thanks for volunteerin' me,

Thanks, but no thanks.

Gosh, what's wrong
with Monty?

I've never seen him
like this.


If I didn't know him better,
I'd say he was afraid
of that bull.

Monterey Jack afraid? Ha!


It is time
for the Running of the Bulls.

Well, come on.

Bring on the bulls.


The bulls will come
from the north.

The bulls. The bulls.


Watch it, mate.
You don't want
a closer seat than this.



What's wrong?

The bulls.
They have been stolen.


This is also
the work of El Emenopio.
I am sure of it.

His hatred of our festival
is so great.

All right, where is he?
Let me at him!

No bully bull is safe
from El Dale Grande!

Don't worry, Don Quijole.
The Rescue Rangers
will help to...

Yeah, me and El Monty Grande
never fail. Come on.

I wish the lad
would take it easy.

We can't just
rush into this thing.


No bulls here.

I don't see
any sign of a struggle.

There wouldn't be, Chipper.

The local bulls
would've been too scared
of El Emenopio.


Good work, Zipper.

Uh, no bulls here.

Come on, dummy,
Zipper found
something outside.

Hey, wait for me.


Wagon tracks.

And they look
like they were made
very recently.

Uh, where?

Dale. Are you all right?

I'm okay.

Now, who'd go and dig a hole
in the middle of a field?

That's no hole, Chipper.
That's a hoofprint.

And there's only
one animal I know
who could've left it.

CHIP: The tracks
lead up here.

What kind of place is this?

DALE: Uh, I think
it's a supermarket.
There's the meat department.

ALL: The bulls!

Someone's come.

Oh, do hurry.
I fear we've missed
the festival already.

Please get us out
before he gets back.

No problem. We'll just...


Oh, dear!

I knew you would come.

El Emeno...


El Emeno...

El Monty Grande
would not desert
his old friends in trouble.

That's why
he att*cked the mice,
to get Monty here.


Now, I'll destroy you
and that miserable festival,

and get my revenge.

Well, Dale,
here's your chance
to be a hero.

Come on, Monty,
now's our chance
to be big heroes.

Uh, Dale, lad,
there's somethin'
you should know about.

I guess El Dale Grande
is gonna have to handle
this big bully

all by himself.

Dale! Wait!

Now I got you.
I'll hog-tie
this big old cow.

El Emenopio will flatten him.

Hang on, Dale.
We're coming.




MONTEREY: Go for that door!
It's our only hope!




Where are we?


Safe for now. Where's Chip?


Thanks, Zipper.
(SQUEAKING) You're welcome.

Now what?
Yeah, Monty.

How'd you take care
of this bull last time?

I guess I better tell you
about what really happened
back then.

I had just scored
a hunk of jalapeno

when ol' El Emenopio
took me by surprise.


I was clearly
no match for him

and decided
to make a run for it.

I had a run-in with one
of the local merchants.



The other mice couldn't see
what really happened.


I will have my revenge.

El Monty Grande.
El Monty Grande.

That chunk of cheese saved
ol' Monterey Jack's hide,

and I've been grateful
ever since.

One thing's for certain.
I didn't defeat that bull.

It doesn't matter, Monty.

We've been
in tougher spots before,

but we always find a way
to work it out together.


Maybe we can cut
that bully of a bull
down to size.

Monty, help me
get some of this junk

Good idea, Gadget.
I'll go find El Dale Dummy.

This hero stuff is great.

If Monterey took care
of Lemon Pio,
so can El Dale Grande.

Great. He's sleeping.

How can I be a big hero
if he's asleep?

Hey! Wake up,
you b-b-big bully.

Rise and shine.




CHIP: Maybe Dale really is
a great hero.

Nah. Something's screwy
around here.

(WHISTLES) Dale, come on.
Gadget needs help
with her plan.

Can't you see
I've got my hands full?

Besides, a hero doesn't need
a st-stupid old plan.

Dale, run!

I guess I'm the only real hero
around here.


You messed up my heroing.

All I messed up
was your funeral.

He was gonna stomp you.

-Was not.
-Was so.


Oh, dear.
I can't bear to watch.

Dale, he's coming!
Come on. Let's go.
I don't care.

If you wanna go, that's...

Why didn't you say something?

CHIP: Why wouldn't you listen?

Uh, anyway,
we're safe up here.

What was that?

The tree's getting shorter!

So what are we gonna do now,
Mr. Big Hero?

Maybe ol' Lemon Pio would
like to talk things over.
Maybe not.

Come out.
I know you are in there.


Coochie coochie coo!


Stay still.
He'll never find us here.

