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02x07 - Save My Love

Posted: 03/25/11 11:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on Justified...

Did you put up our house as collateral for a g*dd*mn horse!?

It is a champion Arabian, Winona you've not listened to a damn thing I've said.

After everything that has happened, everything Gary, after everything that has happened, You did that and didn't talk to me about it?

You got some old ones back here don't get used anymore.

I got to get to this, reception down here's for shit.

Alright, I'll just yell if I need you.


Everbody on the floor! Down, down, down!

Get your ass away from that phone!

Open your hand. I won't ask again.

I'll just break your fingers.

What's that? Serialnumbers from the bills they took out of the cashdrawer.

Can you believe they make us scan every bill that goes into evidence?

Fifteen years ago, the fed redesigned the hundred, made Franklin's portrait bigger. If your bill was in the cage 20 years, means it was printed before that. I went through every hundred in that bag, these are the only ones where the portrait is still small.

So if the bill you took was in the bag, it has to be one of these.

Thank you.




Raylan: Hmm?

Winona: It's not here.

Raylan: What's not?

Winona: The $100 bill. It's not here.

Raylan: I didn't move anything.

Winona: No, it was never here.

Raylan: Those are the only $100s...

Winona: The one I had had a, um...A corner torn off.

None of these have a corner torn off.

Raylan: Are you sure?

Winona: Yeah. I'm sure. I wish I wasn't.

But I'm sure.

Raylan: You didn't say anything about a torn corner yesterday.

Winona: I know.

It's 'cause I just thought of it just now, Raylan.

I'm sorry.

I did such a stupid thing.

Raylan: [ Sighs ]

Winona: What are you doing?

Raylan: I'm gonna find it.

Winona: Where could it be?

Raylan: I have no idea.

[ Sighs ]

Winona: I'm really sorry.

Raylan: I know that.

It's the only reason I'm not beating you over the head with a phonebook.

Winona: You angry?

What do you think?

I think you're gonna save me.

Stay here, I'll call you.

Turn around.

Hands up.

Gary: That's a Montblanc.

You can get it back when you go.

We're good!

Wynn: Gary Hawkins.

Gary: Mr. Duffy.

Wynn: "Mr. Duffy"? So formal.

All we been through, I thought we'd be on more familiar terms.

Gary: Well, I am glad you agreed to see me, given our...history.

Wynn: Our history, indeed.

Thanks to you, I took a b*llet, lost seven pints of blood and 18 inches of intestine.

I had the surgeons keep it for me as a memento of that day, preserved in lucite.

Would you like to see it?

Gary: Oh...Okay.

[ Chuckles nervously ]

Wynn: Gary, I don't have 18 inches of intestine preserved in lucite.

Gary: [ Chuckles ]

Wynn: What can I do for you, Gary?

You sounded borderline incoherent on the telephone.

You wanted to talk to me about a racehorse?

Gary: Well [Clears throat] Mr. Duffy... Wynn.

Wynn: On second thought... Mr. Duffy's fine.

Gary: Well, sir, I find that I have come upon a, uh, very exciting investment opportunity.

[ Engine shuts off ]

[ Door opens ]

Boyd Crowder.

Carol Johnson.

Executive vice president of Black Pike Coal.

Thank you so much for coming by.

It is such a pleasure to meet you.

Boyd: Uh, likewise, ma'am.


First off, I want to thank you for doing what you could to save our money, our mind, and, most of all, the lives of our miners.

Black Pike understands that the most valuable commodity in all our mines is the miners.

This company owes you a debt of gratitude.

Which is why I was mortified when it was brought to my attention that you'd been mistakenly let go.

Boyd: Uh..."Mistakenly"?

Boyd, I'm gonna cut to the chase.

I'd very much like you to be a part of the Blake Pike security team.

Boyd: Uh, w-well, ma'am... Carol.

Boyd: Ms. Johnson, I-I mean no offense, and I would be thrilled to be hired back by your company.

But if it's all the same, I'd just as soon have a job driving a truck.

No offense taken, but it's not all the same.

I want you to be part of this team.

Boyd: Well, again, ma'am, I-I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I'm not sure if you're familiar with, um...

How should I put this? Uh, my background.

Oh, Boyd, I know all about your background.

In fact, it's what tells me you're exactly the man we need.

