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02x12 - Mistrial and Error

Posted: 03/24/24 16:32
by bunniefuu





[rumbling continues]

- [Queen Usurna]

Shall we begin?
- [thud]

The Trollhunter is on trial for choosing to go into the Darklands, allowing the release of Gunmar the Black.

James Lake, Jr.

has admitted responsibility for his actions.

- What say you of the charges?
- We'll fight the charge! Once convicted, the Trollhunter will be sentenced to exile in the Deep.

- What's the Deep?
- A place of unknown madness.

No one exactly knows what resides at the bottom of the Deep, because no Troll has ever returned from it.

- What do I do?
- Shall we begin? One moment, if you please.

- You cannot fight these allegations.

- I have to.

Merlin visited me in a sorta dream.

And he wants me to fight.

- [gasps]

- Merlin? Visited in a "sorta dream"? [chuckles]

- I believe you!
- Really? I believe you've finally cracked.

So much for having you represent me.


Unfortunately, Trollhunter, Troll Law states that the accused may only be represented by his own tribe.

- Yes.

- Hmm.

But these children don't know the slightest about Troll Law.

Be that as it may, the rules are quite clear on this matter.

- Only a human may speak for the accused.

- Oh.

- Give us a minute to talk it over?
- Hm.

Very well.


We can do this.

- Claire.

- Nah
- uh.

I don't know anything about law.

- Let alone Troll Law.

- It's not as hard as it looks.

All you gotta do is walk around like you own the place and throw around fancy words like, subpoena! Hearsay! Redirect! Res ipsa loquitur! Nolo contendere! Fancy.

How did that metal mouth of yours just manage to garble out all those exquisite words? Eh, I've watched every episode of Mistrial and Error with my nana.

Also Mistrial and Error: New Orleans, Mistrial and Error: Jury Duty, oh,
- and Mistrial and Error: Try, Try Again.

- [Queen Usurna]

Your time is up.

Have you made a decision on who will represent you? We have.

Toby Domzalski.

Wait, what? Me? [shivers]

I can't believe I'm agreeing.

Very well.

The Tribunal will permit a short recess to allow Mr.

Domzalski to prepare his case.

[Toby chuckles]

And by "short," you mean a month, right?
- [Jim]

You can do this, Tobes.

- As your counsel,
- I advise you this is a terrible idea!
- But not our worst.

Right? No, it's worst.


You'll need this book, also this one.

And, yes, especially that one.

Uh, this idea of me representing Jim is getting less and less appealing.

Jim's life depends on this, Blinky.

Throwing around big words from a TV show isn't going to save him.

- And your meaning?
- Meaning, how are we going to convince the Tribunal Jim didn't let Gunmar out? I mean, just to be perfectly clear, we all know we're guilty of that.

I can see why Master Jim chose Tobias over you to be his advocate.

Wait a sec.

Gunmar told Jim he has a spy in Trollmarket, right? [Toby grunts]

If we can prove Gunmar is working with someone on the outside That "someone" would have freed him from the Darklands, anyway.

- Could that argument actually work?
- Definitely.

It's like that episode of Mistrial and Error: Swamp Law where Detective Jim Belaya discovered evidence that gator people were just as responsible for the m*rder.

"Gator people"? I don't know what that means, but our course of action is clear.

Tobias will stall for time while Claire and I root out Gunmar's agent.

I definitely like the "more time" part.

- And me?
- [Blinky]

-counsel, of course.

Wingman! [grunts, sighs]

You know, it might just be easier to prove that gator people let Gunmar out.




Toby might not last long in there.

How're we gonna find Gunmar's stooge when we haven't been able to find him in weeks? Have you seen these television shows of Tobias? A couple.

What would the characters on those programs do in this situation? That's not a bad idea.

Jim Belaya would start with an informant.

Someone who knows the swamp, who can provide information.

Brilliant! We should proceed precisely as Detective Belaya would.


As we have stated, you cannot speak on the Trollhunter's Tobias Domzalski Esquire, appearing for the defendant.

Waive reading, plead "not guilty.

- Why are you speaking like that?
- Too much? [sighs]


First order of business.


We hereby motion to remove Gatto as a member of the Tribunal.

His presence is prejudicial to the defense.

How so? He and I have a rather delicate history, which brings his ability to be objective into question.

Feel free to take your time filling the appointment.

We'll come back later.

How does next year sound?
- [thuds]

- Your objection is rejected.

On the grounds there are no objections in Troll Law.

Well, then please have it noted for the record.

- And the MP3.

- [sighs]



The Tribunal will proceed.

State the grounds for your defense.

No grounds.

- The defendant is guilty as charged!
- What? [all gasp]

Maybe you don't know how this is supposed to work.

Don't worry, Jimbo.

All the best episodes start like this.

We know Jim went into the Darklands! We know we went in to save him! We know that gave Gunmar the opportunity to escape! But what don't we know, hmm? That is what the defense will prove here beyond a shadow of reasonable doubt.

- [stone swooshes]

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey!
- [grunts]

- Hey! Hey! [grunts]

Why are they throwing rocks? Troll Law.


