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02x04 - The Doppleganger g*ng

Posted: 03/25/24 12:40
by bunniefuu

(MOANS) Aw, man.

I'm gonna be late for...

School should not be
a den of lazy loodling.

As your new principal,
I have decided to institute

mid-midterm examinations
beginning next week.

Procrastinate, you're up a schnitzel creek
without a paddle. No?

Test? But I got
to go to...

It makes perfect.

♪ Double duchy duchy double
Mess with us and you in trouble ♪

-4 o'clock? Later, guys.
-Oh, whoa.

Come on, Jakey.

The regional double-dutch
championships are next week.

We gotta put in the hours
before we hit the showers

-I can't. I have to do my...

You're gonna have to help out more.

I need you to baby-sit the trash
and take out your sister.

Stop. Reverse that.
Trash out, sister-sit.

But, Mom,
I'm swamped and...

Late for dragon training.

-Sorry, Gramps.
-Young one,

time management is a dragon skill
every bit as important

as breathing fire or flying.

But it's not fair. I'm trying to ace
two lives over here, remember?

That is why I am giving you
this personal digital assistant.

-Huh? Hey.

Cell, video, mp3, Internet.
Chinese checkers.

This thing is tricked out.

you're preaching to the choir.

If that baby could panfry a steak,
I'd marry it.

And check out the magical
scheduling feature. A-gu.


I'm Megs McGee, your new PMA,
personal magical assistant.


Man, what a day.

(YAWNS) Finally, time to sleep.


Up and at 'em,
lazy McSnore-Snore.

-Emergency dragon training session,

Central Park. Now!

Up, up, up!

Aw, man.


♪ He's cool, he's hot like a frozen sun ♪

♪ He's young and fast
He's the chosen one ♪

♪ People, we're not bragging ♪

♪ He's the American Dragon ♪

♪ He's gonna stop his enemies
with his dragon power ♪

♪ Dragon teeth, dragon tail,
burnin' dragon fire ♪

♪ A real live wire ♪

♪ American Dragon ♪

♪ American Dragon ♪

♪ He's the American Dragon ♪

♪ His skills are gettin' faster ♪

♪ With Grandpa, the master ♪

♪ His destiny, what's up, G? ♪

♪ It's showtime, baby, for the legacy ♪

♪ American Dragon ♪

♪ I'm a dragon, I'm not braggin'
It's my destiny ♪

♪ I'm the magical protector of the NYC ♪

Ya heard?

♪ American Dragon! ♪


MEGS: No one shows up late
on my watch, maggot.

Hup, march, hup, march.

Hup, march, hup, march.

Nice present.

So what's the big emergency?

As the Hunstclan grows stronger

we must prepare you
with more powerful dragon defenses.

Observe, young one.


No way.
How did you hone that clone?

Dragons have the ability
to project their chi energy

into a copy of themselves.
A doppelganger.

It can provide
a useful decoy in battle.

-MAN: Get that unicorn.

Speaking of battle... Run!

MAN 2: Slow and easy, boys.

You know how much
unicorn horn goes for on the black market?

-Young dragon,

this is a perfect opportunity for you
to try the doppelganger decoy technique.

Two of me. Yeah.
I dig the sound of that.

Dragon up.

Concentrate your chi energy, Jake.
Project it forward.


Release the inner energy,
young dragon.


(BURPS) Excuse me.



Okay, I know I laid down
a decoy that time.

How is it looking?

Well, kid,
it is distracting. Loo-ga-loo!


-Oh, come on.

It is late. You will have to master
the doppelganger in your free time.

Free time?
I don't have any free time.

I don't have any time at all.

I will be off reporting
to the Dragon Council this week.

Master the decoy
by the time I return.

But for now, young one,
it is time for you to sleep.

(SIGHS) Sleep. Sleep.


It's 7 a.m.
school is waiting,

Princess Cinder-lazy.

Up and at 'em!
Up and at 'em! Up and at 'em!

