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01x01 - Burrow Girl

Posted: 03/24/24 10:42
by bunniefuu




I'm on the surface.

I'm on the surface.


The sun! I looked at the sun! I'll go blind! Wait, I can still see.


I can't be here.

I can't be here.

I can't be here.


Out of my way, rocks! [grunting]

Dad! Can you hear me? [echoing]


Of course not.

He could be miles away.


[inhales sharply]

You can do this, Kipo.

You got this.

Humans lived on the surface for thousands of years.

You can handle a few minutes up here.




You just have to find your way home.

[theme playing]

- [hinges creak]

- [gasps]

[nervous chuckle]


[nervous giggle]

[gasps, whimpers]


A lot bigger than they are in books.

[electronic music playing]

[music gets louder]


-tune strumming]

Up on top, on my own A human girl so far from home The flowers are big The bees are weird It's dangerous Just like I feared On the surface world [yells]

Stay away! [bird twittering]


Hmm Let's see, the current took me left, then right.

And then there was the long part.


And the And the short part.

And then the loop


And then I went way over here, so, my home must be in this direction.

Or was it left, then loop
-do? Or or loop
-do, then left? Mmm [groans]



Who are you, little one? You're adorable.

- [yelps]

- [squeals]

Uh, sorry.

Didn't expect you to come with extra eyes.

I'm a friend.


Oh! You come with an extra pair of everything! I only have two legs.

So boring.

- [snorts]

- Aww!
- I have to pet you.

- [squealing]



Wait! Come back! You can run, pig.

But I will find you, and I will pet you.


["Now You Know My Name" by The Derevolutions playing]

Ha ha! Hmm.

Ha! [groans]



Hmm! Franny tried to pass her by Driving at the speed of light Now you know my name Na na na na na na Yeah, now you know my name I somehow feel like I've been wearing you my whole life.

Swimming in the summer Boy, you think I think you're cool Now you know my name
- [music stops abruptly]

- [loud creaking]

[electronic music playing]

[squealing, snorting]

- [snorting]

- [thudding]

I can help you with that.

We have vending machines like this in my burrow.

I know all the tricks.

There's a wire back here.

If I could just get to it.

[glass shattering]

That works, too.


Whoa! You were hungry, weren't you? Hey, wanna try something fun? You ready? [squealing]

Yeah! Humans from the old world.

This is a school! I go to school, too.

Underground with lots of other kids.

No windows, though.

My father teaches there.

"Kipo, how many light years are in a parsec?" It's 3.


Although, a lot of good that does me up here.


My whole life they taught us the surface was this horrible place.

- But look at you.

- [snorting]

You look just like these dumplings my dad makes.

They're called "mandu.

" [gasps]

That's it! I'm gonna call you "Mandu.

" [gasps]

-nom nom

[squeals, pants]

I'm gonna get you!
- [squealing]

- I'm gonna get you, Mandu! [laughing]



Mandu, I have to pet this bunny, now.


It's gonna be OK.

Hi, there.

Aren't you fluffy.

- [laughs]

- [squealing]

Oh, you like that.

Oh! There's another one.

OK, OK! Everyone wait your turn.

You're all so soft, but there's only one of me.

[Mandu squeals]

And that must be the mother.





[Mandu snorting]

Mandu! [chewing]



Mandu! Can you talk, mute? [Mandu snorting]

I'm no barbarian.

If a mute can talk, it's not chow.

All I need to hear is one little "yes.

- [squeals]

- A human? Sorry, but a girl's gotta eat.

Wait! [grunts]

I was wondering when you were gonna come out of there.

You're human! On the surface.

You don't miss a thing, do you?
- [Mandu squealing]

- [gasps]


You can't eat my friend.


If you want a bacon sandwich, go catch your own pig.

I already called dibs on this one.

- Mandu is no sandwich!
- She's about to be.


Say, your staff is so pointy.

