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01x09 - Mute-Eat-Mute World

Posted: 03/24/24 10:47
by bunniefuu





- [growling]

- [howling]

Wolf! Stop! [panting]

So, Kipo's part mute.

We all have secrets.

That one's just a little bigger.



Her legs are so short.

How is she so fast?! [straining]

Let us go! This is not a good time to get kidnapped! We're kinda in the middle of something.


Oh, sorry about that.

Hop off anywhere you like.


Fine, land and then let us go.

And then what, burrow girl? Every mute in the city is after you.

What? Why would they be after me? Scarlemagne.

He knows where you're from, and that you can lead him to your dirt
-loving humans.

With them, he'll have an army large enough to conquer the surface.

Whoever hands you over gets to live in his palace, wear fancy clothes, and be the second most
-powerful mute in the city.

Let's just say I've already sent my measurements.

You wouldn't hand me to Scarlemagne.

Deep down you know it's wrong.

- I saved your life!
- Oh, what? From the Newton Wolves? I would've escaped on my own.


Really? 'Cause the way I remember it, you were all, "Oh, woe is me.

I am to die here alone with the burrow girl.

" And I was all, "I'm gonna bust you outta here.

" "I'm gonna bust you out of here.

" Face the facts! It's a mute
-mute world up here.

And you're a human.

You sound just like my friend, Wolf, except she's more of a, "Humans rule, mutes drool" kinda gal.

- And I'm like, "Can't we all rule?"
- Well, you sound like a headache! So [chokes]



Man, I am way out of shape.

Are you doing cardio when we're asleep or something? [yells]

Turn back now, before you get lost.

Look, I get where you're coming from.

I'm a surface person, you're a surface person.

We're the same.

We're survivors.

And Kipo? She looks at an erupting volcano and sees a fountain of rainbows and teddy bears.

- What's a teddy bear?
- Exactly! I know it's weird that she's part mute, or turning into a mute, or whatever's happening, but she's still Kipo! You're not really gonna bail on her, are you? [gasps]

Are we sure the burrow girl and her friends are down here? They aren't on the road, so keep searching.

Nobody hands them to Scarlemagne but the Scooter Skunks! Scarlemagne is after us?! This is bad.

Real bad.

Even worse than that smell.

Wow, those skunks are ripe.

He's after you.

There's no "us".

- I'm getting out of here.

- Seriously? We were this close to getting Kipo back to her father.

We could see the second clover from the trash canyon.

We have to go back there! [squealing]

Mandu? [squealing]

I don't speak squeal!
- [snorts]

- Oh, no.

You don't think one of those mutes got Kipo and Dave?
- We've gotta help them!
- I don't "gotta" do anything but survive long enough to get out of this death trap.

I won't be hunted over a couple of mutes.

Maybe you've never had a friend before, but this is not how friends treat each other! [growling]





She hasn't made much progress.

We only found her a year ago.

Give her time.





Yeah, and then, and then she just ran off.

After everything we'd been through! We faced a Mega Monkey, fought a two
-beaked bird, braided each other's hair OK, we haven't braided each other's hair, but it's gonna happen.

And now she's willing to throw all those good things away just because Well, one thing that isn't even my fault! Oh, boo
-hoo! So, your friend ran off on you.

At least she didn't snip your tie and kick you out of the only home you've ever known! Man, that sounds rough.

Wanna talk about it? No! No more talking! [sighs]

- Uh, Jamack?
- I said no more talk Huh?
- Knock
-knock, Jamack!
- Oh, it's you two.

Nice try, but the burrow girl is mine! Oh, you know we're gonna take her from you.

We've got the Mod Frogs at our back, and all you've got is a stolen dragonfly.

Also, your tie is uneven.




Sounds like you guys are dealing with some rough stuff.

Maybe we should all land and talk this out? Fat chance! [grunts]


Oh, give it up, Jamack! You've been a loser since you were a tadpole.

Hey! That's not fair! He managed to get me this far all by himself.

