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03x09 - Prahmises

Posted: 03/24/24 11:05
by bunniefuu
-[crickets chirping]


-[Mandu squeals]

[snorts, purrs]


-Hey, Dad.
-How was school today?

I was the only one who figured out

how to clone a cell
from an old mandrill fossil.

"Good" would be if you fixed
the Great Mutant Outbreak, Emilia.

But it's a start.

What about you, Liam?

I scored the winning goal in Burrow Ball.

Coach said I could be coach one day!

Your future is not in a burrow!

It's up there on the surface.

Am I understood?

Yes, sir.

[chair sliding]

You don't have to be so hard on him.

Yes, I do.

He's getting distracted.
Our mission is bigger than a stupid game.

It's bigger than us!

-We cannot lose our fire.
-We won't.

We will be the ones
to return humans to our rightful place.

Every generation thinks they're gonna be
the ones to bring humans back on top.

And eventually,
every generation gives up.

I don't give up.

Make sure your brother doesn't either.

Keep him focused.

Yes, sir.

I won't let you down.

[theme music playing]

[grunts, panting]


-Don't try and stop me!
-I'm not.

I thought we understood each other.

Emilia needs to go.

Yeah, I know.

All right, fisticuffs it is.

Oh! [coughs]

Air freshener,
so Kipo won't be able to track you.

Because, as I've been saying,
I'm here to help.


Well, I wish I didn't smell
like lavender breeze, but good.

You do realize we're not just
going to have a conversation with Emilia.

Yeah. Let's go.


You all realize this will
be like the Walrus from yesterday,

but with no Emilia to save you.

Well, if that's the way you feel,
why are you coming to Prahm?

To make Doag come to her senses
and return to the ship with me.

-Your loss.
-That's fine, but we're goin'.

[woman] I want a cat best friend.

Huh, it's your funeral.

Looks like Emilia isn't with them.

Then she'll be on the boat,
with minimal defenses, alone,

unaware that we are the nightmares
that haunt her shadow...

Oh, you've left.

[Wolf grunting]

[Scarlemagne groans]

Ha! Ha!

No sign of Scarlemagne or Wolf.

Oh, my gosh, guys,
this place looks amazing!

Of course, they would know exactly
how to hide from me.

Ooh. Twinkle lights.

I can't believe them!

You did find a k*ller
Prahm dress, though.

Oh, you like it? It was on sale.

Like, a hundred years ago, but still.

I was super excited
to show it to Wolf, but...

She's not here.

[groans] Don't remind me!

How could they do this?

They're just trying to protect you,
in their own way.

But if we don't give Emilia a chance,
Prahm is basically a lie.

Kipo, I know you want to believe
that Emilia will do the right thing,

but there's something you should know.

-She won't.
-You don't know that for sure.

I do.

When I was the Mega Monkey,
Emilia told me things.

Things she didn't think
I'd ever be able to tell anyone.

Trust me, you have no idea
what she is willing to do for her beliefs.

Our entire burrow was dedicated
to ending the Great Mutant Outbreak,

but Emilia stood apart.

Her fervor was unmatched.

I'm honored.

Humans on top!

We won't let you down.

See that you don't.

Well, I'm proud of you.
This is a big deal.

You got a clipboard and everything!

Shut up.

Do you think they're gonna
give me a smaller clipboard?

Yeah, I'm having a really tiny one
made for you right now.

And I'm getting a bigger one for me.

So, what now, boss?

You know, if we're gonna cure them,
we need a sample from one of the mutes.

Ready to see the sun?

[laughs] No way!

[chuckles] It's so warm!

-We need a selfie!

[camera shutter clicks]

It's not safe, Liam.
Don't let your guard down.

You, either.

Meet me back here in an hour.











Liam, what is taking you so long?


[music heard at distance]

[tires screeching]

[Liam] Ha, thanks for the ride, guys!

No problem.
Who knew humans were so cool?

And who knew cheese was a thing?
Hit me with some more!

[background music continues to play]

[Emilia] You made mute friends?

Well, at first I was just
trying to get the sample.

But then they were just so nice,
and they gave me cheese and--

And you made friends with them!

Yes, but they're not the monsters
we thought they were.

They even have an amusement park!

Oh, a-and after meeting me,

they're gonna make it a safe zone
for mutes and humans.

-How cool is that?
-Liam, you can't be serious.

-We are going to be the ones who--
-Bring humans back to the surface!

We can do that!
Just without getting rid of all the mutes.

What? No!

They took our world from us, Liam.

Everything they have, they took from us.

If we let them exist, they'll do it again!

What if it's not
as black and white as that?

What if everything
we've been taught is wrong?

I'm gonna show people
what mutes are really like.

This will change everything!

