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03x08 - Party On!

Posted: 03/25/24 02:41
by bunniefuu
As you know, here on the s.


Tipton, The crew is like family, And that's why I'd like to thank you all.

For coming to celebrate the birthday of.

Every employee born between March and June! Okay, tada! One cupcake for 10 people? Wow, mr.

Moseby, You sure squeezed a lot of names on there.

Who's may? I think that says "maya.

" We ran out of icing.

It is my birthday tomorrow.

Oh my gosh, happy day
-birthday! Thanks.


Moseby, this birthday celebration is pathetic.

Coco the party panda's here! I think that's just his suit.

oh ay oh, oh ay oh come along with me and let's head out to see what this world has for you and for me now whichever way the wind blows
- we say
- Hey
-ho, let's go!
- oh ay oh
- This boat's rocking
- oh ay oh
- Ain't no stopping us now 'cause we're living the suite life
- oh ay oh
- This boat's rocking
- oh ay oh
- Rocking the whole world round and we're living the suite life now hey ho, oh ay oh let's go! .

Hey, zack, I'll have a kiwi crush.

Coming right up.

That'll be $200.

For a smoothie? Oh, that's outrageous! Just give me a glass of water.

That'll be 50 bucks.

That's more like it! Touchdown! Where's my high
-fiver? Look, it's sean kingston! Oh hey, man.

Nice mobile game system! You like that? Check out my refrigerator guy.

Have a drink.

- Thanks.

- You better give him 50 bucks.

Hey, you're london tipton.

Yep, that's what it says.

On this cklace daddy gave me in case I get lost.

Wow, she's beautiful.

I think I'm in love.

Yeah yeah yeah.

You wanna play a game? Yeah sure, but we gotta make it quick, 'cause my game dude's got to use the bathroom.

Hey, woody.

Hey, roomie.

I've got two tickets.

To belgium's hottest tourist attraction.

You in? "a chocolate tour for sweethearts"? Cody, I like you and all, but I don't think I bought the tickets when I was still with bailey.

And obviously I can't go with her, so I thought you'd be interested.

It's a tour of a chocolate factory.

Free samples.

No thanks.

I'm trying to eat healthy.

I took a long hard look at myself in the mirror.

And realized I only see two
-thirds of me.

Hey, cody.

I'm ready for our tour of the chocolate factory.

Oh, bailey.

Your psyche must have suppressed that painful memory, But you and I are kinda done

Yeah, I know
-zo, bozo.

But I still want to see the chocolate factory.

If you're not mature enough to go as friends, I'll just take the tickets.

Mature? Please.

If anyone's the mature one, it's me.

Hez, cody, your blanky fell on the floor.

You want to put him back on his pillow? Not now, woody.

Okay, yeah.

Sure, let's do it.

Just two platonic friends.

Who have no interest in each other whatsoever.

Might as well be my brother.

See ya later, sis.

- Hey, zack.

- Hey.

What's up? Have you seen london? No, but there is a puppet show at 3:00.

In the toddler lounge, and she never misses those.


You know, I always wanted to meet her, And now I can't stop thinking about her.

I need to try to find some type of way to impress her.

Impress her? Any ideas? Money's no object.

My four favorite words! Well, my friend, you have come to the right man.

You know what I really think she'd enjoy? A surprise party tonight.

- It's her birthday?
- No But that's the surprise.

She'll never see it coming.

I don't know, man.

Maybe I should just write her one of my magical songs.

Yeah, no, I thought you wanted to impress her.

You trying to say you don't like my music? No, I love your toe
-tappin', Reggae
-pop sound.

It's It's just that your island flavor.

Reminds london of her dearly departed aunt matilda.

Who was k*lled by a falling Coconut.

Yeah, I lost a lot of homies that way.

Okay, party it is.

What kind of theme do you think london's gonna like? Let me get back to you.

Hey, maya, mr.

Moseby asked me to update the employee files.

- Why would he ask you
- Full name? Maya elizabeth bennett.

Gender? Still female.

Favorite type of entertainment? I'd say sports.

Favorite finger food? Buffalo wings.

And my favorite finger? Pinkie.

And why does mr.

Moseby need Don't try and get inside mr.

Moseby's head.

It's a twisted labyrinth you'll never find your way out of.

Sports? Are you sure? London doesn't seem very sporty.

Au contraire.

She fell in love with baseball.

The second she found out they play on a diamond.

So I'm thinking we transform the sky deck.

Into a sports lovers' paradise.

Trust me, it'll be awesome.

Don't use my high


You really think that's gonna win her over though? Positive thinking, my friend.

