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03x04 - Don't You Forget a Meow Me

Posted: 03/24/24 11:02
by bunniefuu
-[crickets chirping]


-[Mandu squeals]

[snorts, purrs]

[soft guitar music playing]

[brush rustles]

[metal scrapes]

Uh-uh. No need.

Just get real quiet, be very patient,

and he'll come right to you.

[new-age music playing]

[high-pitched tone]

Nah, man, I'm not doing that.


-Come back here!
-[Asher] Aah!

-[Yumyan] Yumyan owns you all!
-[Dahlia] Oh!


[menacing music playing]

[brush rustles]

Hey, who's that?

-[metal scrapes]


[bluegrass music playing]

[mutes indistinct chatter]


Ugh, there's no more seats.

There's no more seats!

Eh, you did that.
Now, we have to eat on the floor.

-[mutes gasp]

-[fork clangs]
-[music stops]

[no sound]

-[Zane grunting]


He has a message.

From Emilia.

Tell her what your note said.

Please meet Emilia
at the water treatment facility

in three hours so she can cure you.

What? Why would I do that?

-He had this on him, Kipo.

Because we have your friends.

[Kipo] No.


[theme music playing]

♪ Whoo! ♪

Wait, Kipo!

You can't just run off to Emilia!

-[Mega Jaguar growls]
-You could get hurt!







I don't understand how this is possible.

We stopped her!
The journal was destroyed!


I-I'm sorry, Mom,
I know you're trying to help,

but I don't know what you're saying.




[door slams]

Don't you have anything better to do
than run errands for Emilia, Zane?

I don't run her errands.
I do what I wanna do.

I just happen to want to do
what she tells me.

[mega footsteps approach]

[Mega Monkey growls softly]

Dad, she has my friends.

I mean, who knows what that
mute-hating monster lady will do to them?

Ugh, I just want to jaguar punch her!

Maybe I should let her cure me.

Whoa. OK, let's think about this.

If you get cured,
you can't protect anyone,

especially your friends.

We'll find another way to stop her.

We'll beat Emilia at her own game,
whatever that game is!

Let's figure out her game,
is what I'm saying.


I wish I understood.

But don't worry,
I've got it from here.

-[mega footsteps rumble]

Hey, don't you feed your prisoners?

I'm starving, I'm thirsty,
and I need some food and water!


That'll do, Mandu.

Zane knows Emilia's plan.

We just have to get it out of him.

I'm not telling you anything.

My mind is a vault.
And the code is in a separate vault.

And they're both inside my mind.

Let's get you that water, Zane.

[gulping, gasps]

Thanks. Still not talking.

Sure, you are.


Your lil' thoughts
are singing like a canary.

Aah! [gasping] What is that?

Zane, meet Mulholland.

Hello, my cranky enemy friend.

I'm a collective of tardigrades,
or water bears.

Rawr. Zoop!

Get this water mute out of me!


Ooh, forgot my hat. Zoop!

Aah! Aah! Aah!

Aah! Aah! Aah! Right back atcha!


-[banjo music playing]
-[mutes cheering, indistinct]

[banjo music playing, distant]

[music stops]

Ugh, finally.

[Mega Monkey footsteps]


You, there!

-[confused grunting]
-[Scarlemagne] Song!


It's not enough
that I'm locked in this horrid cage,

tortured by the twang of banjos,
day and night!

This is my precious nap time.

So, can you please tippy toe?

[Mega Monkey growls]

[Scarlemagne] Oh! Ah! Ah!



Ugh. Sounds like feelings.

Why does everyone have these?


Sorry, dear, can't understand
a thing you're saying.


Oh, unless that's the problem.

[grunting happily]


You could have just nodded.


Ugh. Listen, I'll help you,
in exchange for one favor


Don't worry, it's not "let me out."


-[grunting happily]
-[Scarlemagne grunting]

Nod with just your head!

[banjo music playing]

-[Zane groaning]

You'll never find anything in there!

Found it.

Dang, you cracked my double vaults!

OK, here's the deal.

Emilia only has
two dos-i-doses of the cure.

How does she even have one dos-i-dose?

Well, here's the bummer part, Kipo-beepo--

Emilia took DNA from a clump of your fur

and scienced it into a cure.

Apparently, you were
the missing piece of her evil pie.


So, it's my fault
Emilia has the cure. Great.

At least tell me my friends are OK.

Aww, you're just drumming up bummers.

I don't wanna drop a b*mb on you,

but Emilia's about to drop a b*mb
on Wolf, Benson, and Dave.

-Ah! A b*mb?

She's got a nectar b*mb
tied right over their--

Oh, Mulholland, you old fork and spoon,

why tell when you can show?


No. No, thank you!

Cats and water don't really mi--


[underwater echoing]


See? b*mb bait.

