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02x07 - Benson and the Beast

Posted: 03/24/24 10:58
by bunniefuu





- [cooing]
- Shh.

OK, Dave, all we need to do
is get my cassette player back

from these weirdos,

and get out of here.


Yes! That was easy.

- [squeals]
- Dave!

Hand over that noise machine, Earthling.

Yeah! Or else we'll pulverize you
into stardust!


You know you're on Earth too, right?

Not for long!

Mutes and humans are ruining this world!
So, we're getting off the planet.

With aliens.

We're building an alien communicator.

And we need that thing
because it makes alien noises.

My cassette player?

[house music playing]


Yeah, this soothes baby Dave
when he's cranky.

There are others around,
but this one's mine.

So, good talk, bye.


You're gonna give us
that noise machine...

Or we're gonna take it from you!

- [coos]
- Aah!




- [cooing]
- It's an alien!

Uh... yeah. That's right.
I know aliens.

And he molted 'cause you made him mad.

- They exist!
- Oh, it's an alien!

- I knew it! I knew it!
- We made contact!

- We knew it!
- This is it!

Oh, man, he needs to go
before his burps turn into lasers.

- Oh, my goodness.
- Oh! The day has come.

- Yes!
- Oh, it's an alien!

- I knew it!
- We've made contact!

This is it.
This is it!

- Oh, I can't believe it.
- Oh!

An alien! An alien! A real alien!

Right in front...

[hip hop music playing]



♪ They're running, they're running
They're running right after me ♪

♪ Running right after me ♪

[all panting]

Kipo! Slow down!

♪ I'm at the top
And they pray that I fall ♪

[lyrics continue indistinct]





Don't even think about it!

- [growling]
- [gasps]

Hey, it's OK. It's us.
Everything is going to be OK.

Hey! Backpack!
Don't go near that thing, it's dangerous.


[Benson] Kipo...


Come back to us.

- [g*n cocks]
- [gasps]



- [groans]
- [Wolf] Benson!







Remember who you are!

[low growling]

[all gasp]


Where am I?

What happened?
Why am I so angry?

It worked!
The anchor worked! Ha.


[Kipo laughing]


- Does that mean she's the girl who--
- Yes, Greta.

Shut it, and follow my lead.


Welcome back.

- [grunts]
- Benson, I'm so sorry!

I was just so upset about losing my mom,
and the jaguar just took over.

And... I hurt you.

- Benson! Are you OK?
- I'm fine.

The important thing is, the anchor worked!

Good thing,
or you could've been hurt a lot worse.

He shouldn't have been hurt at all!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You're focusing on the wrong thing.

This means you can actually go Mega Jaguar
on Scarlemagne, and get your mom back.

- It's perfect.
- Zip it!

So, you're Kipo.
Are you OK?

How do you know her name?

Everyone in Las Vistas is talking about
the famous Mute-human hybrid.

And I listened.

If you knew who she was,
then why did you sh**t her?

Yeah. Sorry about that, kid.

But, you know, she was a giant,
roaring jaguar a few minutes ago.

Anyway, introductions: I'm Dr. Emilia,
and that's Zane and Greta.

[Kipo] Nice to meet you!

That's Wolf, that's Benson,
this is Dave, and--

Kipo, stop introducing us to strangers.

- And, that's Mandu.
- I'm glad we ran into you.

If you're fighting Scarlemagne,
we're on the same side.

We're part of the human resistance.
We're gonna take down Scarlemagne.

There's a human resistance?
That's so cool!

- What's it called?
- The... human resistance.

Once his mind control wears off,
we can get information about Scarlemagne.

That's great.

But you won't need to,
because we got a plan of our own.

We've got a jaguar hero to train!

- [bone cracking]
- [winces]

Oh, I'm gonna feel that tomorrow.

Ooh, that looks like
a dislocated shoulder.

Why don't you follow us back to HQ.
We'll set it back into place.

There's even a field
for you to train in, jaguar hero.

- Really? That sounds--
- Give us a minute.

Look, I know they're strangers,
but we have to do something about Benson

- before we can rescue my mom.
- I know.

But you can't just follow
anyone who offers help.

If we pretend we're thinking about it,
they won't think we're idiots.

- Knew it! That is her!
- What's our game?

We've been hunting that girl for 13 years.

And now we're just going to bring her
back to our headquarters.

The new plan is to use her as a w*apon.
And then destroy the w*apon.

I got it. So, we pretend like
we're saying important things.

And act like this was a tough decision.

After a lengthy discussion,
we've decided to come.

But, we can't stay long.
Because... we can't.

[knocking on door]

- Finally.
- Emilia.

- What brings you here?
- [Emilia] You've been lying.

