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01x06 - The Collection

Posted: 04/22/10 20:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Justified"...

I got a call this morning from a. U.S.A. David Vasquez.

Wants ava to come up to Lexington.

Raylan, you can't sleep with her.

I know.


I won't.

Is there a part of you that's just disappointed?


That you raised such an idiot.

There were no dr*gs on me.

I got you out of jail.

At the very least, I'll get you back in.

Why, hello, there, Raylan.

Hello, Boyd.

How you doing?

The food isn't as advertised, and there was no mint on my pillow, so I don't think that I would come back to this particular hotel.

But it is better than Alderson - or maybe I'm better.

See, I've done a lot of bad things in my life.

But what I know now is that the only hope that I have of saving my own soul is by helping to save the soul of others.

But I can see by the glazing of your eyes that you didn't ask to see me because you wanted to hear about my ministry.

How can I help you, Raylan?

I saw Arlo the other day.

Well, how did that go?

I want to know everything you know about what he's up to.

Well, if I tell you, what do I get?

What do you want?

Well, you understand what it is that you're asking for.

I asking people in here about your daddy -- I mean, that could put me in a very compromising position.

You want me to arrange for that mint on your pillow?

No, Raylan.

The only thing that I want you to do is to think about your immortal soul.

You are a violent man, my friend.

You have left a trail of dead behind you.

You think about it -- the life that you've led, the work that you've done.

At one moment, you could be breaking into the home of a fugitive.

And the very next moment, you could be facing your final judgment.

Now, how do you think that you're going to fare on that glorious, glorious day, Raylan Givens?

It's always a good question.

Well, it's the most important question there is.


Raylan, honey, I made you coffee.

It's from a machine.

Yes, it is.

What you got there?

The classified ads.

You already got a job.

I'm still waiting on a free haircut.

Free nothing.

Well, maybe a discount.

I'm looking for an apartment.

I can make a mean cup of coffee when I got a kitchen.

This ain't that bad.

I wouldn't mind a couple closets, either.

A couple?

Well, look at you, thinking I'm all hot and bothered for us to move in together.

You're tarnished with the dark stain of d-I-v-o-r-c-e.

My marriage ended a little more amicably than yours.


Why did your marriage end?

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

I ran into that Johnny Crowder the other day.

Oh, yeah?

Johnny Crowder doesn't make my stomach turn.

I'm glad you feel that way.

He gave me a little heads-up, asked me to pass it on to you.

Bo is getting his release soon.

Johnny thought you might want to get out of Kentucky.

It would take more than that to get me gone.

Ava... Since I was 19 years old, I always dreamed -- if I saved enough money, I'd move to Lexington.

Raylan, you probably don't remember what a relief it is to walk around every day and all you see is strangers.

You know, I can walk into a store or a coffee shop -- nobody knows anything about me... or my family...or if I sleep in a nightie or buck naked.

I can answer that last one.

At any rate, I ain't leaving, bo Crowder notwithstanding.


Good morning, sunshine.

What's up?

Well, I was gonna apologize for being late.

For what?

You know that little cellphone thing that we issue to all the marshals?

You should turn that on once in a while, check your messages.

You want me to check them now?

No, I'll just repeat myself.

I don't have anything better to do.

Uh, the first message was that everything's in place.

We got a team at the plane and at the house.

The banks are readto go, and the indictment's gonna be here in about an hour.

You've been saying that for days.

The second message is that we've got to go to Cincinnati to pick up this art dealer, 'cause Carnes is trying to sell some paintings.

I have to go with you?

Would I be here if you didn't?

Are you cold standing out here?

Not really. Why?

'cause I can't keep from staring at your nipples.

I'll be out in 10.

Thank you.

Raylan, in the interest of clarity, I'm gonna be as straightforward about this as possible.

What's your problem?

Tell me that wasn't Ava in there.

You really want me to answer that?

Oh, good God.

