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02x06 - Fun Gus Part Two

Posted: 03/24/24 10:57
by bunniefuu



[Greta] Hey!

We got the collar away from Scarlemagne.


Now get it on the monkey.

- [grunts]
- Quick! Get it on!






What was that?!

Nope. Don't like it.

Oh, man, Dave was right!
This place is haunted!

Probably by an evil spirit
that wants to k*ll us all.

- k*ll us all!
- Hi!

[all screaming]

- Ah, baby ghost!
- You said ghost!

- [all gasp]
- Rhymes with toast!

- [all gasp]
- And with boast!

- [all scream]
- I like rhymes, and dimes, and splines.

I'm not a ghost. Or a toast!
I'm Fun Gus!

Look what I made!
It's a puh-terodactyl.

I named him Joe!

Oh, my goodness.
How cute are you!?

Not cute, Kipo!

Right. Focus.

Fun Gus, where are our friends?

Oh, you mean Bluey and Squiggle Baby Man?



We're playing!
They're my favorite new toys.




Listen, I know Dave and Mandu
are totally fun, but they're not toys.

Could you give them back?

Wait, I mean, no, thank you!

Listen, you over-sized mushroom.

You better give them back right now!

- [gasps]
- Wolf, don't!

He's just a little kid.
Wait. I have an idea.

Hey, do you want to read a story?

- [gasps] A story?
- Yeah!

My friends were about to
read us a great one.

It's got science, equations,
facts about my parents...


And action and adventure
and stuff that other people like, too!


- [gasps]
- Right!

So, if you bring our friends back,
we could all read it together!

OK. But I wanna read it!
I'm a great reader!

"X plus 3, and then two lines
on top of each other..."

Let's look for them.

[Fun Gus] Where's the fun part?
Oh, here it is.

"When I told Lio about the fur,
he was surprised."

- Did you say you grew fur?
- Yeah.

It kind of just appeared
on my arm and then poof!

- Disappeared.
- OK, that's definitely not normal.

- How do you feel?
- Strong, furry, sad about my kimchi.

Well, the kimchi part I can fix.

But the strong and furry?

Maybe it's side effects
of the genetic modification?

[Song] Could be.

Sometimes a fetus's stem cells pass
to the mother via...

Microchimerism! Nerd!

[both laughing]

At least you didn't grow
a tail in the lab.

[gasps] The lab!
If it happens in front of them...

They'll know we isolated the mutagen.

They'll use it to turn mutes
back into animals.

- [sighs]
- What do you wanna do?

I'll stay home until I have the baby.

We'll have to give them
a really good excuse though.

- Complications with the pregnancy?
- Nah, they'll want you in the clinic.

[exclaims] I'll tell them you need to be
quarantined because you have burrow pox.

- There's no such thing.
- I know, Dr. Oak.

So, you can make up
all kinds of stuff about it, Dr. Oak.

Highly contagious, fever, headache...

[Fun Gus] "...rash under the knees...
[continues reading indistinct]

Burrow pox isn't real?

Then what happened to my mom?!

Do you think she's still alive?

Maybe. Maybe "they" took her.
Whoever "they" are.

Do you think "they"
could be Scarlemagne and his nobles?

I mean, he did seem to know your dad.

Benson's onto something.
Your dad called him "Hugo".

- [grunts]
- Hi!

What ya guys looking for?

- [gasps]
- Were you listening to my story?

We were!
But we were also looking for our friends.

But I'm not done playing with them yet.

I haven't had anyone
to play with in so long.

Well, what if we play for Dave and Mandu!

- [exclaims]
- Have you ever played hide and seek?

If we can find our friends, we win!
And you have to give them back.

OK, but you won't win,
'cause I'm so good at hiding stuff.


[Fun Gus giggles]

[singsong voice] You'll never find them!
You'll never find them!

You'll never find them!


How would you like
to go to my coronation?


Oh, don't bother answering.
Wasn't a question.




Where is the collar?

It has vanished from the spot...

- [growling]
- ...from whence it came.

