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02x13 - Bloody Harlan

Posted: 05/06/11 06:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Justified"...

Mags: It was already in the glass, not in the jar.

Walt: [ Grunts ]

Mags: That's was my grandmama's, before she passed it on to my mama.

She give it to me when I turned 16.

[ Chuckles ]

I lit up like a firecracker.


You're like a dream come true for this old girl.

Loretta: [ Sobbing ] Oh, daddy.

Raylan, I'm sorry to bother you.

I just -- I knew they'd k*lled him.

I knew it.

Please help me, Raylan.

Mags: Whatever you decide to do, the county is yours, far as I'm concerned.

One thing -- Stay out of the weed business.

It's Bennett territory.

Boyd: Since you called off the deal that I made with your mama, I'm gonna have to take all the weed business, too, starting with this right here.

Dickie: We need to talk to Arlo.

Helen: He's not here.

Dickie: Because Arlo is off somewhere with Boyd Crowder counting my money.

Helen: Oh!

Art: Raylan.

Raylan: Art.

Art: I am truly sorry about your aunt.

Raylan: Yeah, well, I-I appreciate it.

If, uh, you don't mind, I'd like to take another week's leave.

Art: Seems like a good idea.

Something else I can do for you, Raylan?

Raylan: Yeah.

I'd, uh... I'd like to go back to Glynco, get out of the field, try my hand at firearms instruction again.

Art: So, you want me to recommend you for a promotion?

Raylan: Yeah.

They're always looking for guys like me.

Art: You mean guys that have shot people?

Raylan: Exactly.

Art: Yeah, well, you got that covered.

Let me think about it.

Raylan: You saying it's a bad idea?

Art: No.

I'm saying I want to think about it.

Good night, Raylan.

Raylan: Night, Art.

[ Beeping ]

[ Door closes, beeping stops ]

Doyle: Mama inside?

Dickie: Yeah.

Mags: What's that look on your face?

Doyle: Boyd Crowder wants to parley.

Mags: Ooh!

Dickie: What?!

No, no, no.

He started all this, and now he wants to parley?

Mags: Doyle, where are Sarah Jean and the babies?

Doyle: I got them nice and safe, mama, just like you told me to.

Dickie: Mama, mama, I know I don't need to ask you this, but we ain't gonna sit down with Boyd, are we?

Mags: Why not?

Dickie: I'll tell you why not-- because we don't need him.

We got more than enough men to crush him like a bug.

And he knows that, mama. He knows that.

Why else would he be asking to parley?

Doyle: Dickie's right about that much.

I mean, he did sound like a man who's ready to come to terms.

Dickie: And the thing about that is, it's too damn late for that.

I mean, he already made his move.

Mags: And you had nothing to do with that, I suppose.

Dickie: Mama... I explained that to you.

Mags: 'Course I'm gonna sit down with him. Why shouldn't I?

Everybody makes mistakes.

His was coming after our pot money.

Yours was telling him what was in your mind.

And mine... mine was thinking I had the measure of him.

Boyd: [ Sighs ]

Right on time.

I do appreciate punctuality.

Look, Doyle Bennett's more than just a friend.

He's a mentor.

Boyd: Well, it's all well and good as far as it goes.

What's that supposed to mean, Boyd?

Boyd: Makes me wonder why you're talking to me.

[ Sighs ] I got my reasons.

Boyd: Well, let's hear it, Nicky, 'cause from where I'm sitting, this looks an awful lot like a set-up.

I thought the Bennetts were gonna keep Black Pike out.

Instead, they used us to make a better deal for themselves.

The runoff from Black Pike is gonna drive us off that mountain.

Due respect to Doyle, the Bennetts have had their way far too long.

Boyd: [ Chuckles ]

That's it?

You got nothing more to say?

I'm not doing this for the money.

Boyd: Oh, I know.

You're doing it to get Doyle out of the way so that you can be chief of police.

