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01x10 - Beyond the Valley of the Dogs

Posted: 03/24/24 10:47
by bunniefuu
Attention burrow residents.

We are under attack.

This is not a drill.

We are under attack.

Report to the emergency bunker immediately.

Huh? Hey! No, down here! Take me, not them! Hey! I know who sent you.

This isn't you.

I got you, Mr.


Did everyone make it through OK? Not quite.

I had to get Kipo out through the aqueduct.

Why would you do that? If the burrow is ever breached, you are to report here to the bunker.

- We have to evacuate to Site B.

- What is Site B? The council kept it a secret so it could never be compromised.

Out there is a labyrinth of ancient subway tunnels and sewer canals.

And at the heart of it is a fully
-equipped back
-up burrow.

Our new home.

I have to go up to the surface to find Kipo! If I had known there was a backup, I never would have sent her up there.

Well, I'm sorry you didn't follow Burrow protocol.

But if you ever want to find Site B, you will march with us.

I'll get you there, Kipo.

I promise.

You've been making lots of noise since we last saw ya.

Word around town is Scarlemagne's put a bounty on your heads.

We heard you took out four crews with expl*sive nectar.

I'm impressed.

But, not enough to take you through that dog park.

It's the one thing we absolutely cannot do.

We are Timbercats, which means, we don't go near dogs.

It's kind of an ancient rivalry thing.

- Could we borrow Pierre?
- Yeah, that we could do.

Um, excuse me, Molly, I am not loaning them Pierre.

They opened the tuna can, and you ate it.

You know the rules.

He'd get dog slobber on him! It would take weeks to get that stench out.

- And I just gave Pierre a bath.

- Here.

He's really good at jumping.

I'm the one who gets to decide which human can borrow my personal w*r parasite.

And I say D'oh! Just make sure you bring him back to me in one piece.

We're almost there.

- Hey, Wolf.

- What? I'm glad you came back.

- Me, too.

- Hey, look! Check it out! Dandelion puffs! There's a superstition about these.

If you blow on one and every seed comes off, you'll have good luck all day.

No, no, Dave! Great job, Dave.

What? We didn't get stepped on.

See? Good luck.

I think he just wants to play with us.

Kipo, we are not playing with him! Don't even suggest it! Everyone strap in! Whoa!
- Hang on to Dave!
- Whoa! Ah! Let's see what this flea is made of! Jump him! Great idea.

My best friend is so smart! Whoa! Everybody, hold on! I'm so glad you came back! Can we take a quick moment to appreciate that? Can that moment be any time, but now? Fine! But promise me we'll hug it out later.

- We already hugged!
- Only once! OK, fine, yes.

We will.

Hey, Pierre! This is no time for a coffee break! This is why I'm not a dog person! That's our escape route! What are you doing?! Pierre! Wait! Bye, Pierre.

We'll come back for you! We're here! Look for the entrance to my burrow! I don't know what it looks like, but it's probably hidden.

So, look for something you can't find.

Kipo? Dad? It's you.

I followed your clues.

They were hard to follow.

Well, I had to make sure no else could follow them.

Oh, well, you did a good job of that.

- I have so much to tell you!
- We'd better get underground first.

That goes for everyone! If you're with Kipo, you're with me.

Come on, guys.

My dad's taking us home.

Magnificent work.

- Thank you.

- I was talking to me.

Now, let's discuss the matter of what you're carrying in those fashionable bandoliers.

I can't thank you all enough.

Kipo is everything to me.

And you brought her back.

The pleasure is all ours, Mister I'm not sure what we're supposed to call you.

- Mr.

- My students call me Mr.


But until you're in my class, you can call me Lio.

This is so crazy! Benson, Wolf, Dave, we could all be in dad's class together! Instead of running for our lives every second, we'll all be students! Passing notes to each other, cramming for exams Dad!
- We already hugged.

- It was only once.

Nothing quite like that beautiful Oxidation of luciferin.

- Kipo is definitely that man's daughter.

- Pfft.

Nerds! Heh.

- It is cute though.

- Everyone follow me.

You all must be hungry and exhausted.

Were you kids living alone out there? Objection! I think I qualify as an adult.

At least until I molt again.

Me and Dave weren't alone.

We've been a team since forever.

Yeah, Dad, they're amazing! Benson and Dave know everything about everything on the surface.

Wolf was totally solo before we met, but she's, like, a superhero.

She's definitely the toughest person I've ever met.

No way I'd have made it home without her.

You're a survivor, aren't you? And the youngest warrior I think I've ever seen.

Um Before we go in, no one in our community has seen mutes or surface people before.

So there may be a period of adjustment.

This is Ram's Horn.

I've found Aries.

Requesting entry at the west access shaft.

Lio, is that you? And, Ram's Horn and Aries? Did you just give yourself and your kid a code name? Yes, I did.

Didn't I warn you the council won't authorize any surface trips until the burrow is secure? Hey, look, man, I had to go up, for Kipo.

You have to understand.

Welcome to Site B.

- Wow.

- Whoa.

Our last burrow went 50 years without a breach.

Site B was kept top secret, even from me.

It was only just opened yesterday.

I always said sunlight was overrated.

Hello, burrow life! It's just like the one I grew up in.

