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01x05 - The Lord of w*r and Thunder

Posted: 04/15/10 01:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Justified"...

Raylan, your daddy's been arrested.

Is there something else?

Well, they left a number in case you wanted to get an update on how he's doing.

Oh, he's fine.

I'm sure he's feeling right at home.

I swore I'd never come back here.

I know.

And then, when they sent me here, I promised myself I'd leave first chance I got.

I know. You told me.

Well, what would happen if, um... I found something here made me not want to leave?

That would be a crying shame.


See, that's what I thought.

Have you considered the possibility that he's not in there?

He's in there.

You think he's in there because you think he wants to see his kids, but maybe he doesn't give a shit about his kids.

He's probably not a candidate for father of the year.

He has shot a cop, among other things.

If he's not here, then we don't know where he is.

Well, then you're like some drunk who's looking for his car keys under a streetlamp 'cause that's where the light is.

One more day.

Is there not another chair in this hell hole?

Here, take mine.

You know what?

Just sit down. It's all right.

I'm not gonna be here that long.

You've been in here for three days, and you've got no sign.

Not no sign.

His ex-wife has been packing in a lot of beer.

Well, get a search warrant.

You can't get a warrant based on beer consumption.

How do you know?

We tried.

One more day. One more day.

I thought, after L.A., you two would be sick of each other.

Well, there have been times I wanted to feed a hose in from the exhaust.


All right.

One more day, and that's it.

There are fugitives other than Wilson Toomey that we must pursue.

What are we gonna get with one more day?

I'm gonna get a closer look.

What do you want?

Well, I'm out of work, due to the economy, and I was hoping I could do a little work in your yard for a little food.


This look like the welfare office to you?

No, ma'am.

Ain't no handouts here.

I don't need no yard work done.

I'll do it for free.

I mean, for... for free.

A... a... and if you like what I do, then, uh, you give me a little food.

And if you don't, I'll be on my way.

You saying my place looks like shit?

No, ma'am, every yard in the world could use a little work.

I'm telling you... you give me a couple days, I'll make it look real good.

It's a free country.

Do what you want.

But I ain't paying you.

You see anything?

Not yet.

You wrestle a big, bad man today?


I was just gardening.

You were what?

Oh, there's this fugitive we think's holed up at his ex-wife's place.

But we don't have enough for a search warrant, so to get a closer look, I went and knocked on the door and asked the ex-wife if I could do some yard work, she could pay if she wanted to.

Look at you, undercover.


I bet it's the first honest day's work you've done in a long time.

Why did you think I became a marshal?

Drive around, drink coffee, and yell at people.

Your shoulder sore?

Eh, most men would be strapped to a gurney screaming for morphine.

Come here.

You should look into doing that for a living.

I bet you expect a happy ending.

No, I don't.

Hmm? It's too bad.


Ava, what?

"Ava, stop"?

Or, "ava, don't stop"?

What happened in Harlan... stays in Harlan?

I thought we agreed, given the situation, that would be a one-time thing.

Are you serious?

Well, I'm trying to be.


Yeah, I was driving along Indian line, and I think I saw someone break into the old grant house.

Come on, Arlo, wake up.

Hello, Hunter.

Arlo, what are you doing here?

Where am I?

Hey, you trash a place pretty good.

It's my house.

Which you rent to Stan Perkins, and...

You broke a lot of his stuff.

He doesn't pay his rent, which is why I'm here.

I don't like him.

You should watch him.

Well, I'm too busy watching you.

I haven't done anything in years.

You got that D.U.I. three weeks ago.

That was horseshit, and you know it.

Helen explained that.

She was very emphatic.

How long do we wait?

Not too much longer.

Perkins is having supper over at, uh, chickpeas.

They got good pork chops.

You stay put.

Mr. Perkins.

Y-you said there was a break-in.

You didn't tell me about this.

Which is why I asked you to come home now.

Well, who did this?

I did it, you sorry son of a bitch.

Arlo, I told you to stay put.

You owe me three months' rent, Perkins.


Look, I paid my rent.

I mail my checks on the first.

Do you send it by carrier turtle?

I just wanted to know if you wanted to press charges.

Well, I don't know.

How do I get him to pay for the stuff he broke?

You ask him.

Arlo, will you pay Mr. Perkins for the damage?

It's my house.

Yeah, it's my stuff you broke!


All right.

Yeah, yeah. I'll pay.



Give me my g*dd*mn rent.

Oh, it's a Harlan number.

But I don't recognize it.

Call it.

Hello, I just got a call from this number.

It's for you.


I'll be there as soon as I can.

Who was that?

