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03x03 - A Wolf in Wolf's Clothing

Posted: 03/24/24 11:01
by bunniefuu


Do we need any of these?

I don't know, Greta,
do we need noodles to rebuild my lab?

Um... by your tone,
I feel like we might not.

Put the noodles down.
We have a list for a reason.

The next time Kipo comes we'll be ready.

We'll be ready for them all.

[metal scrapes]




Let go!



So, you see, if you guys join HMUFA,

everyone from the burrow
will see how not-scary mutes are.

-No offence, Yumyan.
-None taken.

Then the humans will be, like,
"Emilia's the one who's evil!"

And then friendship wins forever and ever!

-Hm? Oh, sorry.

-Do it again.
-Friendship wins forever and ever!

[all] Friendship!


First of all, we love your energy.

Your positivity is an ocean,
and we're getting rocked by your waves.

But... we definitely can't
join your alliance.

-What? Why not?
-Because we're afraid!

Of the humans?
They're just confused.

No, not them.

[whispering] We're afraid of him!

[crowd chattering]

Scarlemagne tried to send us
into the final meditation.

He destroyed our beautiful park!

RIP Ratland.

Look, I'm sorry, Kipo,
but if he's here, we are out of here.

But he's in a cage,
and he can't conquer anyone from in there.

Besides, he's really sorry... probably.

[all laughing]


Oh... I thought you were joking.

Scarlemagne sorry?
Fat chance.

I gotta do crunches just thinking about
all the fat in that chance.


Stop crunching!
I'm serious.

I know, deep down, he's sorry.

What if I can get him to apologize?

[all laughing]

Oh... you're serious.

[Kipo] So, you see,
you just need to give them a real,

honest apology
at the HMUFA meeting later today.


Oh, oh, that's good.
Oh... Oh, you're serious?

Well, very well.

-What do I get if I apologize?

You do it because it's the right thing
to do, and you're a nice person.

Somewhere deep.
Very... deep inside.

-Only one problem with that plan, Kipo.

To apologize,
he'd actually have to mean it.

Oh, I'm so deeply, terribly sorry.
What have I done?

Leave me to my shame!

No, I don't.
See? It's easy.

Crab again?
We're in a forest.

There's fruits and vegetables everywhere!

All I'm asking is for you to
completely change your heart

and tell them that you're honestly sorry
for everything you've done.

I don't know.
Sounds like a whole thing.

People tend not to forgive someone
who's tried to pour molten gold on them.


Am I crazy to try?


Scarlemagne's wrong.

And if there's anyone
who can prove it, it's you.

I'm not eating this.

The smell of the sea revolts me!





I hear you go by "Wolf" now.


I wanted to...



-Just give me a second!




What's going on?

Why are you chasing a wolf girl
in a school unifo...

Oh, my, Margot!
Is that the girl who betrayed you?

-She's mine!
-OK, I respect your boundaries.

But I'm here if you need me
to trample her!




What, did you come to finish the job
you started five years ago?

I just wanna talk!

Talk? You don't know me very well.



-Say the word, Wolf.
-Kipo, no.

Was that a "Kipo, now?"


If you're not trying to k*ll me...

Then why did you trap me?


'Cause I thought
that you'd try to k*ll me!

Well, you got one thing right!

Um, I'm sorry, but who is this?


Please. I... I just need your help.

Oh, it's over?

But you're both still alive.

How did you know where to find us?

There's a bunch of otters
doing a whole play about you.

-It includes your address and everything.
-Why would you need my help?

We were scavenging
in Deathstalker territory,

and got cornered.

I escaped, but...
my brother Rupert's trapped.

I didn't know who else to turn to.

You're the only person I know
who's escaped those scorpions.

Um, why should we believe you?

You're the wolf who pretended to be
our Wolf's best friend,

and then hunted her.
How dare you.

You're about to feel the wrath of
a Human Mute Ultimate Friendship Alliance!

Despite our welcoming name,
we bring the pain!

Guys, this is Wolf's decision.
We need to respect her choice.

Because we're real friends
who would never betray her!

I'll do it.

Yeah, what she said.
Wait, what?

-You don't deserve my help.

But if there's one thing
I've learned from Kipo,

it's that I should help you anyway.

Because it's the right thing to do,
and I'm a nice person.

Somewhere deep, very deep inside.


OK, we're doing this!

Uh, but who's gonna get
Scarlemagne to apologize?

-You are.

Stay here.
HMUFA needs you.

Besides, your job is gonna be
way harder than mine.


And if this is a trap,
I'll be wearing you next.

[crowd cheering]




-[man] Hey, what's he doing here?
-[woman] I don't wanna see him!

Let's throw stuff at him!


Oh, yeah, boo me.

You know what?
Boo, you guys! Boo, you!

-Stop throwing stuff!
-Ooh, actually, could I have some of that?

I'm trying to show him
what community means.

Let's work together to wipe down his cage.

So we can throw more stuff at his cage!

[all cheering]

I see what the problem is.


Uh, what are you doing?

You can't get to know people
from behind a piece of glass.

So... I'm showing you some trust.


That's OK.

It's just gonna take them
a minute to see what I... [yells]


[grunts, laughs]



Ready to get started?


We're not taking our eyes off you.

I haven't blinked in hours.

It was fine for a while,
and then it became painful.

Now, it's fine again.

Ow! Nope, it's... it's... it's...
it's bad again.

Do they have to come along?

Like we'd let her
go anywhere alone with you.


Thank you, true friend.

And to think you tried to eat her!




Oh, man!
I hate chasing Wolf.

How are they so fast?
Their legs are so short.

Dude, I know!


Wow, you're still really fast.

Of course, she is!

She's been running for her life
every day of her... life!

My life hasn't been easy either.