No, I don't want you to answer that.

You didn't hear a damn thing I said about that, did you?

I heard.

Well, you know that a.U.S.A. is still sniffing around on your trail -- that David Vasquez.

I know. I know.

Well, be smart, then.

Let me tell you something.

There are other things than smart.


Those are not smart.

Excuse me. Karl Hanselman?

We're with the U.S. Marshals service.

That still exists?


We like to keep a low profile.

We understand that Owen Carnes contacted you, trying to sell some paintings.

You've been eavesdropping.

Do you know Mr. Carnes?

You know what he's facing?

I read the papers.

Then you know that we'd put a tap on his toaster if we thought it would get us anything.

Just idle curiosity, but how much money did Carnes take?

10 years ago, it probably would have made the front page.

But after madoff, it'll barely register.

How can I help you?

Mr. Carnes.

Did you bring it?

I did.

Who are these guys?

Oh, we're with the U.S. Marshals.

What do you want?

As of noon today, the U.S. Marshals service has assumed responsibility for all your assets.

You've been served.

You haven't even arrested me yet.

You don't have an indictment.

Well, that's coming, Mr. Carnes.

You know that.

We're kind of in a gray area here, but basically, you know, You can still sell things.

It's just that we're gonna hold on to the funds until this issue is resolved.

Do you still want me to come in?

It takes a lot of the fun out of it, doesn't it?

Yeah, come on in.

You have a lot of art.

It's my wife's.

She and her art buyer, David Mortimer, bought it.

He's an annoying little shit, but I got to hand it to him.

He, uh, certainly got me what I wanted.

Well, here they are.

As you know, they're very hard to authenticate.

Where did your buyer find them?

A dealer in Prague.

May I examine them?

Have at it.

I don't want to sell the Hitlers, but, uh, well, you know The situation I'm in.

Even if I hand you my bagful of money, the deputy will take it away from you.

Well, I don't care about the money.

I care about the history.

How many Hitlers you have?


42 Hitlers?

Good lord.

Well, I'd sure love to come by and see them one day.

When you get out of prison, you'll have to come to Cincinnati.

I'm sorry.

I-I don't mean to interrupt.

I-I know it's really none of our business, but, uh, when you say "hitler, " do you mean Adolf Hitler?


He didn't tell you?

All these paintings here were all painted by Adolf Hitler.

You can't get any closer to history than this right here.

So, you know, I ain't no, uh, n*zi lover.

Do you have a bathroom?


Bathroom - may I use your bathroom?


Out the door to the left, down the hall.

You'll smell my wife's scented candles before you get there.

Can I help you?

Uh, Mrs. Carnes, I'm deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens.

Where's my husband?

Uh, he's in the, um, Den with a collector, looking at some paintings.

His last night of freedom, And he's talking to someone about his Hitlers?

He's trying to sell them.

I hope he succeeds.

I hate those damn things.

I mean, who in the hell buys Hitler paintings?

So, what are you doing here, deputy?

Uh, we served, uh, your husband with an order of forfeiture.

Do you know what that is?

Do I care?

You should.

Anything I can do about it right now?

Not really.

Then I don't care.

Do you want a drink?

Oh, I guess you can't.

I won't tell if you won't.

I suppose you should tell me about this order you served.

Under an order of forfeiture, we hold on to everything the accused owns.

Small, high-value items like your art, we'll move to a secure location, where it stays.

We auction it off if the U.S. Attorney proves it was obtained by illegal gain.

Mrs. Carnes.

Uh, Greg, this deputy Givens.

Deputy, this is Greg Davis.

He does most of the hands-on training of the horses.

Best in the business.

I'm not half the rider that Mrs. Carnes is.

You can stop kissing my ass, Greg.

You'll be out of a job tomorrow.

Well, I'm here now. Anything you need?

I don't know.

Are the horses staying or going?

Staying for now.

Work Max and Ringo if you can.