Aunt Helen.

Your stepmom?

I prefer to think of her as Aunt Helen.

Why did she call?

She wants me to go bail my father out of jail.

How long's it been since you've seen Arlo?

Last time I saw him... He was being carted off the jail.

Why can't you bail him out?

Those are first words out of your mouth?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I'll start again.

I see you're still smoking.

You still piss in your bed?

No, you see, I gave up my bad habits.

Not all of them, I hope.

How's Ava?

She's... how did you know to call her?

I thought she might know how to reach you, considering you both shot a crowder boy in her dining room.

My original question... why can't you bail him out?

Sheriff Hunter and his jackboot thugs pulled your father over for D.U.I. a few weeks back, and I got a little boisterous in his defense, and they got a restraining order on me.

I can't go in the jail.

Fine. Give me the money.

I'll go get him.

Aren't you even gonna ask what he did?

Honestly, I don't care.

There's a man, Stan Perkins.

I don't like him.

He's renting my old house on Indian Line.

Arlo just went over there... there's always a reason, huh?

Rent's about the only money we got besides the government check.


You want me to post the bail.

You know, there's got to be 50 people in this town that could front you that money.

And not one of them is his son.

You came to town.

You didn't so much as call.

It was work.

I got to go get his prescriptions.

You drive him home.

I'll put him in a taxi.

You drive your father home.

I say what the bartender told me to say, that the guy next to me threw up on me and he felt so bad he gave me $20 to get the jacket clean.

Helen thinks it's bullshit, but I tell her to put her hand into my pocket.

She does, and she pulls out money.

"But there's two $20's here," she says.

"I know," I said.

"He also shit my pants."

I like the hat.

Hell. Stan.

You need an ice bag for your nutsack?

That's one.

One what?

Get to three, and you'll find out.

You know what?

Arlo took something of mine, and I want it back.

What? Your dignity?

Being laid out by a man that age.

Hey, you know that space behind the closet?

Arlo told me about it when I moved in.

He said at if I, uh, had something valuable, to put it there.

Well, guess what.

I had something valuable, and I put it there, but it's not there anymore, so... you're gonna show us where it is.

Or do you want my nephews to find it?

I want you to leave is what I want.


Don't you touch our stuff!



You listen to me.

I hate this place.

I hate every last one of you knuckle-dragging shitheads.

I'm only here 'cause I have to be, okay?

The second I can, I am out of this cesspool, but I need money.

And to get that money, I need what your husband took from me, so either I get it or I k*ll him.

Threatening my husband makes three.

Should I be scared?

Hey, guys, you scared?

What brings you to Kentucky?

I got the feeling you weren't ever coming back.

I was transferred.

I heard about you sh**ting Boyd.


Alls I need is a bunch of crowders wanting revenge on a givens.

Well, I think I'm higher up on their list.

It's good bo's still upstate.


Hey, how many men you shot?

Why you want to know that?

All the shit I pulled over the years, I never shot anyone.

Not a one.

Want to come in?


I got to get back to Lexington.

Suit yourself.

Those headstones always spooked you as a boy.

Remember how I got them?

In trade for some cows.

Stolen cows, as I recall.

I thought I'd be under mine long before frances was under hers.

At least say goodbye to Helen.

Hey, what the hell happened to my screen do?



What in the hell happened here?

You okay?

Do I look okay?

Was it Perkins?

It wasn't the Easter Bunny!

I almost got that little pecker with a knife.

What are you looking for?

My bat.

I'm gonna put that assh*le's head in.

It was his boys who tackled me.

Then I'll go hurt them.

Your bat's probably still at Perkins's.

I'll just use Raylan's bat.


Raylan, tell your father to leave it alone.

No, I think you got it under control.

So long.

Hold on.

Why did those guys knock you around?

This all 'cause of rent?

I told you.

We need the money.

Yeah, no, I can see that.

You don't like it, pick up a paintbrush.

Get to work.

Perkins never sent the rent?

It's possible he did... and we forgot.


We're old, Raylan.

We forget things.

Arlo is up to something.

What, is he trying to scam this guy, huh?

Get him to pay rent twice.

I should have never come.

Your father had a heart attack.


Two years ago.

He went to the V.A. on account of his Vietnam service.

While he was there, he snapped, lost his mind for a few days.

They diagnosed him with that stress disorder, T.P ... P.T.P.

Yeah, uh, P.T.S.D.

They also said he's bipolar.

Doctor said that's why one day he'd be lie Santa Claus, tossing out candy, the next day he'd bite the head off of anyone who met his eye, said that's why he drinks so much.

