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01x02 - expl*si*n Berries

Posted: 03/24/24 10:42
by bunniefuu
Come to papa! Whoa! I wish I never saw the sunshine Nice!
- Hey, yo, this city heart can flutter
- Hm? With stuttering sounds Gutter music for silver lining class Whoa, that beat is fire! We're drinking bubbly tonight! Ahh.

Hang on, Dave.

I'm coming, ya big baby.

Maybe they're in here! Not in this closet.

But maybe they're in here! Man, what was in that poison? Maybe they're in here! Uh, Jamack, you've checked that closet, like, six times.

I did? Huh.

Ooh! Maybe they're in here! Huh? Wait.

There was a baby? Wolf, the lock! Dave, I'm home! A hum? A human? Uh I am so glad you frogs are here.

You've gotta help me.

I fell into this whole bush of, uh, uh, expl*si*n berries! Hm.

expl*si*n berries? I guess that could be a thing.

I can't remember Oh, it is definitely a real thing.

And contagious! If just one drop of their juice gets on your skin, boom!
- OK, have you guys heard of this?
- Boom, boom! Oh, I feel a warmth.

I don't have much time.

It's happening! Oh, the horror!
- expl*si*n berries are real!
- expl*si*n berries! Wait! Wait! Don't leave me Oh, no! Are you OK? Yeah, I'm fine.

expl*si*n berry? That was impressive! I fully believed expl*si*n berries were a thing! I know those frogs.

We need to keep moving if we don't wanna die.

Well, she seems like a lot of fun.

Hey, thanks for watching my buddy.

He just needed his formula.

So, he's your grub baby? Dave? Oh, no.

We go way back.

Kinda look out for each other.

Wow! Is that a deathstalker tail? I have never actually seen one in person.

Can I touch it? Be my guest.

On second thought, I'm I'm I'm good.

Wait a minute.

How can you go way back when he's just a Huh? I did not see that coming.

Sit tight.

There's more.

What is that? His body's going through some changes.

It's completely natural.

Hey! Quit talking about me in front of strangers!
- Raging hormones.

- Why are you embarrassing me? Whoo
-hoo! I'm out of my awkward stage.

It doesn't do me any favors.

Mm Hey, my arm grew in short.

Did someone here mess with my cocoon? Was it you? You give off a vibe.

I can make your other arms match the stub if you want.

Hey! We're all fellow travelers here, all right? I'm Benson.

You've already met Dave.


Travelers? So, you're from the surface, too? Second human I've met on top.

Mind blown.

Kipo, don't say anything more.

He's a mute.

And he's a friend of a mute.

Are you from one of those hole cities?
- Dave, what are they called?
- Burrows.

- You a burrow girl?
- I am from a burrow! What did I just say? Wild guess, top of my head, I don't know.

You're lost and need to get home.

How'd you know? You're good.

Wolf's helping me.

We have to get over a mountain of skyscrapers first.

Sure, just tell complete strangers everything! You mean Skyscraper Ridge? Oh, it's a good thing you found us.

Nice piggy.

You know, Dave's right.

Nobody gets over Skyscraper Ridge.

Not without experienced guides.

We've been over the ridge
- What is it, Dave, ten times now?
- More like 12.

Tell you what, we'll take you over the ridge in exchange for I don't know.

Dave, what should we do it for?
- The deathstalker tail.

- Yeah, the deathstalker tail.

Not a chance.

They're trying to hustle us.

Oh, what do you think, Mandu? OK, it's settled.

You both need to leave.

Why should we? Because you're not the one holding the deathstalker.

All right.

We can take a hint.

You coming? Stalkie! Huh? Didn't you say shouting was bad? Ringing the dinner bell? They got our bike, too?! I just don't understand how these two con artists got past my trap! Five more minutes, Dad? They seemed nice.

And they were so helpful.

I can't believe I fell for it.

If you want, you can say, "I told you so!" Day by day We're reaching higher and higher
- Day by day Look, it was nothing personal.

It's a deathstalker.

- You shoulda guarded it better!
- Here, have it back.

Look, we can really help you get over Skyscraper Ridge.

We weren't lying.

And this time, we'll do it on the house! Wolf, are you seeing this? I'm totally riding a bike.

Hang on! I got you! Day by day I can't Get it.

Benson! Wolf, s*ab the tongue! Yeah, get 'em! Hey! If you wanna find your home, come with me.

Hey! We have to go back for them! No, we don't.

You might wanna hang on to something.

The hill is moving.

Wolf, the hill is moving! It's not a hill! Sorry, Benson.

The frogs are never done.

They won't stop looking for us.

- Why do they want people so bad?
- I don't really know, but that's why there's hardly any of us left up here.

That's why we should stick together.

That's why we should be helping Benson and Dave.

I mean, if we could get to them.

How could you do that? How could you just leave them behind? Kipo, do you know how valuable you are? You could lead them to a whole city full of humans.

Just be thankful we got away!
- Thank you.

- You haven't lived up here.

You don't know what it's like.

It's amazing.

In just a day, I've seen enough wonders to fill a lifetime.

I've also seen people being terrible to each other.

We need to eat.

People being terrible? I'm not being terrible.

She doesn't know me.

Huh? Not today.

I don't get it.

They robbed us.

But they also tried to help us.

Something about this just feels wrong.

Get away! Wolf, I've decided.

We're going back for Benson and Dave.

Up here you do what you have to, and we have to do this.

You're right.

And I won't take no Wait, what? Those two aren't worth my spit But up here, we should stick together.