Oh-ho, boo hoo.

Benson, you got eyes on her?
I gotta sneeze.

I'm dialed in.
Go for it.

[both sneeze]

-[gasps] Oh, no!
-Oh, no!

Did she s*ab you in your back
while we sneezed?

-Wha... I... No!
-Likely story.

Guys, I'm fine.
Cut it out.

No back-stabbing.

Let's go.

[guitars strumming]

Hey, guys.
Nobody slither away.

OK, you may know Scarlemagne
from trying to melt you--

Uh, that's exactly how we know him!

But this time he's here to melt...
your hearts.

For the record, I don't want to be here.


-Honestly, just put me back in the cage.

So, is there anything
he can help you with?


Ten fingers, huh?

Is this acoustic?

You know, the secret
to tuning a guitar is... [yells]









[upbeat music plays]




I'm a spooky monster!

[all yelling and giggling]

Yumyan squishes you all!






No, no. I...
Don't cry! It's OK

Shh. OK. Uh, look!

Uh, you're,
you're a fierce little timberkitten!

-I am?
-Yes, you are.

[soft roar]

Oh, no!

Timberkittens and snakelets
are chasing me!

You don't scare me, Scarlemagne!


Snugglemuffin owns you all!

Do we have to go through the dog park?


Can't we go around?

Aren't you in a rush
to get to your brother?

I am.
We're no good to him if we're dead.

And you're no good to him alive.

-Too far?
-Not far enough.

[toy squeaks]

-It's OK.

Just slowly lift your foot.


[dogs barking]

[all yelling]

There's too many feet!

We're gonna get squished like bugs!

-At least you're immortal.
-He's what?

No time to explain.
Which one's the alpha, Margot?

You're asking me? I don't know!

Yes, you do.
You're a wolf! Focus.



-Her! She's the alpha!
-Then come on.


Wolf, you're too far!
I can't see if she's stabbing you!

Is she stabbing you now?
What about now?

Now is she stabbing you?


Are Wolf and Margot, like,
in charge of those dogs now?

-Ooh, I'm gonna ride in his ear!
-Dibs on the other ear!

That was amazing!

It was like we were
reading each other's minds.

Or like we were raised
by the same monsters.

[indistinct chatter]

Are you ready?
Just like we practiced.

We didn't practice anything.

Because an apology comes from your heart.

Why is this so important to you?

Because if I can't get
all the mutes to come together,

then I'll never convince the humans
that Emilia's wrong!

And friendship loses forever and ever.

If that's all you want,
then why don't you just get rid of me?

Because it's not all I want.

I want you to have a second chance.


Oh, calm down.
I'm not going anywhere.

Thank you all for coming
to this very special meeting of HMUFA!

[man] Yay.

OK, that's a start.

Anyway, ever since the Battle of Aurum,
we've become so much stronger together.

But there's something
keeping some of us apart.

Scarlemagne, could you please come up?

[crowd murmuring]

[clears throat]
Hello... everyone.

[all] Boo!

-Go away!
-You're not wanted here!

I just wanted to say that...

often in life,
we are faced with summer storms.

Sometimes we are
the thirsty roots of a tree,

and others,
the bird thrashing in the wind.

Even so, the rain must fall.

But the clouds will always
make way for the sun.

Do you see what I mean?

Are you calling us trees?

No. No!

Oh, he's saying we're too dumb
to know how rain falls!

That's not... that's not what I--

First, you destroy our homes,
and now you're calling us dumb trees!

You're the tree!

[indistinct yelling]

You guys! Stop!

We already did the throwing thing!

[grunts] I said... stop!

I've done terrible things to you.

And in return,
you've shown me... patience.

I don't deserve your forgiveness,

and I don't expect
anything to change after today.

But... for what it's worth, I am sorry.

Give it up for Scarlemagne, everyone!

[man] Yay.

Oh, come on!
You can't say you didn't feel that.

No, we did.

But we also feel...
incredibly scared!

Two emotions swirling together
like a beautiful vortex.

Kipo, we can't forgive Scarlemagne yet.

But you made a safe zone in my heart.

-We'll join HMUFA.

It took a lot of heavy lifting
to get Scarlemagne to apologize.

-I'll spot you any time.

Ohh, I wish I had confetti right now.

Welcome to HMUFA!

[all chanting]


So... maybe this could be
an everyday thing?

-What, the apology?
-No, walking around the village.

For a little bit.
Get to know everyone.

If you'd like.

I'll consider it.

I knew there was a good guy in there.

Yes, I know.
Deep, deep down.

Very deep.


Not so deep anymore.

[glass squeaking]

The summer storm from your story.

It was you, wasn't it?



Remember, the most important thing
is to stay calm,

so the deathstalkers
can't see your heartbeat.



You actually lived here?

That's impressive.
No, it... it's amazing.

No. No, you don't get to do that.

You don't get to be my friend.

Wolf, you tell her!

Do you know what it was like
to find out the people

I thought were my family
only saw me as food?

So messed up.
And then what happened?

I had to fall asleep every night
knowing that nobody in the world

was thinking about me.
Or even cared that I was afraid.

Of course, I cared.
You were my sister.

But our... my parents...

they made me think I didn't have a choice.

I was scared.

You don't abandon your friends
when you're scared.

That's when you need them the most.

That should be a rule of the surface.

I'm glad you found the pack you deserve.

So, where is he?

I'm... supposed to take you
to the parking garage.


She captured us.
She said she'd take away our minds,

turn us into animals.

But she'd let us go
if I brought you to her.

She wants to use you to get Kipo.


Aah, Emilia... makes more sense.

-You walked us into a trap?
-Not yet.

I'll figure out another way
to save my brother,

but you can still get out of here.

[footsteps approaching]

No, they can't.

[music playing]