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03x08 - For the Glory of Merlin

Posted: 03/24/24 16:37
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]



[rocks rumbling]

[Aaarrrgghh!!! Grunting]

- Too big.

- It's okay, wingman.

You tried.

It's hardly okay.

We're on the distinctly wrong side of the cavern's collapse.

Merlin's tomb will now apparently become our own.

[grunting, panting]

[Claire grunts]

- [Toby whimpers]

- [rumbling]

Or we could just go that way.

There's an opening.

Thus affording us the opportunity to be trapped somewhere else.

Or it's a way out, huh? You just gotta think positive.

I'm not entirely sure I know how.

[Aaarrrgghh!!! Grunts]

- We can't leave him behind like this.

- Draal would want us to keep going.

[rocks rumbling]


- Um, this isn't taking us out.

- [grunts]


We need to find a way to go up.



Yeah, look for some stairs.

Or better yet, an elevator.


Oh! [groans]

That way.

Whoa! Great Globus, it's him.

- [Claire]

Is it really?
- [Aaarrrgghh!!!]

Must be.



[heartbeat thumping]

- [Jim shrieks]

- [gasps]


- [pants]

- [Merlin continues coughing]


Are you the Trollhunter? Um, uh
- I thought you'd be taller.

- Um Yes, I expected much taller.

And older.

- How old are you? Ten?
- Uh, sixteen.

I guess I was only off by, mmm Six plus four, carry the one Fourteen years.

Holy Merlin.

It's really you!
- Just what kind of troll are you?
- I'm not a troll! I'm a Toby.

And who is this lovely creature?
- [Claire chuckles]

- Blinkous Galadrigal, at your ser
- Not you.


- Uh, Claire Nuñez, sir.

- A pleasure, my dear.

Oh, she gets to be "my dear.

- Your sageness, we
- [bones crackle]

[Merlin sighs]

- One more.

Ah Oh, yes.

That's better.

- He was asleep for a really long time.

- He was just sleeping? Shouldn't he be
- Well rested?
- Dead?
- [Blinky]

True, but he is a wizard.

- Ooh!
- [gasps]

- Oop!
- Hmm.

Prop me up, would you, you giant thing.

- [grunts]

- [bones crackle]


- I seriously don't wanna be old.

- [grunts]

Oh, that's good.


Okay, then, first things first.

Where might my staff be? Um Staff of Avalon? About yea high? Emerald at the top.

It is rather dashing.

We might have lost it a little.

- [stammers]

Lost it a little?
- Gunmar took it.

Oh, is that all? Well, it's not the staff that's lost, then.

Just hope.


How'd you know we were gonna come looking for you? I mean, your staff? Because, Jim, I am your father.


[all gasp]

Kidding! [Chuckles]

I can glimpse the future.

It's not a perfect gift, though.

- You expected me to be older.

- And taller.

Clearly, he foresaw our arrival here to rouse him from his slumber.

- Why were you sleeping in the first place?
- It was the cost of battle, my dear.

- What battle?
- The Battle of Killahead, of course.

Excuse me, your wizard
-ness, but Aaarrrgghh!!! And I were present at Killahead, and neither of us recall seeing you there.


And I've read volume upon volume of history books, and none mention
- History is just an account of what supposedly happened, but it's rarely the full story, if ever.

- What's this now?
- I'm opening a window to the past.


This is gonna be very cool if we don't end up dying.

Whoa, cool.


- Where are we?
- Still in the Geode Caverns.

- This is all an illusion.

- I've been here.

Great Gorka, this is the forest of Killahead.


As well as I remember it, at least.

- [fighter grunting]

- [clamoring]


And there's Deya.


At the very moment she dealt the blow that decided the battle! Deya the Deliverer was the mightiest Trollhunter that ever lived.

-sauce! [Toby squealing]




I remember this like it was yesterday.

It was a proud moment, for we fought as if there were no tomorrow.

Look! There you are.

[Blinky screaming]

Um, no
- No, this is someone else.

Now, if we just turn our attention over here Hey! Hey, Claire! Watch this! Wham! Quick, take a picture! [Jim and Toby laughing]

[swords clanking]


[fighters grunting]



I'm so sorry.

Come now.

There is more to see.

The real battle is over this way.


Where is it? [rumbling]

[panting, grunting]




Gunmar! Gunmar! Gunmar! [clamoring]

The quest ends triumphant! See here the instrument of our ascension, the Staff of Avalon.

