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01x11 - Recipe for Disaster

Posted: 03/24/24 16:14
by bunniefuu
[music playing]

"w*r is constant chaos.

" The winner will be the one who controls the chaos, "both his own and his enemy's.

" [clicks]


Napoleon's words show an unquenchable need for conquest.

- A man who could not be stopped.

- [clicks]

So, what was the French general's downfall? Did he stare down the barrel of a cannon? Did he die from the deafening silence of a classroom? [laughing]

Look at that.

He's got the whole class eating out of his hand.

His creepy troll hand.

I trusted him.

He betrayed me.

And worst of all, he hit on my mother.

I should end him now.

Or you can ask him to divulge the whereabouts of the bridge that could release unspeakable evil? I don't know.

Do you think Strickler knows you're the Trollhunter? Bular called me "Young Atlas.

" Only Strickler calls me that.

Of course he knows.

But he doesn't know we're onto him.



The world's most powerful army felled by the bite of an insignificant insect.

[class bell rings]

One last lesson.

Who can tell me where Napoleon kept his armies? In his sleevies.

- [laughs]

- [students groan]

Young Atlas, if I could have a brief word before you leave.

Alone, please.

Not until after he divulges where the bridge is.

Looks like someone has eyes for Jim.

Remember that letter I was telling you about? The one where he was fighting all of those inner monsters?
- You don't think he's crazy, do you?
- I don't know, but I'm gonna find out.

Uh, is everything okay? Actually, no.

Due to recent developments, I don't want things to be strange between us.


Your mother has invited me over for dinner.

I've graciously accepted.

Will that make things awkward? Awkward? No, no, no.

- It's just dinner.

- Splendid.

Then I shall be seeing you this evening.

- He's coming over for dinner?
- I know.

I thought it was a bad idea at first, but think about it.

This could work in our favor.



Like how? You know how he practically lives in his office? Well, if he's busy with me, you guys can break in.

See if he's hiding anything about the bridge.

"Covert operation.

" My two favorite words! After "taco truck," of course.

No more secrets.

No more lies.

It's all coming out.



Oh, no.

If you can find out where the bridge is, then it is goodbye, Mr.


[locker door closes]

I do not approve of this plan.

It lacks a certain "k*lling the changeling" component.

I would love to, but not until they locate the bridge, okay? And find out what he wants with me.

We could rip off his limbs, make him talk, more like scream.

- Now that sounds like a good plan.

- No, no ripping anything.

My mom ugh! She kind of likes him.

And since she's here, I can't have you busting chops unless it's a last resort, and only if it's a last resort.


How will I know this "last resort"? Okay, if everything's cool, I'll stomp once.

If I run into any trouble, I'll stomp twice.

Got it?
- Two times.

Then I tear his limbs.

- [doorbell rings]

Just stay down here.

And no limb tearing.



I didn't know what varietal you like, so I brought a pinot noir, the "heartbreak grape.

" We don't judge here.

All kinds are welcome.

- Mr.


- Mr.


- Please, my friends call me Walt.

- What do your enemies call you? [chuckles]

[whisk clatters]


Zack, Carina, it's time for dinner! [Carina]

Be right there! [Zack]

Coming, Dad! [sizzling]

Hints of tart without being promiscuous.

If you know what I mean.


- [Strickler chuckles]

- [slams]

The teacher is in the hen house, mission is a go.


Copy that, Trollhunter.

I'm waiting at the rendezvous point.

I said, I'm waiting at the rendezvous point.

NotEnrique! Give me the socks first.

Then I'll let you out.

Now? That wasn't the deal.

[locker rattles]


You get the other one when the job is done.

Mmm! [thumps]

Open up.


- What's the job?
- You're a changeling.

Blinky says we'll need one to find a changeling's secrets.

- No.

No way.

- Oh, would you rather be Bular kibble? Fine, let's make it snappy.

I got a 9:00 p.


feeding I don't wanna miss.


You know, I could've just let you in.

[Toby humming]

Oh, my, the fabled Halls of Alexandria could not hold a candle to the high school of Arcadia Oaks.

- The halls of what?
- Aha! Feigned ignorance.

You are a funny little man, Tobias.

