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02x03 - Rescue Rangers to the Rescue: Part 3

Posted: 03/25/24 20:09
by bunniefuu


♪ Sometimes some crimes

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks

♪ But these two gumshoes

♪ Are pickin' up the slack

♪ There's no case too big,
no case too small

♪ When you need help,
just call

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale's

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ No, no, it never fails

♪ Once they're involved

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ No, no, it never fails

♪ They'll take the clues

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪

Previously on Chip 'n Dale's
Rescue Rangers.

BOTH: Uh-oh.

Take a moment
to appreciate it,

I got the ruby
and Drake got the blame.

This beauty is going
to the Professor.

He and I have much
bigger plans for it.

MOLE: Isn't Mr. Klordane
gonna be mad

when he finds
the ruby missing?

FAT CAT: Klordane will
have his ruby back
after I've had my fun.

You've ruined my plans!

And what are you
going to do about it,


Guess old Monterey Jack
was too much for them!


CHIP: Maybe playing detectives
wasn't such a good idea
after all!

CHIP: Oh, no.
We've got to stop the ship.




I know, I know,
but it's jammed tight.

We can't slow down.

Then you boys
step aside

and let old Monterey Jack
have a whack at it.

See? I un-jammed
that doohickey for you.

But you un-jammed it
the wrong way.


We're gonna hit.

Like a ton of bricks.


That ride almost beats
the time

I rode a walrus
over Niagara Falls.

Are you crazy?

The walrus thought so.

Dale. Dale.
Wake up.

No, Mommy,
I don't wanna go
to school today.

Snap out of it.
We've got to find Fat Cat
and get that ruby back.

Right, Chipper.

Yeah, right.


You guys are
coming along?

You betcha!

That flat-faced,
flabby-furred feline
submarined our house.

Me and Zipper got a score
to settle with him.


Uh, okay.
Follow us.

That's three times

those rodents have pushed
their pointy noses
into my business.

How dare they try
to take my ruby?

But, boss, isn't it
actually Mr. Klordane's ruby?

(GASPING) I forgot.
I have to get it back
before he misses it.

Paddle. Stroke.
Mush. Whatever.

DALE: Say, there's
that Klordane guy.

Do you think maybe Fat Cat
gave him back the ruby?

Does that
answer your question?

We gotta stop him.

Leave that
furball to me,

I've got to get
this ruby back.

Hold it right there,

Come on,

Right with you.

Once Professor Nimnul
has the ruby,

we can begin
Phase 2 of my plan.

Right, Mr. Klordane.
The trains are all set.


You might say
the plan's right on track.


Oh, kitty.
You've decided to join me.

We gotta get on
that helicopter.

If there are any problems,
radio me at Glacier Bay.


There goes the ruby.

CHIP: And any hope
of clearing Detective Drake.

Buck up, boyos.

I know how we can
fly after them.

What in creation is...

Nervous about flying,
are we?

That's silly.

It's a splendid way
to travel.

Especially when
you're on your way

to commit the crime
of the millennium.

But first, I must reach out
and t*rture someone.



Fifth Precinct, Spinelli.

Um, well,
we--we don't usually...

But I...

But I heard Detective Drake
was in trouble.

I'm his old friend, Ruby.

Well, I don't suppose
it would hurt.

Just a moment.

Dash it all.
Chip and Dale should have
reported back by now.


Oh, I'm afraid the assignment
was too big for them.


Call for you, Drake.

Somebody named, uh, Ruby.

She sounds gorgeous.

I don't know any Ruby.
Drake here.

Why, this is your
dear old Ruby.

You know, the one I've stolen
and you've taken the rap for.


I'm calling to say thanks
and so long, sucker.

You slimebag.

You won't get away with this.

Don. What are you doing?

That was Klordane.
He's alive.
This was all a setup.

Don't you see, Spinelli?
That maniac is a-loose.

They gotta let me
out of here.
Get the key.

Get the key, Spinelli.
I'm gonna k*ll him,
I swear to God.

I never thought
I'd see Donald Drake cr*ck.


Just great.

There isn't
a single flight
to Glacier Bay.

Now what do we do, Monty?

Monty? Dale?


First rule of adventurin' is
to always grab a bite
when you can,

'cause you never know
when you'll get
your next meal.

Oh, I like that rule.

I remember foragin'
for tree fungus
once back in the...


Gosh, Monterey,
are you okay?


Monty. W-What's wrong?






WOMAN: Oh, that's terrible.

Hey, where
have you two been?