Merlin's tool holds the key to our long
-awaited victory.

Soon, the Eternal Night will fall and with it, the world! [all cheering]


Gunmar! Gunmar! Gunmar! [gasps]

They're all dead! Our children are dead!
- There, there.

- Let's not jump to any conclusions.

- All they've done is not text us.

- Exactly! They're teenagers!
- Nothing stops them from texting!
- Unless Gunmar chopped off their hands.

Or their cute little fingers were eaten, and they have no way to type or call us!
- We can't panic.

- Oh, watch me! I know my son.

Trust me, they're safe.

My Toby Pie was made into a human pie! [sobs]

- [Mrs.


Our children are dead!
- [sighs]

Excuse me for a moment.


Nuñez sobbing]





- Barbara.

- [sighs]

You're the last person I wanna talk to.

You're doing an excellent job of maintaining calm.

If anyone has the capacity to survive the unknown
- [knocking]

- it's Jim.

Code red!
- What is it?
- The police! [knocking on door continues]

- Oh, no.

This is bad.

- [gasps]

Oh, dear!
- What is he doing here?
- What are we all looking at? [grunts]

- Just get him upstairs.

- Oh! What are you doing? Okay, just open the door and act natural.

- Hello.

- [in singsong manner]

Hello! Hey, folks.

It's funny, I wasn't sure if there was anyone home, but I saw cars parked outside.

Well, what did you hear?
- [chuckles]

- I mean, you know, out of curiosity.

Hey, is that a flyer for the Battle of the Bands? Yeah.

The mayor thinks it's cool to draft the police into passing these out.

- Supposed to raise money for the city.

- Thank you so much.

We'll make sure our children save the date.

- Have a nice day now.

- Wait.

What's that?
- [Barbara]

What's what?
- Up there.

Don't you need a warrant or something to come inside? [grunting]


[grunts softly]

Detective Scott here.




Oh, don't be such a bunch of daisies.

Help me move the body.



- [Barbara]

What were you thinking?
- I took decisive action.

I've no regrets.

- Not you.

- Though you did as*ault a police officer.

- You were supposed to stay upstairs.

- And now, our goose is cooked.

We have to focus.

He's going to wake up eventually and we're going to have to explain what he saw.

- I have an idea!
- We're not going to k*ll him.

In that case, I don't have an idea.

What if we just pretend nothing happened? That he didn't actually see anything? Yeah, I don't think any of us can act that well, Nana.


That's it.

Quick, I need paper and something to write with.

While you were focused on the battle, there were events unfolding that you were unaware of.

I suppose fighting for our lives would be a little distracting.

- [Claire]

What? That's her! That's
- Morgana.

Yes, the Pale Lady.

- The Mother of Monsters.

- Ugh! I could add more names to that list.

- None of the history books speak of this.

- Well, books don't talk, for one thing.

- This was the true battle of Killahead.

- You and Morgana? She is as ancient as I am, perhaps more so.

Craving chaos, she sowed the seeds of dissension between humans and trollkind.

- I know her well.

She's a real headcase.

- Hence the Eternal Night.

She realized if trolls could not survive in daylight, what if the night were everlasting? Gunmar and his forces could do whatever they wanted.

Morgana had to be stopped at any cost.

It turns out That cost was your magic.


The only way to stop her was to expend almost all my power and confine her for as long as possible.

I'm guessing "as possible" ends right about now.

We're doomed to wage battle once more thanks to the work of Gunmar.

Well, all fun things must end.

If we're going to do anything about it, we still have to get out of here.

- [rumbling]

- [gasps]

- What's this now?
- How's it raining underground? The cave
-in must have diverted the waterfall into the mountain.

So we're not trapped, but we're gonna drown? [Claire]

That sounds like a lot of water.


Centuries later, it never gets any easier.

We could really use some of your awesome wizard magic to, you know, get us out of here.

I suppose that would be quite lovely.

But weren't you listening? I just said I used most of it to trap Morgana.

Kids these days.

But you just took us to the Killahead Battle? That was a mere parlor trick.

To escape, we'll need the power of the amulet.

That might be a little difficult.

I destroyed it to get the map so we could find you.

Hand it over.



- You really did a number on this thing.

- Can you put it back together? Of course he can.

Those very hands forged the amulet in the first place
- Four arms, six eyes, but he talks as if he had ten mouths.

Of course I can, my dear.

These very hands forged the amulet in the first place.