But he's on medication now.

He's calmer than I ever saw him.

He just busted up a man's house and squared him in the balls.

He's still Arlo.


Thanks for coming down for him.

No, no.

I didn't come down for him.

I came down for you.

Deputy, I didn't mean anything.

I would not hurt your mother.


Yeah, l... look, I... I don't want any trouble with anybody.

To me, everybody's a potential customer... even Arlo.

I was just trying to get my, you know... compensated for the property that your father damaged, and then she pull...

She pulls a knife.

What line of work you in?

I have a bath-and-kitchen furnishing business.

And the men with you?

Those guys do the shipping and receiving for me.

They're my... look, I know they're not the sharpest candles.

They're my nephews.

Why bring them with you to talk to an old man and a woman?

'Cause the last time I talked to your father, he kicked me in the nuts.

Okay, Mr. Perkins.

Here's what we're gonna do.

If Arlo comes by, and if he asks about the rent again, you're gonna call me.

You paid your rent.

He just... forgot.

Want some water?

Uh, no.

The hose is fine.

But I never say no to a glass.

Thank you.
Didn't see you this morning.

Didn't think you were coming back.


I had some work, uh, at another house.

Still ain't paying you, you know?

That's all right.

At least it gives me something to do.

If you're still here at suppertime, I'll get you a hamburger.

Miss Crowder, Mr. Vincent.

I'm assistant United States attorney David Vasquez.



Miss Crowder, I want to thank you for coming all this way to talk to me.

Like I said on the phone, I just have a few questions about the night Boyd Crowder was shot.

Normally, my assistant would take notes, but she's out sick today.

Got someone to cover for her.

Miss Jenkins, hope I didn't rush your lunch.

Not to worry.

All right.

You'll let me know when you're ready, and we'll get started.


Miss Crowder, I just want to ask you a few questions about the night Boyd Crowder was shot in your home by deputy U.S.

Marshal Raylan Givens.


What is it?

I need to be excused.


Well, before I was Winona Hawkins, I was Winona Givens.

No shit.

Yeah, no shit, indeed.


Well, then, I'll have to excuse you.

All right.

Um, I would... I would prefer if you just said I had some court work to take care of that I remembered and not mention the conflict.


Um, that's just the way I'd prefer to handle it.


All right.

Hello, boys.

I got what you and Stan were looking for right here.

We'll go around back and continue this in private, but I thought you might want to take a peek.

You fellas old enough to remember the great Henry Aaron?


Don't you ever touch my wife again!


Back off, boy.

This got nothing to do with you.

Where you going, you little frigging cockroach?

Arlo! Stop!

I think I just saw him.

You sure?

No, not really.

What now?

Uh, sorry to bother you.

I just been drinking out of that hose all day, and, um...

Could I use your bathroom?

Well, I'd tell you to piss outside, but that flower bed looks pretty good.

Come on.

I know what you're doing.

I'm sorry?

Getting people hooked on gardening.

First one's free.

Then you get them jonesing for more weeding.

Jack up the price.

Am I right?

I'm just joking.

Talking about gardening like it's dope.

Can I talk to you for a sec?

What's up?

It's a private thing.

It's a guy thing.

What is it?

All right.

What is it?

I don't want to make a scene in front of your kids.

I'm a deputy U.S. marshal.

I'm here to arrest you on an outstanding federal warrant.

And I'm wearing work boots that aren't mine, so don't you even think about running.

Let him go!

Mrs. Toomey, let's wait one second, consider the situation, shall we?

I am a deputy United States marshal.

We don't do these things alone, either.

You know I got backup listening to everything right now on a little... little microphone here in my shirt collar.

They're gonna hear you die unless you let me go.

They won't be the only ones.

Go to you bedroom!

Go on, now!

Now let him go.

You don't put that w*apon down, sh*ts will be fired, and I cannot predict the outcome.

But you put it down, I'll see to it that no charges are filed against you.

At least them kids can grow up with their mother.

Any other end to this is sad or tragic.

I knew I shouldn't trust you.

Backyard looks good, though, don't it?


Helen, what is it?

You been to see your father yet?

No, I wanted to see you first.

You gonna prosecute?

Well, that's up to the D.A., but he really tuned him up, Raylan.

Didn't think he had it in him.

If he hadn't dropped from the heart attack, he might could have k*lled one of them.

Yeah, they roughed up Helen.

You defending Arlo?


Anything I should know about Perkins?


You want to do my job for me, Mr. Big Federal Marshal Man?

I just want to go back to Lexington.

Hell, I'd like to go back to Miami.

Oh, yeah?