Better run for it, Chipper.

Run? Why?


MAN: Take that, you rat.

Just what did you think
you were doing back there?

Oh, nothin' to worry about.

I sort of have these, uh,
cheese att*cks, is all.


Well, most times,
I guess.


All right, all the time.

I just can't
help myself.

When there's a hint
of cheddar in the air,

somethin' inside me snaps.

Yeah, his brain.

And this is the guy
we're counting on to get us
to Glacier Bay.

Oh, not me,

I'm takin' you
to an old pal of mine.

That's his place
over there.

Geegaw Hackwrench,

the greatest pilot
in aviation history.

He could set a plane down
on a polar bear's nose

in the middle
of a blizzard.

DALE: Wowie.
He's that good?

You bet your tailwind, Dale.

He's got more flyin' time
than a whole herd of geese.

Old Geegaw's helped me
on a bushel of adventures.


Hot diggity.

Yeah, Geegaw's sure
to help us out.

Providin' he's not
still mad at me
about Zanzibar.


What do you mean,
mad at you?

What happened
in Zanzibar?

Oh, don't give it
another thought, Chipper.

I'm sure old Geegaw's
forgotten all about
the cheese bread.

Then again...


Hang on, Chip.
I'll get you out.


He obviously has not
forgotten about Zanzibar.

Now, don't jump
to conclusions, Chip-o.

Uh, maybe he just hates
door-to-door salesmen.

You can
say that again.

Crikey. When did
he put all of this in?

One wrong step

and you'll trigger
a veritable cornucopia
of death and destruction.

This is going
to be tricky.

Now, follow me
and step very,
very carefully.



Uh, Monty,
I think we should go back
and leave, okay?

Leave? Why?

We're already halfway there.


Don't let him go.




Nice of Geegaw
to leave us an appetizer.


CHIP: Th-That's not
all he left.

Don't do it,

Is this how
he treats
his friends?

Wait. It's your old pal,
Monterey Jack.


Listen, Geegaw, I'm sorry.

GADGET: Monterey.

Golly. Have I ever
missed you.

That's Geegaw Hackwrench?


No. Uh, it's, uh...

It's me, Gadget.

Geegaw's little girl?

Why, the last time I saw you,
you were knee-high to a knee.

Well, I've grown up some.

-I'll say.
-And how.

Hi, there.
I'm Gadget.

Oh, you know that already.

Hmm. What comes next?
Oh, what's your name?

Uh, I'm Chip.

And I'm Dale.

Pleased to meet you.

Say, you're not salesmen,
are you?

-Uh, no.

Oh, good.
That's why I built
all those traps.

I think
young Gadget's elevator
doesn't go to the top floor.

You made
all this stuff?

Oh, sure.

See, I've got this
mind-bashingly high IQ

and I get bored easily,

so I invent
all sorts of things
out of spare parts.

Wanna see
my sprocket collection?

Uh, no,
that's all right, Gadget.

we're lookin'
for your dad.

Um, he's not here.

Oh. When is he
gonna get back?


He's not coming back.

I lost him over a year ago.

Sorry, Gadget.

Old Geegaw
was one of the best.

He'll be missed.

He already is.

Oh, excuse me.
You're all standing.

Here, let me
make you a chair.

That's okay, Gadget, love.
Don't go to the trouble.

Oh, no trouble.
It'll only take a second.

I guess we'll just have to
find another way
to get to Glacier Bay.

It's a shame.

And I was countin'
on flyin' in the old
Screamin' Eagle again.

Oh, Dad's plane
is still here.

Well, actually,
it's up there.


GADGET: It was an
experimental model from
the Ultra-Flight Laboratories.

The Screamin' Eagle.
Coo! What a sight.

Oh, I remember the times
me and Geegaw had
in this joey.

Solid as
an armadillo's backside.

Oh, that reminds me.

Dad said he wanted you
to have it.


g*ns and everything.

Now we'll get to
Glacier Bay in no time.

Uh, you do know
how to fly, don't you?

Not precisely,

but I went up with Geegaw
enough times
to get the hang of it.


Um, maybe I could use
a refresher course.


Oh, I forgot to mention,
I made a few modifications.


Don't you just love
ejection seats?

Now how are we
gonna fly the plane?

Hey, I know.
I'll do it.

Now, in 20 seconds,

the dynamite will go off
and launch us
right up this ramp.

Um, through the skylight?

The skylight?
Oh, silly me. I forgot
to open it.


Now, where's that switch?