[Merlin sighs]

Hmm, this thingamajig went here,
- and that doohickey, well
- [rocks rumbling]

- Would you please be quiet?
- It's not us.

It's the rubble.


Get out soon.

Use some of the rubble to seal off this chamber and buy us some time.

Oh, yes.

- [snoring]

- [Nana]

You'll never be able to
- What?
- defeat the combined might of the chewing gums! For Merlin's glory, a sword of sunlight is mine to control! Whoosh! [Grunting]

Oh, I cannot defeat you in this wretched human form! I must reveal my true self!
- [chuckles]

- [rumbles]

Ah! That is better! [Grunts]

- [thuds]

- [pot shatters]

Bular told me, if I can't get you to hand over the amulet, I should k*ll you!
- You'd k*ll me in front of my son?
- I will if I have to! That's funny, I was just thinking the same thing! [both grunting]


Good one!
- And now the Third Rule!
- No! Scene! Scene! Bravo! Bravo!
- And scene.

Great job, everybody!
- Bravo! Oh, Detective.

We've been wondering when you'd wake up.

Walter, your acting was as superb as your makeup.


Sorry, but you had that coming.

- Now, get out of that costume.

- [stammers]

Yes, ma'am.

- [sighs]

- What? What happened?
- You passed out.




A vasovagal episode, most likely.

- I've got a bruise
- [Mr.


You fell backward.

After you fell forward, he means.


But you seemed all right, so we decided to proceed with our rehearsal.

Rehearsal? Uh, for the play we're putting on.



You know, I've always wanted to get into acting.

I've been told I have a very expressive face.

You think there might be a part for me?
- Hmm.

- Uh [wind howling]

- [Toby]

Come on!
- [Blinky]

I feel we haven't much time.

I'm doing my best.

It's been centuries, do you understand? Can we get an ETA on the fixing there, Merle? Mind if I call you Merle? Not if you mind spending the rest of your life as a cockroach.

- [wind howling]

- Whoo! Well, that felt like a breath of fresh air, huh? It was getting stuffy in here.

- That wasn't a breath.

- That was a floodgate!
- You have to fix it.

- What's it look like I'm doing? Twiddling my thumbs? It's an amulet forged by magic.

You don't just snap it back together.

- [Merlin]

A piece is missing.

- I gave you everything I had.

Guys? The water is getting louder! Focus.

We need a small piece, something that can fit right here.

Claire, your hair clip! Thank you, fair Claire.

- [Merlin]


- Now, what am I supposed to do? You're the Trollhunter, and you alone must tap the amulet's true potential.

[rocks rumbling]

[water splashing]

For the glory of, well, you, Daylight is mine to command! And Daylight will protect us! [Jim grunting]

You're doing it, Jimbo! I don't know what you're doing, but you're doing it!
- [laughs]

- Whoa! The instrument of our deaths has been turned into the means of our egress! Are you a troll or a thesaurus? I'm genuinely curious.


- How did you know I could do this?
- You can do more than you realize,
- and you will.

- How? When you help me destroy Morgana.

- Gunbar!
- [Mr.

and Mrs.


"Gunmar"! Oh.

Gunmar must be defeated at all costs! Who among you will follow me to certain death
- Oh!
- and glorious victory? What say you Sir Tobias and Lady Claire? Wow.

And here you said you had no acting experience.

- I don't!
- Well, you're a natural.


Splendid! [Mr.


That was the most awesome thing I have ever seen! Well, that was a great rehearsal.

- But I've got so many more ideas.

- Yeah, save them for our next meeting.

We don't wanna exhaust all your creativity.

So you guys think it's a good idea rehearsing twice a week?
- Should've thought of that.

- Have a good night! Get some sleep, see you this weekend! Bye! Phew.

- I don't know how our kids do it.

- They'd be so proud of us.

- Proud and impressed.

- [cell phone ringing]

- A text from Jim.

- Oh! What's it say?
- They're okay!
- I never doubted them.

"We're all okay.

Gunmar got the staff, but we found Merlin? Smiley face, thumbs up.

" Merlin? [growls]

Gunmar! You left me to die! I thought you were dead.

Congratulations on your survival.

I'm not one of your henchmen! I don't serve you! I am Angor Rot! To serve Morgana is to serve me! I don't care who you are! I am Gunmar the Black, and you will obey! [growls]

[Angor Rot]


Huh? My Queen.

My fearsome servant, you were always my champion.

Stay true.

Your devotion will be rewarded.

Waver, and I will destroy you once and for all.

[theme music playing]