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02x05 - Fun Gus Part One

Posted: 03/24/24 10:57
by bunniefuu



I can't believe we're doing this!


Wait, I left the stove on.
We have to go back!

- Lio!
- I'm just kidding! [laughs]

- Oh, my gosh, the stars.
- Yeah.

Oh, my gosh, the moon!

- [squawking]
- [Song exclaims] Flamingos!

Ooh! And they have two heads!

Oh, I hope they get along with each other.

- [Lio chuckles]
- [exclaims] A Mega!

I want to pet it!

How tall do you think it is?

Maybe 300 feet?

It's no wonder we ended up
hiding underground.

But, hey! Now that you figured out
how to reverse the mutation,

we could even have one
as a teeny tiny house pet.


A pet.

- We can't do this, right?
- No!

I'm so glad you said that!

Hugo said my name today.
He can think!

- We can't take that away from him.
- From all of them!

Then we won't.
We'll hide this.

We tell our team
we have no idea how we did it

and that it could take years to replicate.

And it's not like anyone else
can do what you can, Song.

- Aww, honey. It's true.
- Yeah, it is.

[chuckles] We'll hold them off
as long as we can.

I just wish it didn't mean this would be
the only time we get to look at the stars.

It won't be. We will find
another way to survive up here.


It'll just have to be extraordinary.

- [barking]
- [howling]


[Wolf] Do not molt!
Do not molt! Do not molt!

Well, now that's all I can think about!

- [Kipo] He's gonna molt.
- You better stop saying molt.

- [grunts]
- [yelping]

Made it two... whole... blocks that time!

Carrying all four of us!
And you're still super Dave!

Dude, you are really getting
the hang of this!

Yeah, but I still say it'd be
faster by Mega Jaguar.

We've been over this.

She'll get stuck that way
unless we find her anchor!

Pssh. That won't be a problem
because we're almost at my parents burrow.

I'll find my anchor
and maybe even learn more about my mom!

- Your dad didn't tell you about her?
- Uh, well.

It was a tough subject.

She died of burrow pox when I was a baby.

Oh, well, I'm sure your mom was awesome.

You think so?

Yeah, I bet she was also great
at singing into hoot hoots!

I can't wait to get in there and find out!

According to this map,
it's under some kind of orange rainbow?

Uh, Kipo, obviously,
that is a cheese waterfall.

[chuckles] You should know this.

Maybe it's the Cheddar Toes headquarters!

And we can get all the cheese we want!

I love it, but that can't be right.

Right is just a state of mind.

Unless you're a hand,
then it's the opposite of left.



[piano music playing]

This place is sick.

Welcome, welcome, welcome,
to my humble abode!

Come on, come on, don't be shy.
Gather round the piano forte!

Now, as you might know,
there is a Mega Monkey on the loose.

I need you to sing to me.

Sing to me of where I may find her,
and you will be greatly rewarded!

We heard the Mega Monkey is in--

Sing it!

♪ It is in Cactustown ♪


You get first pick of the luxury homes
I'm building for mute kind.

No more living in the squalor
of ancient human ruins.

[all exclaim]

Here, you will be waited on
webbed hand and foot.

We'll take this one.

Ooh. Poolside view, excellent choice.

It will be all ready for you
following my coronation as your emperor.

But first:
Gerard! Lemieux!

Ready my flamingos.
We're going hunting.

You know what?

I bet they put the moon
far away so we don't eat it.

- You can't eat a star, Greta.
- The moon is neither a star nor edible.

OK, I don't have time
to explain that right now,

because we have to find that monkey.

If we're trying to find a monkey,
why are we following ants?

I told you, Zane.
Monkeys eat ants.


It's him.
We have to move faster!

I can get us a ride.
I have a special connection with animals.

[charging yell]

[fighting grunts]


[Kipo] No one drink anything!
Remember what happened last time?

Yeah, we do!
And it was awesome!

Hey. Can you take us to that party again?


- [hip hop music]
- ♪ Hey, how you doin', baby? ♪

[squealing and snorting]

You want me to take you back
to that cheesy forest?

- Of course!
- [Wolf] Don't even think about it!

Relax, I'm not here to absorb anyone.

Lately, this wide-eyed wanderer's
just been trying to find himself.

