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02x09 - All That Glitters

Posted: 03/24/24 10:59
by bunniefuu


So, it was Dr. Emilia the whole time?

If she rescues the people
from the burrow--

She'll turn everyone into
mute-hating weirdos, just like her.

I knew I didn't like her.

I saw the twisted soul that lives
beneath the surface, and I said,

"Benson, that is an evil woman."

Dave! That did not happen.
Quit lying.

OK, guys, I don't have much time.

You go stop Dr. Emilia
from getting to the coronation.

- By any means necessary.
- Oh, you mean fight dirty.

Yeah, we can do that.

Dave, always with the rocks.

We're not throwing rocks at Dr. Emilia.

Kipo, aren't you coming?

Well, Scarlemagne's
kind of opened up to me.

I mean, he really told me
a lot of personal stuff and--

Oh, you're gonna stay here
and exploit his weaknesses

for when you have to fight him.

Yep, you guessed it.

Here. You take these.

[footsteps approaching]

- Someone's coming.
- [gasps]


Hey, Scarlemagne wants you
to join him in the food court.

He said, and I quote,

"No one goes to the bathroom
for that long."

Have you ever tried
to go in one of these dresses?

It takes a long time.


- Again.
- Hi, Emilia. Good to see you.

You still sound like you want to k*ll her.

Hi, Emilia!

You want to k*ll my best friend,
and I'm OK with that.

Mm, better.

Look, Wolfie, all you gotta do
is play nice until we get Mandu,

then use this baby
to blow up the tunnel in the morning

so she can't follow us
to Scarlemagne's palace!

You can do it.
And if you don't, we are doomed!

If we do that,
then what do we give to Emilia?

That's why I swiped this perfume bottle.

Oh, that looks just like this nectar b*mb.

I know, Dave.
That's the point.

Right, right.

Come on.
And, again.

[Wolf groans]

Hi, Emilia.
How's it going?

Look who I found pretending to be Kipo.


- Where is she?!
- Kipo's gone?

- [squealing]
- She was... she was right here.

Do you really expect me to believe
you don't know where she is?

I don't care what you believe.
It's your fault she's gone.

My fault?!

You told her she has to fight
the Mega Monkey.

- Do you know how scary that is?
- Poor Kipo!

Carrying the weight of the world
on her 13-year-old shoulders.

No wonder she ran off.

If anything happens to my best friend--

We're leaving.

First thing in the morning,
with or without her.

I will not abandon all those humans.

- Now, give me the nectar b*mb.
- Oh, right, the b*mb.

- [squeals]
- It's fine, Mandu.

It wasn't your fault... probably.


They're back, but Kipo's gone.

Something's up.

Do you think they found out
we're using them

and planning on k*lling Kipo
when we're done?


But saying that out loud
doesn't help, Greta.

[groans] We might have to go back
to our original plan.

One of us has to use
the sonic emitter on the Mega Monkey.

As long as we have her friends,
we can get Kipo back.

A valiant effort, Kipo,
but you're too late.

I will become Corn Dog King!

Uh-uh-uh, not so fast.

While you were sacrificing your army
to burn my corn fields,

I snuck into your farm...

and started a revolt with the farmers.

So, actually, I win!

[maniacal laughing]

♪ I'm the winner, I'm the winner ♪



I like this game.
The strategy, the manipulation.


What made you think of it?

Oh, um, just wanted
to blow off some steam.

You seemed so stressed,
pacing around and yelling at Gerard.

- [nervous chuckles]
- Oh, that reminds me.

- [Gerard yawns]
- Gerard!

[Gerard grunts]

The mute gangs will be arriving
first thing in the morning.

Is everything ready for them?

- Yes, sir, Scarlemagne, sir!
- Excellent.

And if I catch you yawning
at my coronation,

I will drop you from the sky!

Now, get some rest.

Have you ever maybe
thought about not doing that?

Torturing Gerard?

No, I enjoy it very much.

No, I mean the whole coronation thing.

What if you just invited
everyone over for a party?

And let all the humans go.

You're joking, right?
What is power without someone to rule?

Besides, this is what
I've wanted my whole life.

Really? Your whole life?

I doubt this is what Hugo wanted.

All he wanted was a hug
and his stupid star blanket.

When I'm crowned emperor,
that pathetic wretch Hugo dies.

Oh... I like hugs and star blankets.




Come on.

How did game night go?

Did you find out
what you needed to fight Scarlemagne?

Not exactly.
But, I found out why I won't have to.

- What?!
- [footsteps approaching]




Hugo's still in there,
and I know how to get through to him.

I just need your help making him...
a present.

A present?! How will that...
What will that...

- Um, what?
- You'll see.

We can fix all of this,
once we get through to Hugo.

Hugo's gone.

And a homemade gift
isn't going to convince

that lunatic tyrant
to suddenly be nice!

All right Alpha team,
you're heading in first.

B team goes in once
you've secured the perimeter.

- Strike team goes in last.
- Wait, wait, wait!

- Who wants a hot breakfast?
- Whoa, breakfast can be hot?

[sighs] We don't have time.
Alpha team leaves in five minutes.

- That's plenty of time.
- We'll eat fast.

We won't even waste the time saying
"mmm," no matter how good it is.

[sighs] You have four minutes.

Hey, everyone!
There's food out here!

It's hot and different!
It's called a hot breakfast!

- [chuckles]
- [squeals]

Mandu, not helping.


It worked, everybody's here.

Aw, yeah.
We got this.

- The Brunch Bunch!
- Who?

The three of us.
I'm calling us that, now.

[squeals, snorts]

All right, Wolf,
you ready for phase two?

You're literally the only person
that can do phase two without dying.

Right, right.

I really don't think glitter
will solve this problem.

I really don't think you should just
give up on someone you helped raise.

