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01x06 - Galapagos Islands

Posted: 03/25/24 11:00
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

ABC MouseHey, everybody! Let's G-O, go!

Woman[singing] With ABC, --, and Do-Re-Mi

There's endless people and places to see

From the classroom, they can search and explore

With every adventure, you learn more

They visit countries near and far

They love to learn wherever they are

They see the world in a brand-new way

They make great new friends every day

ABC, --, and Do-Re-Mi

Come along and you will see

The more they travel, the more you know

Get ready, let's G-O, go

[curious music]

-- MouseWhat are you waiting for?

Do-Re-Mi MouseThe feeling you get when you have a great idea

for something to paint.

It's called inspiration.

-- MouseAh!

Do-Re-Mi MouseIt'll come.

It always does.

[light music]

-- Mouse[chuckles]

What are you doing, ABC?

ABC MouseWalking like a penguin.

Want to walk like a penguin too?

Do-Re-Mi Mouse[chuckles] Sure!

ABC MouseThe teacher was talking about penguins this morning.

They're my new favorite animal.

-- MouseOoh. What's your favorite kind of penguin?

ABC Mouse[gasps] There's more than one?

-- MouseSure! There are many different kinds.

ABC MouseThat sounds like something I need to explore!

-- Mouse[grunts] ABC Mouse[laughs]

Do-Re-Mi MouseThree-penguin pileup!

ABC MouseLet's search it!

Whoa! There are so many different kinds.

Do-Re-Mi MouseAnd so many fabulous names.

The chinstrap penguin,

macaroni penguin,

the royal penguin.

-- MouseWhat about that one?

ABC MouseThe Galápagos penguin.

-- MouseIt says they live on a group

of tropical islands in the Pacific Ocean

called the Galápagos Islands.

ABC MouseWait, did you say tropical?

That sounds kind of warm for a penguin.

-- MouseIt says they're the only penguins in the world

that live in such a warm place.

ABC MouseThe Galápagos Islands, huh?

-- MouseIt's big islands surrounded by lots of small ones

that all belong to the country of Ecuador,

which is about miles away!

Do-Re-Mi MouseIsabela is the largest island...

ABC MouseAnd Española is the oldest.

Do-Re-Mi MouseSo, how can an island be the oldest?

-- MouseI don't know, but I want to find out.

ABC MouseAnd I want to know more about penguins

that live on a tropical island.

Do-Re-Mi MouseThen what are we waiting for?

ABC MouseLet's G-O, go!

Do-Re-Mi MouseLook at all the different kinds

of animals and plants that live on the islands.

-- MouseOh, that sign says "Welcome to Galápagos National Park" in Spanish."],…}

ABC MouseVámonos! Let's go!

It's time to explore.

[adventurous music]

[phone trilling]


DanielaLook! It's ABC, --, and Do-Re-Mi.

I'm so excited!

-- MouseHola!

DanielaI'm Daniela.

This is my papá, Santiago.

Oh, can I guess why you're here? Can I?


DanielaOoh, I know!

You're here to see the giant tortoise?

ABC MouseGiant tortoise?

SantiagoIt can weigh almost pounds

and live to be years old.

ABC MouseIt can?

Wow, that sounds amazing!

But it's not why we came.

I want to see a Galápagos penguin,

and -- wants to know how one island

can be older than another.



SantiagoImagine this.

Each time lava flows out of the ground,

the volcano gets a little taller.

After a really long time,

the top of the volcano reaches the top of the ocean,

making an island.

-- MouseOh!

The volcanoes that made these islands all erupted at different times!

That's why some islands are older than others.

ABC MouseGot it. But now I have another question.

If the Galápagos Islands were made by volcanoes

and the islands are more than miles away from the closest land,

how did all the animals and plants get here?

SantiagoThe animals either came over the water or through the air.

Seabirds that could fly long distances flew here.

But for plants, it was a little more difficult.

They arrived on the islands as seeds,

sometimes in the poop of birds.

[upbeat music]

DanielaOr the seeds floated ashore on the sea.

And sometimes, seeds were carried to the islands by the wind.

ABC MouseSeeds can blow in the wind for almost miles?

SantiagoYes. Very small ones, like grass seeds.

Do-Re-Mi MouseWhat about the animals?

DanielaSome animals came by sea.

If they were good enough swimmers,

they could have swum the miles from the land to the islands.

SantiagoAnd other animals, like reptiles,

arrived on floating clumps of water plants.

ABC MouseThose are incredible journeys!

DanielaI think so too.