Good of you
to join us, Mr. Long.

I wasn't aware
it was pajama day.

Say what?

Aw, man.

Jakey, are you sleeping?


HALEY: Jake, you're supposed
to be watching me.


I'm at a developmental age where
I need a lot of one-on-one attention.

-Hey! Hiya-ho there, family.

Jake, you are gonna be tickled pink
camouflage when you hear what I did.

Yep. I signed you up for advanced
wilderness survival training

with the cougar scouts.

But, dad,
I'm kind of booked up.

And we live in the middle of the city.

Hey, mister, I don't care
how big-city mouse you are.

A growing boy needs to know
his basic survival skills.

Tying knots, lighting fires,
whittling wood,

and, of course, the ol'
making dancing acorn finger puppets.

I can't take much more of this.

Now, absorb that cheap imitation

and try, try again.

Fu, can't you help
a player out?

You know, hook me up
with a little magical mojo.

No. Forget it, kid.
No shortcuts.

All right. But I feel another
birthday-suit me about to pop.

Oh, okay, Uncle.
Enough. Here.

Here. Sprinkle a little of this in the air
before you concentrate.

It'll help
amplify your chi energy.

Now, that's what
I'm talking about.

We have a winner

of the Jake Long
look-alike contest.


Yo, check me out.
I did it.

Do I really look this good?

Congratulations, kid.
Let's call it a night.

Reabsorb that baby and you can try

doing it without
the magic training wheels tomorrow.

But I got
cougar scout training.

I also got to study,
go to jump-rope practice,

take care of Haley,
do my chores.

How is one person
supposed to do all that?

So how's your calendar looking
for the next week, my man?

JAKE: Okay. So I'll take the sleeping.
You'll take the garbage.

I'll take the napping.
You'll take the algebra.

Algebra? Aw, man.

You really are my double.

I don't know.
This seems highly irregular.

Oops. Rolling blackout.

Don't you dare!

Where's my newest
little cougar?

No. It's Dad. We got to hide.

A scouty howdy to you, Jake my boy.

Are you ready
for cougar scouts?

Uh. Scouty howdy right back at cha.
I sure am.

Let me hear you shout, shout
I am a cougar scout, scout.


So no one thought there was anything wack
about you? Not even my dad?


From now on, cougar scout training
is your thing.

-You're all over it.
-Like smoke on a campfire.

Great. But I still got
to study for school,

do my chores
around the house.

All right,
you're study boy me,

double-dutch me,
chore hound me.

Chop chop.
Time's a-wastin'.

Finally, Fu's chi amplifier
comes through in a pinch.

Nothing to do
but sleep, chill, and relax.

Man, all this nothing to do
is exhausting.

Wonder how my doppel bros are hanging.

Then Olivia Meer
said if I was such a know-it-all,

why didn't I know pigtails
are so second grade?

Oh. No, she didn't, girl.

Guess what.
It's Steve Hardy time.


Son, this is by far

the best full-body
tourniquet I have ever seen.

Thanks, Dad.

That would be Mesopotamia.

Jake, I am so proud.

I could tap
the budenschlavens on my lederhosen.

Come. A celebratory jig.
Hit it, Frederick.



Okay, now I'm just
scaring myself.

Ooh, Jakey.
You on fire, boy!

-SPUD: Trix, come here.

I'll show you a trick.

Look, I'm gonna
take over here.

-But this is what I do. It's who I am.

I jump rope.
That's all I have.

Come on. Give it up.





Okay, who tripped
the Bradster?


Oh, look. It's doofus.

Wanna jump rope?

The only jumping I'm gonna do
is on your face with my fist,

which isn't jumping,
but it's still gonna hurt.

Psst. Brad, teacher. Twelve o'clock.

Meet me
at the skate park, 3:00.

I can't do it today 'cause I have
accordion lessons after school.

So 3:00 tomorrow.

If you don't show, everyone's gonna know
you're a chicken.


Aw, man.