- Where'd you get it from?
- Off a giant scorpion.

It was trespassing in my camp.

- [squealing]

- Oh, no, you don't!
- Hey! Run, Mandu!
- Let go! [grunts]

What is wrong with you? Now we're both out of a meal.

How can you eat her? She's adorable! I've eaten plenty of adorable.

And there's lots more adorable that's tried to eat me.

Do you have any hand sanitizer? You must not be from around here.

Are you one of those underground mole people? You've heard of us! I didn't think there were any humans left up here anymore.

For your lost lunch.

Listen, I'm trying to find my way home.

You clearly look like you grew up around here.

Maybe you could help me find it.



My name's Kipo.

And and I really need your help right now.

You're not gone? That's annoying.

Look, there was a mute

A lot of people I care about could be hurt.

I really need to get home.

Not my problem.


Hey! [sighs]

First lesson of the surface: Up here, you don't shout like that.

It's called "ringing the dinner bell.

" Free advice.

Hey, you, wolf girl! Yeah! You, walking away from me! I'm still talking to you! Fine.

I don't need you anyway.


I'll find my own way [groans]

Oh, hi.

You look friendly.


That's your last freebie.


I'll just go this way instead.

Really? You're just gonna walk right into Death Ivy? Whoa.


You're not gonna last five minutes.

Look, I'll help you get home.

But once you're back, I'm out.

- Up here, I work alone.

Got it?
- Oh, thank you! No hugging.

I knew you were a good person.

Hey, I just realized I don't know your name.

- No talking!
- Uh, OK.

I'll just call you "Wolf", then.

I've already been calling you that in my head.

At first we thought it was a mute passing overhead.

I mean, that happens all the time, right? We learned a long time ago to anchor all tall furniture.

But this one was, like, an earthquake.

I can't imagine how big it was.

It made an entire cliff fall while I was on it.

And then, I landed in the water supply tube and nearly drowned.


Sounds like a Tuesday.

Listen, Kipo, was it? Lesson two of the surface: Don't ever tell anyone that story.

It could be very dangerous if people know you're from a burrow.

And lesson three of the surface: Up here, you never pass up a meal.

Crispy on the outside, chewy in the center.

Can you tell me anything about your burrow that might help us find it? Oh, well, there's the underground irrigation system which is underground.


Oh, wait! The Clover! How could I forget the Clover? We live under this barrier called The Great Clover.

I've never actually seen it, but we use it as our city emblem.


I may know what that is.

We'll make camp here for the night.

For the night out here? Uh, my dad must be really worried about me right now, so [roar echoes]

Uh, did you hear that? Because I definitely did.

It feels like something we should worry about.


So many sparkles! I was not prepared.

Why would humans stay underground when every night they could look up and see this? Yeah, it's a real paradise.

That must be the Big Dipper! It's part of Ursa Major.

I'm kind of an astronomy buff even though I've never seen a sky before.

Ooh! And that bright one, that's Polaris! You see the one that doesn't make any noise? Well, none of them make Oh.

[chuckles nervously]


I'll be quiet.

You get sleep.


Aries! That's my birth sign.

I've always wanted to see it! It's supposed to be a ram if you connect the dots.

I guess you can kinda see it if you squint right
- [Wolf]

- Oh, right.




Anything that looks useful, take.

"October 23rd, 2020.

" Yeah, it's expired by about 200 years.

- Found it!
- Spot remover? That's for getting out shirt stains.

No offense, yours may need a full spin cycle.

Mega Bunny.

It's a good thing we're inside [yells]

- Whoa!
- Definitely a Mega Bunny.

I saw that same Mega Bunny earlier.

I named her "Rabbecka.

" The little ones are so cuddly! You touched the babies?
- [grunts]

- [exclaims]

Why did you touch the babies? Don't you know you can't touch the babies?! But they were so cute.


Aisle six, baking goods.

Aisle seven, drinks.