[shrieks, groans]

Gatto's rock wins.

Gatto will be heard first.

I have a number of complaints.

Where should I begin? [sighs]

Hold! RotGut is a tough customer, or should I say "salesman"? We're asking for sensitive information.

He's bound to drive a hard bargain.

We don't have time for that.

Let's try "good cop, bad cop.

" I think I know where you're going with this.


I shall play this game.

[knocks on door]

[clears throat]

Open up, RotGut, or I'll kick down this door! [Gut]

Ailment or curse? Neither, you two
-headed dirtbag! We need information.

Gunmar's got a mole down here, and you're gonna tell us who it is! [Rot]

Why is she being so mean to us, Gut? We don't share that sort of thing.

-client confidentiality.

Oh, you wanna obstruct official Trollhunting business? Is that what you wanna do? [groans]

Now you've done it! I feel my anger rising.

I can't control it.

You might want to talk to my partner, because I'm about to explode!
- Hmm.

- Mm

Ahem! [screams]

If you don't tell us what we need to know this instant, I'll turn us all into a smoking crater! [Gut]

Are you insane? You're gonna k*ll us all! Whoa, whoa, Blinky, what are you doing? I'm buying, baby.

I'm buying the farm if they don't start talking! Wait.

I thought I was the bad cop.

I thought I was the bad cop.

Your performance felt a little ho


Don't blow us up.

We'll tell you whatever you want! [Rot]

I don't know from Gunmar, but there was a guy.

- It's Krax, you imbecile.

- Yes.


He bought out our entire stock of gaggletacks.

- The mole might be a Changeling.

- Or helping them.

Wait, what am I supposed to do with this?
- [buzzing]

- Oh! Oh! [expl*si*n]

[male troll]

My boutique! Sorry!
- Uh.


- Uh RotGut, you don't happen to have this Krax fellow's address? Isn't it true you've been to the Darklands? [sniffs]

Isn't it further true that you know Gunmar was trying to get out of the Darklands on his own? Huh? Isn't it further, further true that he probably would've gotten out eventually anyway even if we hadn't gone in to save Jim? Hey! [groans]

Cut it out! [Borak]

It sounds like you're testifying.

I'm questioning my witness, butt
-brain! That's a legal term of art.

Nice recovery, Tobes.

If we're to hear from your witness, let us hear from it.

Not "it.

" "Him.

" Now as I was saying, Jim's a good guy.

You know, for a human.

While he was in the Darklands, he saved me familiar.

A pretty cute kid.

You know, for a human.

So, to you, Jim is a hero?
- [Borak]


- Let me just Yeah, he's a hero.

I mean, if he wasn't, you guys wouldn't have gone into [gasps]

- That's enough.

Thanks a lot.

- [NotEnrique chews]


I think the witness should be allowed to finish! No, he's my witness! You said he was my witness! You're my witness.

[Queen Usurna]

This witness will finish its statement.

I ain't an "it"! Jeez! I don't see what the big deal is.

I was just gonna say that if Lake hadn't been, you know, Lake, Gunmar would have never gotten out.

Objection! Move to strike! Move to strike that from the record!
- But that was your witness.

- Then let me speak for myself.

The accused cannot testify for himself, according to Troll Law.

Go on, Trollhunter.

Speak from your heart.

Everyone is angry at me because I made a choice.

A lot of you think it was the wrong one.


Well, wouldn't be the first time and it won't be the Well maybe it'll be my last.

The truth is, I'm still figuring out how to do the right thing.

I'm not using that as an excuse.

I accept full responsibility.

But before you condemn me, let me ask.

Who here hasn't made a mistake? Yes, I went into the Bridge to save Claire's brother.

And if I'm being completely honest, I would do it again.

- There, there! An admission!
- He would do it again? We have our proof.

We must rule.

No, no! No ruling! Flag on the play! Sit back down! Where are Blinky and Claire? [indistinct chattering in distance]

What should we be looking for here, exactly? This is where Krax lives, right? So something, I dunno, incriminating.

[Blinky sputters]

Oh, I'm not entirely certain this qualifies.


What about these?
- [clangs]

- A gaggletack mother lode.

Damning, but hardly incriminating.

I'm afraid we'll have to find this Krax himself.

- How do we do that?
- I don't know.

It's not like we can just wait for him to return home.

[singing, gasps]

Unless we can.

- [grunts]

- [expl*si*n]

- [expl*si*n]

- [clatters]

- Not so fast!
- Don't let him leave! Yes.

That would be why I'm standing in front of the exit.

I'll never tell you anything.

You will if you don't want to be blown to pieces!
- What are you doing?
- It worked before.

Tell me who you're working for or else Krax goes kaboom! You'd end up blowing yourself up as well.

Yeah? I'm just that crazy!
- Blinky?
- So, what'll it be, Krax? Exposition or expl*si*n? Neither.



[both gasp]

- Oh, no.

- Out of the way! I got it.

- [screams]

- [expl*si*n]

[pebbles dropping]

[Blinky gasps]

He was our only suspect.

But we don't have any proof.

The proof [gasps]

is still on us! Quickly! To the trial! We must show the Tribunal before it's too late.