You know how to isolate the mutagen.


Oh, Song.
What have you done to yourself?

Did you do this to your baby?

No wonder you've been hiding her.
You've made her one of them.

OK, first of all, my baby is perfect.
Second, she's the future.

She's the reason we will live
on the surface without destroying mutes.

You've betrayed our mission.
You've contaminated humanity.

Your half-mute experiment
can't be allowed to exist.

No! You'll never get to her!

Watch me.

No! Let me go!







- [bone cracks]
- [gasps]


Oh, it feels so much better.

Oh, thank you, good doctor.

I am good as new!

Are you sure?
That looked like it hurt.

Looked worse than it was.
[chuckles] I promise.

Next time you go Mega,
you'll be totally in control, no big deal.

Dr. Emilia, want to give us a tour?

You read my mind.
Welcome to the human resistance.

[all gasping]

So many blueprints.

You must have a really great plan.

These sewer tunnels connect HQ to Aurum.

We'll break the humans out,
and bring them here.

How? Aren't you afraid
that Scarlemagne will mind control you?

Not once we get him into this.
It's completely pheromone proof.

- Wow.
- [Dave] Hey, what's this?


- I wouldn't do that.
- Challenge accepted.

- [sound waves whirring]
- [screaming]

Challenge failed!
Challenge failed!

- What is this?
- It's a Sonic Emitter.

- [Mandu squealing]
- The frequency only bothers mutes.

Our plan is to use it on Scarlemagne.


[Emilia] And then,
he won't have time to pheromone us

before we get him in the box.

[sound waves stop]


It's not that bad!

[Emilia] When our friend wakes up
from that awful mind control,

we'll get the intel to finalize our plan.

This is Troy's dad!

Troy? What?!

I mean, uh, Troy,
who we took to Timbercat Village?

Not like I miss him.

He'll wake up soon.

Someone apologize
for sh**ting him out of the sky,

and give him a hot cocoa.

You and me,
we're going outside to start training.

Right. I should train.

Worked hard to get this anchor,
time to use it.

I'm fine! Thanks!

I'll go with you.
I've got the anchor to bring you back.

Hey, uh, Wolf.

While I'm gone, could you, I don't know,
make me look good in front of Troy's dad?

You know, if it comes up
organically in conversation.

Uh, why?


Is this because you
and Troy have that date thing?

You do? Why didn't you tell me?

Can I come?
Wait. Never mind.

Come on, Kipo.
It's time to go full jaguar.


Huh? Oh.

I don't know why it's not working!

Let's try again.



[Benson] This should be
a walk in the park for a Mega Jaguar!

Why isn't she transforming all the way?

- Hey! I'm trying my best.
- It's not enough.

Maybe it'll help if we up the stakes.

Or, I could try talking to her first.

- I think I know what's wrong.
- Sure, kid, give it a shot.

- Hey.
- Hey.

I don't know why I can't transform.

If I can't do this, how am I supposed
to save my mom from Scarlemagne?

Any chance not going full jaguar
has something to do with this?

Now that you mention it, maybe?


- Look, I told you, I'm fine.
- That doesn't make it OK.

And what if I hurt my people?

Kipo, that's why you have to
train to control it.

Or, I can control it by never going Mega.

It's the only way I can be sure
I won't ever hurt anyone again.

Kipo, you are stronger than the jaguar.

You just need to trust yourself.
I trust you.

But I don't.

I don't know, Benson said something like,
"Flapjacks are pancakes."

And then, Troy said, "It's a date."

Ooh! And then what?!


Where am I?
Who are you?

You're safe.
Roberto, right?

You were being mind controlled
by Scarlemagne, and Dr. Emilia saved you.

- We're Kipo's friends.
- Oh, good.

- Wait, but what about Troy?
- He's OK. He's with the Timbercats.

Thanks to my main man Benson!

Oh, that's wonderful.

Also, uh, what are Timbercats,
and who is Benson?

They're talking cats
with plaid shirts and axes.

- Troy's fine.
- And Benson's our good friend.

And he knows how to save people.

One time, he...
saved a bunch of kids from...

an acid spitting Mega Walrus.

Look! He's awake!

It's imperative that you tell us
everything you know

about Scarlemagne's coronation.

Every... single... detail.

Your face is really close to my face.

Speaking of faces,
you know who has a great face?

My friend Benson!

He's going to put all the humans here,

and mind control us all at once,
in front of everyone.

That's our chance.
We have to get to those humans,

before they enter the arena.

Oh, Benson can do that!
He's great at breaking into places.

In a good, hero type of way.

You're back!

I thought it felt a lot safer in here.