D-Do you think
he saw us?


Toss me that small pulley,
will you, Monty?

Anything you want,
Gadget, love.

But if I were you,
I'd speed it up a bit.

This would go a lot faster
if I had my own tools.

I hardly had enough time
to draw up
the proper blueprints.

You made blueprints?

Sure, how do you expect me
to build a complicated device
like this

without the proper plans?

Grab that broom over there,
will you?

Righto, Gadget,
but I don't think
we need to worry

about keepin'
the place clean.

After all, it was trashed out
long before we got here.

No, Monty. I need a hand.

I thought I was helpin' you.

I mean, a whole arm.

Now stick
the end of that broom
through here.

Sure glad you know
what you're talkin' about,

'cause I don't have
the slightest clue.

Hold the knot,
will you, Zipper?



Just what are we makin' here

GADGET: We're building
a real hero.

This way
El Emenopio will have to pick
on someone his own size.

I'm sure Chip and Dale
would be happy to hear that.

But I'm not the one
to tell 'em.


We got to get back
to the others.

Yeah, but how,
with that bully bully
down there?

Maybe we could
disguise ourselves.

Hey, I know.
We'll eat our way out.


But I'm not hungry.

Besides, shouldn't we
be thinking up a disguise?

Stop gabbing
and start chomping.

CHIP: Hurry, we got to
make it to the store now.

DALE: I'm right behind you,
wherever you are.


Chipper, help!

What's wrong now? Dale.



Here he comes again.

Gadget, love,
I hope this contraption
of yours works.

I'm startin' to get worried
about the lads.

Monty, look!
We're too late.

What are we gonna do?

You tell me.
You're the big hero.

They're shish kebab
for sure!



Where'd he get me, Chip?
Is it bad?

Come on. We've been saved.

MONTEREY: Ooh, ooh, ooh!

That's puttin' a bug
in his ear, Zipper.

DALE: Let's g-get out of here.

Not quite yet, Dale, me lad.

Heroing's a tough business,

but together we might
just stand a chance.

I think we just got
our old Monty back.

Hop inside, guys,
and I'll show you
how this thing works.

Or, at least,
how it's supposed to work.

MONTEREY: All right,
you moth-eaten excuse
for an overnight bag.

Let's see
if you're as dumb as you were
in the old days.



Good work, Gadget.

If there's one thing
a bull can't stand,
it's a red cape.

Not the red cape.

MONTEREY: Come and get me.

Silly tricks.

El Monty Grande is a coward
as he always was.

All right, Gadget.

You bet.

Now, how long will it take me
to turn this pitiful thing
into toothpicks?

GADGET: Now Plan A.


CHIP: Good work, Gadget.

Take a bow, Gadget, love.


Chip, Dale,
dig his feet in tight.


GADGET: Hurry, Dale.

Plan A didn't stop him,

but Plan B
should finish the job.

I sure hope so.
I don't care much
for bein' a sittin' target.


I'm not so sure
we got the best of that.

Can you guys keep him busy
a minute?

Plan C isn't quite ready.

BOTH: What?


I'll have
the coordinates soon.

Till then just... Well, run!

Now, let's see,
the cotangent
of the trajectory

should equal the square root
of the determinant times four.

Or was it times three?

Um, uh, Gadget, love,
about this Plan C
you're workin' on...

Now to finish the job.


I've got it! Plan C!

It's about time.


Chip, Dale, move us
three steps forward.

Lean slightly to the left.

A little more.

Now plant the right foot,
bend the left knee and...


Where's Lemon Pio?

Up there!
Just where I planned.

They did it.
What darling little animals.

Come on.

There's still time
to get those bulls back
to the festival before dark.



QUIJOLE: Never, for 500 years,
have the bulls failed to run.

(SIGHING) I suppose
the evil one was too strong,

even for El Monty Grande.

Monty! Look out!
Look out!

Where are the bulls?
Over there.

Oh, my! We're free.

BOTH: The bulls.

Our festival is saved.

El Monty Grande.


Oh, no.

QUIJOLE: The evil one.

El Monty Grande
will take care of him.

Hey, I got you at last.

Back for more, eh?


Hooray for El Monty Grande!

Well, we helped
Monty's friends
and saved the festival.


GADGET: They sure seem happy.

WOMEN: Three cheers
for El Monty Grande!

I don't see
what's so specially grande
about Monty.

ALL: Monty! Monty! Monty!

He's no big hero.
We did just as much
as he did.

I guess he's just the kind
to hog all the attention.

Thank you, El Dale Grande.

Gosh, it was nothing.