♪ On this lonely road ♪
♪ trying to make it home ♪
♪ doing it by my lonesome ♪
♪ pissed off, who wants some? ♪
♪ I'm fighting for my soul ♪
♪ God get at your boy ♪
♪ you try to bogard ♪
♪ fall back, I go hard ♪
♪ on this lonely road ♪
♪ trying to make it home ♪
♪ doing it by my lonesome ♪
♪ pissed off, who wants some? ♪
♪ I see them long, hard times to come ♪

I don't understand why Loretta doesn't have to go but we all still got to.

And I told you, you don't need to concern yourself about Loretta.

She's got a head cold.

Now get in and zip it.

All right.

Loretta: Hey.

We'll all go to Sunday school together this week, all right?

Soon as I'm up to it.

God can tell when you're lying, Loretta.

He sees all things.

You don't have that seat belt on in the next three seconds, he's gonna see me lay a hand across your backside.

Any problems, you call us, all right?

Loretta: Yes, sir.

All right. Feel better.

We'll see you in a bit.

Raylan: [ Inhales sharply ]

[ Clears throat ]

[ Toothbrush scrubbing ]


Winona: Hi.

So, is Art gonna make that phone call?

Raylan: [ Grunts ]

Well, I got the impression it's gonna be a little harder than I thought.

Winona: You don't want to go, do you?

Raylan: What are you talking about?

Winona: Well, if you wanted to go, we'd be gone.

Raylan: It was my idea.

Winona: And I'm pregnant, so if you don't want to go, you need to let me know right now so we can deal with it and move on.

Raylan: What was that?

Winona: If you don't want to go, let me know and we can deal with it.

Raylan: No, no, not that part. The other part.

You're pregnant?

Winona: Mm-hmm.

Raylan: You're sure?

Winona: I didn't know until the day before yesterday, but I didn't want to tell you at the funeral.

Raylan: Why not?

Winona: I just thought you'd be mad.

Raylan: Mad?

It's like the best news I've heard in, like...

Winona: Ever?

Raylan: That's the word I was looking for.

Winona: [ Laughs ]

Raylan: And we are going to Glynco, by the way.

I don't know if it'll be six weeks or six months, but we'll go, and if we can't go, I'll quit.

You know?

Do something else.

I don't have any skills, so I don't know what that'll be, but I'll think of something.

Maybe I'll sell ice cream. I like ice cream.

Winona: I'm scared, Raylan.

Boyd: Well, the Bennetts are in the house.

Morning, Mags. Doyle.

Doyle: Pastor.

Now, at this time, I'm gonna have to ask you to surrender any and all weapons or firearms in your possession.

Thank you.

Doyle: That's everything.

Mama, you packing?

Mags: No.

I'll -- I'll step outside now, let y'all talk business.

Uh, door's locked till the parley's over.

Boyd: Well, I want to thank you both for agreeing to this sit-down.

This is a very sensitive time for all parties concerned.

But surely, it's better that we talk things out now than sh**t them out later.

Arlo: Case you didn't notice, the sh**ting's already started.

Boyd: As I was saying, emotions are running awful high right now.

But nobody wants a full-scale w*r.

Doyle: Yeah, nobody without enough g*ns, anyway.

Mags: I came here to listen to Boyd Crowder, not you.

Boyd: The point is taken, Doyle. You Bennetts are many.

We are few.

But I think we both can agree that bloodletting is bad for business.

Mags: You want to talk about business, huh?

Boyd: Yeah, Mags, I do.

Mags: All right, then.

Aside from money, what is business but contracts and agreements?

Now, you and me, we had an agreement.

I gave up my family's claim on this county, but for one thing -- the pot business.

Boyd: That's true, Mags, but then your son Dickie approached me.

Mags: You didn't shake hands with Dickie -- you shook hands with me.

We had a deal, and you broke it.

Rest is just chin music.

Boyd: You're right, Mags.

I'm sorry.

Mags: Question is... What do you aim to do about it?

Doyle: What is this?

