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03x18 - Twister: Part 2

Posted: 03/25/24 02:47
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The suite life on deck" I wanted to go back to Kettlecorn.

For my grammy Pickett's 90th birthday.

What if I take you to visit grammy Pickle?
- Bailey moved back to Kettlecorn.

- What?! Bailey, are you there? Hello? Bailey? Hello? Hello? Grammy Pickett.

Oh well, at least you're alive.

Well, hey there.

What can I do you for? Oh, hi there, Mr.


I'm Cody, Bailey's friend from What is all that ruckus out there? It's that scrawny kid who broke our Bailey's heart.

Cody! It is so nice to finally meet you in person.

Oh, jeepers, you are bony.

That is like hugging a bag of twigs.

- Clyde, come feel him.

- I'll pass.

Oh, you.

Look, I'm here because I'm worried about Bailey.

She left yesterday to come surprise grammy Pickett for her 90th birthday.

But when I called her.

She sounded like she was in danger.

She's here, right?
- No.

- My poor baby.

Well, I hope she's not hurt.


That hurt.

Wake up.

Check to see if the corn goblin is still there.

- Why do I have to do it?
- Because If your face is the first thing it sees in the morning, It'll scare him off.

Okay, we'll do it together.

- On three
- Wait wait wait wait!
- Does three come before or after
- On go!
- Ready?
- Uh

Set, go! It's just a scarecrow.

Would you let go? It's not the corn goblin.

It's just a scarecrow.

The wind must have blown it over from the cornfield last night.

I hate this stupid corn country!
- Might as well start walking.

- Walking?! Well, can you just pull me in the truck? What do I look like, an ox? Don't answer that! Just come on.

And watch out for corn beetles.

Oh look, you fooled me once.

I'm not going to fall for another pretend corn creature.

Kettlecorn's the other way.

oh ay oh, oh ay oh come along with me and let's head out to see what this world has for you and for me now whichever way the wind blows
- we say
- Hey
-ho, let's go!
- oh ay oh
- This boat's rocking
- oh ay oh
- Ain't no stopping us now 'cause we're living the suite life
- oh ay oh
- This boat's rocking
- oh ay oh
- Rocking the whole world round and we're living the suite life now hey ho! Oh ay oh let's go! Oh, Woody, I still need money for Maya's anniversary gift.

- Can you spot me a 20?
- Are you kidding? I don't even have quarters to do laundry.

You do laundry? So it's not your clothes that smell? But we've been planning this family reunion for over a year.

I'm extremely sorry for the mix
-up, Mr.

- But we're completely booked.

- Great.


Why don't you go tell my wife, because I'm not telling her.


That's a woman?! I mean That's a woman! I'll see what I can do.

- I will pay anything!
- Did you hear that? He'll pay anything.

Have a seat here.

Zack, please, give Mr.

Everhart whatever he wants.

All righty.

You know, Mr.

Everhart, today is your lucky day.

My wife fell overboard? Wow.

No, I think we would have heard the splash.

Welcome to your tropical suite, Mr.


I hope you and your wife will be comfortable here.

Oh, feel free to push these beds together.

Or farther apart.

How did you ever find us a room? I just moved a few things around.

Ah, you certainly are more helpful than that other manager.

Oh, and plus he has anger issues.

This one time this guest asked for an extra towel,
- He bit his ear clean off.

- Oh!
- I'd stay away from him if I were you.

- Okay.

What is in here?! My wife's swimwear.

How many bathing suits does she have? Just the one.

What exactly did you do to break my little girl's heart? I didn't do anything.

Eunice, have you heard from the police? No, not yet.

I left sheriff Bob a message, But he's probably still out delivering the mail.

- Oh.

- Oh dad.

- Cody.

- Get this bug off of me!
- Actually, London, it's gone.

- Since when? I just didn't want to tell you 'cause we were making such good time.

- Thank goodness you're safe.

- Yeah.

I mean, the trip took a little longer than we thought,
- But we're all right.

- Ugh, speak for yourself! I was att*cked by a giant corn beetle.

Everybody, this is London.

- Look at this welt.

- Oh, you'll be fine, sweetie.

Just rub some mud on it.


Bailey, I've missed you so much.

After our phone call got cut off, I didn't know if you were dead or alive.

Well, I'm alive.

Thanks for coming.

The mud's not helping.

Aw, honey, I hate to break it to you That ain't mud.

Ew, stupid corn country.

Whoa, Bailey, wait.

Now that I'm here, there's something I have to tell you.

- I want you to
- Hey, y'all!
- Moose!
- Good to see you, Mr.


Oh, come on now.

How many times do I have to tell you? Call me Clyde.

Bailey, look who's here.

Give moose a hug.

Oh, Bailey, I can't believe you're home.

- I missed you so much.

- I missed you too, moose.