Now, how about we get started today, right away?

A little road trip.

You have a suit of any sort?

Boyd: Uh, no, ma'am.

That's all right. I think there's a Penney's on the way.

Is there a Penney's on the way?

Yeah. All right. Shall we? We're on a bit of a clock.

Come on.

Rachel: You've been a bad boy.

Raylan: I get that a lot.

You're gonna have to be more specific.

Rachel: Today is Wednesday.

Raylan: This is my fault?

Rachel: Today's your day to bring coffee.

Raylan: Oh, shit.

[ Sighs ]

Do I still need to...

Rachel: I'll get Tim to do it. He's on an errand anyway.

Raylan: Thank you.

Rachel: We're assisting the FBI.

You all right?

Raylan: I slept through my alarm.

That always throws me.

How are we assisting the FBI?

Rachel: Preliminary paperwork and interviews from yesterday's bankrobberies and collecting evidence from County.

Why us?

Ask Art.

You suck.


Art: Yeah, it was your day.

Raylan: Oh, you heard about that?

Art: I hear everything.

Raylan: Since you got those little things in your ears.

Art: [ Chuckles ] You know what, Raylan?

I plan on living a long time, and chief among my motivators, along with seeing my grandchildren grow up, will be watching you slide into decrepitude.

Raylan: Why are we assisting the FBI?

Art: The FBI's busy with Al-Qaeda in Kentucky now.

They don't have much as time for dr*gs and thugs anymore.

Raylan: Not because you insisted on taking the lead in their case yesterday?

Art: Well, that, too.

Raylan: Hey, that old bank robber...

Art: Why does everything got to be about age with you?

Raylan: Did he say anything about them spending any of the money during the day?

Art: Why?

Raylan: Because last time I assisted the FBI on a bank robbery, I didn't provide a detailed trail of the money.

Art: Did they make fun of you?

They hurt your feelings?

Raylan: Yeah, and I don't want that to happen again, so...Did you ask him?

Art: He said they didn't have time to spend it.

Raylan: Think he was telling the truth?

Art: Well, he's a bank robber, Raylan.

Why would he lie to me?

Raylan: [ Chuckles ]

Art: Raylan, what's the matter?

Raylan: I could use some coffee.

This is Deputy Givens, I'm working yesterday's bankrobbery.

Did they recover any money from Carter Hayes?

What denominations?

No, no, don't send it, I-I'll pick it up shortly.

Okay, I'll see you in a bit.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Thank you, Steven.

Watch closely, Boyd.

Okay, you rolling? Good.

Oh, geez.

You hear that?

Now, first, they blow the top off the mountain, and then they hop in their blasted bulldozers and push all the rocks that they don't want off the side, clogging our creeks and our streams.

[ expl*si*n ]

Ohh, that was a big one.

See, they're not all smaller rocks.

Sometimes they're great, big... Oh, Jesus God!

[ Breathes deeply ]

[ Chuckles softly ]

It's pretty crazy, right?

It got 700,000 hits before they took it down.

Boyd: Um, but this is a federal case.

Federal civil, on account of the interstate commerce clause or something.

What do you think of the video?

It's pretty incriminating, isn't it?

Boyd: Uh, well, t-this is outside of my area of expertise, but I would imagine your defense would include some sort of manipulation of computer imagery.

No, no.

They found the boulder and what was left of Kirby Peener under it.

No disputing that.

The trick is gonna be to get the judge to disallow his family's lawyers from showing this video to the jury.

We're already getting death threats.

The agitators are gonna go ape-shit if we get this exclusion.

Boyd: So is that why you want me here?

The death threats?

Among other things.

You want to watch it again?

Boyd: No.

No. No, thank you.

[ Key clicks ]

Raylan: Hey. Yeah?

Raylan: Is this where I pick up evidence?


Raylan: Raylan Givens.

I think we spoke earlier.

We did?

Raylan: Yeah, evidence taken from Carter Hayes. I'm here to pick that up.



Is this where I pick it up?


I'm sorry. What?

Raylan: Evidence taken from Carter Hayes.

I'm here to pick that up.


Raylan: Great.

But it's not here.

Raylan: I'm sorry?

The Deputy came by maybe 10 minutes ago and picked it up.




[ Door opens ]

Raylan: Is that the evidence from the jail?

