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01x17 - Blinky's Day Out

Posted: 03/24/24 16:17
by bunniefuu
- What is that?
- Is that a human? Wha? A human intruder! It stole my stockings!
- Call the Trollhunter!
- Hey! Never in my wildest dreams did I dare think I'd ever see such a sight.

It must be the Triumbric Stones.

Three shards of legend tied to Gunmar's lifeblood.

Because we are going to destroy him.

- He found the Birthstone.

- He thinks he can k*ll Gunmar?
- We told him he couldn't!
- Silence! You said it was impossible to k*ll Gunmar, but I found a way.

You're either a lousy council or a worse liar.

We needed to deter you from making a grave mistake.

You were lucky to obtain the Birthstone, but the journey will only grow more treacherous from here onward.

With all due respect, you said a Trollhunter should only work alone, but if it weren't for my friends, I wouldn't even have the first stone.

- The boy won't listen.

- He mocks us.

What's the point in council? If you insist on risking the lives of everyone you care about, I advise you to listen to reason! Trollhunter! Trollhunter! My son! He seeks you.

There is trouble in Trollmarket.

An intruder! Go!
- An intruder? How'd he get in?
- Go!
- Intruder!
- We should eat him!
- We don't eat humans!
- What if he's a changeling? A changeling intruder! Hey, stop! Let him go! I'm the Trollhunter.

I'll deal with it.

Let him go.

Hmm Oh.

Thank you, Jim.

How did you get past Trollmarket's barrier and how do you know my name?
- Master Jim, it's me, Blinky.

- No.

He lies.

Strike the fleshbag down.

He's seen too much.

I can prove it.

Your mother is Barbara Lake.

Your best friend is Tobias Domzalski.

Your father disappeared when you were five.

The changeling spy has studied you.

And we just replaced the ignition on your Vespa last week.

Did Strickler put you up to this? You're working for him, aren't you? How did you get in here? I won't ask again.

I do not appreciate your tone of voice, Master Jim.

Is this the way you address an errant stranger in need?
- I expect more from you.

- Blinky? You look terrible.


Among other things, my considerable companion.

- What sorcery is at work here?
- Haven't the foggiest.

But there is one troll in Trollmarket who will know.

I am at a complete and utter loss.

I can turn wolftoads into willowbait, and willowbait into wolftoads, but this? What nonsense have you stumbled into now, Blinkous?
- Nothing unusual.

- Eaten by Gatto.

You went into Gatto's Keep? Just what kind of insanity possessed you? It was my decision.

We went for the Birthstone.

And I had the unfortunate experience of being swallowed by that slubberdegullion and drenched by innumerous potions and Oh, my Gorgus! That must be the explanation for my transformation! And why would you venture? To complete the Triumbric Stones.

So we can destroy Gunmar and save Claire's brother.

Vendel mad? Mad would be a significant improvement! The Trollhunter is to protect the Trollmarket, not risk his life chasing stones from fairy tales.

Oh! Oh, my Gunmar's birthstone.

The legends are true.

This stays here, safe from your bumbling hands.

Speaking of hands, uh, when am I going to get my other two back? It could be days, weeks.

It's impossible to know when an enchantment of this severity could wear off.

Well, then, what shall I do until then? It's your choice.

Stay here for me to poke and prod, or enjoy your day in the sun.

For as long as it lasts.

The Janus Order has sent me.

They are starting to question your leadership.

They are worried you don't have everything in control.

As long as his ring is on my finger, I can control him.

But how long will that finger be on your hand? We have information to suggest the Trollhunter possesses the Birthstone.

They weren't supposed to know about that.

I thought you burned the books.

I did.

But now, I know the path he seeks and can use this information to our tactical advantage.

But what about the bigger picture? Eliminating the Trollhunter is but the first part of my machinations.

A new police chief in Bordeaux, a state senator in Boise, a news editor in Shanghai.

All in the last month.

The Janus Order is growing, infiltrating.

Together, we who were called "impure" will one day control the world, and the world won't even know it.

Without Gunmar, there is a vacant throne for the taking.