I didn't expect you to be here.

Neither did I.

You know I would never miss grammy Pickett's surprise party.

- It's not a party till moose is here.

- Yay.

Girls, come and help me put the candles on grammy's cake.

Even with the three of us, It's gonna take awhile.

You sure you don't want to go help decorate with the rest of the girls? No, I'd much rather hang out with you guys.

It's good to see you, little feller.

Did you get smaller? Yes, I did slim down.

I recently became a pescetarian.

It's a good thing you're a man of faith, 'cause you're looking a little sickly.

Yeah, moose, when you told me he was scrawny, you weren't kidding.

Woody, Woody, what are you doing? Carrying Mrs.

Everhart's tube top, And her nightie.

Well, when you're done here, grab a plunger and head down to your cabin.

- Grandpa everhart clogged up the toilet.

- What's he doing in my cabin? If he's clogging up the toilet, what do you think he's doing? You rented out my room? Where am I supposed to sleep? Don't worry.

I've upgraded you to the linen suite.

You mean the supply closet? Maybe.

Now let's go, let's go.

Come on.

You know, Woody, These bags have wheels.

Dang it! You sure look pretty when you shuck corn.

Aw, shucks.

It's just nice and peaceful being back on the farm.

Oh! Those chickens are vicious! You know, I used to feel bad about eating them, But not anymore! Oh, London, you're whittling.

That's wonderful.

- What are you makin.

- A pointy stick to s*ab all you people with.

Well, why don't you just use the knife? Why'd I just say that? Is there some sort of trick to this? The trick is having muscles, son.

Oh, my eye!
- Dad!
- Clyde, are you okay? Oh, I'm so sorry, Mr.


It's just that my hands are greasy from my moisturizer.

That explains the fruity smell.

Jasmine is not a fruit.


Come on, Clyde, let's get you some ice.

Come on.

- Cody!
- What? It slipped.

Now in case you haven't noticed, I'm a little out of my element here.

And I'm a little nervous.

Because I've been trying to tell you something ever since I got here.

- What?
- Nothing's going to stop me now.

- Bailey pickett
- Twister! Twister? I love that game!
- Oh my, everyone to the storm cellar.

- I'll get grammy Pickett.

It's his first twister.

- Big problem!
- There's a problem? No no no no.

That's my nickname the big problem.

As in "you mess with me, you got a big problem.

" Oh, okay.

All right, well, later, big p.

Uh hey eh
- Okay.

- Zack! Moseby's coming down to the aqua lounge.

To have dinner.

He'll be here in half an hour.

What? You have to think of a way to stop him! Okay okay, I'm gonna need moon boots, a body pillow, A hibachi and a polynesian Christmas album.

- How are you gonna stop him with that?
- I'm not, But those things help me think.

Woody, I have a dinner reservation.

In the aqua lounge, so what is What are you doing? Not trying to distract you, that's for sure.

We don't need a lifeguard for a hot tub.

That's only four feet deep.

Four feet is above some people's heads.

Very funny.

Now go change before you scare the passengers.

But accidents happen.

Someone could fall in.

No one is going to fall in the hot tub.

Woody! Don't worry, I'll save you! I've got you, little guy, don't worry.

I'm not worrying!
- I'm trained in mouth to mouth.

- Okay, now I'm worrying! Oh ho ho, we're gonna die.

We're gonna die.

No, it's just a little wind.

The worst it's doing is putting a damper on grammy's birthday party.

Well, actually it looks like she's enjoying it just as much as last year.

Was that during the locust swarm.

Or was that the year of the flood? Where do you people live Kansas or the old testament? Moose, I can't believe that you managed to carry grammy.

And all the party supplies in here.

- And I grabbed your knitting.

- Oh, well, thank you.

- And, Bailey, here's your snuggle bunny.

- Moose! Thank you.

And, Clyde, here's your tractors' digest.

Thank you, moose.

Too bad I can't read it th only one eye! I'm surprised you can read at all.

Did I say that out loud? You know, Bailey, if I have to huddle out of the storm, I'm just happy it's with you.

I'm even happier to be here with you, Bailey.

- No one's happier than me.

- I think I am.

Um, guys.

Guys! Guys! You get any happier, my head might just pop off.

Sorry, sweetie.

The point is that you're my girl and you always will be.

What? No.

Bailey, I want you back.

That's what I've been trying to tell you this whole time.

- Well, then what stopped you?
- You people.

And your "little wind.

" Bailey, tell this scrawny city boy that you pick me.

Bailey, tell this tall strapping cowboy that you pick me.

And ignore my description of him.

- Uhe belongs with me.

- No, she belongs with me.

- She belongs with me.

- She belongs with me.

Listen Where am I? Porkers, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.

Oh ho ho ho! Welcome to oz.

Oh, you must be a munchkin.