Guys, this Brad sitch
is serious. I--

Aw. Okay, who dealt it?

-ALL: Not me.
-Whoever smelt it...

ALL: Dealt it!

Ha ha. Very funny.

Now, let's get down
to business.

One of us has to show up
to meet Brad tomorrow.

We can't use any dragon powers.
We're gonna have to face him straight up.

So I'm looking for a volunteer.


Aw, come on.

One of us has
to represent tomorrow.

Now, who's it gonna be?

That's what
I'm talking about.

My man here
isn't afraid of Brad.

I'm terrified of Brad.
No way I'm going.

But you raised your hand.

To suggest that you create
another doppelganger,

one that's designed
specifically for this task.

Hm. Jake Long,
I like the way you think.

I know it's here somewhere.

Jake, don't worry
about Brad.

-Trix and I totally have your back. And...
-(GASPS) Ah...


Hey, cool acorn puppet.

Jakey, what is going on in here?

No, look. My schedule got
totally swamped, so...

I brought in a little help.

Hmm... How do we know that this one's
the real Jake Long

and not the other one?

-Spud, trust me.
-I could trust you

or you can tell me
what my favorite possession is.

A ball of belly button lint you've been
collecting since you were three?

Ecch! That's disgusting...

And also correct. So I'm choosing
to believe you for now.

But I'll be keeping
my eye on you.

I'm gonna go ahead
and take a wild guess on this one.

We've been double-dutching
with your double, right?

Yep. But you have to admit
this guy has some fly moves.

I jump rope, therefore I am.

Oh, Jakey. This is not about winning
the double-dutch tournament.

This is about trust,

Hey, that boy can put a hurtin'
on some jump rope.

Look at him go!

Look, guys, I just need
to make one more double of myself,

one who can take
the beating from Brad tomorrow.

Let's see. Here we go.

I just wanna say for the record,
I think this is a bad idea.

You should get rid
of all of these Jakey clones.

Ooh, except this one. He is all mine,
okay? I'm keeping this one.

Welcome to the world,
my man.

So you down with getting
beaten up tomorrow?

Sure. I can do that.

Look, I'm sorry
it had to go down this way.

Just protect your face,
and I promise it'll be over quickly.

I promise
it'll be over quickly, too.


Boo-hoo. Jakey's probably
crying to his mommy right now

that he's scared of the dark.

I mean...
I mean the Bradster.

Yo, Brad, what up?

Oh, I didn't think
you had the guts to show.

So where do you want it?

The face? The gut?

Surprise me.




Wait. What's happening?

Ow. Let go! Let go!

Whatever you say, Brad.


It's dark!

I'm scared. Whoa!




Dude, that was so not cool.

You were supposed to take
a beating from Brad, not dish one out.

-Oh, he deserved it.
-Maybe, but that's not the point.

You're my doppelganger.

That means you take my orders
like the rest of the dop g*ng.

Yeah. The thing is,
I'm not like the others.

You're right.

'Cause you're history.
I'm reabsorbing you right now.

I don't think so.
Dragon up.

Now, let's have some fun.


I never thought I'd have
to kick my own behind.

But here goes.

Dragon up.


Whoa. I feel really weak.

Ha. You feel weak
to me, too.


Kid, please tell me
you're joking?

Don't you get it?
Every doppelganger you make

sucks away part of your chi energy.

That's why
your gas t*nk is on empty.

But it was working out fine.
Why did this one go bad?

I did it
just like you told me.

I reached over here,
grabbed the vial.

Ah, no, kid.
This is a negative chi amplifier.

If you made a doppelganger
with this stuff,

it's guaranteed to be
100% pure evil.

An evil body attached
to this pretty face?

(SCOFFS) That's just wrong.

I gotta stop it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. You don't stand a chance
in your condition.

You're gonna have to reabsorb
all the other doppelgangers

and take back the strength
they're sucking from you.

So if I reabsorb them,
I can take this guy out?

If it's not too late.