And who will fill it, mein Freund? Uh, did you just rip off a piece of your body? Would you rather I rip off a piece of yours? And what are those for? His friends.

Time I met with the hunter alone.

You ready? Don't worry, it's not gonna hurt.

I'm sorry you won't be joining me on this adventure, my friend.


There you go.

See? You're fine.

It's so bright! Yeah, well, don't stare at it.

Master Jim, I want to see more! Hmm Good

I've seen the surface so many times, but never like this.

It's so beautiful! Get out of the road, freak! What a kind gesture.

Thank you, stranger!
- I was in need of a snack.

- No, no, Blinky, wait.

Well, that does not taste very good anymore.

Freak! There's so much I want to do, so much I haven't seen.

I've never cared much for human food, but but the flavor! The texture! If only I had two more hands to eat faster.

- What do you call this cuisine?
- Leftovers? I can't even look at you.

Your whole body is like an old sausage left on the grill too long.

Very amusing.

Who invited him? It's boring sittin' around the crib all day.

When I heard you changed, I didn't know it was into a fat, balding, hot fudge sundae.

I didn't have time to tell you.

While you were seeking the stone, that changeling Stricklander dropped your mother off outside.

Yeah, I know.

I sorta caught him on the way out.

But maybe you did not see, he Uh smushed faces with the Barbara.

- He what?
- What is the word you use? Uh, "kissed"?
- I should have struck him down.

- Yeah, you should have.

I mean, no.

Ugh, no! He has a spell.

If anyone hurts him, it hurts my mom.

Gah! He's all over my mom.

I can't lay a finger on him.

He's trying to get under your skin, Trollhunter.

Do not let him.

It's filled with glop, yet the exterior is so soft and squishy.

How do they keep it all in? I think my stomach is trying to communicate with me.

That ain't your stomach, pal.

After eating a buffet like that, that fleshy inner tube of a body is about to spring a leak.

- Ah
- Uh Oh, dear.

This is absurd.

How can you function with only two eyes? Ooh! You didn't happen to overhear who Strickler brought back with him, did you? Some troll with big horns and a weird staff, maybe?
- Sorry, I do not know.

- Yeah, well, neither do we.

Ah! My mom's home! Everyone, hide! Oh, jeez! Oh Hide, hide.

Oh, no.

Blinky! What the? No! Not with the leftovers! I have to say, indoor plumbing is the most remarkable I don't care what you're doing, but if you're not out of my house in five seconds, I have an orange belt in Krav Maga, and I will not hesitate to use it.

I can explain if you'll just allow me to Soft targets.

-yah! Hi
-yah! Hah! My eyes! My two vulnerable eyes! No more, please!
- No more, you violent woman!
- Mom! Wait, wait, he's with me! Jim? He's Oh! Wait, wait.

What? I'm sorry, who are you?
- He's, uh
- I'm, uh He's Mr.


Okay, what has Jim done now? No, no, no.

Jim isn't in any trouble.

I'm here to assist.

Yeah, he's my, uh, guidance counselor from my school.

Since when do guidance counselors make house calls? I'm new.

Principal Strickler just brought him in.

Do you mind if we speak alone? When I was first introduced to your son, I'd never met anyone like him.

He was scared, vulnerable, filled with questions.

He was acting out.

Having a father walk out on one's life is a traumatic experience enough, but at his tender age Sweetie, if you needed to talk to someone
- Well, you're kind of always working.

- That's what this is about? The trouble you've been getting into and the late nights and the strange behavior? The letter I wasn't sure how to tell you, and I had to tell someone, and Mr.

Blinky's helped me through a lot of stuff.


Blinky? Bulgarian.

It's pronounced "Blink

- I really appreciate that, Mr.


- Blink

- And I'm sorry I kicked you earlier.

- The pain is tolerable.

Well, if there's any help that I can be You know what? I'm gonna write down my number.

Please just call me anytime.

- You know I don't care about my father.

- You do now.

If this helps Jim work out, you know, what he's well, what we're going through, I just want to be supportive.