Tim: It is.

Raylan: You want me to run it down to the vault?

Tim: I can do it.

Raylan: I don't mind.

I was going there anyway.

Tim: Coffee's on your desk.

[ Computer beeps ]

Oh, hold that, please!

Can you hold that?

Raylan: Oh, shit. Sorry. Wrong button.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Elevator bell dings ]

Raylan: Hi.

Rachel: Where you going with that?

Raylan: Huh?

Oh, the, uh, vault.

Rachel: You scan the currency first?

Raylan: No.

Rachel: The FBI asked us to scan it and send digital copies to the secret service and the F.R.B.

Raylan: Oh, shit.

Rachel: You should get two alarms.

Raylan: Hmm?

Rachel: To make sure you wake up.

Raylan: Oh, right.

Rachel: You want me to do it?

Raylan: Oh, no. I'll do it.

How else will I learn?

[ Elevator bell dings ]

Tim: Thought you had taken that down to the vault.

Raylan: Yeah, well, apparently they got to get scanned first.

Tim: Oh, I already did that.

Raylan: You did?

Tim: I scanned the bills, sent the files to the secret service and F.R.B. just as our dear friends at the Feeb requested.

Raylan: Why didn't you tell me that?

Tim: Well, I presumed you already knew.

Otherwise, why would you be taking it down to evidence?

Raylan: Well, I guess I'm gonna go get back on the elevator.

Tim: [ Sighs ]

Winona: You had it in your hand.

Raylan: I did. But I had to put it back.

Winona: Why?

Raylan: Because Tim already so when those guys come looking for it, it wouldn't match the one that he scanned.

Winona: Do you think they're gonna look at it?

Raylan: [ Sighs ] I don't know. It's a $100 bill that's part of a huge sum of money they haven't seen in 20 years. So, yeah, I do. I think they'll come and look at it.

Winona: [ Crying ]

Raylan: Hey. It's not that big a deal.

No, it ain't.

It's one bill.

Winona: [ Sniffles ]

Raylan: Maybe you'll get a fine.

It's not like you're gonna do time for something like that.

Winona: No. [ Sniffles ]

Raylan: It's gonna be okay.

Winona: No, it's not gonna be okay.

[ Sighs ]

[ Zipper unzips ]

Raylan: You took all the money?

Winona: I don't know why.

I mean, I could say it was 'cause of Gary and all that bullshit... I was gonna use it to get clear of him, or that I was gonna use it for me and you.

But, honestly, the thought that kept going through my head over and over was, "just take it and worry about why later."

So, I go to take the money and put it in my purse.

And then I realize my purse is too small.

So, oh! Gym bag.

So, I start stuffing it in my gym bag, and I drop the keys onto Weaver's desk, and I get in my car...

On my way here, because I thought I would put it under the bed because I think this is a really safe place for it.

So, I'm in the car, and I think, "hold on.

What if it's counterfeit?

What if that's why everybody's forgotten about it?"

So, I think, "okay, I'm gonna take one bill to the bank, and they're gonna a let me know whether or not it's real."

So, I'm in the bank, and I'm waiting in line.

And the teller yells, "next!"

And I'm all, "next for what?"

And then I'm like... [ Snaps fingers ]

"Oh, my God. What am I doing?"

I go to the front door 'cause I'm gonna take this back and I'm gonna put it right where I found it and this is gonna be a really funny story that I tell you maybe someday.

And the next thing I know is some guy's got a g*n in my face and he's telling everybody, "get on the floor."

[ Sighs ]

Say something.

Raylan: Wow.

Winona: Say something else.

Raylan: Why didn't you tell me about this yesterday?

Winona: [ Sighs ]

Because I didn't want... I didn't want you to think I was someone who was capable of doing something like this.

Raylan: Everyone's capable of doing something this, Winona.

Now, I come across huge sums of money usually belonging to bad people.

I think, "no one will miss it."

Winona: Did you ever take it?

Raylan: No.

Winona: I did.

Oh, Jesus.

What am I gonna do?

Raylan: Well, first thing we're gonna do is put it back in the vault and...

Winona: "We"?

No, Raylan, I'm not gonna get you further involved in this.

You wanna do this on your own?


How you gonna get past security?

Winona: I'll... I'll just put it in with some court documents.