Well, Perkins just got his release after a six-year stretch trafficking in stolen pharmaceuticals.

When did you find that out?

This morning.

Hey, after all of this, I thought I should look into it.

Made some calls, and so far his kitchen-and-toilet business checks out.

And the nephews?

Oh, they got records, but it's mostly petty shit.

No real time.

The hell they doing in Harlan?

Well, some folks actually like it here, Raylan.

How is he?


Doctor says he's a lucky man.

We both know that's a lie.

How have you put up with him all these years?

We suffer well together.

Then why are you out here and not in there with him?

Hmm, has nothing to do with the shotgun in your backseat?

Perkins may be coming to finish off Arlo.

I want to be here to greet him when he gets here.

Yeah, well, be careful.

12-gauge has a hell of a kick.

And we looked out of our tent, and there was a bear... a big g*dd*mn grizzly bear.

I look at Jimbo, and he's putting on his sneakers, and I say, "what are you putting on your sneakers for?

A grizzly bear can run 30 miles an hour.

"You can't run faster than a grizzly bear."

And Jimbo looks at me and says, "I don't have to run faster than a grizzly bear.

"I just have to run faster than you."

That's an old joke, Mr. Givens.

And I'm an old man.

Alls I know are old jokes.

Hey, doc.

This is my son, Raylan.

He's a United States marshal.

Nice to meet you.

You must be very proud.

You have no idea.

It's time for you to go back to your bed, Mr. Givens.

I'd like you lying down.

Don't just yank them out thinking that'll solve all your problems.

It's good to see you.

That's it?

You're not even gonna lie and say it's good to see me?

It's good to see you.

You know, what you do, your line of work... I think you'd seen things that would put to shame what you see as your hard life.

That's true.

But our stories are our own, huh?

We've all got our cross to bear.

Remember your grandfather, my pop?

Not well.

He was no picnic.

Was a preacher when I was a boy.

A real old-time religion man.

His God was the lord of w*r and thunder.

That house was nothing but fear.

And I rebelled, as boys do, chose a path I knew would aggravate, and it did, which is why you barely saw him.

He didn't much approve.

Helen told me you had a heart attack two years ago.

Went to the V.A.

She told you that?


She tell you about the stress disorder, the bipolar?



What do you think about all that?

I think it's bullshit, myself.

I think you need to be careful about Perkins.

Where were you, Woman?

Down in the parking lot, giving blowjobs for cash.

Were you paying or were they?

Why did you wake him?

Could have had a peaceful night.

What were you saying about Perkins?

I was saying I think you picked the wrong man to pull your little rent scam on.

Rent scam?

What the hell are you talking about?

I didn't pull any...

Arlo !

Stan Perkins may look like a pushover.

And maybe that's why you thought you could put one over on him.

But he is not.

You understand me?

You best leave him alone.

As long as he leaves us alone.

He comes by, you call sheriff Hunter.

I can handle him.

No, you can't.

Johnny Crowder.

In the parking lot.

Well, Raylan Givens.

If it isn't old 25.


I'm sorry. I forgot your number.

Jesus, Raylan.

All the times I struck you out, you think you'd remember.

What are you doing here?

You come for a beer?

No, I'm coming to see you, actually.

Oh, well.

I am honored and humbled.

And a little more than surprised.

I need a favor, Johnny.

Why don't you girls go inside, get yourself a drink?

You shot my cousin.

No, no.

God shot Boyd. Ask him.

He'll tell you I saved his soul.

Okay, what's the favor?

You know Stan Perkins?

Renting my aunt's old place?

I do.

He up to something?

Oh, how would I know that?

You serve hard alcohol.

People talk too much as it is.

You still play ball?

Oh, I'm a solid 200 hitter.

I'll tell you what.

How about I give you three good pitches?

If you get one, I'll answer your question.


Right there is good.

You got a bat?

Of course I got a bat.

What do you think? I'm a f*g?

Whoo, strike one.

Ooh, foul ball.

Strike two.


It's a good pitch.

Yeah, well, there's a better swing.


He into something?


He's moving hilly-billy heroin.

You know what that is or you been gone too long?


Is he keeping it in my aunt's old place?

Well, I don't know where he keeps it.

It's good to see you, Johnny.

Hey, Raylan.

This is just a friendly head's up, now.

Bo Crowder's getting out of prison soon.

And Ava k*lled his son.

Now, a lot folks around here might think Bowman deserved it, but, uh, Bo will not be one of those people.

Ava might want to get herself out of Kentucky as soon as she can.

Mr. Perkins.

Deputy Givens.

I'd like to have a word.

May I come in?