Max was shying at the Liverpool.

Yes, ma'am.


All those years teaching rich kids to sit a trot, scraping to get by.

And then I met Owen.

I taught his girls.

The wife didn't care about riding, but Owen did.

Well, he cared about me.

I went from doing everything --

Grooming, feeding, looking out -- to being handed the reins of the most magnificent creatures ready to ride.

Now you're telling me I'm gonna lose it all.

Anything you paid for with your own earnings, you get to keep.

I'm gonna lose it all.

g*dd*mn son of a bitch.

That fat bastard.

If I'd only charged him by the blow job, I'd be independently rich by now instead of getting dragged off by his shit Tornado.

He thought he was so smart.

All his jew lawyers can't help him now.

But, I'll bet he never told them about his Hitler collection.

I better get back.

Oh, don't go all P.C. on me now, Deputy.

I thought you were a good ol' boy.


You said the Hitlers were hard to authenticate.

Well, usually they are, but these were easy because they're obviously fakes.

Oh, you got to be wrong.

It cost me $300,000.

Then I suggest you speak to whomever sold them to you and get your money back.

Get David Mortimer over here.

Did you know Hitler was a painter?

Not until today.

He did it mostly when he was younger, before world w*r I.

Before he got into mass m*rder and so on.

What kind of a son of a bitch would collect something like that?

You know, I once met a man who made elaborate and detailed model reconstructions of famous aviation disasters.

Tenerife, Sioux city, Lockerbie.

These scaled down fuselages, blackened and torn.

Little engines and furrowed earth.

I don't know.

I figure people are entitled to their hobbies, and...

I'm entitled to think those people are creepy.

No offense, Karl.

Next time you're in Cincinnati, come by the gallery.

I'll show you my collection.

I think you'll be quite surprised.

Honestly, I think I'd rather stick my d*ck in a blender.

Well, that might solve a few problems.

Why'd you sell Owen fakes?

I didn't. These are real.

Tell the truth, David.

I am. Hanselman's lying.

Why would he lie?

Owen, please.

He wants to get them from you for cheap.

These are real Hitlers.

I swear to God.

Oh, well, then you wouldn't mind buying them back from me.

No, of course not.

Owen, he's lying.

You can't trust him.

I don't.

Tell the truth! What they are come from?

I'll get the electric blanket.

You do the second shot.

All right.

Now, according to this discovery channel show I saw, This warming-blanket business only works so long.

W-- okay. What are you doing?

Go on. Don't throw up.

You don't want your DNA on the carpet.


Why do you think?

They can't put a dead man on trial.

The case against Owen will get dismissed.

His kids will get some.

But I'll get most of it.

Oh, shit!


I don't think he's dead.

Oh, my God! he's alive?!

Jfk was alive for hours!

We don't have hours.

Honey, JFK had the best doctors in the world.

Owen's got nothing.

He won't last long.

We'll just give him a few minutes.

If he keeps making noises, we can always pinch his nose and cover his mouth.

Now, just do the second shot.

There you go.

Come on, baby. Come on.

Oh, my God!

What the hell are you doing?!

I had to get gunpowder on his hands.

And all of this had to be done in front of me?

Well, did you or did you not sell Owen those fake Hitlers?

Oh, my God!

That was your idea!


And you happily took your half of the proceeds.

Wait. W-what's your point? What?

Well, if word got out, you'd be ruined, right?

So as a favor to you, I'm willing to burn those paintings, And no one will ever be able to prove you sold forgees.

And in exchange, you will say -- when asked -- that when you left here, Owen was despondent but alive.

Now, can you do that?

Or do you not want me to burn the paintings?

Burn 'em.

Mr. Carnes!

Mr. Carnes!

Wh! whoa! whoa! hey!

What the hell are you doing?

We got this, deputy.

U.S. Marshals service owns this house now, so you want to pay us for a new door?

Gentlemen, relax.