It's gonna look like paper on the X-ray.

Raylan: That Flyrock case you're on, they've doubled security.

They're hand-checking every bag.

Winona: Shit.

[ Sighs ]

Raylan: We'll take it through the marshals' entrance.

Winona: They don't have cameras back there?

Raylan: They do.

Winona: So...lf this whole thing goes to hell, people are gonna know you're involved.

Raylan: That's right.

So, let's make sure that it don't go to hell.


[ Chanting ] Clean coal, dirty lie!

Clean coal, dirty lie!

Clean coal, dirty lie!

Clean coal... bags, please, ma'am.

Hold on.

Put your arms out.

Turn around.

Winona: Jimbo?

Who's the new guy?


He was in the marshals in Louisville.

Winona: Oh.

Company sent him in to help out.

Winona: Well, Mr. Wolf, if any of these badasses give you a hard time, just take away their bladder medication.

[ Chuckles ]

I used to like you.

As long as they do what I say, we got no problem.

Wolf still thinks the Western District's the place to be.

Where's the derby held at?

Is it in Lexington? No, that's right. It's in Louisville.

Where's U.K.... Is that in Louisville?

No, it's right here.

You got color TV here yet in Lexington?

Winona: Oh, that's next on the list, right after indoor plumbing.

Traveling light today, miss Hawkins.

Winona: What?

Where's the other bag?

Winona: Oh, I left it here overnight.

I could swear I saw you take it last n...

Winona: Well, don't swear an oath, 'cause I didn't.

Good morning, Raylan. Winona.

Oh, Ms Hawkins.

Good morning Judge.

Good blows dead donkey d*ck, look with all the crazies outside I need to get this ruling done by lunch, and I want to put the fear of God into council before I do, Let's go.

Ok, I just need to put my bag in my office. No time.

It'll only take one minute.

What's so important in there you have to put it in your office right now?

Gym clothes.

I know fifty men in this building that'd pay good money to sniff your gym clothes.

Well I will keep that in mind if I'm ever short on cash.

Judge Reardon: You can take it upstairs later. Let's go.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

Raylan: [ Sighs ]

Art: Well, there you are.

Raylan: Yes, here I am.

Art: Judge Reardon wants to see you in chambers.

Raylan: Wh... me? Why?

Art: I'll bet that comes up in conversation when you see him in chambers.

It's inflammatory and meaningless!

It's the truth, captured on DVD.

Illegally obtained!

They thought they were on state land.

Judge Reardon: Quiet!

[ Papers thud ]

We didn't come here to debate the damn thing.

I heard you both on this ad freaking nauseam.

Just... we're here to lay out the ground rules of behavior in my courtroom.

And I'm warning you... anyone, either side, gets out of line, I will clamp down on you like a bear trap on a chicken leg.


Judge Reardon: What?

Well, look here who it is... Raylan Givens.

Raylan: Your honor?

Judge Reardon: Everybody, this is deputy U.S. marshal Raylan Givens... saved my sorry ass not so long ago from a man intent on k*lling me.

These two are the counsel on the Flyrock case.

I know you know this fine young lady.

Deputy Givens and Ms. Hawkins here were married in a previous life.

How'd you ever let her get away?

Raylan: We all make mistakes.

Judge Reardon: Yeah.

Raylan: You asked for me?

Judge Reardon: Oh, yeah.

Um [Clears throat]

Court-security honcho said his team checked my courtroom, but his team's a bunch of geezers.

Raylan: They're all retired marshals.

Judge Reardon: And they're all well past their sell-by date.

I'd appreciate it if you'd give it a look-see.

No. Now, tensions are running high here, deputy, and I want to know if I bring my gavel down I don't set off some kind of incendiary device, hurry us all along to our maker.

[ Chuckles ]

You do that for me?

Raylan: I'll do it right now.

Judge Reardon: I appreciate it.

So... you tellin' me, that you found yourself someone better than that?
Raylan: Boyd?

Boyd: Hello, Raylan.

Raylan: What are you doing here?

Oh, they were gonna put us on a bench out there in the hallway, but then the plaintiff's family's there, too.

So everyone thought we'd be better off in here.

I hope we're not in your way.

Boyd: Raylan, this is Ms. Carol Johnson.