MONTEREY: Ten. Nine.

Uh, Gadget.

There. Oops.

Help. I want out.
Let me out.
Seven. Six.

-Let me out.

Four. Three.

Oh, that's right.
Dad was left-handed.



Golly, that was close.

You can sit up now.

No, I was wrong.
Better duck back down.



(GASPING) I can't believe it.
I'm all here.

And little Zipper, too.

Hitching a ride
on an airliner
was a swell idea, Gadget.

Although it might
have been nice to
have a little warnin'.

Hey. Lookit there.

What do you think
those things are?

They're a place
to start looking for clues.

Can you land us
there, Gadget?

Roger Wilbury.

GADGET: Well, everyone,
welcome to Glacier Bay.


Beautiful touchdown, Gadget.

Light as a feather. Ha!

Just like your dad.

You really think so, Monty?

Too right.

'Course, when Geegaw
landed on ice,

he usually used
skis instead of wheels.

Skis? I knew
I forgot something.

Hang on.


Dale. Are you all right?



Oh, cheer up, Gadget.

There's one good thing
about a landing like this.

You can only do it once.


No, I'm sorry, Monterey,

but I think you should know
I'm extraordinarily depressed.

Can't you see?

No matter what I do,
I'll never be as good
as my father was.

You need Geegaw Hackwrench,
not Gadget.

Oh, gee, Gadget,

buck up.

It's not the end
of the world,

just, uh,
the end of the plane.

Dad never would have
crashed it.

But that's the point,

Your father was
a flyer.

You're an inventor.

And that's what we need now,
an inventor.

You do?
Golly, you're right.

Why, I'll have this plane
shipshape in no time.

Well, actually,
it should be planeshape,
shouldn't it?


Thank you, everybody.

Right. Now the rest of us
can go get that ruby.

Hang on.
If you wait a second,
I can save you a walk.

I have schedules
to meet, Professor.

Isn't it ready yet?

Really, Mr. Klordane,
you must be patient.

True genius cannot be rushed.

Hurried, hastened
and sped up, yes.

it's ready for the ruby.

At last, I can complete
my devious creation,

the Klordane
Cannon-Laser 13.

I, Professor Norton Nimnul,

am the devious genius
around here,

and I have great plans
for the Nimnul
Cannon-Laser 13.

I remind you, Professor,
that without my ruby,

your precious laser
is just a big,
overgrown flashlight.

Big and overgrown?
Yes, that's just what it is.

Now, get started.


I've gotta hand it
to that Gadget.

This iceboat handles
like a dream.

Sturdy, too.

What's taking so long?

"What's taking so long?"

I just have to
calibrate the ruby.


Ah! Perfect pitch.

How are we gonna
get the ruby now?

We'll sneak in
and take it.

That's if
you can reach it.

Come on, baby.

One small step for a machine,
one giant leap
for evil scientists.


Now, let's show them
what you've got.

what's that loony up to?

How's that for
an overgrown flashlight?

Excellent, Professor.
But will it fly?

Will it fly?
You just watch.

Fly? Now what's he
talkin' about?


What's going on?

Yes. Yes.

They'll never laugh
at Norton Nimnul again.

I don't believe it.

MONTEREY: Yeah, the world's
largest ice cube.

DALE: Boy,
think how many snow cones
you could make from that.

Well, Professor Nimnul,
it looks like

you've earned
your keep after all.

Now's our chance,
while the laser's
on the ground.

KLORDANE: I trust you'll see
that the glacier is delivered
on schedule?

A simple matter
for a super-genius
like myself, Mr. Klordane.

Just keep on your toes.

I'm not paying you
to get overconfident.

Oh, by the way, I'm going
to leave my cat with you.

At least there'll be someone
with intelligence
guarding my laser.

Oh, what a nice
little kitty.



Now that I have
my laser and my ice,

it's time for Phase 3
of my master plan.


His laser?

Oh, don't worry, baby.

Professor Nimnul
won't let him put
his nasty hands on you.

(GASPING) There are rodents
on my laser.

Get off. Get off.

If I get any colder,
I'll need a heating pad
just to freeze.

You're a cat.
Rodents are your department.

That idiot.

No one uses Fat Cat
as a common mouser.

But in this case,
I'll make an exception.

They're onto us now, mates.
Grab that ruby and let's run.



I've faced tougher odds
and never lost me head.

But you mates are sure
puttin' a strain on me tail.

Oh, good.
I was afraid you'd left.

I just wanted to say

it's been nice
snowing you.