I heard about the Mega Walrus.

How did you save all of those kids?

Uh, I honestly have no idea.

- How was training?
- Great! I didn't hurt anybody.

I also didn't transform once.


Um, hello.
Sorry for, uh, just bursting in like this.

I'm Geli, and this is Jibralta.
We were nearby, when we heard--

Heard the call of an alien communicator!

[mimicking sound wave sounds]

We know it's here, somewhere.


- [grunts]
- What is this? What does this do?

Somebody sh**t those flying rats!




Nah, I'm just kidding.

But seriously, this hurts.

Get out of my way!
We know it's here. Somewhere.

[groans, grunts]

I know these bats.

They think the sonic emitter
is an alien communicator.

I got this, guys.

[both] Yeah!


Just turn into the Mega Jaguar.
Why isn't she turning?


[both laughing]

Look at her fly!

I have the communicator right here!

And I can use it
to summon my alien friends.

- [gasps]
- [Kipo yells]

- You! The Alien Whisperer.
- You're coming with us!

- [grunts]
- [gasps] Benson!

I trust you, Kipo!


- [Emilia] Is everyone OK?
- No!

They took Benson!
My Benson!

- We have to go after them!
- How? We don't know where they went.

That sonic emitter was our best hope
for defeating Scarlemagne.

Who cares about the stupid emitter?


Don't worry.
I'll get them both back.


Welcome, friend to aliens.
You are familiar with our mothership.

That's the name of our home!

What are you waiting for?
Contact those aliens.

Right. Right. Of course.

It's a complicated sequence.
Let me see if I can even remember.

Twist here, hold it clockwise, shake it,

then a double tap on the fibrillator
and uh, we're all good.

- [roaring]
- [yells]

The aliens!
They're here.

Already? Oh.
I... I haven't brushed my fangs.

- [roaring]
- [both grunt]

That's no alien.
That's just a dumb lion!





Hey, Kipo.
It's OK.


I trust you.

Whoo-hoo! Yes!
I knew you could do it!

Thanks, Benson.

For a minute, there I thought
I was gonna lose control,

but knowing that you believed in me,
made me believe in me, and--

Um, still gotta take care of these bats.

Oh. Right.
We'll return to this.

- She is an alien!
- A shape-shifting humanoid.

Oh, no!
I called the alien a dumb lion!

Now she'll never take us with her.

- [roars]
- [both yelling]

She said, don't let it happen again!

But, she's over it.

You're speaking with... the alien?

How many alien languages do you know?

Jaguardian, Dave-Dave, Wolfatha Christew,

the one that just sounds like
a bunch of beeps, and Mandukin.


Well, uh, we gotta go.

Top secret alien mission, and all.
So, uh, you get it.

- Oh...
- We really do.

[overlapping dialogue]

[Jibralta] This is what we do.
We really do.

[Geli] We do top secret
alien mission stuff, all the time.

Yep, we do!
We're gonna do some right now.

We really do.


[Benson] Whoa.


Benson, I thought I'd never see you again!

- [grunts]
- [laughing]

Kipo saved me.
Just like I knew she would.

And, no one got hurt.

- Except the bats, right?
- Nope. No one!

I'm totally in control of my jaguar side.

So, now I can fight Scarlemagne,
without hurting any humans.

Scarlemagne? No.
That's what the emitter's for.

I need you to take down the Mega Monkey.

The... Mega Monkey?

Scarlemagne has it under his control.
You're the only one who can stop it.

Don't let us down.

That sure was brave of you.

You know, I've been thinking,
if you're wanting to, uh,

take a stroll in the romance department,

there's someone I know
who's perfect for you.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

That Wolf girl has been saying
wonderful things about you, all day.

Oh. I mean, actually, I asked them
to say nice things about me.

They're probably not true.

They're definitely not true.

- Why would you do that?
- Oh, I don't know.

Troy's your son, and I just...

You know, one time my boy, Troy,

saved a bunch of grandmas
from an acid spitting Mega Mole.

- Wait, really?
- No.

But, you two would have a lot in common.

[Wolf] What's wrong?

This whole time
I was training to save my mom,

but I might have to fight her instead.

Maybe there's another way.

We'll be back in a few hours.
If anybody asks, I'm asleep.

These tunnels seemed a lot shorter
on the blueprints.

OK, he should be
keeping her right up there.

Thanks, Roberto.




Hi, Mom.

[moans softly]

It's really you, isn't it?


[squealing softly]

You look like you need this.

Let's get you out of here.





Well, isn't this my lucky night?

You must be Kipo,
the elusive burrow girl.


Careful, you wouldn't
want to hurt dear old Daddy!


I believe this calls for a feast!