Boyd: The money we took from Dickie -- every single dollar.

Mags: Well, now... I'd say that's a step in the right direction.

Devil: What the hell you doing?

Ava: I'm not staying in the cellar.

Smells like moldy death down there.

Devil: Yeah, well, Boyd said you got to --

Ava: I know what he said.

You're watching the front.

I'm gonna keep an eye out back, make some coffee while I'm at it.

Fresh black coffee?

You hear from Johnny?

Devil: Yeah.

He's at his house.

Mags: Strikes me that this little deal of ours may not be enough for you.

Oh, it's enough for now, when it's just you, Arlo, the cr*pple, and the other feller.

But one of these days, you're gonna want more.

And we both know, when that day comes, you will take more.

Ava: Devil, you want sugar?

[ Truck doors close ]

Johnny Crowder?

Ava: [ Gasps ] Devil!

Devil: You stay the hell down!



Dickie: Hello, Ava.

Ava: Oh!



Devil: Hey, Ava! You all right?

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Doyle: It's Dickie.

Mags: Answer it.

Doyle: Yeah?


Are you sure?

Boyd: Well, I take it that's not good news.

I didn't want to make the mistake of underestimating you, Mags, but now I think we understand each other.




[ Cellphone rings ]

Raylan: Loretta?

Who's this?

Raylan: What do you mean, "Who's this?" Who the hell is this?

This is officer Riley, Lexington Police.

Your turn.

Raylan: Well, officer Riley, this is deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens.

Where's Loretta?

Yeah, it looks like she's gone.

Raylan: What do you mean, "gone"?

Parents left her alone for a couple hours, returned to find her missing.

Called it in as a possible abduction.

She left the cell, so I'm checking the outgoing calls.

Raylan: I-I'll be there in a few.

Winona: What was that about?

Raylan: Do you mind being a little late to work?

Boyd: Where's Ava?

Where's Ava?!

Devil: Well, she's --she's on the couch.

Arlo: Get that body off the road.

Boyd: [ Breathing heavily ]

Ava: I'm sorry.

Boyd: You're sorry?

Ava: You told me to stay in the cellar.

Boyd: Baby, why didn't -- w-why-- why didn't you stay...

W-where's your doctor?

Arlo: On his way.

Boyd: Why wasn't she in the cellar?

Devil: She wouldn't stay down.

Boyd: You should have made her stay down!

Devil: I know. I-I'm sorry, Boyd.

Boyd: You're sorry?! Huh?

Devil: I'm sorry, Boyd.

Boyd, I know. I know. I know.

Boyd: Who shot her?

Devil: It was Dickie Bennett.

Boyd: Did you see him?

Devil: It's what she said.

[ Dialing ]

Boyd: I need you to find me Dickie Bennett.

Neighbor down the block had her eyes on a car she didn't like, hanging around out in front of the house.

Raylan: How nosy did she get?

Brown sedan, license pings back to a Wade Messer.

No address, just a rural route in Harlan County.

Raylan: Anybody see her near the car?

Uh, no.

Raylan: Call trooper Tom bergen down in Harlan.

Sure. I know Tom.

Raylan: He knows the girl's history. He could be helpful.

I'll do that.

[ Engine turns over ]

Raylan: [ Sighs ]

Okay. Police are gone.

I saw you talking to the officer, ducking his eyes.

Whatever you felt like you couldn't say in their presence, now you can.

Sorry. I don't -- I don't know what you're talking about.

Raylan: Stop.

Glen, I don't want you to speak anymore, 'cause once you start lying to me, there's gonna be a river between us with no bridge to cross.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

Nod if you do.

Okay. Good.

Start again.

I've lived a righteous life since I've come up to Lexington.

I got my affairs in order, I make it to my meetings --

I'm a good father, and I work hard, marshal.

Raylan: But?

Years back, I did a piece for burglary and trespass over in South Carolina.

15 years now since I've been out.

Raylan: And what?

