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02x04 - Rescue Rangers to the Rescue: Part 4

Posted: 03/25/24 20:10
by bunniefuu



♪ Sometimes some crimes

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks

♪ But these two gumshoes

♪ Are pickin' up the slack

♪ There's no case too big,
no case too small

♪ When you need help,
just call

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale's

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ No, no, it never fails

♪ 'Cause once
they're involved

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ No, no, it never fails

♪ They'll take the clues

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪

Previously on
Chip 'n Dale's
Rescue Rangers.

There goes the ruby.

CHIP: And any hope
of clearing Detective Drake.

I know how we can
fly after them.

I'm Gadget.

Oh, you know that already.

Hmm. What comes next?

Now, let's show them
what you've got.

What's that loony up to?

They'll never laugh
at Norton Nimnul again.

They're onto us now, mates.
Grab that ruby and let's run.



Ooh! I hate high places!

Wait till we hit
the low ones.


It's no go, Zipper!
Save yourself!




Hang on, guys.
I think this'll work.

Think what will work?

Oh, good.
It didn't throw you
into the trunk.

I'm so glad.

Hey, what...
Gadget, you did it!

You fixed
the Screaming Eagle.

Sort of.

The plane was
such a wreck,

I had to redesign it
with bits of trash
from Klordane's camp.

Kind of unique,
don't you think?

Well, it's one of a kind,
all right.

But what kind
of a kind is it?

NIMNUL: Come on, Mr. Glacier,
just a little bit farther.

Bingo. Perfect parking job.

And to think they
wouldn't give me
a driver's license.

Now, all we have to do
is get down to
the train tracks

and greet the choo-choo.



Destroy, obliterate,
puree, whip, chop.


I'll have that
glacier reduced

to snow cone stuffing
in no time at all.

I'm absolutely thrilled.

Sleep tight, laser light.

Don't let
the computer bugs bite.

The geek has a definite
hardware hang-up.

I bet stripping gears is
his idea of a good time.

GADGET: What could they
need all that ice for?

A really big glass
of lemonade?

Detective Drake
can figure it out
when he's released,

after we get the ruby
back to the police station.

CHIP: So let's grab it and go.

Now, that's my kind
of talk.

Man the tomatoes
and full seed ahead!

MONTEREY: Toora-loo!

This bird can stop
on a dime and give you
nine cents change.

CHIP: Let's work fast,
before Nimnul
and Fat Cat return.

That looks like
the release button
up there.


What's going on?

-The ruby!
-But how?

I've taken care
of them twice!

Take your wretched
rodent paws
off my ruby.

Get them!

MONTEREY: Grab on, mates.

(SOBBING) They're
getting away.

All right, Gadget,
take us home.

Next stop, home.

Uh, as soon as you
tell me where it is.

At least someone has a home
to go back to.



Forty-five years
in the department

and no one believes
that I didn't steal the ruby.

KLORDANE: Oh, I believe you.

But that's because
I'm the one who did.


You rotten,
low-down, scheming...

Come, come, Drake,
that's no way to
treat an old friend.

I just got back into town
from up north,

and I brought you
a little present.


Oh, I dropped it.

Hey, what's that?

Somebody get in here.

(COUGHING) It's...
It's gas!

Oh, my, he's fainted.

I better get him
some fresh air.


What was that?

(GASPING) It's a breakout!

SALLY: Detective Drake's

Oh, my head.

KLORDANE: Excellent.
Detective Drake has
decided to rejoin us.

If he's going
to take the rap
for my brilliant scheme,

I want him awake
to appreciate it.

I'm not taking
a rap for anyone.

Ah, our ride's here.


DRAKE: At least tell me
where I am, Klordane.

With pleasure.

It's one of your fair city's
subway entrances.

We're about to
go underground.

Impressed, Drake?

I had it brought
down from the Arctic.

Professor Nimnul,
will you please
come out here?

Y-Yes, Mr. Klordane?

We'd like
a demonstration of how

our ruby is going
to make me rich.

Uh, sir, uh,
the ruby appears to be

in a, um, transitive
state of location.


It's missing.


Well, you see,
there were these
small Rodentia,

uh, chipmunks,
to be precise, and...


You know,
as a policeman,

I could file
a missing ruby report
for you.

That won't be necessary.

Professor Nimnul
is going to either
bring me that ruby

or I'll get
an elephant g*n.

But, Plato, I can't believe
Detective Drake
would run away.


He's our hero.

I'm sure he didn't
run away, lads.

He mu-- He must have
gone after Klordane.

And I'm not with him.

Uh, now that
we returned the ruby
to the evidence room,

they'll probably
let you go.

