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01x07 - Mulholland

Posted: 03/24/24 10:45
by bunniefuu
And then, we pop in the more concave lens.

And boom! A telescope worthy of Galileo himself.

Cool! Are we gonna be able to see the fur on the glow worms tonight? Uh, not that close.

We would need a bigger lens.

You know, Dad, we're the only people I know who'd build a telescope inside a cave.

Well, those other people are missing out.

There are worlds within worlds, Kipo.


- Kipo, are you expecting anyone?
- Nope.


Mom? What is the body? Just a fun car for the mind to drive.

But if we free ourselves from our bodies, our minds can be what they really are.


Pure delicious energy.

3,260, 3,261, 3,262.

OK, that's how many steps we are from our starting point.

-thousand two
-hundred sixty

Like, 3.


A parsec.

Let's do this.

Let's look for clues from my dad.

OK, so, we headed south, east, west, and now north from our starting point.

So, now, we head back.

That only leaves four more directions to go, which is near halfway done, which is great.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, great.

You know what else would be great? A frosty beverage with a little umbrella in it.

Wait! Proxima Centauri! Proxima Centauri is 1.

3 parsecs away from us.

And I turned 13.

Duh, we go toward Proxima Centauri! I don't have a better idea.



Leave me alone.

Aw, they're playing.

Smart move.

Using the sleeve Wolf gave you.

In case the you know, fur ever pops out again.

- Shh.

It's OK.

- Why would it grow back? That was just a one
-time fluke, right? Maybe I'll keep it on, just in case.

I can't take my eyes off you for a second.

Want some water? I'm thirsty, too.

Rule number 52 of the surface: standing water is a hard no.

If only that drinking fountain was working.

Whoa! That's what that's for? It's safe.

Always thought those were tiny satellite dishes.

Why does this always happen to me? Dave, this has literally never happened to you.

Well, this day just turned fantastic.

- What are you?
- A co
-occupier of this planet, just like you, my friend.

I'm a community of tardigrades.

-dwelling, microscopic water bears.

But you can call me Tad Mulholland.

Some have referred to me as a guru, although, I don't like to think of myself that way.

I'm trained in different schools of visualization, meditation, warm stone massage.

I also make a really neat pineapple upside
-down cake.

'Cause, heck, even Mulholland likes to mix it up a little.

Mostly though, I’m a dream maker.

A dream maker? Everyone thinks they've got a dream.

But most don't know how big they're allowed to dream.

I reveal your best, biggest, most perfect dream to you.

And then, I make that dream come true.

Neat, huh? We didn't ask for this.

- Make it stop.

- Stop? Why, we've barely begun.

I see this more of a service we provide.

And you just drank us.

Isn't that a surprise? I take my little water bear friends here, and I send them, just like that, into your brains.

And they do their thing.

And I give you the special, little perfect world dream you want most.

You know, when you dream biggest, your brain has the most energy? Wow, that sure is something.

To complete this journey of ours, you become a part of me.

You live in a fantasy forever, and I live off your brain energy.

Oh, wow.

That's an electric dream all right.

I can already feel it.

Now! We hunted the last Mega Bunny! You and I make a great team! Don't get all mushy on me.

Now, let's get back home before we attract too much attention to ourselves.

I I thought you were dead.

We we both did.

When did you get How did you even When the Mega Bunny tunneled into our burrow.

I shielded you, Kipo.

You were just a baby.

It grabbed me from behind and took me away.

It's no wonder everyone thought I was dead.

Dad, you always said Mom got sick when I was a baby.

I was I was gonna tell you when you got older.

It sounded better than, "Your mom got eaten by a bunny?" I'm back now.

That's all that matters.

I was lost for so long.

It was the thought of you two that kept me going all these years.

So, welcome home.

Right? I get to say that? I think you do.


Welcome home then! I'll give you the tour.

This is the kitchen, which you already know.

Oh, and, Dad and I were just making this telescope.

See? Even though we can't see the stars, we can see other things because Dad says, "There are worlds within worlds, Kipo.

" This is my room.

Oh, you'll want to see Dad's room, too, 'cause that's where you'll sleep, if you want.

And this from when I guessed correctly how many burrow beans were in a jar at the fair last year.

Everybody guessed, like, a hundred, but I knew it was way more.

Don't look! Something's happening to me.

Kipo, something is happening to you.

Because sometimes, people go through changes.

Right? Like, um, when you leave a potato out for a few days, and it it it starts to, uh, grow fur.

What? I'm a furry potato?
- I'm gonna have a little one

- Oh, thank you so much.

Hey, kiddo.

You may not know what's happening to you, but I do.

You do? I do.

And I know it feels scary, but it's actually super special.

- It is?
- Cross my heart.

Hair is special? That kind of hair is.

Because it means you're part mute.

Part mute? Part mute! Am I gonna get angry more? Eat more? Will my fur set off, like, alarms, or can I sense danger? Or will, uh, will people treat me differently?
- So many questions.

- Mom! If you were me, you'd be panicking, too! You're right.

Everything you're going through right now, I've gone through.

Whoa! You're part mute?
- You're like me!
- No.

You're like me.

Your questions don't have easy answers, but I'll help you with all of them.

That sounds really good.

The world is a great big world Oh, wow But your mind is greater and bigger It's greater and bigger Because it's free Mm
-hmm Let me show you how free you can be How free you can be When you are part of me Holy moly goats in a cannoli! Oh, this is so cool! Satellites! I knew they were satellites! Huh?
- Hey, Benson!
- Yo, Dave! Check this out! Look at the floor!
- Whoa, there's rainbows on the floor!
- It's rainbows! This is amazing! You know what this means? Fans.