You don't want anything to happen to the kids over some chickenshit from your past?

Thing is, got kids around, all you can do is protect them.

You feel this, like, natural pull.

Raylan: You bought a g*n.

A little Smith & Wesson .38 I got at a g*n show a couple years back.

Kept it in the closet, for protection.

Raylan: Where's that g*n now, Glen?

I don't know.

It was there last night, and now it's gone, along with about $300 I saved in a drawer for emergencies.

Loretta: What?

Deal didn't include me paying for your gas on top, Messer.

Well, then we're gonna have to live here, 'cause I ain't a-got no other way to pay for it.


Thank you.

Tell me, Retty, what do you got in that bag?!

Loretta: What the hell, man?

What you got in that bag, Retty?!

Loretta: It ain't none of your concern. Hell it ain't.

You got a piece in there.

Why are you dragging a g*n down to Harlan, girl?

You tell me right now, Loretta, or this ship don't sail.

Loretta: I aim to find what happened to my daddy. That's all.

Are you out of your g*dd*mn mind?

You roll into Harlan with a g*n, asking questions about what happened to Walt, what do you think is gonna happen?

Loretta: You ain't got to worry about it. You're getting paid.


There ain't enough money in this world worth crossing the Bennetts over.

I thought you already knew that.

Loretta: Just get me as far as the county line. That's all I'm asking.

Hell no. This stops right here.

We're going to Lexington while we still have a shot.

Loretta: Messer, don't you put this car in gear.

You make me pull my hand out of this bag, you might not like what it comes up with.

All right. You the boss.

I considered your daddy a friend.

We wasn't close, but I held him in some regard.

And that's the only reason why I agreed to carry you down here.

Loretta: I've come this far, Messer. I will see this thing through.

I owe daddy that much.
Raylan: I'm sorry.

Winona: Where are we going?

Raylan: I'm still gonna take you to work and drop you off.

Winona: And then?

Raylan: Then I got this thing I need to deal with.

Winona: Do you still plan on picking me up from work?

Raylan: As soon as I'm done with this thing, yes.

Winona: This thing in Harlan?

Raylan: Yeah.

Winona: Well, we just attended a funeral after you k*lled a guy whose family's been feuding with your family for the past 70 years.

Raylan, what if they took her?

What if they did that to try and pull you back in?

Raylan: Nobody took the girl.

Winona: You don't know that.

Raylan: She's got a g*n. She's got money.

She's likely going down there to avenge her daddy's m*rder.

Winona: How can you be so sure?

Raylan: Because that's what I would have done when I was her age.

What do you want me to do?

Do you want me just to leave this alone?

Winona: Yeah.

I want you to leave this alone.

I want you to leave it to the authorities.

This is not your problem, Raylan.

Raylan: She's a 14-year-old girl.

Winona: [ Voice breaking ] I know.

It's not your problem.


Not today.

Raylan: Winona... I promise you I will be fine.

Winona: Okay. Take me to work.

And go to Harlan.

But I can't promise you I'm gonna be here when you get back.

Doyle: How you boys doing?


There's a g*dd*mn w*r going on.

Anybody tell you that?

Mooney, you believe this shit?

Well, you get what you pay for.

That's a fact.

Dickie: What's the trouble out here, Doyle?

Doyle: Where's mama?

Dickie: Mama!

Doyle: These rodeo clowns your idea of security?

Sitting around smoking, drinking, playing with themselves?

Dickie: Why don't you just cool yourself down?

Ain't nobody got by 'em yet.

Doyle: Mama, I thought you'd want to know.

The state troopers put out a BOLO watch on Wade Messer.

Raylan Givens doing the looking.

Messer's heading this way.

He's got that McCready girl with him.

Mags: Loretta?

Doyle: Yes, ma'am.

Mags: [ Scoffs ]

What are you doing about it?

Doyle: Well, my boys got their eyes peeled, just like them troopers.

Mags: Dickie, you get on up to rabbit holler, and you wait for 'em.