She works for Black Pike, the defendant in the federal civil case before the court this morning.

Ms. Johnson, this is deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens.

It's a pleasure.

Raylan: Likewise.

Forgive me if I was rude.

I've been asked to, um, make sure the courthouse is secure.

So, again, Boyd, what are you doing here?

Boyd is part of my security team.

Raylan: Security?

I like the suit.

You're aware that marshal service provides courthouse security in any federal case?

I like having one of my own to watch my back.

Raylan: [ Sighs ]

Boyd: Raylan?


I would never presume to tell you how to do your job, and I understand that I am very new to this security game.

However, I have spent a considerable amount of time hiding expl*sives.

Now, if you would like, I'd be more than happy to walk around here with you, show you where I would hide mine in case there might be a place that you might miss.

Raylan: You have any expl*sives on you now?

Boyd: Do you want to pat me down?

Raylan: No, I'm sure you're fine.

So, you two knew each other growing up?

Boyd: Until the age of 19, when Raylan went off to college and the Marshals, and I went off to Kuwait.

And when did you guys meet up again?

Wasn't it around the time that he shot you through the chest?

Boyd: Well, it was shortly before that.

Um, Ms. Johnson has recently become acquainted with some of my past, Raylan.

So, deputy, what do you think?

Can I trust Boyd here to have my back?

Raylan: Well, I am an officer of the law, and I'm in a court of law, and while not sworn in, I do feel compelled to tell you the truth.

Boyd: Truth is the best policy.

Raylan: The truth is... I don't know if you can trust Boyd to have your back, but, while he has tried to k*ll me and I have shot him and imprisoned him and I wouldn't be surprised if our paths, again, cross in such a manner, he has had my back on two occasions.

Once was the last day I was in the mine, and the other not so long ago.

My, sounds like a love story.

Be ready to go in 10.


Judge Reardon: Sweetheart, you're welcome to stay.

Oh, thanks that's sweet Judge but I'd really rather get my bite now, and bring some clothes back to my office.

Not afraid I'm gonna change in front of you are you?

Well now that's the only reason I would stay.



Deputy. Ms. Hawkins.

We all clear? We are.

Well you should let the Judge know, you know how he likes to be kept waiting Yes.

Pleasure. So nice to have met you Deputy.

Boyd, I do like the suit.

What's goin' on?

What are you doin'?


Be quiet. I'm sorry?

Court room, good?

Uh, crystal clear your honor. Thank you.

Winona I need you inside I just got to get my bag back upstairs...

You already had time to do that.

Winona: I got distracted.

Judge Reardon: Oh, I can see your tall drink of distraction right here.

Jill, take miss Hawkins' bag, put it up in her office.

Winona: Oh, no. I got it.

Judge Reardon: Jill, take the bag.

You're on the third floor?

Raylan: Uh, I'm actually going up there now. I can take it.

Rachel: Raylan, Art needs you.

Raylan: Just a few minutes.

Rachel: Now. Secret service is here.

Secret service?

Is the president coming?

Rachel: They also handle money. He said "now."

Deputy, I don't mind bringing it up.

I'll use the stairs.

It'll be my exercise for today.

Judge Reardon: Come on, Winona.

Rachel: Raylan?

Raylan: Yeah.

Secret service?

Rachel: One of the bills from yesterday's bank robbery popped.

Art: Raylan.

Rachel tell you what happened?

Raylan: Bill popped.

Art: Yeah, one of the $100s we found on Carter.

Our friends from the secret service in Cincinnati would like a word with you.

It could have come from one of the drawers, from one of the people on the floor.

Here you go, and this is deputy Raylan Givens.

You interview most of these people?

Art: All of them.

Including your ex-wife?

Raylan: [ Chuckling ] Yeah.

Any of them mention losing a $100 bill to the robbers?

Raylan: Uh, not that I recall.

This resolution sucks.

Tim: Here you go.


Raylan: I'm still not clear on why this bill popped.

Well, it's been out of circulation for 20 years.

Art: They think they might be trying to counterfeit the older ones, 'cause they're easier to fake and easier to pass.

Most of the older bills were taken out of circulation precisely for that reason.

So when this old number popped, we got in the car.

Looks American $100 bill.

It's real.

You sure?

No, I'm guessing.

I wonder why we haven't seen it for 20 years.