[Snow] Emilia knew that if Liam
made it back to the burrow,

it would undo everything
she and her father had worked for.


I can't let you do that.


Liam is... [sniffles]

The mutes-- they k*lled him!


But... he did not die in vain.

It is up to us.

We must honor my brother's sacrifice

and create the cure

that will free us
from this underground prison!

Poor Liam.

All this time, I believed her.

For the first time in my 200 years
of life, I lost my appetite.

OK, it's... it's back,
it was gone, though, it was.

If Emilia was willing to sacrifice
her own brother for what she believes,

there is no line she won't cross.

You know what,
I'm just gonna say it:

I hope Scarlemagne and Wolf do find her.

No. Emilia has done
unthinkably evil things,

but if I don't believe
people are capable of change,

then what's this party even for?

-It's starting.

Change starts now.

-And we--
-No, no, no, I mean the party.

It's starting.

[music playing]

[indistinct chatter]


[metal clanks]

I hope you're ready to get your dance on!

I am not.

-Why are you wearing a dress?
-Because it's Prahm! [laughs]

-May I take your axes?

-Saw that coming.
-It's really pretty.

But where are the other humans?

I'm sure they'll be here soon.

But we're hoping
one of them stays far, far away.

Oh, no. You don't mean Zane?

-Nope, I'm over here.

Oh, my man!

Let's commemorate this with some crunches!

[Zane] Oh, yeah! Crunch time, baby!

It means so much that you're here!

I wanted them to see
what they did to my best friend.

That's fair.

Still, I want you to know,
this whole thing?

Tonight? It's based on Ratland.

-Of course.

Visiting Ratland helped me see
that coexisting together is possible.

It... it helped a lot of people.

I want to make
the whole world a safe zone.

I'm not sure I believe in that anymore.

Come on, Brad.
Let's get you something to nibble on.



[continues to grunt]

-Where is she?
-I'm not telling!


I beg to differ.



-You could help, you know!
-I am!

-[Greta grunts]

[yelling, groans]

How? [yells]

Just keep her busy!

[panting, mumbling]

One hundred two,
one hundred three...

Ah, finally! [laughs maniacally]

[grunts] Ah! Take that!

Oh, sh**t!







Now, you're going to--

Great job, Wolf.

Now we have to wait for her to wake up.

You promised Kipo no mind control.

Oh, was that supposed to be forever?

[mutes chattering]

-You made it!
-Kipo! We brought you something.

[gasps] Is it fireworks?

Yeah! We thought it'd be
a fun way to celebrate.

Ooh, I can't wait!

Except I have to,
because it's not dark yet. [chuckles]

But, once it is,
we'll gather everyone and set them off!

[grunts] Doag?
There you are, it's time to go!

-Come with me right now, it isn't safe!

Stop, Dad.
You're embarrassing you.

Ah! Doag!

Well, I'm glad all of you are here.

-Greetings, humans.
-[all scream]

Don't worry!
That's just how they say hi.

It's like a high five...
with an ax.

-[Kipo chuckles]

Just, um, introduce yourselves.

Heh, hi.

Wolf, you go--

Oh, I... I mean, Benson?

Ha! She thought your name was Wolf.

Ah, don't worry, Kipo.
We'll show 'em how it's done.

After all, Dave and I
are the original human-mute alliance.

All right.
Time to make some friendships.

Jamack and I
will make some friendships, too.

It's not a competition,
but we're gonna make more friendships.

Yeah, right.
We're way more charming.

Charm will only get you so far.

We'll see about that.


Good. You're awake.

You're gonna take us to Emilia, or else.

Or else what?

Or else no pancakes.

[chuckles excitedly]

But I want pancakes!

[groans] OK, if you go past
the sixth building,

then turn right,
you'll find Emilia's boat.

You were spot on
with the whole pancake thing.

Quick little boat trip
and, bing-boom, Prahm is safe.

[scoffs] Maybe for today, but eventually,
the mutes will double-cross you.

You know what I'm talking about.

No, I don't.
Mutes and humans are friends now.

Then why do you wear that wolf?

You know, deep down, Kipo's whole
"mutes can be our friends" thing is bogus.

Mutes attack, eat, or mind control us.

That's why you hide that you're human.

Got it?

I... I've never
thought about it like that.

I never thought she could
put together that many thoughts.

I'm no dummy.

All those burrow humans might think
a party will fix things,

but I'm no dummy.

And she's back.


If we do this, humans and mutes
will never trust each other.

-Oh, they'll get over it.
-No, they won't.

If we get rid of Emilia
while they're at Prahm,

they'll think Prahm was a trick.

We'll undo everything Kipo's worked for.



When you put it that way,
it makes it sound like hurting Emilia

is the wrong thing to do.