Mrs. Carnes, we're here to serve an arrest warrant on your husband, Owen Carnes.

Well, you got your indictment, huh?

Where's your husband, Mrs. Carnes?

I don't know.

He never came to bed, at least not that I'm aware.

I to two sleeping pills.

I barely heard you all driving up.

When did you last see him?

10:00, after David Mortimer left.

Owen was in his den, staring at his Hitlers -- fake Hitlers, whatever they are.

Send in the locals.



I don't know what your policy is on suicides.

You're the I.R.S.

Well, it might not be a su1c1de.

Look, he was going away the rest of his life...

Hey, you should hear what this guy said.
Who are you?

I'm with the U.S. Attorneys office.

Go ahead. Tell him.

I was just saying it might not be a su1c1de.

Because of the shot in the ceiling?

Happens all the time.

No, because of the g*n in his hand.

I don't follow you.

When a man sh**t himself in the head, it's like he's a puppet without his strings, you know?

He just doesn't hold on to shit.

The g*n's usually found around him, but never in the hand.

You see that on a "CSI"?

Sadly, no.

The one thing we can all agree on is Carnes is dead and no one here gives a shit.

You want to get local P.D. To pursue a homicide, knock yourself out.

As far as the FBI is concerned, the criminal case is closed.

Forfeiture's all yours.

We're out of here in 10.

Mr. Givens.

I am.

You shot Tommy Bucks.

Tell me, did you really tell him he had 24 hours to get out of town or you'd sh**t him on sight?

Something like that.

That's fantastic.

I read, uh, what bucks did to that poor nicaraguan farmer with the stick of dynamite. Jesus Christ.

I mean, you must have really wanted to sh**t the guy.

I know I did, and I just read a report you're an a.U.S.A.


You guys still ven't figured out how to put a dead man on trial yet, huh?

Believe me, we'd love to.

Yank Carnes out of the morgue, You know, wire him up like "Weekend at Bernie's," get a ventriloquist to speak for him.

"I plead not guilty, your honor."

But you got all these negative Nancys always quoting the constitution and this g*dd*mn due-process bullshit.

It must be frustrating.


All that work on Carnes for nothing.


I'm not on the Carnes case.

David Vasquez.

I'm looking into your sh**t.

I'd really like to talk to you.

Obviously not today, but I'll call you, set something up.

Bucks pulled first.

Yeah, I read that, too.

Hanselman gallery.

Mr. Hanselman, deputy Givens.


Calling to arrange a viewing of my collection?

No, just a quick question.

Police forensics say the ashes that they, uh, pulled out of Carnes' fireplace showed those paintings were done with water-based oils.

Well, I don't know what they pulled out of the fire, but the paintings I examined were most definitely done with good old-fashioned oils, I assure you.

You're sure?

For one thing, deputy, water-based oils are quite new.

No self-respecting forger would attempt to fake a Hitler with paints that hadn't been invented when Hitler was painting.

You'd agree that wouldn't be the smartest move, right?

I suppose you're right.

Yeah, thank you.

Don't mention it.

And listen, if you're ever in Cincinnati -- Hi, Raylan.


I need a favor.

I'm sorry?

You said you needed a favor.

Because -- no, it's funny, 'cause the last time I saw you, You were -- I said, "I won't come by unannounced anymore,"

You said, "you won't come by at all anymore."

Well, I'm happy to be your course of last resort.

What is it?

I need you to run some names.

Sit down.

Do you know it's against the law for me to run names for a civilian?

Yes, I know that.

You know, I got this whole A.U.S.A. thing up my ass.

I know.

What do you mean, you know?

How do you know that?

I can't say.

But it's okay for you to come and ask me to look up names for you?

Raylan, I would not ask you this if it wasn't really important.


Thank you.


Did you call the lpd forensics lab asking about the ashes in Carnes' fireplace?

I did. Why?

Their chief just called me.

That was fast.