You do care, even if you can't admit it.

That's lesson one of people.

You're hugging me.


Deal with it.

Look, we have one human.

That's pretty good.

Let's call it a day and go home.

Uh, I'm sorry.

Pretty good? You'd settle for pretty good, when we could have the burrow girl and make the biggest score of our lives? And you call yourself a Mod Frog.

Also, your tie is uneven.

Man, that wolf girl.

It really burns me.

She could've helped us, and these ropes are really cuttin' off my circulation.

To be fair, we did take her deathstalker.

So? Everyone steals.

That's just survival.

But turning her back on us like that goes against the code.

We We have a code? The unwritten code that we never speak about.

We both live by it.

I thought you knew! Anything in that code about untying knots? Hang on.

Huh? Oh, yeah.

The boss is gonna be so happy when we show her what we just found.

- The burrow girl!
- I hate to disappoint you.

You're gonna give us our two friends, and then we'll be on our way.

You heard her.

Hand them over.

Harris, Kwat, they want us to hand over their friends.

I think that's against company policy.

My coworker's a real stickler for the rules.

Look, I totally get it.

You all want to be together.

So, I'll take all four of you.

Welp, there goes our last hope of rescue.

Next time, we pick smarter humans to rob.

I'm telling you, she smells awful.

Humans have no sense of hygiene.


That's just the smell of how stinkin' rich we're all about to be because we have a burrow girl! That's right.

If you ever wanted to see one in person, now's your chance.

We have a burrow girl! Uh, whoever said I'm from a burrow I hunt mega bunnies.


- I've been on the surface my whole life
- just surviving.

Just don't.


Yeah, it's obvious she's a burrow girl.

But I'd rather have proof.

If you can confirm it, you both go free.

Who, Kipo? My girl here is the baddest mega
-bunny hunter ever.

Yeah, she's a legend.

Apology accepted, girl.

Did it look like I apologized? Boss!
- You're back.

I have a
- So, this is her? A gift for you.

Skin untouched by the sun.

Not a single tooth missing.

Well done, Jamack.

This girl is from a burrow.

Scarlemagne will pay handsomely for her.


What now? Did she say who I think she said? Scarlemagne? Who's Scarlemagne? Trust me.

You don't want to know.

Something smells funny.

Oh, that? It's like we've been saying all along, we're mega bunny hunters.

And right before Jamack grabbed us we found a nest of babies.

Their fur is so soft.

- Jamack!
- That was the signal!
- Where's our backup?
- Mandu, you're the backup! We gotta move, or we'll be bunny chow! Like, now! You enraged a 100
-tall mom beast on purpose.

What was your plan for after that? I never thought that far ahead.

I'm new at this.

Know what? We'd have done the same.

- Look out!
- Human scum! You played me! Actually, I'm impressed.

Hang on! I speak a little dragonfly.

- All right, hop on.

- My man! What do you mean, "Not her"? Uh, Dave! He says he'll do it.

Guys, what's faster, a bunny or a frog? Burrow girl! There's only one way to shake him! Time to put your money where your mouth is, bug boy.

Skyscraper Ridge.

- King of Pop?
- No.

-school hip

Wait, I've got the perfect song.

See, this right here is why you need experienced guides, OK?
- We'll take the Eastern Spur.

- We'll take the North Summit!
- Eastern Spur?
- North Summit? Uh, guys Burrow girl! Go left! Go right! OK, go right again! Go up! Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Go up, go up, go up! Right! Left! Uh, up! How is he still on our tail?! Incoming! We're close to it, aren't we? Your home? Ahh, I can already tell from your face.

So, let's make this easy.

Just point me in the direction.

OK, I'll sweeten the offer.

You go free, and your people never learn it was you who betrayed them.

You need to do some soul searching.

Huh? What? Whoo
-hoo! That was cold, Kipo.

Respect! Don't wrinkle the suit! That probably would've been helpful, like, five minutes ago.

Anyone need a jar opened? I got you covered.

Just so you know, no one in my burrow has ever seen a mute before besides a giant worm.

But they'll get used to you pretty quick.

Wait a minute.

You're inviting us down there? Yeah.

Don't you wanna come? You always have a warm meal.

You don't have to sleep with one eye open.

- Sign us up!
- Bye
-bye, surface! I won't miss you! Everyone's probably still cleaning up from the attack.

Wait till I tell my father about the mutes we saw! Where are you going?! I promised to get you home.

I never said I'd be your roommate.

So, you're just gonna leave? I'm a lone wolf! Uh Come on.

We're almost home.

Kipo, I'm really sorry.

Man, I knew this was too good to be true.

Uh, I see a lot of broken stuff, but no signs of any people.

No signs of any people.

Are you sure you didn't live alone, Kipo? I will not judge, OK? I feel like we should follow her.

Benson, you rule.

Oh, wh what'd I do? No people.

Not even in the bunker.

That's where we're supposed to hide if things ever get really bad.

If no one's there, they got away.

My father, my friends they got away somewhere.

And if they're somewhere I can find them.

You're going to need help.

I thought you were a lone wolf.

I'm home now.

You did your job.

You're not home.

My job's not over yet.

We'll help you, too, Kipo.

We got your back.

Totally! What should we do it for, Dave? Ow, ow, ow! OK, we'll do it for, like, food.

OK, OK, for free, for free.

Pig, you need to be pet.

Come here.

Let me give you some love.

- Let go or lose the arm.

- Yes, ma'am.

You want me to pet you.

You want this love, admit it.

She likes you, Dave.

Huh? Uh, guys?