Just let me know if there's anything I can do.

Since you're a doctor, there has been this issue with my stomach.

There it goes again.

- Well
- Is it true?
- Is it really true?
- We came as soon as we Oh, hi, Dr.


So it is true.

Um, you really can get to here from school in under ten minutes.

Awesome sauce! Uh, I was just introducing my mother to Mr.

Blinky, our guidance counselor.

- Nice to meet you.

- Good to see you again.

Huh? Is he? Do you mind if we borrow your son and Mr.

Blinky? We're burning sunlight, Dr.


You know what I mean? Oh, yes, of course.


Honey, did Claire come in with that baby? No, he just walked in here on his own and he asked for a ride.

Come on, Mom.

Come on! Hurry home before Mom and Dad notice you're gone.

So, what now, Blink? It's your big day! There's only so much time and so much to do.

I can brunch.

I can picnic in the park.

Sunbathe at the beach.

And dare I say, boogie board.

And, oh, my Gorgus! I can get behind the wheel of an automobile! Well, the day is almost over, but I think I know just the place.

Almost there.

Who voted for hiking? I thought we were supposed to be doing cool outdoor activities.

Looks like someone had a party.

It's charming? No, she means this.

Doesn't get any better than this.

It's breathtaking.

Words cannot describe.

Yeah, well, imagine if you had six eyes.

So your first day as a human is almost to a close.

- Anything else you want to do?
- No.

Just this.

If only Aaarrrgghh could be here, too.

I'm so anxious to tell him about all of our adventures.

Thank you, Master Jim.

Today was a day I will never forget.

But if I am to be honest, I have to wonder how many days this will last.

And this skin I am still uncomfortable in it.

- Welcome to being a teenager.

- Don't worry, Blink.

Maybe now I can be the one who helps train you.

This view is amazing.

How did you hear about this place? Logan brought me up here to ask me out to the Spring Fling.

Oh! He did? Well, are you? I told him I was waiting for someone else to ask me.

Um Uh, uh Would you look at this? I hate it when people litter.

Maybe I should eh
- Idiot.

- You blew it, man.

Claire Nuñez wanted you to ask her to the dance, and you stood there and did nothing.

Even I think you How did you say it? Ah, yes.

"Blew it.

" What was I supposed to say? Jim! Another golem?
- I thought you said it was made of mud!
- Not glass! Well, there's four of us and only one of him.

Flank him! Master Jim, it appears we have another guest! Get down! Ow! Our flank was outflanked.

- Jim, what do we do?
- I don't know.

Last time, there was a weird stone doll in it.

An animus totem.

We must rip them from out of the beasts' hearts and destroy them.

You mean, I gotta put my hand in that thing? Stand back, friends.

They are no match for the rocky fists of justice.

Ow! Sharp things! That was a sobering reminder.

Blinky, run! Get away from her, you big sparkly simpleton! We need to hit one hard and fast to get to the totem.

Throw everything you can get your hands on.

Welcome to the rock show! That it looked a lot cooler in my head.

Jim! He's getting away! Gotcha! Oh, yeah! We got this! I am currently short of hands, Master Jim.

Master Jim! Mmm You've wandered into my web, my human hunter.

I am Angor Rot, and I will be the last you see before you die.

- We need more rocks.

- I'm down to pebbles.

Follow me! Whoa! Not you, buddy.

Trapping it inside.

Excellent stratagem, Tobias.

Totally the plan.


Shh It's useless to speak.

I have k*lled hunters in the past but never a human one.

Such curious game.

I will not give the sweet release of death.

Not yet.

I will relish this hunt.


Your friends won't help you now.

Suddenly, I understand how vulnerable humans feel.

Ha! Got it! We did it! Jim! Help! Next time we meet, hunter, Daylight will be mine to command.

Jim! He's in a stasis trap.

Don't touch the stones.

Master Jim, the golem! Jim, your face.

The golems they were a distraction.

- What does it mean?
- The sigil of Angor Rot.

Master Jim, I fear you have been marked for a fate worse than death.