I wonder why you give a shit when it's no longer our responsibility.

Well, thank you for your assistance.

Coffee sucks, by the way.

Art: Have a nice day.

Tim: Maybe it was in a safe-deposit and somebody just got it out.

Raylan: Or in a sock drawer or birthday card.

Rachel: None of the above.

It was in a bank robbery.

Art: We know that.

Rachel: 20 years ago.

I just spoke with a friend at the FBI in D.C.

He ran the serial number through their database.

That bill was in a robbery of $211,000 from a Lexington savings and loan in 1989.

Art: Was the money ever recovered?

Rachel: It was... all of it.

The trial was in this building in 1990.

Art: So the money was in our vault.

Rachel: At one time.

Art: Maybe it's still there.

Raylan: Well, wouldn't the fact that a bill was in circulation imply that it's not there?

Art: Well, I don't know.

You have a case number?

Rachel: I'll get it.

Art: You know what the name of the bank was?

Rachel: Bluegrass Savings and Loan.

Art: Let's go!

Art: What do you say, Charlie? Hey, Art.


Tim: How you doing, Charlie?



I thought you might need some company.

What's goin' on?

We're lookin' for some evidence from twenty years ago.

Twenty years ago... alright, we go to the ledgers for that, what's the date?

May 1990.

Now I know, temper's have been runnin' high, But I'm telling you right now, I will tolerate no nonsense in my courtroom.

I have court security standing by to haul off anyone who gets stupid.

And if the guards don't take care of it, I will.

All righty, I got three entries, May 1990.

Rachel: It's not there.

According to this, the judge in the case ordered the money back to the bank after trial.

Art: Did you call the bank?

Rachel: Bluegrass Savings and Loan went under in 1992, part of the S&L crisis.

And, again, as my friend at the FBI says, none of the serial numbers from the stolen bills have been seen for 20 years.

Art: Just disappeared?

Tim: Well, maybe someone at the bank socked it away.

Maybe it was never sent.

Rachel: The judge gave the order.

Oh, they give the order all the time.

That doesn't mean it happens.

It just falls through the cracks.

I got a great, big box of counterfeit beanie babies over here been ordered out of here. It's still sitting here.

Art: You could call the judge.

Rachel: It was judge Reynolds.

Art: Mmm. Oh.

Raylan: Hmm? Oh?

Rachel: He died three years ago.

Tim: What was the case number?

Rachel: [ Sighs ]

Tim: Yeah, while we're down here, we might as well make sure.

Rachel: 1990053419.

242, one of the old ones in the back.

Well, let's open it up.

[ Chuckles ]

Let's get it.


Art: Round of drinks says it's empty.

Raylan: Sure.

I'll take that bet.

Tim: $210,000 in forgotten money.

We should run off to Mexico, start a cult.

What are we doing here?

Art: I feel like Geraldo Rivera right before they opened Al Capone's vault.

Don't tell me you're too young to know who that is.

Now I really feel like Geraldo in front of Al Capone's vault.

Rachel, I guess you should call your friends at the Feeb and see if they want to pursue this any further.

Rachel: Will do.

Should I lock it up?

Art: Yeah, we're done, Charlie.


Pay up, sucker.

Raylan: [ Sighs ]

Judge Reardon: I'm gonna disallow it.

[ Gasps ] No.

Judge Reardon: First warning, Mr. Peener.

I know the video may be accurate, but it brings no new information.

The fact of death is not in dispute.

The video's inflammatory.

It's telling the truth!

Judge Reardon: Second warning, Mr. Peener. There is no third.

Junior, listen to the man.

Mama, he's just... Shut it!

Judge Reardon: May I continue, please?

Sorry, your honor.

Judge Reardon: And it was taken while in the course of trespassing on private land.

It was nighttime!

We didn't know.

Judge Reardon: That's it. Get him out of here.

Junior, what did I tell you?!

You're gonna put him in jail for telling the truth?

Judge Reardon: No, no charge this time.

But I'm telling you what... I will hold you all in contempt if it happens at trial.

Now, you best go with your boy and you take your daughter.

This ain't right.

Judge Reardon: Counsel, advise your clients.

How'd you like it if a rock crushed your daddy?

Stop it.

I videotaped my own daddy dying... you got any idea what that's like?!