I've seen what he's become.

He's hurt everyone we know
and care about, including your mother!

I know, but can you just trust me?

Maybe if you weren't so quick to assume
he's a lost cause, we wouldn't be here.

Dad, I didn't...

- I'm sorry.
- No, you're right.

- [gasps]
- Let's try this your way.

[wings flapping]


Burrow girl.



Piping hot brekky comin' in!



Why is your pig
slobbering all over the cutlery?

Whoops. [chuckles]

Mandu, gross.
I'll get you a clean one.

- [squealing]
- [grunts] Mandu!

You're in the way.


Time to go. No more pancakes, Greta!

But there are more pancakes.

- Do you want some?
- They're made with love.

And real fake butter spray.

Absolutely zero ingredients
found in nature.

- [rumbling]
- [gasps]

I think the tunnels caved in!
We should all go check that out!

This is for destroying our home!

[hip-hop music playing]







That was incredible!

What is the meaning of this?!

Why are you out of your cage?!

I know this looks bad, but I broke
my dad out to come talk to you.

Lio, you tell me.

- Hey!
- [coughing]

And don't hold back the truth.

We were coming to see you.

I didn't think it was a good idea,
but she really believes in you.

And then these frogs att*cked us.

But she beat them... easily.
It wasn't even a fight.

- My daughter is amazing.
- Aw, Dad.

She can do anything.
Even show me how wrong I've been.

- About what?
- About how I gave up on you.

I shouldn't have.
I'm sorry it took Kipo to point it out.

My, my.
You're just full of surprises, Kipo.

Now, come along.

Hey! What about us?




Oh, no! There was an earthquake,
but only right here.

That's not how earthquakes work, Greta!


Earth blood.

Huh. That's expl*sive nectar.

Sorry about this everyone,
but we'll always have brunch!


- Guys, mission accomplished!
- The Brunch Bunch rules.

So long, Dr. Emilia!

I wouldn't be so sure.

She broke your perfume!

[Scarlemagne] What do you think
about this for my grand entrance?

[playing dramatic tune]


No. Not regal enough.



Maybe something more like this?

[plays slow-tempo tune]

Oh... I like that.

But it needs a little tremolo.

[both laughing]

[both sighing]

You know, if you were
like this with everyone,

instead of forcing them to follow you,
they might choose to.

No one wants to be ruled.

Why would they choose that?

Because they like you.

That would never happen.

It already did... with me.

I made you something.

I know it's not the one you lost,
but I thought...

Well, I wanted to say I'm sorry
for everything that happened

and for my part in hurting you.

You weren't the one who rejected me.

Please, just promise me
you'll think about what I said?

Give people a chance to like you.

[playing slow tempo tune]


Some rocks would've come in handy
right about now.

[hip-hop music playing]




[Benson] Dave!



[both] Wolf!


Here's a tip:

Stop yelling each other's names
before you attack.

You, on the other hand,
might actually be a challenge.

You're about to find out.







[door locks]

Hey, why didn't I get thrown in the cage?

Because I was hoping you were dead.

I demand to be tossed in there
with my friends!

Thank you.

- Really, Dave?!
- Great job.

Now you'll be bait to lure Kipo
back here after the coronation.


[Mandu squealing]


Aww, the little piggy looks mad.

[squeals, snorting]


- Go, Mandu!
- Yes!

It's like trying to punch a butterfly!



- [growls, squeals]
- Yeah, baby!



I will... not... lose to a mute.


- Yeah! Who-hoo!
- Oh, yeah!

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

That's good, Mandu.
Now, let us out.


Mandu, that was amazing!

I'd kiss you if I didn't see you
eating out of the garbage earlier.

The four of us make a pretty k*ller team!

I hereby dub thee,
Baroness of the Brunch Bunch.


Ah, Wolf, I'm so sorry.

It's fine. We gotta go.

The coronation's about to start.



Wait a minute.
Is that the burrow girl?

[female wolf]
I don't know. This is awful.

[male wolf] She got taken, too!

Do you think Scarlemagne's
being fashionably late,

or do you think I got through to him?

I know you can't say anything,
and... and that's troubling,

but, I've decided to feel good about this.

- [slow tempo piano tune plays]
- [gasps] Our song!

Maybe I did get through to him!

- [rumbling]
- [grunts]

[piano tune intensifies]


Or not.


I can't hear you!


[crowd cheering]

My mute brothers and sisters, welcome!

Today marks the beginning of a new age.

A golden age, ruled by yours truly.

[crowd cheering]

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Now, before you all bow to me,
it has been brought to my attention,

that perhaps I should give you a choice.


You can swear loyalty to me,
and live in my golden city,

or you can choose to oppose me,
and become part of the decor.


[crowd gasping]

Are those the actual Mod Frogs?!

- No, way!
- That's terrible!

- [male 1] That's messed up, man!
- [male 2] That can't be.

Choose wisely.



[all chanting]
Scarlemagne! Scarlemagne!

[chanting continues]

Do you like your gift?

Uh, I... I didn't ask for this.

You didn't have to.
You gave me a gift, so I gave you one.

They'll never bother you again.

[breathing heavily]

You look upset.
But I did what you asked.

- I'm giving them a choice.
- What kind of choice is that?

Let me try again.
This time, I'll give you the choice.

I'll let everyone go.

Only those who
want to follow me will stay.

I will give up everything
I've worked for, for you.

But I need to know that you're willing
to give something up for me.

OK, anything.

Gild your father.


No, I won't hurt my dad.

I see.

No one ever chooses me...

unless I make them.

[crowd chanting]
Scarlemagne! Scarlemagne!

[crowd cheering]

All hail Emperor Scarlemagne!

[crowd chanting]
Scarlemagne! Scarlemagne! Scarlemagne!

[music playing]