She took it back.
We have to find the monkey first!


Hark! I found her!



[softly] Dave! Mandu!

Dave, can you hear me buddy?

Look, I just want you to know,
I'm sorry I didn't believe you.

You don't always have to be Fun Dave.
I love Old Dave, too!

[Teen Dave]
Stop talking about your feelings. [groans]

You're so embarrassing!

Where are you?

[Mandu squealing]

I can't see you anywhere!

But maybe I can smell you.





About time.

This pig's too close.
And I need my space.

Dave! Uh... I should've listened to you.
I'm so sorry.

You should be sorry.
I straight up told you. If you'd listen.

- We won! Fun Gus, we won!
- Way to go, you guys!

Now that we finished that game,
we can play another one!

No, it's time to give Dave and Mandu back!

Not till we play Simon Says,

and I'll be Simon
and it can be Fun Gus Says!

Or we can play jumping!

Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump...

There is no winning
with this kid, is there?

[Fun Gus] Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!


Ha! Stupid Mega Monkey.

Thinks 'tis hiding.




Um... sir?



Fun Gus says touch your nose,
Fun Gus says tickle your toes,

Fun Gus says dance in your bows,
boop-bop-beep-bop dippity doze!

[all scream]

Ah, Fun Gus,
can you maybe calm down a little?

Sorry! I'm just so excited!
What game is next?!


How about my favorite game,
"who can close their eyes the longest"?

- Isn't that just a nap?
- No, no, no! It's a game!

I know that one!

Oh, oh.
Dave and Mandu should play, too!


Fine. Guess I'll play but no peeking.

Mandu, I'm looking at you.

Let's play a little music
to get us in the eye-closing mood.

[soft music plays]

Psst, Dave.

[giggles] I'm already winning...

[whispers] He's asleep.

[whispers] You guys go.
I have to keep reading.

If this journal isn't my anchor,

maybe it'll give me a clue
to something here that is.

We've been through this before.

We're not leaving you, Kipo.

Pssh, yeah.
Leaving's for losers.

We're a team.



- [snores]
- He's dreaming.

"Today I made the biggest breakthrough
of my career..."

Check it out! Secret panel!

Oh, my goodness!
You've always wanted one of those!

I know, right!

[laughs] I guess you're still
getting used to that super strength.

How was work?

Well, there were cupcakes
for Janet's birthday,

and everyone's suspicious
of your burrow pox.


Well, I'd feel better about that
if you had brought me a cupcake.

Yeah. That would've made
this next part so much easier.

I think maybe we should leave tonight.


As in leave before I have the baby?
I can't give birth on the surface.

It's too dangerous.

Song, hey, Song.
Are you OK?

- [panting]
- Song?



Come here, sweetheart.
Come to Daddy. It's OK.


Sh, sh, sh, sh, sh.
It's OK, Kipo.

- [cooing]
- She's perfect.

Just like her mom.

- Honey, look.
- Oh, good. You're seeing it, too.

I thought I was just deliriously tired.

Look at her little paw!

- Guess we have a jaguar on our hands.
- Good thing.

Komodo dragon
would've been hard to cuddle.

- [chuckles]
- She changes everything.

She'll makes it safe for humans
to live on the surface.

Only if we can get her out of here.


You're right.
I'll go start packing.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

I'll pack and as soon
as you're well enough,

we'll get Hugo and go.


- That's what my dad called--
- Scarlemagne.

If your parents were planning on
taking Scarlemagne with them...

Then who were they running from?

Dr. Emilia!

[groans, grunts]

- That monkey packs a punch.
- Yeah.

She must really miss me.

The monkey was mine for 13 years.
I'm not giving up that easily.

- Let's go.
- The dragonfly's busted.


- It ain't flying nowhere.
- I can fix it!

I just need another dragonfly.

Don't bother.
We go on foot.

This whole time I thought Scarlemagne
was the most evil thing out there,

but what if he's not.
What if there's someone else?

- [screaming]
- Hey! No one else's eyes are closed!