No, I'm not! Sheesh! You're under 5'7", you wear Curly shoes.

And automatically you're a munchkin.


Well, where are all the munchkins? Oh, they're off playing mini

Which to them is just golf.

But on their behalf, I would like to thank you.

For k*lling the wicked witch of the East.

- Oh, that's horrible!
- I know those socks with those shoes,
- Who's that?
- The good witch of the north.

She's a bit of a bubblehead.

Last time I go to rent


Oooh, you must be one of those flying monkeys I heard about.

Wow, if she's the good witch, I'd hate to meet the wicked one.

You should put on those sparkly shoes.

So people won't look at your face.

Whoa, thanks.

Can you help me find my way back to Kansas? If I were you, I would just ease on down the yellow road.

You can just skip that part.

Start over there.

There you go.

Go on, hit the road.

Oh, I wonder which way I should go.

-hoo! Whichever way you go, can I go with you?
- Did you just talk?
- Yep.

Just 'cause someone doesn't have a brain.

Doesn't mean they don't got a lot to say.

Don't you watch reality tv? Here oh!
- So you don't have a brain?
- Nope.

Just a bunch of straw.

Oh, that's odd.

Maybe you should see a doctor about that.

Yeah, you're holding my last eight I.



Anyway, I'm trying to find my way home.

Could you help me? I can help you.


Oil! Oh, you poor thing.

- Let me help.

- Oh! Oh yeah, right there.

Thank you.

Hey, you're pretty cute.

Back off, sardine can, I saw her first.

- Hey, you back off, straw for brains.

- Boys, boys.

Don't fight over me.

See, you're scaring that cowardly lion.

Uh, actually I'm Chewbacca.

Uh, no, I think you're supposed to be the cowardly lion.

No, Chewbacca.

I like that movie better.

Hey, c

- Ahhh, a flying monkey!
- Stay away from him!
- He works for the wicked witch of the West.

- Hey, a job is a job.

Plus she has a great dental plan.

See, see? Hello! I still need to know which path to take.

Come with me.

I may not be the smartest guy in the world, But I'll keep you safe.

You can't spend your life with a guy with no brain.

Come with me and we'll have a great adventure.

Oh, I don't know what to do.

I'm afraid of making the wrong decision.

I don't know who this straw dude is, But I roomed with this tin man for years.

And trust me, you do not want to open that can.

Yeah, I'd listen to yoda over there.

Yeah, that's three to one.

You're coming with me.

Uh, it is her decision.

Now I may not be anything but an empty tin can But I think since you're lucky enough to have a heart.

You should follow it.

You know what? You're right, tin man.

I know now where my heart is.

It's What the feathers?! I just remembered why my boss sent me.

That was for parking your house on her sister.

Bailey, Bailey! Bailey, wake up.

Wake up, honey.

Bailey, wake up.

Bailey, are you okay? Oh, I just had the strangest dream.

You were there and you were there.

And you guys actually weren't there.

- What was your dream about?
- Well I was lost and I didn't know which way to go.

But now I know what I want.

Moose, you're a great guy The best! But my heart belongs with Cody.

It does? It does?! Cody, you're the one I want to be with.

I never stopped loving you.

I never stopped lovingou either.

Wait, shhh.

Do you hear that? I hear birds chirping.

I thought it was just me.

Oh, the storm is over.

- I'm going home.

- This is your home! how low can I go?
- Big problem! Oh.

- He's over there.

- Did you distract moseby?
- Not very well! Don't worry, I got this.

Follow my finger, follow my finger.

Your turn.


Everhart? What are you doing here? Your colleague here hooked up my entire family with rooms.

Zack, you rented out rooms on my ship?! He sure did.

And it was so much fun.

That next year we're going to bring both sides.

Of the family and rent out an entire deck.

In that case there's only one thing left to do.

What's that? The limbo! Well, you're gonna have to wait until my wife's done.

You're almost under, honey.

- Look at this place.

- Oh no, our farm.

Everything is ruined.

Don't worry, we can rebuild everything.

I'll help.

I'll help too.

We can stay a few extra days.

No no, Cody, that's really sweet, But it's gonna take a lot longer than that to fix everything.

I need to leave school and move back home.

- But, bailey
- I want to be with you, But I can't abandon my family.

I guess London's finally gonna get her single room.

Wait where is London?
- Wasn't she in the cellar?
- I didn't see her.

- Oh my gosh.

- London!
- London!
- London honey.

London! London, London! Next time on "The suite life on deck"
- London?
- Any sign of her?
- No.

- How could this be happening? Look, I think we should just head to Kettlecorn to see if they're okay or not.

We are headed into the belly of the beast!
- Mr.

Tipton is here?
- Mr.

Tipton, Don't you feel an ounce of guilt for taking away our home? Look, I know the situation seems grim, But things are about to pick up.