Papá, we should drop them off on Mariela Islas.

That's where you'll find the Galápagos penguins.

ABC MouseGreat!

Do-Re-Mi MouseBye, thanks for the ride! -- MouseBye!

ABC MouseWhew! It sure is warm in the Galápagos Islands.

Do-Re-Mi MouseDo-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-WHOA!

--, I have that feeling.

-- MouseWhat feeling?

Do-Re-Mi MouseThe one I was waiting for back in the classroom.


It's so beautiful.

If only I had my paints, I'd start right now.

ABC MouseI just might have a new favorite animal.

No, I definitely have a new favorite animal!

-- Mouse[laughs] That's how it gets rid of salt.

Do-Re-Mi MouseSalt?

Oh, salt that it gets from swimming in the ocean.

Wait, iguanas swim in the ocean?

-- MouseThis kind of iguana does.

Oh, here's a fun fact.

They can stay underwater for minutes at a time.

BothThirty minutes?

ABC MouseI gotta see what they're doing under there.

-- MouseOh, careful, the water is...

really cold.

ABC MouseBrr!

No wonder penguins like it.

But there's so much to see!

[adventurous music]

The iguanas go underwater to eat seaweed.

-- MouseOh, my goodness. Listen to this!

No other iguana in the world eats underwater.

ABC MouseBe right back.


[water bubbling]

I saw a Galápagos penguin!

-- MouseTwo, to be exact.

[penguins chirping]

Do-Re-Mi MouseMission accomplished!

ABC MouseWhere to now?

Do-Re-Mi MouseOh, there's so much to see in the Galápagos.

I'm sure we'll run into something exciting.


-- MouseWe really need a little warning.

ABC MouseShh.


-- MouseIt's a giant tortoise.

It can go a year without any water.

ABC MouseA whole year?

I might have a new favorite animal.

Do-Re-Mi MouseDo you think this one is a hundred years old?

DarwinMaybe. It looks pretty old to me.

ABC, --, and Do-Re-Mi.

I am so excited you're here.

ABC MouseHi! -- MouseNice to meet you!

DarwinI'm Darwin, and I live here.

Well, not here, but in town.

I come up here to find inspiration.

Do-Re-Mi MouseExactly.

Inspiration for what?

DarwinI'm writing a book about the Galápagos Islands.

ABC MouseOoh, how fun.

-- MouseWere you named after the famous scientist, Charles Darwin?


Although he came to the islands long before I was born.

-- MouseAlmost years ago, in .

DarwinYes, they live so long

that the parents of that giant tortoise may have been alive

when Charles Darwin was here making his amazing discoveries.

Do-Re-Mi MouseWhat kind of discoveries?

DarwinAh, I'll show you.

That's a flightless cormorant.

It's only found on two islands in the Galápagos.

ABC MouseFlightless?

You mean it's a bird that doesn't fly?

DarwinThat's right.

Over a really long period of time,

that bird's wings got smaller and smaller

because it no longer needed to fly.

-- MouseBut why?

DarwinFor one,

when it first came to the islands,

it had no enemies, so it never had to fly away quickly.

And two, it takes a lot of energy to fly,

and it was pretty easy to find its favorite food here without flying.

-- MouseYou mean by swimming?

DarwinAh, that's right.

So, over a very long time,

the flightless cormorants' feet became webbed,

and their legs became stronger so they could swim better,

and their wings, which they didn't need, got smaller and smaller.

Charles Darwin discovered that over long periods of time,

many other animals on the islands changed too

so they could survive better in this environment.

Do-Re-Mi MouseOh, like how the iguanas

learned to swim and eat underwater?

DarwinYes! That's called adapting.

ABC MouseI call it amazing.

Darwin[laughs] I think so too.

-- MouseThis was so much fun.

Thank you, Darwin.

It was very nice meeting you.

DarwinAnd it was nice meeting you all.

Come back any time.

ABC Mouse and Do-Re-Mi MouseBye! -- MouseThanks again!

[phone warbling]

[uplifting music]

That's the best painting of a marine iguana ever!

Do-Re-Mi MouseThank you.

I can't wait for ABC to see it.

-- MouseHey, come see Do-Re-Mi's painting!

Do-Re-Mi MouseBut I'm not done yet.

-- MouseBelieve me, you have plenty of time.

I think ABC's pretending to be his new favorite animal.

Do-Re-Mi Mouse[laughs]

The giant tortoise?

-- MouseUh-huh. He should be here sometime tomorrow.


[light music]

[mouse squeaks]