- That's gotta count for something!
- Wait, are you and the human pals? [laughing]

- Goodness!
- Would you stop defending me! [grunting]




I still have the old magic.

You sure do.


C'mon, we gotta warn the others! Ooh, nice try, burrow girl, but you forget, you're at the bottom of the food chain.

And I plan on going to the top.


[Kipo grunts]


Ew, why is it so dark and dusty? I'm not scared, it's just weird! [sneezes]

Whoa! Nobody freak out, but I think we fell into a Mega Bunny warren.


Not the bunnies.

Not again.

Oh! Look at that snuggly little snoozy bunny


No, we can't pet it.

Remember what happened last time.

Unless we wash our hands? No! Resist the urge to pet.



What do we do?! Where do we go?! We bury ourselves! It's the only way.

Whoa, this dude is full
-on freaking out.


No, it's too late.

Hole is my home now! [groans, sighs]



I'm just gonna say what we're all thinkin'.

This dirt tastes good.

Come on! Man, they stopped making these 200 years ago.

Do you know what I had to do to get 'em? Stop following me.

You're gonna get us caught.

Stop running and we can keep up.

Aw, come on.

- [music plays]

- [groans]

[male voice]

You hear that? Six o'clock! Eyes peeled for bogeys.

I say we drop some nectar

Smoke 'em out of whatever hole they're hiding in! You think this is a toy? One slip and we're a Sunday roast.

There's nothing here.

Humming Bombers, let's fly! [strains]


- Whoo! That was close.

- That was stupid! We could have died.

Just go away.

I can survive on my own.

Aren't you tired of just surviving? Obviously, you can handle yourself.

I mean, you just jumped over a full
-on truck back there.

And, like, how did you do that?! You're four feet tall and it was a truck! Look, I know you don't need me or Kipo to survive.

But without us, that's all you'll ever do.

Don't you wanna see what else there is? Don't you wanna see what we could all do together? I'm done playing nice with others.

Wait! [strains]









Welcome to the pack.

[both howling]


So, about what you saw back there.

-I wasn't scared, I was just Look, promise you'll never, ever tell anyone about this.


Ooh, I love making promises! Almost as much as I love keepin' 'em.

You nauseate me.

Who keeps promises!?
- Wait, you should though.

- Hmm.

Breeze is coming in from the left.

We should head this way.

How do you know which way is left? My dad taught me! That one's left, and that one's right.

- This is kinda basic stuff.

- What? No, I mean how can you see?
- Ow!
- It's pitch black in here!
- Where is everybody?
- It is? But you can see.

Well, that's because I'm a frog, and frogs have impeccable night vision.

Humans can't see in the dark.

Yet, you can.

So [gasps]

What are you? I don't know.

I could maybe be part mute? A mute? What the bug in a rug? You're a human and a mute? What kind of a freak are you? Finally, something we can agree on.

- What, do you wanna talk about it?
- Yes! OK, so all my life, I've just been an average person with an above
-average reading level and then I finally turn 13 and everything just goes crazy! I mean, my dad told me about "body changes," but nothing like this.

I have fur that pops out of my arm and then goes away! Where does it go?! And I can see in the dark? And I haven't told anyone this, but I can also smell, like, everything.

- It's disgusting.

- You've been a mute this whole time?! Am I the last one to find out?! But the worst part is that my best friend hates me for it.

- OK.

That's the short, intense one?
- Wolf, yeah.

I was afraid to tell her because I thought she wouldn't wanna be my friend anymore.

And I was right.

She's had it out for me ever since we met.

I'm gonna go ahead and say it.

Wolf has issues! [yelps, grunts]

I don't know.

Maybe she's just scared.

I don't want her to be scared of me.

No, not scared of you, scared of change.

When you spend your whole life believing one thing, and then it's ripped away, you can do some pretty drastic stuff.

Not always smart stuff.

So, what I'm saying is, she's weak right now.

Perfect time to use your mute powers to hunt her down and break her.

Or use your physical supremacy to become queen of the humans and make her your servant.

You're welcome.