- We have evidence!
- We have proof of a conspiracy!
- We
- Are too late.

The Tribunal already left to decide their ruling.

Not until we speak with Vendel.

- This better be good, Blinkous.

- It is.

In fact, it's of great relevance to this proceeding.

We've unearthed something foul.

A Changeling spy in our very midst.

Hence our dusty state.

This dust is the remains of a spy who was working for Gunmar.

Another conspiracy theory, Blinkous? This is no theory.

It's fact.

Plain as the Changeling dust on my face.

Even if this is true, it doesn't change the fact that the Trollhunter's actions led to Gunmar's escape.

It proves Gunmar's escape, with the help of his agents, was only a matter of time.

It's like the episode of Mistrial and Error.

Oh, it's a great show.

Do you watch any TV? Bottom line, you have to bring this evidence to the Tribunal.

This could change the whole game.

Gunmar used Jim to open Killahead Bridge.

And he's already at work here in Trollmarket.

You have to believe us, Vendel.

- [clangs]

- For once, I believe you.

Despite my numerous cautions and doubts, and general skepticism, you have championed this boy's impossible journey time and again and even saved me from my own arrogance.

- You have done well, Blinkous Galadrigal.

- [gasps]

This news could turn tides.

I will take this to Usurna and do everything in my power to convince her to stop this trial and save the Trollhunter.

Thank you, Vendel.

-sauce! Team Trollhunter, attorneys at kicking butt.



I mean, this is all terrible news.

Very troubling, obviously, but awesome that Vendel is gonna save Jim.



[Queen Usurna]

A Changeling.

Here in Trollmarket? [Vendel]


- And you are certain of this?
- I have it on good authority.

If Gunmar's agents are within the walls, something is afoot.

We must suspend the Tribunal at once and deal with the real threat.

Real threat? You think there may be more than one ally of Gunmar here? Yes, if Gunmar has one agent within Trollmarket, who's to say there aren't others? It's time we root out this enemy at the core and end this.

You're wrong, Vendel.

There are only two agents of Gunmar within Trollmarket's walls.

The Changeling
- and the Changeling's master.

- What? How do you know this? Because I'm the master.

- [blade slices]

- [gasps]



[Queen Usurna]

I'm sorry, Vendel.

I was hoping you'd live long enough to see Gunmar's glorious return.



Usurna you cannot.

They'll stop you.

The Trollhunter Shall die! Farewell, Vendel, Elder of Trollmarket.

Now is your end.

[thuds, crashes]


[Queen Usurna]

The Tribunal will come to order.

- [Blinky]

- [Jim]

Vendel's not here.

What did Vendel say? We spoke with him, and he was going to present our evidence to the Tribunal.

He said no such thing to me.

When I spoke to him, he said nothing of any evidence.

Only that the Trollhunter would be desperate.

That's a lie! Well, we'd certainly expect the accused to say as much, wouldn't we? Okay, stop saying "we" when Vendel isn't here.

Objection! I object! Objection! And objection! Vendel's absence from these proceedings is a violation of [sighs]

It's gotta be a violation of something, okay? Hence my objection, which is strenuous.

Objection! The Tribunal finds the Trollhunter guilty.

- [all gasp]

- No! He is hereby sentenced to exile into the Deep, to face death at the hands of his greatest fear.


No! Objection! Mistrial! Words! More words! More words! More Jim! The court is a farce! [Claire]

No! You can't take him yet.

- Please! Stop!
- It is Troll Law.

Oh, Jimbo.

I really messed things up, didn't I? [Jim]

It's okay, Tobes.

You You tried.

You all tried.

Hey, Blink said even the word "hopeless" isn't void of hope, right? Don't go.

- Jim! You can't go!
- [Jim]

Don't worry.

Merlin said I was gonna have to fight.

And I'll fight, Claire.

Don't let them do this to you.

I'll be back.

Just wait for me.

Then fight, Master Jim! Fight for your life!
- [metal squeaks]

- [clangs]

- [rumbling]

- [gasps]


If it's any consolation, I believe your actions to be in violation of Troll Law, because you're human.


[Jim screaming]

- [Claire]

- [Blinky]

Master Jim! [Jim continues screaming]

Jim! No! [metal chain clanging]



- [clangs]

- [Jim grunts]

[pants, gasps]

Oh, no.

No! [clangs, thuds]

[screams, grunts]



[electricity crackles]

[swooshing in distance]

- [snarling in distance]

- [gasps]


Who's there? [roaring in distance]

- [laughter]

- [footsteps approaching, clanging]

- [thuds]

- [grunts]

[chuckling in distance]



- [growls]

- [gasps]



What are you? [growling]

- [snarls]

- [screams]




[Jim grunts]

[both grunting]

- [growling]

- [screams]



[laughing maniacally]


[growling, laughing]

[Jim grunts]


- [grunts]

- [laughs maniacally]

He's gonna make it.

He's gonna make it.

- He's gonna
- Jim! [sobs]

- Jimbo?
- Master Jim is gone.





Vendel! Vendel, where are you, you old goat? Vendel! [softly]


Not you, too.