Yeah, that's what I was going for.

We can't be on Kipo's side
if we're not by her side.

We need to be all in.

And if Kipo's willing
to give Emilia a chance...

[groans] Then so should we.

I'm definitely going to regret this.

[grunts, groans]



You can go.

[grunts] Ha!

If we're going to Prahm,
I'm gonna need to wear something else.

-So, this is your mom?

The one who was a Mega Monkey
and ruined our home?


Only because she was under mind control.
You guys know what that's like.

[chuckles, sighs]

Amy, my girl!

This is Mr. Filburn,
and he loves cheese.

I'm Amy, and I loved Brad,
and this is all that's left of him.

He loved Havarti!


Label, this is Bob, he's a janitor.

You guys can talk about... trash!

Oh, nice!
So, what's your favorite kind of trash?

Me? I like anything with a label on it!

Yeah! Let me know what that is,
and I appreciate it.

-I hate trash.

I have to pick it up.

All... day... long.

[nervous chuckle]

Is this your card?

-Check under your hat.

I'm not wearing a hat.
This is a helmet.

Are you sure about that?

How'd you do that?

[upbeat pop music playing]

[singing in Korean]
♪ Wherever you go ♪

[singing in English]
♪ You know I'll always be there ♪

[singing in Korean]
♪ I can go to your dream harbor ♪

♪ I will ride your waves to go to you ♪

♪ So with me our sea can breathe forever ♪

♪ So with me
Our sea can breathe forever ♪

♪ Ride the wave with me
To the sea forever ♪

[singing in English]
♪ Dive into my ocean of love... ♪

Get away from those mutes!

-We're leaving.

Your daughter is friends with them.

Why would you take that away from her?

I'm just trying to keep her safe.

Safe from what?

Look at her. She's happy!

♪ Equals love in the sea ♪

You're right.

Dad, if you're done being a grumble goose,
you can come dance with me and my friends.

Me? Oh, I couldn't possibly...

♪ Dive into my ocean of love ♪

[singing in Korean]
♪ You and me equals love in the sea ♪

So that's where she gets it.

[singing in English]
♪ You and me equals love in the sea ♪

Everything in there is too... floofy.


I really made a mess of things, didn't I?

I was so wrapped up in creating an empire,
when I should have gone after Emilia.

I could have freed Song, forgiven Lio,
grown up with Kipo.

Things would have been so different

if I'd stopped hating all humans
for the mistakes of a few.

Why didn't you?

I wanted power. Who doesn't?

-Yes, I know.

That girl would find a reason
to befriend a broom.

If she didn't, I'd be alone,
you'd probably be dead, so...

Mm, fair point.

Well, I'm ready for Prahm.

Great. I'm not.

I can't find the dress that says

"I wanna dress up
to make it up to my best friend,

but I don't wanna wear a dress."

There are other options.

[both laughing]

So, if you only hate trash
because you have to pick it up--

We'll pick it up for you!

Trash lifts are my fave!

[Troy] Nice.

Guess all we have to do now is dance.


Is that Jamack dancing with an old lady?

Whoa, still got some moves!

Hey! Whoa, watch out, now!
And up!

Who knew he could dance like that?

They grow up so fast!

My heart... is about... to explode!

About to?
What is it gonna take?

Oh, oh, let me guess.

It starts with "Wolf"
and ends with "being here."

Yeah. It's just,
whenever I imagined this,

and I imagined it many times, heh...

I always thought she'd be with me.

Our song would play and I'd say,
"Ah! Let's dance!"

And she'd go, "Kipo, no."

And I'd go, "You know you're gonna."

[music playing]

Our song.

I just can't enjoy this without Wolf.

Well, what would make you feel better?

A chocolate covered sweater, huh?
Would you like that?

A donut made of suede.

Suede donuts?


♪ I'm standing alone in my fire ♪

♪ You're not alone ♪

We didn't do it. You were right.

This one made a very convincing argument.

You should've heard her.
She sounded like you.

-[gasps] Ooh, will you say it again?

Ooh, but will you dance?

[sighs] You know I'm gonna.

Ahh, I did!

[clears throat]

Ah, I know I've hurt all of you.

But I've come to believe in the future
that Kipo's trying to make for all of us,

and I want to help, however I can.

If you can forgive me.

We can... if you can forgive us.

Mr. Filburn?

Now would be a really great time
for those fireworks!

-Oh! Sure thing, Kipo--
-Wait! No!

I thought I was doing the right thing,
but now I know it's not.

Dad, what are you talking about?

Emilia had Greta and I
sabotage their fireworks.

If they go off, they'll shower
the whole party in the cure.

[crowd gasps]


Oh, Hoag, I'm so disappointed in you.

Light 'em up!

[music playing]