And if you try to break them free--

It's a classic "what-do-I-do
with a hook, line and sinker?"

But hey, that'll be the easy part.

Easy? How is this the easy part?

Because as soon as you walk in,
this happens--

Hello, Kipo.




[Lio grunts]

Blech! I hate water!

No offense, Mulholland.

Honestly, I get it.

Even I feel like it's too wet sometimes.

Uh, Mulholland, what was that about?

Just keeping it real-tastic, Kipo.

You wanted to know the plan,
and she wants you cured like yesterday,

plus 13 years.

Is there anything you can do?

Uh, can't you go into her brain
and just like...

uhh, turn on the nice switch?

Ooh, too risky, Kipo-rooni.

If the cure got in me
and I got caught in a rainstorm,

I could de-mute-- well, everyone.


OK, that's terrifying.

And a good reason
why this is still on me.

But I have no idea what to do.

Well, we know Emilia's plan.

If Mulholland can walk us
through it again,

we'll find a way to beat her.

Whoa! What a fun way to use me!

Don't even try getting back in here!
There's a third vault now!

I already got everything I need.

Oh, wait! [sloshes]


Keep an eye on him, Mandu.




Hey, you dumb little bacon ball.

Is that for me?

Bring it here.

That's it, bring it over.



[grunting, straining]



Everyone ready?

I'm ready if you are, Kipo Beepo.
You're stuck with that one,

Let's get this brain-bath over with.

OK, all we have to do is
go into the no-win situation

and win the situation.

How hard can that be?


[new-age music playing]


You don't know who you're up against.
Kipo will find a way to beat you.

Shut up! Or you'll go boom.

-[Dave] Huh?


Kipo, what do we do?

Uh-- I--

Look out!

Hello, Kipo.


I--I couldn't do anything.

M-my best friends
had bombs over their heads.

Everything in me was screaming
to go help them but I couldn't move!

Yeah, your mind was a jimble jamble
of all kinds of feeling, but mostly fear.

I'm stress-eating right now.
Mmm, that's better.

I'm a real foodie now that I eat.

How do I un-jimble my jamble
so I can save my friends?

When I get afraid,
I think of whatever's scaring me,

and make it wear a silly hat.


Thanks, but maybe not this time, Dad.

If you were a cat,
I'd groom you to calm you down.

Yeah, no. But I appreciate it, Yumyan.

So, instead, I'll say this--

even the fearless Yumyan Hammerpaw
was afraid, once...

until a brave girl gave me
the push I needed to do better.

And then, she literally
pushed me out of a tree.

You were the brave girl.

You're right. And as soon as you got down
from that tree, you charged after my mom--

who you didn't know was my mom--
a-and neither did I, so, we're good.

Point is-- you pushed your fear down,
you got steamed,

and you did something about it!

Look out, Emilia,
because I'm boiling!

Yeah! That's kinda what I was saying.

Does that mean
you want another simulation?

-Plug me in!

You don't know who you're up against.
Kipo will find a way to beat you.

Shut up! Or you'll go boom.

Hey! Emilia! Kipo owns you all!

[whistles through the air]





[yowls, hisses]

Ahoy! You, Scrumples
and Snugglemuffin.

Bring me those blocks.


Here you go, Scarmanine.

You may want to move.

-[Mega Monkey footsteps]


Long ago, I, myself,
struggled to communicate.

So, you gave me letters,
like these, to speak for me.


[grunting continues]

[frustrated grunting]


So, that's a non-starter


You think you're the only one
who's frustrated?

I want that favor.

[snorts, growls]

Let's try something else.

You don't know who you're up against.
Kipo will find a way to beat you.

Shut up!

-Or you'll go boom.
-Yah! Huh! Huh!

-[roars] Yah!

Greta! Fire!

-Oh, yeah.




You don't know who you're up against.
Kipo will find a way to beat you.


Greta! Fire!




-Kipo, maybe--

You don't know who you're up--


-[rattles, clicks]

[frustrated cry]


This is just a soft reminder

that we have a hard 37 minutes

before Emilia's deadline.

She gets me every time!

Why does she hate me so much?

It's not you she hates, Kipo.
It's the future you represent.

She believes humans are superior, period.

Just by existing, you prove
that everything she believes is wrong.

So, she's gonna ruin my life
just to be right?

It happens all the time.
Especially with humans.

Being right
is like their number one thing.

I understand where you're coming from.

Trust me, I've got
plenty of anger toward her myself.

But Emilia is clever
and charging in isn't working.

We need to be smart.

You're right. Anger's not helping.
I just need to ignore it.


Oopsie doopsies,
we're down to 35 minutes.

-[Kipo screams long and loudly]
-[Timbercats hiss]

Everything's fine.


[Mega Monkey grunting]

Sounds like... Banana?

[to self]
Oh, what rhymes with banana?