By getting lost.

So, there are pieces of me
everywhere right now.

Some of me is here,
some of me is far away.

[in multiple voices] But it's all me.

[normal voice] Anyhoodle, Kipotastic,
I couldn't help but overhear,

and I feel like
you'll find what you're looking for.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

Just a lil' nugget of goodwill for ya.
I'm trying out being helpful.

Hey, fellas, if you change your mind
about that party,

or rather if you want me
to change your minds...

Oh, no.
You're not changing anyone's minds.


I'd be cool with it though.

What is wrong with you?

I'll be around.

Guys! A water dude
who's been inside my mind

is saying I'm going to find
what I'm looking for!

If that's not a good sign,
I don't know what is!

Do you ever just think about
what we do in a day and go, "Whoa?"

[Mandu squeals]


[gasps] We made it.

My parent's burrow!



This isn't cheese.

We dream too big.

So, it's completely covered in fungus
and it smells like pumpkin barf.

The important thing is, we're here.

This place is huge.

How are we going to
find your parent's apartment?

One door at a time.
Come on!

The sky is windy.

If birds had lips
they'd be chapped all the time.

Thank you, Greta.


[high-pitched ringing]



Oh, no, was this too loud for you?

This is barely a whisper for me.


[high-pitched ringing]



What is this place?

That's a DNA helix!

[exclaims] What if my parents came from
an entire burrow of scientists?!

That would explain a lot
about you and your dad.


Mandu, that is not cheese.
I already tried it.

All of this is so hi-tech.

Oh. Do you think you scan your eyeball?

If it takes eyeballs,
we know whose eyes we're using.



- They're in alphabetical order!
- [gasps] We're in the V-section. C'mon!


Dave? You OK?

There's a ghost!
In there!

It's just a dead bug.

Pullman, Potts... Oak!

- Here it is!
- Don't go in!

This place is haunted!
- Dave, what did I just tell you?

Don't mind him.
Sometimes old man Dave is pretty paranoid.

- Bye-bye, fun Dave.
- We're going in.

I think I know the code.


Everyone OK?


Good. My bones are like steel.

I hurt my toe.
But that happened before we crashed.

[high-pitched ringing]


You know the rules.

No one goes through
Umlaut Snake territory without permission.

That includes Umlaut air space, man!

[high-pitched ringing]

It's loud but it isn't that bad.

Mute hearing is more sensitive than ours.

[guitar melody playing]

Ohh! I like this song now!



Nobles, take them out!

Why isn't it working?



You'll regret getting in my way.





This is where my parents lived.

Know what else lived here?
A ghost!

- And it hates cleaning!
- Yup. Ghosts.

Notoriously messy.

You weren't kidding
about that paranoid thing.


Oh, the spirits are mad
we've invaded their space!

We need to leave now!
Everybody follow me!


He'll be back.

It looks like a lot
of your parents' stuff is still here.

I know! It's like they totally
jumped on this bed!

Yeah, and I bet they stabbed food
with these knives.

Oh, I can see it now!

[as Lio]
Song! Dinner's ready!

[as Song] Coming, Lio!
I'm almost finished doing math for fun!

[as Lio]
You're always doing math for fun!

[as Song]
Yeah! 'Cause it's fun!

[as Kipo]
That's not what they sounded like.

- I'm just bad at voices.
- I bet this was yours.

Aw, it's so little!

I can't believe I was ever this small!


Not getting that anchor type
of feeling the goats told me about.

But I'm keeping it.


Aw, thanks, Mandu!

Definitely not my anchor,
but super useful for later!


They also had this?!

I thought this was just a thing
with me and my dad,

but I guess my mom loved the stars, too!


Wait a minute.
Something's off.

The Leo constellation has an extra star,
right there.

It's not like my dad to get it wrong.

Or maybe...


Secret panel!

I've always wanted one of these!

"Project Kipo."
Oh, my gosh, that's me!

- Really?
- Well, read it!

Ooh, formulas!

Uh, but I can read those later,
when I want to treat myself.

Here we go. "We have a new dream
for living on the surface.

Just imagine what a human mind could do
with the powers of a Mega Mute."

Mega Mute! They're talking about me!

[both exclaim]

"We can alter the mutagen..."