Yeah. And then we can
all go after Klordane.

And that cat.


Well, I don't have
anything else to do,
and this is so much fun.

I cannot believe
the ruby robber was
allowed to escape.

But your ruby turned up,
Mrs. Clutchcoin.

I'm not sure how.

Detective Drake isn't even
a suspect anymore.

Indeed? Then why
is he a fugitive?

Isn't it time you brought
Mrs. Clutchcoin her ruby?

Yeah, right.

Be quick about it.

My darling Poopsie
shouldn't be

exposed to this
ruffian environment.

far too sensitive.

Good afternoon,


The ruby's in there.

Still in perfect pitch.

All right, get in there
and give me a diversion

so I can get the ruby.

And if you see
those rodents in there,
take care of them this time.

Sorry, Plato.
This chain is a lot
stronger than it looks.

Well, thank you for trying,
Miss Gadget.

I suppose it's up
to Detective Drake
to solve this by himself.


Oh, my gosh!
It's Fat Cat.

He must be back
to nab the ruby.
The nerve.

Well, he won't
get away this time.

No, Plato. That's how this
whole mess got started.

Let us do it.
We've handled him before.

He's a pushover.


Now, what we need
is a good diversion.


My favorite
kind of victim.

Yeah. A dog.

you tangle up his feet
with your harpoon.

Can do, Chip.

Monterey Jack,
you pull the rope
to trip him

so Dale and I
can knock him out.

We're gonna clobber him.

There's the signal.

All right, just let me
adjust the trajectory, Monty,

and then it's up to you.

Don't worry,
you can count on me.

(GASPING) Cheese!


Not again!

Eh? What's this?



I gotta do somethin'
about these cheese att*cks.

You know,
we really can't go on
meeting like this,

so we won't.

Ah. Here's
the officer with your ruby,
Mrs. Clutchcoin.

Well, it's about time.

Oh. What's keeping that cat?
I'm going to miss my chance.

Sorry, mates.
Have you out in a pop.


Careful, Plato.
You'll work yourself
into a lather.


Now open wide.

Wh-Where's my Poopsie?

MAYOR: It's a mad dog.

Don't let it get away.
It's dangerous.

You will see to it
that that beast is
taken to the pound.

I want that animal destroyed!

Let's see.
Since the sun sets
in the west,

the pound should be right...

Back over there.


Hey, watch it,
Gadget, love.

I almost left
my stomach
back there.

Speaking of stomachs,

yours got us
into trouble again.

Oh, it was just
a little cheese attack.

No need to
get your fur up.

No, Chip's right.
Your goofing around
almost got us k*lled.

Oh, gangin' up
on me, eh?

Well, Monterey Jack never
backed down from
a dust-up in his life.

Easy, Monty.
Just listen to me
for a second.

That's all you
ever want us to do,
listen to you.


I don't listen to anyone.

I'm footloose
and fancy-free.

"Come and go as you please,"
that's my motto.

So what do I need
you flapdoodles for?

A home. A family.


I don't need anybody.


You know, suddenly,
the plane seems
to handle lighter.

Monty just jumped out.

Oh. That would
account for it.

It's no use.

CHIP: We'll never get

-into the dog pound this way.

I think I can
get us in.

It's just a matter of finding
the harmonic weakness
in the glass.

Oh, here it is.

There you go.

It was just a simple matter
of applying ceramic
stress coefficients.



Now, there's a dog
who belongs in the pound.

No dog belongs in the pound.

Oh, pardonnez-moi.
My name is Frenchy.

I am from France.

And this is
my compatriot,
K. Sera.


Sorry, K. Sera.


The "K" stands for k*ller.

what's a nice mouse like you

doing in a pound
like this, huh?

We're here to rescue
our friend Plato.

A rescue.
You are in luck.

I am captain of the PU.

The Pound Underground.

Right, K. Sera?


Dedicated to
liberating canines
throughout the known world.

how many members are there?

Well, there's me,
of course,

and then K. Sera.




Did I mention me?

There's only two members?

We also have tunnels.

What more do you need
to be underground?


Ready, K. Sera?


One moment,
mes amis.

Apres vous.

To think I let
Fat Cat use me twice.

It's criminal.

I deserve to be behind bars.

Bonsoir, mon ami.

Your liberation is at hand.


Hiya, Plato.

Lads! By Jove,
but it's good to see you.

But you shouldn't have come.

That guard dog could
have finished you.

Ah! To see
comrades reunited.

My heart swells
with swelling.

But now, we throw off
the chains of oppression.

We begin the tunnel
out of here.