Wait a second. Were you trying
to trick me into taking a nap?



Every version of me
thinks that kid is creepy.

[nervous laugh]
Fun Gus, we're sorry.

We're not trying to trick you but--

We've just really
gotta find Kipo's anchor and...

La, la, la, la, la!
I can't hear you!

I can't hear you!

Uh, guys?

- [screaming]
- What did you say Squiggle Baby Man?

You don't want to play with them anymore?

OK! Then we'll play alone.

Fun Gus, wait!
Let's play another game!

- You choose!
- Really?!

- [grunts]

I vote tag! Tag!

What? You didn't say "go!"

- [grunts]
- Double tag!

You're supposed to let go after you tag!

You guys tried to trick me!
Now I'm tricking you!

See how you like it!



You're cheating!




Don't worry.
I won't attack you.

In fact, look around.
I'm all alone.


Hmm, so you can understand me.


The human who enslaved you
stole my pheromones to do it.


How would you like
to get revenge on Dr. Emilia?


Yes. Join me.

We won't rest until all humans

share the same fate
you were forced to endure!

[maniacal laughter]

Oh. Where are you going?


We have to get them out
of Lichenland, Mandu.

But how?

- [sneezes]
- [groans]

You sneezed into my mouth!

[coughs, gasps]
Mandu, you're a genius!




[gasps] Mulholland!

Kipo! Kipo!

Kipo! Kipo!

- You came!
- Of course, I did.

This is the first time
someone's invited me over!

Hmm? Do you think that's because
I used to feed on brain energy?

Yes. Yes, I do.

[expl*si*n noise]
Mind blown.

This self-discovery journey
is a real trip.

- Anywoos, what can I do for ya?
- So glad you asked!

Are you ready to take your journey
to the next step?

Because I really need your help!


Mary, pour me some tea please?

- I think that's you, Wolf.
- No. There isn't anything there!

Mary, use your imagination!

[slurps] Ah!

- Aw, I spilled!
- Uh, what are you doing here?

If I can't take my friends with me,
I'm staying.

- We're a team.
- Yay, team!

My forever friends!

More tea for Mary and no more cream

for Squiggle Baby Man.

Keep sleepin', lil' lichey.

[muffled grunting]



Boy, am I glad to see you!

Whoo! It stunk in there!
What does he eat?

Let's get out of here.

- [grunting]
- This little fellas catching on.

I can't hold him--

Much longer!

- [cooing]
- Take the picture!

I'm trying!

It's hard to take
a picture of yourself with this.


Aw, look how cute Mom and baby are.

[sighs] I wish I could frame this picture,
but no one can ever see it.

I'll break into the lab tonight for Hugo.
Then we leave.

[knocking at door]

- [gasps] Lio.
- OK.

New plan, we leave now.
End of plan.

- Take Kipo and get out of here.
- No! We are not leaving you.

- Not like this.
- You have to.

Kipo's the most important thing
in the world.

I'll be fine.
Super strength.

You know where to find us.

[knocking continues]

I love you both.


[Fun Gus roars]

[Kipo gasps]


[Fun Gus] Get back here!

I'm sorry, Fun Gus!

[Fun Gus roars]


You don't have to be
friends with everyone.



Thanks, Mulholland.
We couldn't have gotten away without you.

I had no idea
helping could be so fulfilling.

If you ever need me, Kipo and Co.,
just call into the water again.

Helping is so cool!
Super cool.

- [squealing]
- [groaning]

It isn't the anchor, is it?


Come on!
Get an anchory feeling!

Come on!
Anchor feelings go!


So, how do we stop Scarlemagne?





What is it?



It's my family.

Like... really us.

The way we truly are.

Guys, this is my anchor!

Oh, thank goodness!

Wait a second.

My mom.

Her fur, it's not jaguar fur.


[maniacal laughter]

[all gasp]

You left me no choice.

[maniacal laughter]

[singsong voice] Off we go!




It's Fun Gus!
He's coming for me!

No. Look!






[all gasping]


[all gasping]



[upbeat song playing]