If columbus doubted himself, Would he have ever made it to the moon? Are you sure you're in high school? Don't worry, I'll take care of everything.

I'm just gonna need a little something to cover the expenses.

Here, use this as a down payment.

Wow, this place is sweet.

Get it? 'Cause it's filled with chocolate.

Now that we're not dating, I don't have to laugh at your jokes.

Check out this giant candy box.

Bonjour! I am sebastian nougat! Welcome to my kingdom of cacao.

Look, I am loco for coco.

Oop! Oop! Okay, before we start, Every couple must share a smooch.

Oh ho ho! I love your passion, But I meant chocolate smooches.

- Hai! Hai!
- Oh! Woody, what are you doing here? "hiking through breathtaking scenery.

In the majestic belgian ardennes.

" You're in a chocolate factory.

You thought this was part of your hike? Well, the walk from the parking lot was pretty intense.

I must've gotten on the wrong bus! Which just drove off.

Welcome! Have some candy.

No no no! How am I supposed to eat healthy.

Surrounded by the most.

- Coming right up!
- No no no! No! Stop it! Now, couples, Or singles What happened? Did you eat your partner? Hurtful.

You couples all enter like individual cacao nibs, Full of unrealized potential.

But after I am done with you, Each couple will be blended.

Into a symphony of sweet oneness.



Mmm! This guy's chocolate is certainly full of nuts.

I don't have to laugh at your jokes anymore either.

No no no no.

Put the pop

Where the putting challenge is, please.

And can you put the putting challenge on the other side? Zack, are you throwing a party on the sky deck? No You can't throw a party without my permission! Well, I didn't get your permission, because The party is for you.

It is? It was supposed to be a surprise, But now you've ruined it.

You knew that today is the 17th anniversary.

Of my graduation from hotel management school? Of course! How could I let such a momentous occasion go by.

Without a celebration? Zack.

A surprise party.


Don't tell anyone you know about it, okay? And be sure to act surprised.

Okay okay.

A surprise party just for me! Ooh! Shh! Right, just for you And london And maya.

I should've just made her a macaroni necklace.

Now it is time to explore your passion through chocolate.

-la .

Take the smooth chocolate.

In your fingers.

And gently dance it on your beloved's tongue.

Your turn.


Your turn! Ahh! Your turn! Ow! Oh, my eye! You know I have extremely thin corneas.

Wow, you're brittle.

- Peanut brittle coming up.

- Ow! Oh! My other eye! Carrots are even yummier than nasty old chocolate.

They're nature's candy, And they are absolutely Delicious.

Surprise! I can't believe it.

This is so wonderful.

Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up.

That's not london.

Why did everyone yell "surprise"? Uh, practice.

They were just practicing for when london shows up.

Speaking of which, you should look out for her.

Right over there.

Happy birthday, maya.

Zack, you did all this for me? Yep, all for you, just you, and no one else but you.

You're so sweet, zack.

And is that sean kingston? I can't believe you got him to come to my party.

Yep, all for you, just you, and no one else but you.

Surprise! Why did sean just yell "surprise" to london? Uh, you know, he is probably just surprised.

That she showed up to your party.

I mean, she hates you.

She does? Why? She just hates everything about you.

Don't be sad.

Here, have a hot wing.


So you set this whole thing up just for me? It's not even my birthday! Is it? No, you were just deemed.

The prettiest sports fan in the world.

But I hate sports.

She's pretty and a kidder.

You're a lucky man, sean.

Why did no one else yell "surprise" for london? Uh, not enough practice.

Look, I even got your favorite food.

Oh thanks.

Spicy food makes my tongue swell up! I thought you said buffalo wings was her favorite.

They are.

She said they were swell.

No no no! Closer.

You must mix together.

I know, I know.

Because it's a couples tour.

No, because you have.

The arm strength of a three
-old vegetarian.

Fortunately, her peasantlike forearms.

Make up for it.

Easy, popeye.

Okay, men on one side, Women on the other.

You will each personalize.

A message of love on a chocolate heart, Which you will then present to the ganache of your life! Okay, I've got my emergency blanket.

Because I'm camping in the woods.

- Oh that's cute, yeah.

- Thank you.

And not in a Hmm
-hmm factory.

You know, woody, sebastian really likes to eat sweets.

Don't you think it's a bit dangerous.

To be walking around like a giant chocolate bar? Actually, this is my emergency blanket, so Whatever.

What do you think of my heart? "glad we're friends.

" Aw, I'm glad we're friends too.