But you can't reabsorb me.
I got a bear trap to finish

and a neckerchief slide
to lacquer and--

DAD: Where's my little cougee scout?

Let me hear you shout, shout...

Oh, ho, ho.

Someone has been working
on his bear trapping patch, hasn't he?

Lost my glasses.

Hey, hey. I am seeing twosies
for the price of onesie.



-That's a cougar no-no!

Oh, yummy.

Well, it looks like
we had the same idea.

I'm taking you back. Now.

You'll take me back
when you can catch me and beat me,

which is... Oh, right. Never.

So I'll just be dragoning up
and taking over now.

-See ya.

I don't understand
a word of your teen slang jive.

What's a "dragon up"? Whoa!


Oh. It's on now, punk.




Clean-up, aisle 10.


Sorry. I'm done
answering to you.

Can't you just name
the capital of Bolivia for me?

Does it hurt your head much
to bring me joy?

Quick. I got to get you
out of here before--

Too late.

Got to get to jump-rope Jake.

You can't have him.

Trix, if you don't let me have him,
my evil twin is gonna destroy my rep,

the magical world,
and who knows what else.

But, Jake,
that boy's got mad skills.

-End of the world here.
-(WHINES) Okay.

Yo. Heads up.

Too bad for you,
I'm so self-absorbed.


Fu, we've got a problem.

Evil Jake reabsorbed
my doppelgangers before I could.

Who, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute.
All of 'em?

JAKE: Not quite all.

There's still one Jake
I need to reabsorb.

And what Jake
would that be?

The original.

I have ten times
your chi strength and power.

It would be easier
not to fight me.

I'm done taking the easy route.


Whoa. That's some
negative self-image you got there.

Come on. Let's get out of here.

Let me go, Fu.
It's time I put me in my place.

Uh-huh. No way.

Kid, you're not playing
with a full deck,

and he's got three of a kind
with an ace kicker.

-You're too weak to take him on now.

We better just duck and cover
till Gramps gets back.

No. This whole thing happened
'cause I tried to take the easy way out.

That dude's got my face.
He's got my powers.

But there's still
only one am-drag,

and it's time
I took care of business the hard way.

Dragon up.


-Calm down.

Didn't anybody tell you
I rule over all magical beings now?

ORIGINAL JAKE: Just so you know,
I've always been hard on myself.

But don't take
my word for it.


You're gonna run away again?

American chicken.




Prepare to be absorbed.


Release my chi energy.

No magical shortcuts.

Got to do it on my own.

Hey, can I play, too?

What? How can that--

-Now, release my doppelgangers.

The rope!

We're free.

Us three on the count of 3.

One, two, three.


And last but not least...


We showed us
who's boss.

That was better than
a s'mores sing-along.

Jumping for joy.

Guys, I got mad love
for how you had my back.

But from now on,
this drag is going stag.

Are you sure?

Yeah. The thing is, I got to find a way
to handle my own business,

you know,
without shortcuts... or lies.

So you guys got to go.

-Thanks for the help, Trixie.
-It's the least I could do,

with all the time you're putting
in the double-dutch tournament.

Now, let's go ace
those mid-midterms.


I'm proud of you, Jake Long.

By prioritizing your schedule
and calling in some help,

you have achieved
time management perfection.


Jake, aren't you supposed
to be watching Haley?

Don't worry.
I called in a favor.


FU: Can you believe
how Olivia Meers

busted her Patty party doll
beach-time convertible

and then blamed it
on poor Chelsea Fudderman?

(GASPS) The nerve.

SPUD: If you ask me, Jake gave up
on the magical chi doppleganger thing

way too soon. I mean, how cool would it be
to doppelgang yourself?

Could you imagine
the possibilities of having two Spuds?

Or why not three Spuds?
Or four?

Five Spuds.

6 Spuds.
Seven, eight, nine, 10.

Think what the combined power of an armada
of identical spuddelgangers could do.

Wow. What wonders
this world would behold.