Yeah, you piss in somebody's sandbox, they tend to respond rather quickly.

As I explained to the lovely woman on the phone, the paintings belong to us.

We need to ascertain their disposition.


m*rder is not a marshals matter.

I know that, art, but something ain't right here.

Well, just give us 24 hours.


Tim was gonna bring David Mortimer in for a little squeeze, and I was gonna go talk to the widow Carnes.

Well, if that guy hadn't been such an assh*le, I'd say no, but I'll give you one day.

You don't like rich people, huh, Raylan?

Nobody likes rich people, art.

David Mortimer.

Thanks for coming.

My pleasure.

I was told you, uh, needed my help.

Yeah, we want you to come up with a list of all the pieces of art you helped the Carneses buy and how much they paid.

It'll help us when they come to auction.

I could have done that from my office.

Sorry. I didn't think of that.

That's all right.

Oh, uh, and we want you to include the Hitler paintings.


I was -- I thought Owen burned those in the fireplace.

It turns out whatever was burned in the fireplace wasn't one of those paintings.


We don't know where the paintings are, but we got a team looking for them.

Hello, Gary.

Hello, Raylan.

What can I do for you?

Gonna be in Lexington for a while.

I was driving by and saw your sign.

I thought I'd see what was in the market.

How much is that?

Uh, $725,000.

I'll keep looking.

They're motivated to sell.

Well, I doubt there's motivation enough in the world to get them into my range.

Look, Gary, I want to apologize.

The other night, I came by your house unannounced and uninvited.

It's all right.

No, it's not all right, and I'm sorry.

It's no big deal.



I bumped into Winona the other day at the courthouse.

She said it really shook you up.

I don't know why she'd say that.

Go figure, huh?

Hey, random question.

Is it "realtor" or "realter"?

I keep hearing these ads on the radio saying "realtor."

I thought it was "realter."

Well, you buy a house in today's market, you can call us whatever you like.

That'd be nice, huh?

Though you already got a big house.

Yeah, it's, uh, tough times in real estate these days, huh?

A lot of pressure. Money's tight.

People must be doing some desperate things.

You seen any of that?

Any of your colleagues getting into shady areas, trying to keep their head above water?

I didn't know real estate was part of the marshals' purview.

It's not.

Well, I should let you get back to work.

No hard feelings, huh?

Oh, nonat all.

And just to tell you, I-I wasn't ever thinking of sh**ting you, No matter what Winona may have said.


But you drag her down into any of the shit you've got going on now -- different story.

Where the hell are the paintings?

They're safe.

You told me you burned them.

I changed my mind.


For insurance.

Insurce against what?

Against you losing your nerve.

Oh, God.

You're gonna want to sit down, David. It gets worse.

Why? How?

I want the $150,000 you got selling Owen the fake Hitlers.

You already got $150, 000 from -- from when we did it.

I'm not saying this is fair or right, but I want your half now.

And if I don't get it, those paintings will reappear, and everyone will know you sold fakes.

You'll be lucky to get a job teaching art history at a community college.

You think I'm a leprechaun or something, that I got a magic pot of gold somewhere?

You'll figure it out.

You're a smart man.

This smart man says, "what if I go to the police?"

You're what's called a co-conspirator, David.

They won't give you a "get out of jail free" card.

You'd still do time.

And when you get out, not even that crappy little community college would take you.


Deputy Givens, what can I do for you?

You're not gonna offer me a drink?

Well, it's been made repeatedly clear to me all day this is basically your house now.

You should be offering me a drink.

What do you want?


Thank you.

Are you gonna go back to teaching riding again?

I hope so.

It's the only marketable skill I have.

Where'd you learn to ride?

Wichita falls.

Do you know where that is?

I do. Yeah.

I worked, uh, out of the Northern district in Texas for a while.

This little barn - polestar farms.

There was a sweet lady there, taught equine therapy.