All right.

Did you see what he did?

That's why I'm here.

I just want to stop this thing before it gets any worse.

He could have k*lled them.

I know.

Arlo is an angry man when he's pushed at all.

You messed with his wife.

I know she pulled the knife.

I'm just saying.

Sometimes with Arlo, you don't have to push at all.

You're not from around here.

You know tornado weather?

Sky turns green, and you know something's coming.

Some days, that's the way it was in the house.

Arlo would ask a question, you tried desperately to come up with the right answer, what he wanted to hear, except there wasn't any right answer at all.

It was going south no matter what you said or did.

Folks knew what was going on, but Arlo was a powerful man back then.

Nobody did anything.

Except for my aunt Helen.

She wouldn't intervene.

She's just park her Ford Fairlane outside, and I'd come running out.

She'd bring me here.

This was her house then.

I loved it here.

She always kept ice-cold cokes in the fridge.

She was the first person I knew had cable TV.

I'd sit right over there, and I'd watch episodes of "rawhide" and "have g*n... will travel."

You know those shows?

They're pretty good.

Is that my father's bat?


We played games, board games ... you know, Monopoly.

What's that, uh, one where you're the jewel thief.

Can't remember what it's called.

We'd play hide-and-seek.

You want to know my favorite hiding spot?

Yeah, come here.

I'll show you.

It was that closet, right there.

I knew every inch of this space.

I remember that carpet and this paneling.

The secret compartment.

You guys know about that?

Oh, I'm sure it's still there.

Oh, yes.

Well, what the hell is this?

I don't know.


You take another step, I'll sh**t you where you stand.

Now you and your brother, lay down on your tummies.

You put your hand behind your head.

Go on.

You working with him now?

Is that it?

Working with who?

You expect me to believe you didn't plant that oxycontin?

I didn't plant anything.

You think I'd let you look in that closet if I thought there were any dr*gs in there?

Last time I looked, it was empty.

What was in there before that?

If I tell you, what do you give me?

How about the beating you won't get for messing with my aunt Helen.

When I came back on Tuesday night, after dinner, I had left $75,000 worth in there.

When I got home... Arlo had trashed the place, and the dr*gs were gone.

Where did you go?

Went by your old place.

Isn't that where you wanted me to go?

What do you mean?

Perkins let me right in like he didn't have a care in the world.

Then I found the bag of oxycontin in the compartment behind the closet.

Oxycontin. What?

It still didn't occur to me.

What didn't?

Can I ask you a question?

Is there a part of you that's just disappointed?


In that you raised such an idiot?

What are you talking about?

He had a heart attack today.

Oh, my God.

Is that true?

Arlo, I am so sorry.



Go outside and have a menthol.



So, you stole the dr*gs, huh?

Sheriff Hunter found me passed out in the g*dd*mn chair. Weren't no dr*gs on me.

Raylan: No, no. Because you took them and stashed them and then you went back and waited for the sheriff. Hell, I-I bet you even called in the burglary.

Seems you didn't pay close enough attention growing up. You don't steal something and go back and call the police.

Raylan: Well, you do when it's something that can't be reported stolen. And you want to end up in jail, so your son, the deputy marshal, can bail you out, and you know when he tumbles onto Perkins, he's gonna help you put him away.

You think I got stolen dr*gs? Get a warrant and search the house.

Raylan: And he continues to treat me like an idiot. I'll tell you what. I know the oxycontin's gone. I know the money you got from it's probably buried under the ground someplace just like you used to do when I was a kid.

Prove it. Any of it.

Raylan: But what you didn't think about... What I'd do when I found out about you.


Raylan: I got you out of jail. At the very least, I'll get you back in.

[ Ext. Harlan Community Hospital ]

It's not what it looks like, Raylan.

Raylan: Oh, I think it's exactly what it looks like. And, uh, that bail I posted, please consider that a belated wedding present. You know what really pisses me off? That you were in on it.

Now you're just talking out of your ass.

Raylan: Oh, Arlo could have done most of it by himself, but that bag of oxycontin that was planted there for me to find, Arlo was here when that happened.

Raylan, Honey. I swear, I had nothing to do with it.

Raylan: No. One of the things my aunt Helen taught me, along with how to talk to a girl and order food at a nice restaurant, was how to spot a lie.

You think what you want. But consider this... maybe whatever you think happened wouldn't have happened if you'd just bothered to come see your father when you came to town.

Raylan: He did all this because he was angry at me. Oh, okay.

Your father didn't fake a heart attack. The heart attack was real! Him wanting to see you was real, too!

Raylan: Well, he saw me.