[Aaarrrgghh!!! grunts]

Oh, careful, wing man.

We gotta be stealthy.

We can't leave a trace.

Covert operations are supposed to be covert.


What? What? What? I thought the coast was clear.

Was that my responsibi? [humming]

What in the hallway heck? [rustling]

[squeaking fades]

- [all sigh]

- [Blinky]


Strickler? What are you doing here? [grunts]


- [Strickler]

I'll try not to bore Jim.

- What're you talking about? Don't worry.



Fortune favors the bold, Claire.

Huh? Claire? [Strickler's voice]

My friends call me Walt.

I didn't know what varie Yes, absolutely.


So I said to my co
-worker, "I brought you a midnight snack.

" Too bad for him, he had indigestion for days.


Well, that's the problem with eating Italian.

[Strickler, Barbara laughing]

[distorted laughing]

[phone buzzes]

Oh, I'm sorry, it's the hospital.

I have to take this.

Go, go.

I'll try not to bore Jim to death.


That's a funny story you were just talking about.

Who was it again you were forced to work with? The superintendent's son.

He's a bit bullish.


" Huh.

That's an interesting word.

He sounds like a real monster.

- Yes.

I know.

- You know what? I know you know.


How much do you know? You didn't know I knew, but now you know, I know.

So I guess we both know.

Know what? [ringtone music playing]


Hey, C

What ya doing? Can't talk, Mare.

I'm kind of in the middle of something.


Oh, my gosh! You are totally at his house, aren't you? You are pathological.

Bular called you "Young Atlas" to force this very moment.

He told me, if I can't get you to hand over the amulet, I should k*ll you.

You would k*ll me in front of my mom? Granted, your death might affect our relationship, but I will if I have to.

That's funny.

I was just thinking the same thing.

How about you tell me where the bridge is, and I'll leave your head attached to your body? It seems we each have something the other wants.

- You boys want something while I'm up?
- I'd love a sharp knife, for the steak.

- Oh, me too.

Sharper the better.

- Sure.

- [groans]

- [Blinky]

I'm afraid to say it, Tobias, but everything here appears to be quite normal.


If I were Strickler, where would I keep my secrets? [clicks]

Oh, sh**t, I broke his I found a key! I found a secret key!
- How spy is this thing?
- Key? To where? A changeling key for a changeling lock.


Look for a lock.


I haven't seen one of these in ages.

[banging, trilling piano keys]


I found it! What the? It won't open.

As I told you, by only the hand of a changeling can one open a changeling lock.

Huh? [clicks, rattles]



- [Blinky gasps]

- [Aaarrrgghh!!!]

Found it.

Whoa! I feel violated.

Gee! Look at all this stuff.

What could he be doing with these? Huh.

- What is it?
- Curious.


Whoa! Wicked.

Undoubtedly so.

The Book of Ga
-huel, Gumm
-Gumm history.

Whoa! Is this Gunmar? Dang, look at this guy.

- He looks just like you, Aaarrrgghh!!!
- That's 'cause it is.

Okay, yeah, real funny.

That's not him.


- You used to eat people?
- You speak the unfortunate truth.

Aaarrrgghh!!! was a Gumm
-Gumm and a general in Gunmar's horde.

But just before the Battle of Killahead, he absconded his flesh
-eating ways to take an oath of peace.

If it weren't for his aid, the world as you know it would look remarkably different.

People ran away.

Scream, "Aaarrrgghh!!! No.



" You might have been one then, but you're one of us now, wing man.


Boom, boom.

I'm stuffed.

I can hardly move.

Jim, your cooking alone should warrant you an A.

I hope you saved some room for some hot apple pie.

I just need a second.

Talk amongst yourselves.



[Strickler chuckles]


Give me the amulet.

Over my dead body.

I know what you're capable of.

I know what you're not capable of.

I know you have a thing for Claire, and I know you'd do anything for Toby.

You want to keep your mother out of this, and you look to Blinky as your surrogate father.

Poor Jim.

I even know as we speak, your adorable little friends are breaking into my office.