[to Mega Monkey]
Uh. Havana? Diana?

Are you sure it's not banana?


Oh! Uh, rhymes with "peeling"!

Kneeling, ceiling, stealing?

Song, you rascal,
are you suggesting a heist?


Well, let's see, uhh--

uh, dealing, healing, feeling--

[grunting excitedly]

Oh! Feeling!
[scoffs] Back to feelings?

Ugh, what about them?


Ooh. OK, we're moving fast now.

Ooh! Ooh!
The top one means "no"!


I got that, Snugglemuffin!

Just get me something to write on.

[deep breath]

OK, Dad, you get the second cure dart.

Yumyan, you're on Greta.

Kipo, just be straight up cool

and ignore the rage and fear
burning inside of you.

[new-age music playing]

[panting] Ah!

[dart whistles through air]


Always one step ahead of you, Kipo.

Ugh. I don't want to hear this gloating.

Why am I not a water expl*si*n?

My bad.

I don't know what to do!

She's right, she's always
one step ahead of me.

-Now, we're out of time.
-[Mulholland chuckles]

I'm sorry, Kipo, but that means
it's toodles for old Mulhoodles.

W-wait, what? But you'll be here
when we get back, right?

This whole situation's getting
kinda scary, my little space cadet.

If Emilia's this serious
about using the cure on us mutes,

well, I don't think it's safe for anyone
if I stick around.

It's been great getting to know you.
I'll miss you.

I've never had friends who aren't me.


No! I get it, but no!

You can do this, Kipo Squipo.

You got everything you need, right here.


Almost forgot my hat.

Now, I'll always
have a piece of you with me.

[Yumyan] Aww,
and just when I started to like water.

Just kidding. Gross.

So, what do we do now?

We don't have a choice.
We just have to go.

-[Lio] Oh!
-[Kipo] Ah!

Your mother would like a word.


I'll make this fast.

Your mother asked me
to give you a message,

and I, selflessly, agreed to help.

-You did?

OK, here we go--

"Don't let Emilia
use your feelings against you, honey.

Use her feelings against her."

You have no idea how many charades
it took to get that down.

Great! What does that mean?

Emilia is proud and arrogant.

Let her think she's won.

And then crush her.

Ooh, that's good. High five!

Thanks, Mom.

[grunting softly]

I think I know what to do now.

[clears throat]

Can I borrow that for luck?

OK, as Mulholland would say,
this time is real-tastic.

Aww, I miss him already.

Kipo, no matter what happens in there,
I'm proud of you.

I know I've said it before,
but it's a Dad thing.

Like how sometimes instead of saying bye,
I say "Hasta la pasta."

See you on the other side.

You don't know who you're up against.
Kipo will find a way to beat you.

Shut up! Or you'll go boom.

-[door squeaks]
-[shouting] Emilia!

No, Kipo!

I surrender! Where's Emilia?

-Right here.

-[Benson, Dave] Kipo!

[grunts, exhales]



Thirteen years trying to track you down.

Bye bye, Jaguar Kipo.

You got what you wanted.
Now, give me back my friends.

[scoffs] No-no-no-no-no.

-No one's going free.

You're all coming back with me
to the ship.

You lied! Why?
What do you want with us?

You're gonna tell everyone
you didn't want to be a mute anymore.

So, you came to me, asking for help.

And what, you'll just cure me
as soon as we get there, huh?

Yes, that's exactly right.

I was being sarcastic!

So you just want us to come with you
and lie to everyone?

One little lie

to get all the burrow humans
to see things my way.

The end justifies the means.

And at the end of the day, I have it all.

Your people, your friends, your DNA.

Thanks for that, by the way.

You're welcome.

Why are you smiling?

Because I lied, too.


Too busy gloating to notice her dad, huh?

Greta! Fire!

Huh? Oh, yeah!

Yumyan owns you all!


-[Yumyan screeching, hissing]
-Hah! Huh!


Uh! Huah! Hah!

Hah! Huh!

[both grunting, fighting]


Grab a b*mb and get over here!

[both grunting]


-[Wolf grunts]

[both grunt]

[metal scrapes]




[rubble clattering]

-[cat meows]



[somber piano music playing]

It's OK. We're all safe.


Ahh, the sweet sound
of anything but banjo.

Kipo! That was amazing!

Told you you had it under control.

Oh, I knew.

I usually molt when I get scared,
but this time,

-I was too scared to even do that.

I'm just glad everyone's safe.

Wait, where's Yumyan?



Oh! Oh, no. No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no!

-[dart clatters]

I-- I--

It's OK. I knew what I signed on to.

Kipo, when you do it,

when you bring everyone to HMUFA,

tell them the stories of Yumyan Hammerpaw.

The good and the bad.

And never forget--

Yumyan owns you--



[somber piano music continues]