Judge Reardon: Hey!

If I were you, I'd sit tight for a few minutes.

Wait till it dies down outside and let the nut-jobs start heading back to their caves and treehouses.

Jury selection starts Monday.

[ Gal bangs ]

Raylan: Winona.

Winona: Am I still out of jail?

Raylan: Yeah, so far.

Winona: What was that stuff about the secret service?

Raylan: It's all right.

Go get your bag and meet me downstairs.

Winona: Okay.

[ Alarm blaring ]

We got to evacuate.

Rachel: Jimbo, what is it?

b*mb threat. Where's the judge?

Judge Reardon: God damn it! Jimbo, you know there's never a b*mb.

Until there is, your honor.

Judge Reardon: This b*mb threat's probably... probably bullshit.

Caller was specific.

If we have time to evacuate, we do.

Judge Reardon: I hate this. I hate this shit.

Come on, everybody. Let's go.

Winona, come on. Raylan, ándale. Let's go.

Raylan: Uh, I'm just gonna make sure my office is evac'd.

Judge Reardon: They're grown-ups, Raylan. Come on.

Raylan: I've grown fond of some of them. I'll be right there.

[ Blaring continues ]

Go on the east side of the building!

[ Siren chirping ]

[ Siren wails ]

Turn your cellphones off. Turn them off right now.

Raylan: Hold up. Jimbo, hold up.

Everybody's got to go, Raylan.

Raylan: Not the judge, not Ms. Johnson or any one involved with this case What are you talkin' about? On this side of security no one's got a w*apon on the other side, it's a different story.

Who took the call? I did.

Caller ID? Just a number, no name.

Did you see the plaintiffs exit? I did.

How long after that did this call come in?

All right, let's roll.

[ Helicopter blades whirring ]

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Search every room.

Pike, Bishop, second floor.

Yes, sir.

[ Police radio chatter ]

Anything that isn't nailed down, you check it.

Yes, sir.

[ Knock on window ]

Rachel: Get out of the car.

Step out of the car. Let me see your hands.

Turn around.

I didn't... I didn't make no b*mb threat.

Hell, I don't even have a cellphone.

Me neither.

Tim: We didn't say nothing about no b*mb threat.

Keep it clear!

[ Police radio chatter ]

[ Helicopter blades whirring ]

Nothing metallic.

No wires.

No blocks.

Looks like...Stacks of paper.

Go manual.


All clear.

Stand down.

Stand down. There is no device.

Stand down?

The b*mb call was from a sn*per.

The building is secure.

Aren't you the hero?

Raylan: I'm sorry?

I understand I owe you my life.

Raylan: If you were the target.

Wasn't I?

Raylan: Usually it's the judge they're after.


Raylan: Mm-hmm.

Uh, then again, I could be wrong.

Don't let your guard down.

The man belonging to that r*fle is still out there.

I'm surprised to see you here.

Boyd: Oh, without shackles or an attorney present?

It's a little strange for me, too.

Your boss, he thought it prudent to bring Ms. Johnson here for safekeeping.

Raylan: I don't see him.

He said he was gonna go out and get us some good coffee.

Raylan: Top left.

Red tape.

Put it back anywhere except for where you found it.

[ Sighs ]

Boyd: I think I owe you an apology.

I-it seems that I woefully neglected that which you asked me to do.

In what way?

Boyd: Uh, well, in my haste, I wanted to get you outside of the courthouse, which could've led to your death.

Boyd, my security needs go beyond having a bodyguard.

From the outset, I have had other things in mind for you to do, things for which I believe you are uniquely qualified.

Boyd: Well, that sounds an awful lot like you want me to return to my outlaw ways.

How well do you know the Bennett clan?

Boyd: Well, everyone in Harlan County knows Mags Bennett and her boys.


Mags is getting in the way of my plans, and she and her boys are gonna have to be dealt with.

Boyd: [ Exhales sharply ]

Winona: Shit.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

Raylan: [ Sighs ]


Art: Raylan.

[ Locker door bangs ]

Charlie here?

Raylan: No.

Winona's putting something in the evidence room.

Art: Mm.

Winona: Art.

Art: Winona.

Raylan: You want me to lock it up?

Art: No. I'll wait for Charlie.

[ Keys jingle ]

[ Elevator bell dings ]