A big, comfy hole in the ground.

What do you think, Wolf? There's so many people.

- Kipo!
- Look! You're here! Asher! Dahlia! You're OK! Wait, are you OK, Kipo?
- You look OK!
- You're alive.

As in not dead, alive! Can you believe we had to move burrows? We were in a dark tunnel for a week! It was cold.

There were smells.

Oh, you won't believe the things I've seen.

I want to hear all about them! Uh! Is that what you wear on the surface? It is so cool! It's like a snuggle blankie! It is not a snuggle blankie.

Never call it that.

Dahlia, look! It's a mute! A real mute! It has four eyes and six legs.

Whoa, can I touch them? Uh, she doesn't like it when Helpful hint, if you have any cheese
-related snacks, she'll be your best friend.

And so will I.

Asher, he talked.

That man
-bug just talked.

Hmm, doesn't take much to impress mole people, does it? Whoa, look! A surface human!
- What's it like up there?
- Oh! Can it be true Think I'm falling in love with you Wait is that Oz the Originator? You make me feel so blue How do you know about Oz the Originator? He's only, like, my favorite old world MC ever.

Our last burrow had a pretty decent music library.

But I've only heard this song of his.

Well, fortunately for you, I may have an album or two of his.

Hey, Benson!
- You all right?
- Hi, I'm Benson! And then, we met some snakes and we almost died! And then we met some wolves! And we almost died! And then we went to Ratland and it was really fun.

Guys, this is Wolf.

She's my best friend.

I gave her a barrette, she saved my life.

It's crazy on the surface.

Hands off my property! This creeper just tried to take Stalky from me.

Yeah, I'm going need you to keep whatever that is out of public spaces.

- We do have rules here.

- Uh, Hoag, meet Wolf.

She's one of the heroes who saved Kipo's life.

And I'm sure she doesn't mind keeping the stabby end pointed up, where it can't hurt anyone.

All he had to do was ask.

She's charming.

Dad, while I was out there I found something of yours.

My lucky guitar pick!
- This was a gift from your mother.

- Now I'm gifting it back to you.

Wait, where did you get this? It's a long story.

But actually, I wanna talk to you about something else.


It's their expl*sive nectar.

Dad? There's a valley of Mega Dogs Over our heads And we're none the wiser Like a wise one says Hiding in the rocks, below the dirt Life among glow worms Where nobody gets hurt Always have a meal Like cave moss lasagna 'Til late one night There's a boom and it's gone, yeah Shocked from our senses When the Earth crashes in Something's going on Underneath your skin Guys, I feel something.

I feel it, too.

I feel the beat! No, that's not what I mean! I feel Oh, purple jaguar eye Open up and be alive See the world in vivid color There's no turning back You've got all the love you need To run sure
-footed, newly freed Oh, purple jaguar eye Look at what's ahead for you and me Playing a guitar With claws on your fingers Leveling up from scorpion stingers It feels so good though inconvenient It never goes down The way that we meant Whoa, what just happened?
- Uh, what is this?
- It's happening.

Sooner than I thought it would, but it is definitely happening.

Dad, you, you knew about this? What am I? You have to tell me! I will, I promise.

As soon as we get everyone to safety.

Keep each other safe!
- Hey!
- No! Over here!
- Dad!
- Kipo, no.

Come on.

- Whoa!
- Watch out! Dave, we have to help them! Uh, Benson, if we go out there, we'll probably die.

Well, I'll come back to life, but you, you
-you definitely won't.

You'll be dead.

Like, deady dead dead.


This is our purpose now.

This is our time! We don't run anymore, Dave.

We help people! This is Benson! Oh, come on! I need the muscles, I need the muscles.

In my 200 stupid years alive, can you just once come out when I need you?!
- Finally!
- OK! That does hurt!
- Dave, you
- Don't, you'll jinx it! Whoa! Hey! Dave, you are officially my hero.

Told ya.

I told ya you'd jinx it.

Wolf, we can't stay here.

I have a w*apon.

I have to use it.

- You mean go out there and fight?
- If it helps my people, yes.

You don't have to ask me twice.

Wolf, did you see that? I scared him! It's working! Lesson 68 of the surface: Never talk during a fight! Are we really up to 68, or do you just pick random numbers? Dad? What are you doing? No! We cannot go out there.

That's Scarlemagne.

Now isn't this a surprise? My old pal, Lio.

How are you? I do so miss your visits.

- Hugo.

It's been a long time.

- Oh, I go by Scarlemagne now.

Has a nice ring to it, don't you think? So, never mention that other name again or I'll have you stuffed! Your dad knows Scarlemagne?! What do you want from us? I guess? I'd like you to all to join my army, of course! But now that we're happily reunited, I wonder, where's that bundle of joy of yours? You do have a daughter, if I remember.

- She must be grown up by now.

- You'll never find her.

Ooh, making it a game! Fine, more fun that way.

To the palace! No! No, Kipo! Kipo! Wolf? We're gonna find her.

No matter what.

We're going after them.

Hear that What's that sound Like a lion Like we're on the prowl Get past Keep your head down No doubt required I'm gonna get that crown When night comes don't run We'll fight the w*r until it's won And when the sun rises Let's surprise 'em Would have been as though We know survival