I think I'll just give her some time.

You made a really good point, Jamack.

She's probably just scared.

I said that? That doesn't sound like me.

Hey, Jamack! How much height can you get? [Jamack]


Get on.


So, what happens now? Now, I hand you to Scarlemagne, attain the power I so rightly deserve, and get revenge on anyone who's ever wronged me.

Seriously? After all that? I was hoping you'd say [imitating Jamack]

"Now we turn around, find Wolf, and convince her to let you braid her hair.

- [buzzing]

- Ow! You again? Get outta here! You didn't seriously think we were becoming friends?
- Ow! Leave me alone!
- I was hoping we were.

- Because now it means I have to do this!
- [screams, grunts]


We've gotta find Wolf.

Oh! Wait up! [screams, groans]

- Finally! I got you.

You got Benson'd!
- [squeals]

Now, if you ever wanna experience freedom again, you have to tell us what's going on with you.

- [squeals]

- [grunts]

Uh, it was Mandu's idea? [squeals]


Come on, Wolf.

You taught those raccoons how to fight.

You had plenty of chances to k*ll Dave that you didn't take.

And I saw you pet Mandu that one time.

You don't really hate all mutes, so, what's this actually about? She lied to me.

OK, but you lied to her about the map, and she forgave you.

She lied about who she is! There's a difference.

- How could I ever trust her again?
- Because your friendship isn't a lie.

You're practically sisters.

You can't fake that.

Today is our first family hunt.

You've proven yourselves to be swift, strong, and skilled [gasps]


But so is your prey.





But you said we were a pack.

We're wolves.

You're a human.


You're wrong.

You can fake it.



Oh, no.

Could we just stop for a second? So I can put my arm back on? [howling]


Hello, Jolene.

Remember us? [growling]

We had you all right under our noses, yet we couldn't sniff you out.

We won't make that mistake again.

So, tell us.

Where is she?
- We don't know.

- Pity.

We'll find her soon enough.

In the meantime, you'll do as a nice mid
-hunt snack! [growls]

Kipo? [grunts]

I'm here, too.

Just FYI.

I'm the burrow girl.

I'm the one Scarlemagne wants.

Take me instead.


- Not so fast, moon

- [chuckles]

Excuse me? Hand over the burrow girl, or things are gonna get real stinky.

Fools! The Mod Frogs were the first to find the burrow girl.

- She's ours!
- Comin' in hot! Hand over the humans, groundies, Or we're all headin' up to the sky.

I'll do it! I'm crazy! [music plays]


All right.

OK, everyone take a seat.

Hey, you two! Good to see you back on your feet.

- Because remember, you fell?
- [growls]


Everyone's here, huh? Terrific stuff.

Heck of a show, everyone.

Applause! Thanks for holding onto my prisoners, folks, but I'll take it from here, OK? Why don't you all head out before things get messy.

[all laughing]


Yeah, yeah.

Keep it going, everyone.

You're gonna love it.

It's gonna be great.

Ah, you idiots.


Mega Bunny fur.







So, I guess this is it.

You're gonna get everything you wanted, huh? There's something you don't understand, Kipo.

Up here, you have to be selfish to survive.

You don't seem to know how to do that.

You insist on helping and talking.

One day, it'll be your end.

Now, take your friends and go.

What? Before I change my mind.

Whoa, she changed your heart, dude! He's changing his mind! Bail! Bail! [buzzes]


I'm sorry I ran.

I was scared of what was happening to you.

Scared that you'd hurt me.

I still am, but I'm tired of running.

I'm scared, too.

But whatever happens on the outside, who I am on the inside isn't gonna change.

We're sisters.

No matter what.


You're hugging me? Deal with it.


We're here! [Kipo]

I can't believe we're almost to the Second Clover.

And my dad! [Wolf]

If we can make it through without the Mega Dogs chewing us to bits.

[Mega Dogs barking]

I have an idea.

[piano playing]





He let her go? Wait, he let her go.

It's genius! [laughing]

Someone ready my flamingos.