Dickie: Rabbit holler?

But what if he ain't, uh --

Mags: Don't "what if" me.

You get Loretta, and you bring her here.

Dickie: Mama, mama, I'm just trying to get a word in edgewise to say, what if he ain't got her?

Mags: Well, you find out where she is, and you get her!


Dickie: Okay. I'm going.

Mags: And you be damn sure no harm comes to that girl.

[ Footsteps approach ]

Arlo: Boyd.

Boyd: [ Sighs ]

Boyd: This your doctor?

Arlo: Yep.

Boyd: What are you, a med student?

I'm a doctor.

I run a free clinic in Corbin.

Boyd: You run a clinic, what are you doing this for?

Because the clinic needs money and you're gonna give us a lot of it.

Boyd: You fix her as if your life depended on it, 'cause it surely does.

You don't leave her side.

Devil: You got it.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Raylan: Tom, got anything?

Tom: I got a call about Loretta from the Lexington P.D.

Raylan: Yeah.

Put out a BOLO out?

Tom: As soon as I hung up.

Anybody spots Messer, they're gonna give you a call.

Raylan: Okay.

Art: Well, you got everything you need?


Winona: Art. [ Sighs ] Can we talk?

Art: Sure.

Now, dear, as fond as I am of you, I hope this is not about Glynco.

Winona: No.

Um, Raylan went to Harlan this morning.

He seems to think Loretta's in trouble or that she's gonna get herself in trouble.

Art: Uh-huh.

Winona: Art, he went back to Harlan. There are people there who want him dead.

Art: I imagine he's aware of that.

Winona: Well, the marshals need to help.

Art: Winona, whatever Raylan is doing over there is on his personal time.

Winona: Art... please. Come on. You got to help him.

Art: Sometimes you just can't help.

[ Thudding in distance ]

Raylan: Wade Messer.

Raylan Givens.

Damn! Raylan!

Raylan: How you doing?

Just fine.

Raylan: Good. Good.

Where's Loretta McCready?


Raylan: Mm-hmm.

Well, she called, looking for a ride.

Her daddy was a friend, so I obliged.

Raylan: I'm gonna ask you to put the hammer down and keep your hands where I can see 'em.


So, how you been keeping yourself?

Raylan: Oh, pretty good, joined the marshals service.

Where is she now?

Gas stop.

Marshals service, huh?

Boy, I'd have never guessed that.

Raylan: I'm gonna check you for weapons.

Then you can show me which gas stop.

You mind if we take your car?

Raylan: No.


Dickie: Whoo!

Right there. Nobody gonna tell me that wasn't no base hit.

[ Grunts ]

All right.

That ain't going anywhere.

Dickie: I appreciate the help, there, Wade.

Mr. Bennett, sir, uh, if that girl had told me what she was thinking of doin', I'd have called you, first thing.

Dickie: No harm, no foul, my friend.

But, listen, I'm gonna need you to do something for me, okay?

What's that? You name it.

Dickie: Need you to get your ass back out there and find that girl.

Will you do that for me? Oh, yes, sir.

Dickie: Okay. Listen to me.

You find that girl, all will be forgiven.

Yes, sir.

Dickie: Now, go on.

Go on.

Well... How you doing, there, Raylan? Huh?

I bet you'd like a handful of aspirin for that headache right about now, wouldn't you, hmm?

Raylan: Where's Loretta?

Dickie: Wade told me Loretta offered him $150 to bring her back.

Then Doyle heard on the police radio that you had them on some kind of watch list, and what do you know?

Here we both are.

It's the top of the 1st, Raylan.

Hey, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter... swing!

Raylan: [ Grunts ]

Dickie: Oh!

Raylan: Shit!

Dickie: Ho-ho! Foul ball!

Stee-rike one.

Sounded like it hurt, though. Yeah.

Raylan: She's here to find the people who k*lled her daddy.

Dickie: Better do some stretching here.


Coach always said, "Make sure you warm up first."