You and Greg Davis had stables when you met Owen?

We did.

Yeah. You guys gonna partner up again?

I hope so.

As I said, he's a better rider than I am.

I'll probably be working for him now.

I imagine that ain't an easy life - horse training.

Not that much money but surrounded by it.

Horses travel by plane while you drive around a 10-year-old subaru.

It was a Honda, but...yeah.

You know, I, uh, I worked a detail a few years back, protecting this very wealthy guy.

He was gonna testify against some former business partners.

This guy had his own private jet, and everywhere he went, I went.

I remember, we drove right up to the plane, like I was in a Bon Jovi video.

The whole thing was catered.

Didn't have to wear a seat belt.

Nobody showed me any safety demonstration.

The pilot just turned around and said, "everybody ready?"

And off we went.

As much as I told myself it wasn't my jet, wasn't my life...

The next time I had to go to a regular airport and stand in that long security line I missed it.

So I know it can be hard.

What can be hard?

The idea of going back and teaching those rich kids to ride after you've lived like this.

I'll survive.

Although I've changed my mind about that drink.


I'm good.

Hey, uh, who's the artist?

Oh, um, Owen's kids from his first marriage.


You don't have kids?

Oh, God, no.

After teaching all those entitled brats, seeing the way they treated their horses, it just kind of soured me.

What about you?

Do you have kids?


Are they, uh, are they grown now - Owen's children?


Well, maybe they won't miss them.


The ones you burned in place of your husband's Hitler paintings.

I'm gonna have to ask you to leave now.

I'm sorry.

I thought you said it was clear -- the U.S. Marshals own this house now.

We're just being nice and letting you stay.

He knows about the paintings.

If he came to see me, he's probably gone to David.

Caryn, we should just go.


I don't know.

We're good at what we do.

There's people out there that have horses that need work.

We don't have any money.

I don't care about money.

We got by before.

We'll get by again.

Honey, I wish we could just up and go, with all my heart.

But we have to deal with David.

What do you mean?

I'm gonna call him up.

I'm gonna tell him he can have the paintings, just get as much money as he can right now.

It's gonna work, baby.

I got to get back to the house.

You ever married?

Uh, no.

I was just thinking, Mrs. Carnes wasn't too fond of her husband in the last days.

But...can't choose who you fall in love with, can you?

Guess you can only choose how far down the road you go with 'em.

Like my ex-wife, Winona.

I know she loved me when we married, but somewhere along the road, she just had enough.

People change.

I don't think I have.

Of course, that might have been part of the problem.

I saw her new husband today -- Gary.

Six years ago, when they hooked up, he thought I might sh**t him.

I told him today I was never gonna.

Truth is, I thought about it.

With what I know, how police work, probably could've got away with it, too.

You want to know why I didn't do it?

I'm guessing you want me to say I do.

I realized I might have to k*ll Winona, too.

Which, at the time, wasn't that unthinkable.

But then, what if, like a neighbor saw?

I'd have to k*ll him or her, too.

And where would it end?

Nowhere good.

Like, suppose right now you had a g*n in your hand, finger on the trigger, and you had the inclination.

As good as I am, it'd be tough for me to clear my holster before you put one in me.

Hard to miss at that distance.

But if you did that, where would it end?

I don't know.


In here.

Is that the money?


Where are the paintings?

Come on in.

Come on.

What are you doing?

You think I'm wearing a wire?

Not now, I don't.

W-where -- where are the paintings?

And what's -- what's the deal with the --

What are you doing?

I just need to know how far we're gonna go with this.


If I k*ll him, is that it?

Or are we gonna have to k*ll other people, too?

No, we're just gonna take the money and go.


I don't know.

But we've got to try.

I mean, we already k*lled Owen.

They can't hang us twice.

Come on, baby, just...

Is that enough?

I think so.


I'm sorry.

I couldn't see k*lling David, not just 'cause he was in our way.