When I was pregnant with you, I would come down here to show you my favorite place in the burrow.

I would talk to you, tell you about my day, About how I couldn't wait to meet you.

And now, here we are together.

I can't tell you what this feels like to be here with you, right now.

I might have an idea.

This is what I was afraid of.

Kipo, sometimes, when you're special, you can feel very alone.

When Dad tried to help me before, I know he didn't mean to, but it made me feel more alone.

I know what it's like to feel that way.

But now we have each other, and you'll never be alone again.

That's what's most important.

We're hauling a 1,000 tons of caged fur barefoot.

I tell ya, this is the life! We better find something else to hunt before we get lazy.

Man, I really love hunting.

Huh? Yeah! I love hunting, too! Hey, there's a perfectly fine trail near here.

You're welcome to take that trail.

I'm just concerned we're bringing too much attention to Kipo.

No one has ever seen a half
-mute around here.

Up on the surface, I learned there's no hiding from the world.

We can't cover up how it'll treat her.

What are you looking at? They're mutes!
- Get over it!
- Thanks, Dad! Mulholland, you do get carried away sometimes.

-oh, that's not all right.

- Uh
-oh, that's not all right.

- Uh
-oh, that's not all right.

Wait, what's not all right? Nothing.

Wow, I'm hungry.

Huh? Wolf, you didn't show her the map.

You're right.

I can't keep a secret forever.

Kipo, I hid a map from you.

I think it could have led you to your dad.

I'm sorry.


It's in the past.

No point dwelling on it.

Let's say we change the menu tonight from Mega Bunny to talking ram.

You're not my Kipo.

This isn't real.

- Aw, man.

- Aw, man.

Huh? Wow, that's a first.

You! What'd you do to us? That ram must have been your guilt, little pup.

Those are some big feelings you got sealed up tight like a jelly jar to interfere with the dream I made for you.

You mean the first time someone has woken up out of one of your messed
-up dreams before you digest them? Oh, that doesn't sound right.

That sounds sad.

Kipo! Wake up! Psst, little pup, I wouldn't do that to your friend.

- You'll wake her up.

- I want to wake her up! If you wake them up, you'll yank them from perfection.

I can reveal a better dream to you.

I can make you more buff.

I don't want anything that turns me into this.

A hamster? I could definitely make you a furry hamster.

No! Dead! I speak from the heart when I say that hurt my feelings.

-hoo! Yeah! Whoo! Dave! Benson! This isn't real! It's not? Did you know this wasn't real? Yeah, man.

I made shirts.

"I went to Benson and Dave's super sick house party and all I got was nothing because it's not real.

" Yeah, something this awesome definitely couldn't exist.

This is totally not real.

Looks like our fantasy heard us.

- We take it back!
- Let us stay! I don't want to leave the rainbow floor! Benson, are you OK? I was five minutes ago.

- Can we go back?
- We were so popular! You were going to die! Wake up the pig.

I gotta help Kipo! I don't think so, little pup.

Her fantasy is my best work yet.

I had her mom come back to life.

I made her feel strong in the face of adversity.

I don't get jealous, but if I did, I would be of me.

You may have tried to control our fantasies, Water Bear But you will not control our realities! Kipo, wake up! Huh? Kipo! What was that? Oh, that's cave acoustics.

The roundness of the place makes noises ricochet and it can sound weird.

Something's not right.

I can make some soup when we get home if you're not feeling well.

No, I feel fine.

It's all this.

Something's wrong with all of this.

It's because some of the people you saw today didn't accept you, isn't it? I get it.

And I love you.

I accept you.

I know you're part mute, and I know you are special.

You saying that, coming back, it's too good to be true.

Are you really part mute? Why would you ask that? Mom, please, answer me.

Are you? I am part mute because you believe I'm part mute.

That's all you need.

It can be that way forever.

You can forget Benson, Dave, Wolf, Mandu, because you'll have me and Dad.

You know my friends' names.

You're not part mute.

There was no Mega Bunny that took you away.

You got sick when I was a baby.

Kipo, wake up! I know how to find your dad.

You're not my real dad, are you? You're not like me.

I'm all alone after all.

I I have to go find my real dad.

If you do this, I'll be gone forever.

I'm sorry, but you're not really here.

Because this isn't real.

Kipo, are you OK? Yeah.

Where are we? Wait a second.

So, you're all happier to be here, instead of the perfect world I created for you?
- Uh

- Mm

I was supposed to take you on a journey, and you guys took me on one instead.

I'm starting to think this isn't the best way to get my nutrients.

I'm gonna take time to do some thinking at the mountains.

And also at the sea.

And maybe outer space.

Well, that's gotta be the weirdest mute I've ever come across.

Kipo? I need to tell you something.

Is it about finding my dad? I thought I heard you say something about that in my dream.

When we split up to find birthday presents Dave and I found this.

We did? I'm so proud of us.

There's a backup burrow? I had no idea there was a failsafe.

That must be where my people are headed.

Only this says we were going in the wrong direction.

And you knew?
- Kipo, I'm so sorry.

- My dad left me a note, and you hid it from me.

- I'm sorry
- How could you? I was afraid of losing you! I was afraid because when you go back underground, that will be it! All this, us, we'll be over! We'll go our our separate ways.

Oh, I remember now! The Parts Etcetera store! You should've seen the look on Wolfie's face when she realized that map meant goodbye.

I don't think she likes goodbyes.

We got that, Dave.