Your coach tell you that, Raylan?

Raylan: You're not concerned?

Dickie: No.

He dropped her off at a gas station about 60 miles from here.

Raylan: What?

Oh! You know, I was gonna tell you.

I was reading somewhere that, uh, a person takes something like 6,000, 7,000 steps a day.

You believe that? A day.

Raylan: Go back to the part about you reading.

Dickie: So funny.

But think about that, Raylan. 7,000.

Hey, look at me when I'm talking to you.

That number -- ooh!

7,000 steps a day -- 7,000 steps a day for, let's say, oh, 20 years or so.

Oh! Come on! Come on! 20 years. What's that come out to, Raylan? Huh?

Raylan: I don't know.

Dickie: You still got yourself a damn big number.

And listen to me.

That is whats I figure you owe me, Raylan...

Raylan: Okay.

...For every step I've had to take on this... ragged-ass knee going back 20 years, Raylan.

Come on, Raylan! Speak up.

I know you got something smart you want to say about that.

I know you do.


Yeah. I understand, Raylan.

It's not quite the same when you don't have a g*n to my head, is it?

Hey, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter, batter...

Raylan: [ Grunts ]

Dickie: Oh! [ Laughs ]

Oh, no, no! My heavens.

Strike two! But you know what?

This? This ain't no three-strikes game, Raylan.

No. [ Laughs ] No.

I get as many swings as it takes.

Hey! Batter, batter --

Boyd: Raylan, I don't know whether to sh**t him now or let him have a couple of more swings, then k*ll him.

Raylan: I vote for the first one.

Boyd: Dickie, take both them g*ns out of your belt and put them on the ground right now.

Right now!

Raylan: I'd be much obliged if you'd cut me down.

Boyd: Cut him down.

Now, God damn it.

Now, Raylan, you said whatever needed doing with Dickie...

You were gonna take care of.

Raylan: Yeah.

I'm sorry, Boyd.

[ Grunts ]

Boyd: Your decision has caused me great pain.

Raylan: It's complicated.

Boyd: No, it ain't.

I'm gonna ask you to leave now, Raylan.

Dickie: Oh, ho, ho.

Ho! Raylan. Hey.

You can't just leave me.

I know you ain't just gonna leave me here, Raylan.

Dickie, I didn't pull the trigger, but I'll sleep like a baby knowing he will.

And my g*n?

Where I'm going, I'm gonna need it.

Dickie: Raylan.

Raylan, hey.

Wait, Raylan. Please.

Wait, Raylan! Come on. Listen to me.

You ain't getting to Loretta without me, and you know it.

Ain't no way you're getting past Doyle and his g*n thugs, man!

Come on!

You need me, Raylan!

Raylan: Boyd?

Boyd: He shot Ava.

Raylan: How bad?

Boyd: Raylan, that's not the point.

Raylan: I'm gonna need him for a little bit.

Boyd: What, are you asking me... Or are you telling me?

Raylan: Makes you feel better, you can tell people I asked.

Loretta: Hey.

Hey yourself. You lost?

Loretta: Come to see Mags.

You gonna let me by or what?

Don't believe I am.

How about you turn your narrow ass around, head back down that hill before you get hurt?

Doyle: Mama.

Cal! Let her through.

Mags: Loretta.

Loretta: Miss Mags.

Mags: Sweet lord.

What brought you back here?

Loretta: I come to see you.

Mags: Well, we better get you inside.

Bad things are fixing to happen.

Come with me.

[ Sighs ]

You come at a difficult time, Loretta.

I can't paint any different picture of it.

But I'm glad you came, nonetheless.

You thirsty, darlin'?

Loretta: No, ma'am.

Didn't come for refreshments.

Mags: You came to talk about your daddy?

Doyle: Hey.

Mags: Some day, when you got tads of your own, you'll understand, Loretta.

You do what you must to protect them, even when you know it's wrong.

And what Coover did to your daddy -- that was wrong.

Oh, honey.