Eh, K. Sera?


-We've come
to rescue you.

You have to find
Detective Drake.

What's the point?
Klordane and Fat Cat
are too much for us.

Huh? But--But you
and Detective Drake
are the best.


They're manipulating us
like puppets. Detective Drake
is a fugitive

and that cat trapped me
as easily as a newborn pup.

It's hopeless.

Hopeless? But you said,
"Never give up."

Dash! It's time to
be realistic, lad.

Oh. You were just making up
all that stuff

about justice
and helping others.

-You were?
-Well, I...

Well, we're not
giving up.

We're not?

No. We're not.

We're gonna get
that ruby back

and save Detective Drake.


It takes a pair of chipmunks
to make a police dog
see his duty.

Hey, we were taught
by the best.

Thank you, Chip.

Well, what's your plan?

First, since Frenchy
is nowhere around,

we'll need the key
to this cage.

That will mean getting past
the sleeping guard dog.


Careful, lads.
His bite is worse
than his bark,

and even his bark
will freeze your fur.


So, you thought you'd
get away that easy?


PLATO: Leave them alone!

You've no call
to bully them.

It's my job, gramps.
I'm a guard dog.

And I don't need any advice
from a has-been cop.

Besides, I consider catching
tasty trespassers like these

just one of my
executive perks.


Aha! Liberation at last!

Smell the sweet fragrance
of freedom.


Curious. Freedom smells
much like a dog pound.


We have failed to escape,
K. Sera.


CHIP: Let's get that key.

But, Frenchy,
you saved us
from the guard dog.

Is that who fell
past us?

I thought he was
awfully rude.

(CHUCKLING) But of course,
we intended it so,

for we are
the Pound Underground.

Hurry, before the guard dog
comes back.

I'm doing as best I can.

Take it away, Chipper.

Steady as she goes!


I think you had better
slow down now, Chip.

Chip? Chip!

is Dale all right?

No problem.
I'm just fine.


FRENCHY: Head for
the foothills, mes amis.

Hang on.
This is going to be rough.


-Come on, Plato. Get up.
-We gotta get going.

Just need a moment
to catch my breath.

Looks like we don't
have a moment.

MONTEREY: Hold on, pally.
I'm havin' a two-for-one sale.

It's Monterey Jack.

Right you are.

But we best be goin'.

Sleepin' Beauty back there
won't be out for long.

Then climb aboard,

There's still
a bit of steam left
in the Plato Express.

No sign of pursuit.

But why did you come back,
Monterey Jack?

Oh. You know I hate
to miss a good fight.

Couldn't let you hog it all.


And I was worried about you.


And... All right,
I have nowhere else to go.

Well, we're glad
you came back.

You'll always have
a place with us.

FRENCHY: Vive la France!

The forces of liberty
have triumphed once again.

We couldn't have done it
without you and K. Sera.


Pardonnez-moi, mon ami.

My little friend is anxious
to free the other dogs.

But perhaps one day,
the Pound Underground

can work with
your team again.

Oh, we aren't
really a team.

Are we?

Yeah, I guess we are.

Maybe one day
we will work with you.

Then we will
leave it at that.

You know what they say.
Que sera...

SERA: Sera.

Let's go, team.
We've got a case to solve.

Gadget, I've never been one
to stand in the way
of technology,

but I think the pound
might have been
safer than this.

Don't worry, Plato.
It won't be long now.

What makes you so sure
we'll find Drake this way?

Because if we
find the glacier ice,
we'll find Klordane.

And that's who
Detective Drake
will be looking for.

We're getting warmer.
Well, uh, I mean colder.

Um, close to
the glacier, I mean.

Golly. We're getting
really cold now.

Look out!

GADGET: Ejection seats.

Gadget, love, next time,

do you think you can steer
around obstacles like this?

CHIP: Klordane must have hidden
the glacier underground.

Splendid bit
of detection, Chip.

We'll trap them underground
like the rats they are.

No offense.

Hey, wait for me.



You know,
I like that bloke.


Always game to
get into the fray.

Why would Klordane
need all that ice down here?

I don't know,
but this is where
the cold air is coming from.

Right. Stand aside
and let me have
a whack at it.


This calls for
a bit more muscle

than you can muster, Monterey.

My father was
the rugby mascot
at Oxford.

I remember a few moves.

Gosh, Plato,
are you okay?

Never better, Dale.

I guess this old pooch
has some spunk
left in him yet.

-Maybe a little too much.

PERCY: Something happened.

KLORDANE: Take care of it.

I'm too close to
be stopped now.

PERCY: Hey, it's Drake's dog.


A little icing for my cake.