Aisle eight, bingo! [coughing]

Pretty sure you got the baby scent off me.

You can't be too careful.

Huh? Oh, all out.

Oh, thank goodness! It's a good thing I found this second bottle.


You've gotta be kidding me!
- [coughing]

- This one's Summer Rain.

- [gasps]

- [pants]

That is way better than taking the stairs! If you run into anything, act like you're from the surface.

From the surface.

Got it.

Uh, what are you doing? [deep voice]

I'm from the surface, where life is hard.

You gotta be tough as nails.

Iron and fire wearing dead animals.


You're catching on.

This is my angry surface face.


[normal voice]

Whoa, what's that? [gasps]

There's so much to see when you're not in a cave! Focus, Kipo.

[Kipo gasps]

That must be it! It looks just like the clover in our emblem.


So, that's my home.

It's half a day's walk from here, but we'll have to get over Skyscraper Ridge.

- [Kipo]

That looks dangerous.

- [Wolf]

It is.

I'm really sticking my neck out for you.

And for what? I wish I knew how to repay you.

Or if you wanted to come stay with me, I'm sure there'd be a place for you in my burrow.

And go all soft and mushy like the rest of you mole people? No, thanks.

- [yells]

- [grunts]




My shirt! [groans]


It won't come out! [groaning]

It's setting! [panting]

Careful! That's one of the Mod Frogs.

You do not wanna mess with them.

You're a talking frog!
- Mm
- Huh? [chuckles nervously]

I mean, I've seen tons of talking frogs before that wear suits.

No No biggie.

What my friend here means to say is, we have this! Spot remover! Give it to me! If you let us go.


Look, this is my private office.

Was there an "enjoy the view" sign on my door? I think not.

We're Mega Bunny hunters.

We were just scouting.


Just give me the spot remover.

Then I'll decide what to do with you.

- [gasps]

- Oops! [shrieking]

Oh, thank Huh? Mega Bunny hunters.


Looked more like a burrow girl to me.



This does not get old.

Lesson five on the surface: Looking up gets you k*lled.




Mandu! You came back! Here, girl! [snorts, squeals]

Something's wrong.

Yeah, you're pointing a nightmare stick at a tiny pig.

How do you expect the poor thing to react? [squeals]

I'm not the one who spooked her.

Oh, burrow girl! I figured out where you're from.

Shocker a burrow! You could lead us to the mother lode of humans.

- [grunts]

- [squeals]


Ah, just a pig.

- [gasps]

- [frog]

Eh, at least now we have a snack.

- No.

- [squealing]

I won't let them take her.

And risk our necks for a mute? See, this is why I work alone.

If you like to be alone so bad, maybe you should be.

Put the pig down right now! Burrow girl, there you are.



[sinister laughter]

Uh That pig is a bloodthirsty k*ller.

- She'll tear you limb from limb.

- Mm, yeah.

I'll take my chances.


Wolf! You came back! Yep.



- [exclaims]

- [yelps]





Is he dead? No, but when he wakes up, he'll have a bad headache and possibly some memory loss.



We'll hole up here.


Normally, at night, I'd be at home doing my homework.

Eating a muffin.

Not running away from homicidal frogs! Shh! [frog]

Oh Oh, my head.

I Wait a minute, why are you following me? [henchman]

Uh, Jamack, we're looking for those humans.


Oh, yeah, right.

Yeah, just duh.

Let's let's get back to that then.

Whew! Since we've had our first fight and makeup, that makes us officially sisters.

- Don't.

- Uh, right.


There's a baby here.

Why is there a baby here? [grunting]

We have to shut that thing up.


OK, we really need you to hush, little baby.

I'll put him to sleep.

There's a slight chance this'll k*ll him.

Don't you dare! A mute? You gotta be kidding me! It's still a baby! [Jamack]

Check every room! Shh, shh, shh! [chuckles nervously]



Do you know any grub nursery rhymes? [baby's cry echoes]