What have they been telling you?

Raylan: Doyle... I need you and your boys to put your g*ns down.

Doyle: And why would we do that?

Raylan: Maybe you don't want to see your brother's brains fly through the air.

Is she here?

Doyle: Who?

Raylan: Loretta.

Doyle: Maybe she is. Maybe she ain't.

Maybe you can kiss my ass.

Raylan: Doyle, the girl's got a g*n.

Doyle: Yeah. Who doesn't?

Mags: Sugar... you think this is the first time I had a p*stol pointed at me?

And by some steadier hands than yours, I reckon.

Might have held one or two myself.

So I know how it feels.

So heavy in your hands, they start to shaking.

Then you realize... You're not gonna pull the trigger.

And when you do, it's like a relief.

[ g*nsh*t ]


Dickie: Don't sh**t!

Doyle: Oh! Guys! Cease fire!


You all right?

Dickie: You shot at me!

[ g*n cocks ]

Doyle: This b*llet's been on its way for 20 years.

[ g*nsh*t ]

Dickie: No!

Art: [ Over bullhorn ] Drop your weapons and get on the ground!

[ Sirens wailing ]

Drop your weapons, or you will be shot.

Assume the position! Now!

Hands up! Hands up!

Art: Do you dumb-ass peckerwoods understand English?

On the ground, hillbillies, now!

Raylan, you okay?

Raylan: I've been better.

It's good to see you, Art.

I got at least two inside, one being Loretta McCready.

Art: Tim, Rachel, go with him.

Secure the house.

Raylan: Loretta?


Whoa, whoa.

Loretta: Sit down.

Raylan: How about I just lean against this doorjamb for a little bit?

Loretta: You okay?

Raylan: Yeah, just took a b*llet in the -- in the exchange outside.

How about you tell me what's going on in here?

Loretta: I'm tired of people telling me as much truth as they see fit.

I want to know who really k*lled my daddy.

Mags: It breaks my heart seeing you hold that g*n.

I wanted to keep you away from this life.

I wanted to let you be a child a little longer.

Wasn't Coover who did it.

It was me.

Loretta: [ Voice breaking ]

Because he called the police about the pervert?

Mags: That's right.

But I tried to make it up to you by giving you a better life here.

Loretta: I had a life!

Me and my daddy were just fine!

Mags: No, you weren't.

Loretta: Shut up!

Raylan: Okay, Loretta.

You got the answer you were looking for.

Now put down the g*n down.

Loretta: I got to do this.

Raylan: No. You don't.

Mags: You know, the marshal and me, we -- we made our choices.

Now we're paying for them, but you still got a chance.

Loretta: What wouldn't you say right now to keep me from sh**ting you?

Raylan: She's right.

Loretta, look here, huh?

She's right.

You pull that trigger, your life is gonna change.

And not for the better.

Now, I want you to ask yourself what your daddy would want you to do.

Loretta: I want him here to tell me.

Raylan: k*lling Mags ain't gonna bring him back.

Come on, now.


Mags: [ Sighs ]

Raylan: Tim, give me a minute.

Mags: You got something to say?

Raylan: Doyle's dead.

Mags: Doyle?

Raylan: Mm-hmm.

Mags: What about Dickie?

Raylan: He's in custody.

Thought you'd like to know.

Mags: I appreciate it.

You like a drink?

Raylan: Apple pie?

Mags: [ Sighs ]

Ease the pain.

Raylan: Yeah.

Mags: [ Grunts ]

Raylan: [ Grunts ]

Mags: [ Grunts ]

Raylan: It's good as I remembered.

Mags: Figure we should end this feud now the way it should have ended a long time ago.

Raylan: I guess.

Mags? What did you do?

Mags: Same thing I did to Loretta's daddy.

It's too late.

It was already in the glass, not in the jar.

[ Groans ]

This is the hard part.

[ Breathing heavily ]

Put an end to my troubles.

Get to see my boys again.

Get to know the mystery.