Do you think I'd be so foolish as to leave important information lying around unguarded? But did you know that Draal is in my basement? [taps]

A Draal? [taps]









- [clinks]

- [grunts]

[blender whirring]

[stomping above]

Not a very good guard dog, is he?
- [Jim grunting]

- [knives clinking]

Whoa! Ugh! [groaning]



Now, it's my turn to let you in on a secret.

While you might have had this Draal in your basement, I have an Antramonstrum in my office.

- A what?
- Oh, it's just a vaporous creature.

Dormant until disturbed, shockingly fierce, and excellent at erasing sneaky








What do you think? Good look for picture day? [clinks]

[Troll Strickler laughs]

Give me the amulet.

You want the amulet? Come and take it.

For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command.


- How do you stop the Antramonstrum?
- Your friends will never survive! [whistling]

- Anyone want coffee?
- Decaf for me.


Time to teach my star pupil a new lesson.

Uh, guys, is this important? Oh, that's nothing.

Probably just decorative art.

Tobias, do you realize what you've just discovered? Strickler's got hemorrhoids? No, it's a "fetch," an artifact of great power, a pinhole
-sized breach into the Darklands.

It's how our changeling friend here came into our realm.

- Handle that with care.

- Some expert you are.

[faint hissing]





Feels kind of tickly.

Why don't you take a peek on the other side? Maybe you'll see the Nuñez kid.


So that's why they call it the "Darklands.

" [hissing]




Smoke! [Blinky]

We've got an Antramonstrum! Enrique? You here, little dude? [voice]

Who are you? Uh

Yah! Get away.

Get out of here.

Be gone.


Who are you? [moans]

Who are you? Whoa! Who are you? What's happening? Agh
-hh! [rapping]



I'm okay.


- I'm not okay.

- Don't worry, Tobias.

Aaarrrgghh!!! and I will lure it away from you.

Follow us, you gaseous cretin.

Oh, dear, I thought my taunt was quite bedeviling.

Wait, where's NotEnrique? That little charlatan.



All in a night's work.


[Toby yelling]

Gorblimey! Oh, boy.

I'll just be a few more minutes, okay? Everything's fine.


This w*r is millennia older than you, boy.

You can't stand against the tide of history.

Gunmar is inevitable.

If you care about your mother, don't fight it.

You were always my favorite.

Don't you see? I'm only trying to protect you.


I can take care of myself.

[blades ring]

- [groans]

My arm!
- Where's the bridge?
- I'll never tell you!
- Where is the bridge? Who is ready for pie? Voila.

[amulet rattles]

- Um
- Where is that contact lens? Ah, here it is.

- I didn't know you wore contacts.

- There's a lot you don't know about me.

[smoke hissing]

[Toby yelling]

I can't believe you left us to be eaten by a fart cloud! I can't believe you trusted a changeling.

- Good point.

- Here comes Silent

Okay, if we work together, we can See you, Tubby.

It's been grand! You've got to be kidding me.


Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! I'm doing it! I'm doing it! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh, I'm doing it! I'm really doing it! Oh, my gosh! I'm really doing it.

But I'm terrified.

Such conflicting emotions! [hissing, crackling]



-hh! Agh
-hh! [yelling]


Ugh! Whoa! [Toby grunts]


Whoa! [Blinky]

Quickly, Aaarrrgghh!!! [smoke whistling]


- [Toby]

Good timing.

- I knew you had it in you, Tubby.

- It's Toby.

- [NotEnrique yells]


Eat me, Bottle

I can safely say, the Antramonstrum has just been schooled.


Hah! What about Jim? I insist.

Take it home.



- The recipe would have sufficed.

- No, we insist.

Good night, Barbara.

See you at school, Young Atlas.

It should be interesting, now that we've gotten to know each other so well.

It will be a shame when I won't have you for a teacher anymore.



That went well, right? I don't know.

He seemed kind of two
-faced to me.

-faced? It sounded like you guys got along so well.

Honestly? He's not the guy he says he is.

Honey, I know this might be hard for you Mom, I don't want you to see him again.

Yeah, I really expected more from you.

I tried to slow them down as much as I could, boss man, but they found the fetch.

We can't expect everything to go our way.

Isn't it past your bedtime? Nah.

The parents think I sleep through the night now.

So, did you off the boy? No, but I got what was most important.


The fake has been planted.

I control the chaos.

[music playing]