Owen -- Owen was a different story.

Met him, started teaching his kids, and caryn saw right off he was interested.

She thought -- she thought, you know, he might be the answer to our prayers, and I-I went along with it.

I wanted her to be happy.

The other night, she suggested we k*ll him.

I went along with that, too, but not just 'cause I wanted her to be happy.

I had my own reasons.

You have any idea what it feels like?

I mean, every night she goes up to the big house, and I stay here in the barn.

It's a real nice place you got here.

It'll do.

What can I do for you?

I was -- I was just wondering if you were able to get that information.


Why did you leave me?

You want to talk about that right now?


I didn't leave you, Raylan.

You left me, when you took that job in Miami.

You were gonna sell the house and join me.

Instead, you ended up banging the realtor.

You think our -- our marriage was a bed of roses up till I stepped out?

Weren't you just the littlest bit relieved when I took up with Gary?

Was it money?


Did you want someone who --

As well as you know me, do you think I give a shit about money?

Everyone gives a shit about money.

What's going on with you, Raylan?

I want to know.

Was he funnier than me?


Does he have more money?

A bigger house? A bigger d*ck?

Yes, no, no, um, uh, I-I didn't measure.


Run the order of that by me again.

I know I played my part.

Losing someone like you -- it - I-I guess it eats at a guy.

That's the first you've ever said that.

Well, I got the information on those names you wanted me to run.

I don't know what you were expecting.

I didn't find anything out of the ordinary.

Are you sure?

I could look a little deeper.


No, that's fine.

Thank you.

Anyway, we just need a written statement saying they're fakes.

I can do that.

Are they?

I don't know.

Maybe you're just saying they're fakes so you can buy them cheap at auction.

You really don't like me, do you, deputy?

Whoever painted these couldn't help himself.

He did a good job with the people.

Hitler never did.

His paintings were all about the buildings and the streets.

The few people in his paintings were always very...sketchy.


Had any second thoughts about seeing my collection?

Oh, no, I'm good.

I helped you with your case, didn't I?

Then do me this one small favor.

My collection.

My father grew up in Germany, in munich, before the w*r.

He was very poor.

He saw the wealthy of his city, and he wanted what they had.

But there was no way someone like him could ever hope to rise to that.

And then along came a very charismatic man who knew who was to blame, and my father followed him.

Publicly, after the w*r, my father recanted everything the reich stood for.

But he never did in his heart.

In private, after some wine, he would say that his years working for Hitler were the best of his life. His proudest achievement was when Hitler selected him to run a team that went through the country, reacquiring the fuehrer's old paintings. I hated my father.

So, this has been my project. I buy Hitler's shitty paintings, and I burn them. Do you understand?

Raylan: I hope I didn't take you away from anything.

Boyd: Well, I was this close to bringing a sinner to Jesus, and now he is consigned to eternal damnation. I hope that you're happy. Well, did you do as I requested? Did you take a peek inside the soul of Raylan Givens? Or was that not concrete enough for you? Was it not, uh -- what's the word I'm looking for -- Nebulous? I love that word "nebulous." It means "hard to define." You know, I'll tell you what. Let's start by you writing down the five things that you're most proud of and make our way over to the five things--

Raylan: Forget it.

Boyd: Well, I've been doing a lot of writing. I tell you, it really helps.

Raylan: No, no. I mean I want you to forget about Arlo.

Boyd: Well, how come, Raylan?

Raylan: Well, I just... I met a man who his whole life was crippled. I'm just gonna let that old dog lie.

Boyd: That's the very thing that I wanted to hear you say, Raylan Givens. In the words of Saint Francis, "it is only by forgiving that we ourselves are forgiven."

Raylan: Was he the one with the birds?

Boyd: Yes, Raylan. He's the one with the birds. Let me ask you one more thing. What if I were to tell you right now that I found out something about your Daddy; something that you could use to put him away for the rest of his life? What would you say then?