- Come on, come on!
- No, it's not for you, You oversized baked potato.

It's for bailey.


That's all you're writing? I saw hers and it says, "I love and miss you with all my heart.

" Really? Are you sure? Yeah, it's icing on top of chocolate.

Trust me, it made an impression.

Oh, this is unbelievable.

I can't believe she wants me back.

I know, why would she want you back? Well, I can't give her this now.

I need a new heart.

Where's sebastian? Right here!
- Oh, chocolate.

- Uh
- Yo, zack.

- Hey, sean! Having a great time? This is a fun party.

You wanna play some foosball? Listen, man, I'm not sure if london's all into this sporty stuff.

What are you talking about? She looks like she's having a great time.

Somebody save me! Ooh, cake's here.

About that, you forgot to have them write anything on it, So I had them put "congratulations, london.

" You did what?! I mean, great.

Is that buttercream frosting? Yep, your favorite.

Here, have some.

Mm! It's delicious.

Here I am, Just randomly strolling through the sky deck.

In evening wear.

- Surprise!
- Ah, surprise? Ooh, a surprise party for me? I had no idea.

Look, presents! Ooh, I need to open just one right now.

- No no no! Wait wait wait!
- Just one! It's not exactly what I would have picked out for myself, But I guess you kids know what's hip these days.

Excuse me, strange boy.

Oh yeah, I'm the strange one.

Why are you camping in my factory? I'm using this tent to insulate me.

From the tempting sights and smells of my surroundings.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm about to roast some cauliflower.

And pretend it's a marshmallow.

I was right you are the strange one.

All right, it is now time.

For the presentation of the heart.

Which of my semi
-sweeties would like to go first? I will.

Here you go, bailey.

"I never stopped loving you.

You are the one for me.

" Aw.

I don't know what to say, cody.

You don't have to say a word.

Let your heart speak for you.

Uh, actually, I made my heart for my dad.

That's why it says I love and miss him.


What? I thought we were just friends.

Me too, but woody said that y Woody! Cody, you broke my heart! Well You broke mine first My real one, not the chocolate one.

Well, now I'm gonna break that one too.

Ow! You know I have sensitive scalp syndrome! Guys, guys, guys, Come on, don't break each other's hearts.

-second rule!
- Are you okay?
- Well, I will be once I get my scalp ointment.

Not you.

I'm talking about woody and sebastian.

Ah, chocolate! Chocolate's on my tongue! Chocolate's on my tongue! Woody, woody, you've been eating healthy all day.

You've earned a little chocolate.

Really? So is it okay if I just lick my lips? Sure.

You can eat anything in moderation.

She's absolutely right, Except for chocolate! Mmm! Zack, thank you so much for doing all this for me.

You are so very welcome, maya, and happy birthday.

Birthday? It's her birthday? Yeah.

What a wacky coincidence, huh? Hey, let's go play some foosball.

I can't believe you spent so much.

Of your own money to book sean kingston.

Thank you so much for being here.

I'm a big fan.

Thanks, but I threw this party for london.

What's sean kingston talking about? I don't know.

Who can understand him With that crazy accent, man? I was born in miami.

My party stinks.

Okay, what is going on here? Zack threw you a party and made me float the bill.

By telling me it was all for london.

Well, the way you put it, it sounds kinda cheap.

Zack, that is so sleazy! My cake! Look, maya, I know you're probably mad at me right now.

I'm not mad.

You're not? No.

No guy has ever gone to this much trouble.

For my birthday before.

Well, then, you've been hanging out with the wrong guys.

You're a great girl, maya, and you deserve the best.

Which is exactly what I have.

Wow, I am so glad I didn't go with the macaroni necklace.

Excuse me, everyone, I'd like to do something I should've done in the first place Perform a song for someone special.

Sean kingston is going to sing a song for me! No no, he's singing to me.

Oh fine.

But I'm keeping the jacket.

girl, you make me dum
-dum dum
-dooby dum
-dum I love you so, dum
-dum dum
-doe, wa
-why you tell me that you need me but then you want to leave me and never make your way through the door I tell you that you're too much they said I'll miss you too much don't even know what we're fighting for you break my heart, girl and then you go get it fixed I talk to all them other girls just to make you jealous how can we make it right when we both put up a fit? you make me so mad it's kinda hard to forget but when I look into your pretty eyes my heart just drops girl, you make me dum
-dum dum
-dooby dum
-dum I love you so, dum
-dum dum
-doe, wa
-why girl, you make me dum
-dum dum
-dooby dum
-dum I love you so, dum
-dum dum
-doe, wa