To favor the growth hormone

and combine it with the mutagen
enhanced DNA of apex predators.

Let's start with jaguar.

Now, falcon, monkey, Komodo dragon.

Giant worm?


I know only one of the samples will take,

but do we really want
our kid to be a worm?

Oh, right.

- [chuckles]
- Mm. Thank you, honey.


So, one of these little guys
is going to be our baby?

[both chuckling]

I was that hybrid-baby!
Guys, I'm a living science experiment.

Isn't that cool?


So cool.

I mean, I knew my parents were smart,
but I didn't realize how smart!

They had a crazy idea,
and they figured out how to make it work!

Nobody followed me?


I couldn't agree more.
See, they think I'm crazy.


You're right.
Friends are like butterflies.

If you let 'em go
and they come back to you,

that mean they was never
supposed to go in the get go.

And you can love 'em forever.
I got friends like that.

I've let some go and I kept some.


- Is that Dave?
- Is it?

The wall has a face!

- Pretty sure it is.
- He probably doesn't need me though.

Benson! Benson!

I'll go check it out.

There was a face in that wall!

I swear!

Well, Mr. Wall Face is gone now. OK?
Because he never existed.

But we haven't seen any ghosts,
so maybe you'd be safer with us.

Back inside.

Wall Face stared right through me,
into my soul.

He has no soul, so he wants to eat mine.

You would think he'd be full
from eating all these other souls,

but he keeps eating them.
They go right through him!

You can't have my soul.
It belongs to someone else.

I know what I'm talking about,

I've visited the spectral plane
between lives.

- No. No, you haven't.
- OK, fine.

But I still know what I saw.

Listen to this!

"Today I came home
and Lio was making dinner."

Hey, honey!


I hope you made enough for three.

- Why, are we having company?
- Sort of.

More like a permanent house guest.

We're having a baby?

[shouting] We're having a baby!

[laughs] I love you.

I love you.

I love everything right now!
I love these jammies!

I love this kitchen.

I even love the dumplings I forgot about,
and now they're burning.

Oh, Lio! I love you, too.

"We are so excited
and can't wait to meet our little Kipo."

- [giggles]
- They loved you so much.

Are we hugging?
Bring it in. We're hugging.

[glass shatters]

Quit haunting me, you demon spirit!

You have no power.
You're weak!

[sighs] Sorry, guys.

- [sniffles]
- So, is this your anchor?

I'm not sure.

Maybe I just haven't gotten to the entry
that makes me go all "anchory."

Keep reading!

Dave, I need you to stop.

- [grumbles] The ghosts don't stop!
- Dave!

Come out and face me like a bug,
you cowardly specter!

Dude, ghosts aren't real! OK?!

I wish you would just molt already.

Preferably into, I don't know,
a fun version of you?!

Oh, that hurts.

Guess I'll just get out your way
until I molt into someone you like.

- Dave, I...
- [snorts]




My very own baby doll!

- [squeals]
- And baby piggy! Yay!


- [squawking]
- [hissing]

Get the collar.


I did it.

I found you first.

For the future of humanity,
I'll never let Scarlemagne have you.

- [gasps]
- What happened?

Ah! My mom opened a jar of kimchi!

Wow! Good for her?

No, listen...

I'm making kimchi and peanut butter.
You want any?

Oh, that sounds horrible.

But if it's what you're craving,
go for it!

- [grunts]
- Oh... Are you OK?

- Don't move!
- I don't know what happened!

- It was like I had super strength!
- It's OK.

We knew there could be side effects.

And super strength's not so bad!
Might come in handy.

[sighs] Earlier at the commissary,
someone bumped into my belly,

and I'm pretty sure...
I grew fur on my arm.


- [gasps]
- [Benson and Wolf] What?!

Super strength!
Just like me!

Fur! Just like me!

This means my mom was a Mega Jaguar,
just like me!

[all laughing]

[Benson] That's amazing!

Kimchi and peanut butter sounds gross,
but that's amazing!

- Does that mean...?
- This is my anchor?

I think so!
We just have to keep reading and...




Ahh... Ah!

- What is happening?!
- I don't know.

Ah! The journal!

- [strains]
- Kipo, no!



[voice giggling]